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Need frangipani advice.

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Hi all. Some advice please.

I've established a lawn & garden at our home. All is looking quite good. I've 2 pretty well established frangipani trees. I think that's how it's spelt. I'd like to propagate. From some limited knowledge of years ago I "think" the things to do are...

1. Wait til all leaves fall.

2. Cut selected section & let dry out for several weeks.

3. Seal cut section of tree to prevent rot due to moisture.

4. Plant cut sections in well drained soil about 6 to 8 weeks after cutting from tree.

Both trees were pretty well established when planted about 9 months ago. Both are growing strongly. Plenty of flowers. Neither of the trees has so far shed any leaves. Is this common in Thailand ? Back in OZ, frangipanies were always bare for several months each year.

Any info, advice very much appreciated.

Thanks..... Mal.

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Yes they are pretty easy.... If they have leaves, I take off most of them and stick in pot or ground....

Takes about a month generally to produce roots... If done in dry season, moisten foliage a few times a day for first while!

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