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Dutch MP’s Campaign to Free Dutchman Jailed for 103 Years in Thailand


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Very sad case. He earned money legally in his home country and then it was deemed illegal here. And then we have rogue monks; cop killers and hisos driving Ferraris and Mercs killing people and the police don;t seem to want to do anything. Funny system of justice. For the record I am very keen on people obeying laws and being punished if they don't….but this seems to go out of the way to punish someone who did something legal at the time in his country. If he sold drugs here well send him to jail…but owning a cafe in Holland, earning money legally and on the way over it becomes illegal….it's like prosecuting someone for breaking the speed limit yesterday when the limit was changed to a lower limit today….queer jurisprudence.

I had a mate once who was a salesman in the UK. He parked his car outside his customer's office and when he came out he had a ticket on his window for parking on double yellow lines. When he looked he saw that they had put the double yellow lines on the road while he was in the office. Obviously they had put the lines up to his front and rear ends. He challenged it in court but was found guilty….apparently prospective changes to roadways are posted in local newspapers.

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It may be legal in the Netherlands But is against the law in Thailand. He broke the law, end of story.

NO END OF STORY,....?!?!?!

As far as I know, he did not broke the law in Thailand !!!..

Imagine ?! you had a drink in you're country take a flight and make a stopover in Saudi Arabia or Iran, and they put you in jail for having drunk alcohol !?!?!?

Or as a woman? you drove a car in any country and they put her in jail for having driven a car !?!? (It's illegal for women to drive a car in Saudi Arabia, that exemplary human rights respecting country !!!!)

They should not be able to punish you for something you did legally in one country, because it's illegal in a other country !!!

Homosexuality legal and perfectly accepted in western and most Asian country's, but is illegal and reprehensible in others !!!

There are so many implication to this ......if you think of it ? we would all be criminals in one way or another !?!?

Food for thought !!!

Best regards.

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I do believe it all started with an investigation regarding evading to pay tax in Holland,i am sure he will have some explaining to do back home.

Sure...!! he would have some explaining to do in he's civilized country for tax evasion, !!! but he won't go to jail for 103 years there !?!?.

Best regards.

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Very one sided news article.

Selling soft drugs in the Netherlands is being allowed quite often, but not legal.

It has been allowed for small quantity's.....You can buy small quantity's of soft drugs in coffee shops and smoke it openly !!! and ask a light to a policeman !!!


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.......a 'Dutch Embassy Thai (?) Worker'.....

.......so much for gratitude.......

It has been repeated multiple times in so many conversations already.

Embassies are not there to help their citizens but to increase "trade" between the countries, so, does this latest event increased the trade? It all looks as a "yes" to me.

I don't think that all embassies starting to employ local people was a fact purely based on costs reduction, there is much more to it that the eye can meet wai2.gif

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''During years of investigation, no evidence was found that could convict Van Laarhoven or his business partners in the Netherlands.

Van Laarhoven and the Openbaar Ministerie agreed that if they ever again wanted to interrogate him about the case, he would report to the Netherlands within five days of their request.

After a request from a Dutch lawyer working for Openbaar Ministerie, the Thai authorities launched their own investigation into Van Laarhoven. Several days later he and his wife were arrested at their Pattaya home.

Fifteen months later, Van Laarhoven was convicted for spending money in Thailand that he earned by selling cannabis in the Netherlands. It should be noted that the sale of cannabis in coffee shops is legal in the Netherlands and the Dutch gedoogbeleid policy ensures that authorities turn a blind eye when coffee shop owners buy stock from illegal dealers.'

The Thai courts verdict, however, ignores that policy, concluding that money earned with the sale of drugs has to be illegal money. Therefore, spending that money is a crime. His assets in Thailand were siezed and his home and vehicles were auctioned off.''

This man should not be in gaol.

Your last sentence indicates why the Thai justice system was interested in this man. Another fine example of Thai 'justice'.

The conclusion of the court is ludicrous there is no other word. One wonders if these people actually have a brain.

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Very one sided news article.

Selling soft drugs in the Netherlands is being allowed quite often, but not legal.

What do you mean - the article doesn't suggest he was illegally selling anything??

The only thing it mentioned was that he may have been accused of 'buying' stock from an unlicensed seller - but local authorities seem to turn a blind eye to this (in general). Nothing wrong with what he sold according to the story.

And most concerning that Thai authorities are able to subjectively determine how accusations made in another state somehow relate to legal resident behaviour here in Thailand, and then prosecute accordingly? Imagine the other stuff they could start doing...... e.g.. prostitution, gambling just to name a few - do you think casino bosses who spend their money in Thailand are found guilty like this guy haha.......

I made 2 unrelated comments.

First of all that the article is very one sided, there is much more to it, and secondly that selling soft drugs in the Netherlands is quite often allowed but not legal.

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Very one sided news article.

Selling soft drugs in the Netherlands is being allowed quite often, but not legal.

It has been allowed for small quantity's.....You can buy small quantity's of soft drugs in coffee shops and smoke it openly !!! and ask a light to a policeman !!!


