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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

The USA seems to forget that its fighters used the same kind of tactics against the British many years ago in its efforts to rid itself of a much more powerful and oppressive occupier. They were considered "freedom fighters" and "heroes of the nation". Now that the table has turned the same kind of fighters using the same type of tactics are labeled "terrorists" and "savages".??? Get out of other peoples countries and you will find these attacks will all go away! But then as mentioned above, having an external enemy makes it so much easier to manipulate and control the population at home for the benefit of the corporations.

We dont need the USA and its manipulated "allies" to "save" the rest of the world because as history has shown it seems to have the opposite effect.

Was Korea better off after the US "saved" it? Was Vietnam, El Salvadore, Iraq, Libya etc better off? Libya is a prime example....were there thousands of refugees fleeing and risking death on the Mediterranean before the USA & Co rescued Libya from the supposedly "oppressive" Gadaffi ??

Yep, I can concur there. Coming from a country that always get roped in when the US is having a go at another country and a ex serving member of HM Armed Forces who was involved in the 2003 fiasco, WMD my @r5e

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

"To forgive and forget" is a mad response. Hunt down and exterminate is a far better solution. These Sunni Muslim hate groups hate the entire world, it happens in China, Russia, Europe, SE Asia and across the whole Muslim world. It is not just a western nation problem and no reason to be scared, appeasement is weakness and the bad guys will take full advantage of it.

"Hunt down and exterminate" is what the USA has been doing since 9/11. Have a look around you and see where that has brought the world.

Blowback is an awful thing to contend with. Would we be facing the situation we are in, right now, if Tiny George II had not invaded Iraq? Had we stayed away from Afghanistan, would ISIL be in existence? Would the Taliban and Al Queda be more, or less powerful than it is now? Certainly, the recruitment process would be more difficult. The Saudis make is easier, with the billions they use to fund the Madrasas. They are the number one enemy of the US, and the free world. Along with the Pakistanis. #1 and #2.

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

"To forgive and forget" is a mad response. Hunt down and exterminate is a far better solution. These Sunni Muslim hate groups hate the entire world, it happens in China, Russia, Europe, SE Asia and across the whole Muslim world. It is not just a western nation problem and no reason to be scared, appeasement is weakness and the bad guys will take full advantage of it.

"Hunt down and exterminate" is what the USA has been doing since 9/11. Have a look around you and see where that has brought the world.

Blowback is an awful thing to contend with. Would we be facing the situation we are in, right now, if Tiny George II had not invaded Iraq? Had we stayed away from Afghanistan, would ISIL be in existence? Would the Taliban and Al Queda be more, or less powerful than it is now? Certainly, the recruitment process would be more difficult. The Saudis make is easier, with the billions they use to fund the Madrasas. They are the number one enemy of the US, and the free world. Along with the Pakistanis. #1 and #2.

I thought the Saudis and the US were in bed with each other?

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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

Gee, gleeful at the deaths and injuries of over a hundred people. Make you feel all warm inside?

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From initial reports on the gunman, it appears this is going to be more about homophobia and mental health rather than radical Islam or even gun control...

It's going to be problem for the right wingnuts as many of themy dream of doing the same thing at a gay nightclub with their "second ammendment" protected AR-15's.


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It would be nice if the POTUS didn't politicize this act of Islamic terrorism and coopt it into his support for LGBT rights and anti-Second Amendment agenda. He should instead direct his rhetorical skills at calling Islam out for what it is...namely a religion of intollerance and hate and the enemy of free people the world over.

Obama can put up with muslims killing Americans but absolutely will not tolerate Americans criticizing muslims.

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From initial reports on the gunman, it appears this is going to be more about homophobia and mental health rather than radical Islam or even gun control...

It's going to be problem for the right wingnuts as many of themy dream of doing the same thing at a gay nightclub with their "second ammendment" protected AR-15's.


Absolutely ridiculous post.

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No surprise when a country doesn't protect its sovereignty and allows open borders.

We can expect an escalation of similar events in the un-United States.

Payback for many decades of political wars will eventually lead to Marshall Law.

What goes around comes back and bites!

The murderer was a native born American. What has border protection got to do with this?

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One incredibly ignorant post after another as the wingnuts pat themselves on the back and wallow in the weird justification for their Muslim xenophobia. This guarantees a Trump election? Buddha give me strength.

This was another mass shooting, this week on the LGBT community by someone who should never have had a gun. ISIS didn't do this, another mental patient with a gun did this.

Violence against the LGBT community, the lack of ANY effective gun laws (Florida?) are what should be addressed, yet the low-infos take a victory lap over having pointed out the danger of ISIS in America.

Somehow, it's Obama's fault? facepalm.gif

We are standing for this violence time and time again. This isn't about Muslims. This incident is about guns. There will be another mass shooting next week and it won't be about Muslims. It will be about what it's always about...GUNS and at a minimum better regulatory system for guns — just like there is for anything else related to our safety.