That is what I said: it is being allowed, but it is not legal. The so called 'gedoogbeleid', translated tolerance policy.

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Very one sided news article.

Selling soft drugs in the Netherlands is being allowed quite often, but not legal.

Selling is most definitely fully legal in the Netherlands. There isn't even a grey area. The grey area is in the supply chain, growing cannabis is legal to up to 5 plants, anything over isn't legal.

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Don't you see that the articles I linked to are about developments in the case AFTER that agreement was made, or is it just that you just parrot yourself, because you can't rebut my comments.

According to the Telegraaf, the police also raided the building of The Grass Company itself, which is situated on Spoorlaan.

These actions happened at the same time that the court in The Hague was handling a lawsuit against the company’s founder Johan van Laarhoven. He has been in custody in Thailand, where he is suspected of money laundering, since last summer.

I guess he didn't report within 5 days then

And don't you see that at the time of his trial he had an agreement to return to face charges.

Instead of being given this opportunity he was arrested and tried and convicted for spending money that at the time was, from a legal standpoint, legitimately earned.

''Fifteen months later, Van Laarhoven was convicted for spending money in Thailand that he earned by selling cannabis in the Netherlands.''

He has committed no crime here and should not be in gaol.

This is my last reply to you, because you prefer to close your eyes to facts, rather than admit you're sprouting nothing but drivel.

The founder of this chain, Johan van Laarhoven, is currently imprisoned in Thailand, where he was recently sentenced to 103 years in prison for money laundering and earning money from selling soft drugs in the Netherlands.

Let the other posters know which part of the conviction you don't understand, and why there can be a conviction if it isn't illegal.

Bye bye

Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled.

''Fifteen months later, Van Laarhoven was convicted for spending money in Thailand that he earned by selling cannabis in the Netherlands. It should be noted that the sale of cannabis in coffee shops is legal in the Netherlands and the Dutch “gedoogbeleid” policy ensures that authorities turn a blind eye when coffee shop owners buy stock from illegal dealers.

The Thai court’s verdict, however, ignores that policy, concluding that money earned with the sale of drugs has to be illegal money. Therefore, spending that money is a crime. His assets in Thailand were siezed and his home and vehicles were auctioned off.''

"Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled."

No, the Op tells you why according to Team Van Laarhoven he was gaoled.

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This is my last reply to you, because you prefer to close your eyes to facts, rather than admit you're sprouting nothing but drivel.

The founder of this chain, Johan van Laarhoven, is currently imprisoned in Thailand, where he was recently sentenced to 103 years in prison for money laundering and earning money from selling soft drugs in the Netherlands.

Let the other posters know which part of the conviction you don't understand, and why there can be a conviction if it isn't illegal.

Bye bye

Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled.

''Fifteen months later, Van Laarhoven was convicted for spending money in Thailand that he earned by selling cannabis in the Netherlands. It should be noted that the sale of cannabis in coffee shops is legal in the Netherlands and the Dutch “gedoogbeleid” policy ensures that authorities turn a blind eye when coffee shop owners buy stock from illegal dealers.

The Thai court’s verdict, however, ignores that policy, concluding that money earned with the sale of drugs has to be illegal money. Therefore, spending that money is a crime. His assets in Thailand were siezed and his home and vehicles were auctioned off.''

"Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled."

No, the Op tells you why according to Team Van Laarhoven he was gaoled.

No it tells you why he was gaoled.

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The only way he should have been arrested in Thailand was if he had an outstanding arrest warrant from Holland or had a verified conviction in Holland for a drug related crime. In both instances- he would have been subject to deportation back to where he was being sought. In this case- he was not under arrest or wanted in Holland nor convicted of any crime. Thailand had no cause to arrest and convict. This is a miscarriage of justice pure and simple. I wonder if the case has been appealed in the Thai system and is under review?

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It is thought that Dutch prosecutors were angry because they were unable to prosecute Mr. Johan in the Netherlands due to insufficient evidence. Because of this they sent an incriminating letter to Thai authorities urging them to do what they could not.----http://lovepattayathailand.com/dutchman-setup-by-his-government-sentenced-to-103-years/

If the above report is true----then their should be some sort of high level inquiry in Holland. Because that's nothing more than a witch hunt.

This sort of thing has happened in reverse-----thanks to our American Christian friends, forcing a law through.

Do something that isn't a crime in the country your staying in---but get arrested when you get back to the USA---

It is quite lawful to have sex in Spain, under Spanish law. & get married with a girl of 14

It is quite lawful to have sex in Japan under Japanese law & get married with a girl of 14

I have just mentioned 2 out of dozens of countries you could visit have a "Romance".....and end up in jail if you returned to the USA.

But not to get to far off topic----the prosecution of this guy---and especially his Thai wife who just signed for the house as is required by Thai law-----is utter madness-----I have never seen a sentence any where near that size in my time in Thailand.

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Authorities turn a blind eye to illegal drug traders in the Netherlands .