The NRA runs the Republican party and is the reason for our regularly scheduled mass shootings. Enough is enough kowtowing to the Americans who cling to their weapons for dear life allowing a continuous loop of mass killing after mass killing.

We don't need guns. We need sanity, something in short supply on this thread.

Enough is enough.

It isn't about guns. Before terrorists had access to these weapons, they used bombs. They are just graduating from that.

Anyway, this is really about human nature. Terrorists terrorise because they feel insecure and threatened. It's a hamfisted struggle for survival, because everything humans do relates to competition between groups. And insecurity spreads within a group like a kind of hysteria.

Having understood that, we need to find the root cause of Islam's insecurity. Why are they feeling threatened? What has been hurting their pride? What is the thorn in their flesh?

Getting warm..?

Liberate Palestine.

Give Muslims back some pride.

That will address the problem at root and make the world a safer place. Until that happens, this situation will never alleviate. It's no good ranting about terrorists and individual nutcases, the more hate you direct towards them the more they feel needled. Get it?

Now divert all your outrage towards Israel and fix the Palestine problem.

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Right, nothing to be worried about and Musri is quick to whitewash everything... Same pattern every time.

Muslim leader says Orlando gunman acted alone even as FBI probes possibility of network

At the press conference, Muhammad Musri, senior imam and president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, described the attack as a mass shooting unconnected to any network.

“We are glad the situation is completely under control, there are no other shooters that this person is [known] to be connected with, a network or other people,” Mr. Musri said. “The city residents and the visitors should feel safe.”

He characterized the attack as a mass shooting that could not have been foreseen.

“No one could have predicted this, no one could have prepared for it. This could have happened anywhere. it’s like lightning,” Mr. Musri said.

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I will have the usual people throwing stones at me.....its time for USA to review their constitution. The right to have guns was from era past.

After port Arthur mass shooting, Australia changed gun ownership laws. It is not easy (illicit market) to buy a hand gun. Most likely impossible to buy an assault rifle or semi auto.

In USA you can buy at Sunday market.

For a clever country many can seem so stupid.

Get with the programme americia

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"To forgive and forget" is a mad response. Hunt down and exterminate is a far better solution. These Sunni Muslim hate groups hate the entire world, it happens in China, Russia, Europe, SE Asia and across the whole Muslim world. It is not just a western nation problem and no reason to be scared, appeasement is weakness and the bad guys will take full advantage of it.

"Hunt down and exterminate" is what the USA has been doing since 9/11. Have a look around you and see where that has brought the world.

Blowback is an awful thing to contend with. Would we be facing the situation we are in, right now, if Tiny George II had not invaded Iraq? Had we stayed away from Afghanistan, would ISIL be in existence? Would the Taliban and Al Queda be more, or less powerful than it is now? Certainly, the recruitment process would be more difficult. The Saudis make is easier, with the billions they use to fund the Madrasas. They are the number one enemy of the US, and the free world. Along with the Pakistanis. #1 and #2.

I thought the Saudis and the US were in bed with each other?

They are. Absolutely. But, that does not make them our friends. Quite the contrary. The US puts up with them, out of strategy, the need to maintain some control in the region, their oil, their massive investments in the US economy, and their seeming control over another Muslim population that would quickly spiral out of control, as it did in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and to some extent Algeria.

Regardless, of the "close" relationship the US enjoys with the Saudis, there is no doubt that their leadership has bad intentions. Really bad. About as bad as the Chicoms, the N. Koreans, and the Pakistanis.

They are undoubtedly the world's number one sponsor of terror, and that has been the case for the past 30 years of so. It is estimated they have spent well over $100 billion, in the financing of extremism, regardless of their claims to the contrary. They want to remain a member of the world community, after all, so they have to maintain a false front, while their leaders support a completely different brand of disharmony behind closed doors.

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

"To forgive and forget" is a mad response. Hunt down and exterminate is a far better solution. These Sunni Muslim hate groups hate the entire world, it happens in China, Russia, Europe, SE Asia and across the whole Muslim world. It is not just a western nation problem and no reason to be scared, appeasement is weakness and the bad guys will take full advantage of it.

Trump is right.Let no more of the axxholes into America and send those that we have to London where they will be more welcomed bu the mayor..Oh bassman it is the Shiite that are more militant then the Sunni,but damn em all to hell (with out their 72 virgins)

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The shooter was born in New York, to Afgan immigrant parents. He was investigated twice by the FBI. The first time was in 2013, when fellow employees were alarmed by statements he made in support of Islamic tettorism. In 2014, he was interviewed regarding contact he had with the first US suicide bomber in Syria, who was also from Fort Pierce, where Moteen (the shooter) lived. In both instances, the FBI took no further action. Moteen was employed since 2007 with a security company, and was trained and proficient with weapons. Moteen was married, but his wife divorced him due to his violent actions towards her. Imediately prior to his assault, he called 911 and gave his name and pledged allegiance to ISIS and its leader. This guy bought both weapons two weeks ago, and his background check showed no negatives. I find that very strange.

When they target Muslims, you call it profiling.

When they don't, it's a conspiracy.

The simple answer? Religion is a plague upon humanity, especially Islam.

Sell guns only to atheists. The only group of people who actually think!

Yup, surely they can think more than those who believe there's some man in the sky with super powers watching them. Might as well believe in unicorns. Thanks for pointing that out.

Edited by mesterm
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Please note the orgy of hate and death was performed during the muslim "holy" month of Ramadan. A offering to Allah?

Nice try...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month (LGBT Pride Month) is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan. The Stonewall riots were a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States.

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

"Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone"!

I would agree with that, if these Islamic people would just stay in their countries unless they have something genuine to offer any

Western countries, and not just coming to claim benefits, and demand the Western countries change their way of life to suit them.

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Frankly I don't believe he was acting on any specific ISIS order. I very much doubt that he had any contact with ISIS otherwise the Feds, CIA and NSA would have been crawling all over him and unless the intelligence services (oxymoron) are covering up a gigantic mistake we would know about it. Probably ISIS saw this in the news and claimed responsibility.

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

"Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone"!

I would agree with that, if these Islamic people would just stay in their countries unless they have something genuine to offer any

Western countries, and not just coming to claim benefits, and demand the Western countries change their way of life to suit them.

but your leaders didnt agree with that.

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

Yes I to was surprised that "innocent" Muslims did not come forward and loudly condemn this heinous act. The US has given them the opportunity of a better life its the least they could do. This young lad was American born yet he still retained hatred against the certain accepted ideas in American culture. Muslim's do not assimilate well. I find it ironic that they settle in Western countries and not in countries with the same faith. In fact very few Muslim countries accept refugees.

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

And why if I were an American I would be supporting and voting for Donald Trump. This man was against and hated gays, how long is it going to be before some other rag headed nut job shoots down drinkers in a bar because he hates alcohol, or a group of women wearing short skirts or a group of Jews or Christians because he hates their religions, or anything that they believe goes against the grain of those of the Muslim faith?

It`s time to vote out all our pussy footing around politicians and bring in leaders of action before even more innocent people get murdered in the name of Islam.

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

And why if I were an American I would be supporting and voting for Donald Trump. This man was against and hated gays, how long is it going to be before some other rag headed nut job shoots down drinkers in a bar because he hates alcohol, or a group of women wearing short skirts or a group of Jews or Christians because he hates their religions, or anything that they believe goes against the grain of those of the Muslim faith?

It`s time to vote out all our pussy footing around politicians and bring in leaders of action before even more innocent people get murdered in the name of Islam.

what action would you suggest have prevented this?

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ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

"Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone"!

I would agree with that, if these Islamic people would just stay in their countries unless they have something genuine to offer any

Western countries, and not just coming to claim benefits, and demand the Western countries change their way of life to suit them.

but your leaders didnt agree with that.

Can only speak for the UK, yes the government, especially Blair and Brown opened up the door for them.

Us Brits all know the rest.

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

How do you know 'innocent Muslims' as you class them haven't come out to denounce this act of terror? Where did the gunman get his arms by the way? Where do ISIL get their arms? Maybe the arms industry snake's head needs to be cut off..oh, wait a minute, we can't do that, we can't get in the way of profits can we?

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

Yes I to was surprised that "innocent" Muslims did not come forward and loudly condemn this heinous act. The US has given them the opportunity of a better life its the least they could do. This young lad was American born yet he still retained hatred against the certain accepted ideas in American culture. Muslim's do not assimilate well. I find it ironic that they settle in Western countries and not in countries with the same faith. In fact very few Muslim countries accept refugees.

Must have missed that one :



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Amazing the lack of intellect by some . A member of the public .A US citizen had access to An automatic weapon used in war. Head in the "18th century constitution" sand. Failed state

Yes sadly your right. Trump will be handed a 2 or 3 point hand up the popularity poll and the sale of weapons will take a jump as more people climb onto the self protection bandwagon. Suspicion of Muslim neighbors will increase more internal hatred will emerge. The NRA and Congress will circle the wagons yet again to fight off any cries for tighter gun control. Its just more of the same old failed policies. In actuality you can not keep going into foreign countries and killing your "enemies" real or collateral damage and expect to get off unscathed ain't going to happen. Watch the new movie "Eye In The Sky" to get my point. All the outrage in the nation will not change that. The only stock where you can get a decent return is the stocks of the merchants of death.

Edited by elgordo38
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