He profits from this and the proceeds of crime are spent in Thai where it is against the law to benefit from the proceeds of crime.

Enter the Dutch give him up knowing full well that this would come about but not expecting a hefty sentence.

Why defend a drug dealer anyway?

I am not Dutch, but I thought coffee shops in the Netherlands were legal operations? Is this not the case?

In the Netherlands, the selling of cannabis is "illegal, but not punishable", so the law is not enforced in establishments following these nationwide rules:-

  • No advertising
  • No hard drug sales on the premises
  • No sales to anyone under the age of 18
  • No sale of quantities greater than five grams

And the Authorities (usually) turn a blind-eye to the stock that is in the back-room of the shop.

The stupidity of the situation is that it is illegal to *grow* cannabis in The Netherlands - so one wonders from where are the shops supposed to get their stock ?

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The only way he should have been arrested in Thailand was if he had an outstanding arrest warrant from Holland or had a verified conviction in Holland for a drug related crime. In both instances- he would have been subject to deportation back to where he was being sought. In this case- he was not under arrest or wanted in Holland nor convicted of any crime. Thailand had no cause to arrest and convict. This is a miscarriage of justice pure and simple. I wonder if the case has been appealed in the Thai system and is under review?

Finally, someone gets it. This guy has been stitched by a system that is designed to allow it. I can only speculate as to how the proceeds of his assets were distributed.

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It is thought that Dutch prosecutors were angry because they were unable to prosecute Mr. Johan in the Netherlands due to insufficient evidence. Because of this they sent an incriminating letter to Thai authorities urging them to do what they could not.----http://lovepattayathailand.com/dutchman-setup-by-his-government-sentenced-to-103-years/

If the above report is true----then their should be some sort of high level inquiry in Holland. Because that's nothing more than a witch hunt.

This sort of thing has happened in reverse-----thanks to our American Christian friends, forcing a law through.

Do something that isn't a crime in the country your staying in---but get arrested when you get back to the USA---

It is quite lawful to have sex in Spain, under Spanish law. & get married with a girl of 14

It is quite lawful to have sex in Japan under Japanese law & get married with a girl of 14

I have just mentioned 2 out of dozens of countries you could visit have a "Romance".....and end up in jail if you returned to the USA.

But not to get to far off topic----the prosecution of this guy---and especially his Thai wife who just signed for the house as is required by Thai law-----is utter madness-----I have never seen a sentence any where near that size in my time in Thailand.

"It is quite lawful to have sex in Japan under Japanese law & get married with a girl of 14."

- Can you provide a source for this information, because my source says something different.

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It is thought that Dutch prosecutors were angry because they were unable to prosecute Mr. Johan in the Netherlands due to insufficient evidence. Because of this they sent an incriminating letter to Thai authorities urging them to do what they could not.----http://lovepattayathailand.com/dutchman-setup-by-his-government-sentenced-to-103-years/

If the above report is true----then their should be some sort of high level inquiry in Holland. Because that's nothing more than a witch hunt.

This sort of thing has happened in reverse-----thanks to our American Christian friends, forcing a law through.

Do something that isn't a crime in the country your staying in---but get arrested when you get back to the USA---

It is quite lawful to have sex in Spain, under Spanish law. & get married with a girl of 14

It is quite lawful to have sex in Japan under Japanese law & get married with a girl of 14

I have just mentioned 2 out of dozens of countries you could visit have a "Romance".....and end up in jail if you returned to the USA.

But not to get to far off topic----the prosecution of this guy---and especially his Thai wife who just signed for the house as is required by Thai law-----is utter madness-----I have never seen a sentence any where near that size in my time in Thailand.

Are you aware that giving your wife money to buy a house/land in Thailand is illegal? It seems not.

If you wish to transfer funds into Thailand from another country, under money laundering laws they have every right to ask the source of those funds. If the legality of the earning of those funds is in any way dubious, expect trouble.

BTW you are a citizen of your own country and its laws apply to you wherever you travel. If you don't like those laws, feel free to renounce your citizenship and seek it elsewhere, or have the laws changed back home. Good luck with the latter if you announce you want to go shagging 14yos.

Edited by halloween
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I think the point of this case is that drug money can be legal in Holland, but is always regarded as illegal in Thailand, which-ever country it came from.

That doesn't make sense - would not foreign casino operators spending money in Thailand be subject to arrest here then? I don't think it works like that.

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I think the point of this case is that drug money can be legal in Holland, but is always regarded as illegal in Thailand, which-ever country it came from.

That doesn't make sense - would not foreign casino operators spending money in Thailand be subject to arrest here then? I don't think it works like that.

Quite possibly that would depend on the legality of the casinos in the country where they were located.

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It may be legal in the Netherlands But is against the law in Thailand. He broke the law, end of story.

NO END OF STORY,....?!?!?!

As far as I know, he did not broke the law in Thailand !!!..

Imagine ?! you had a drink in you're country take a flight and make a stopover in Saudi Arabia or Iran, and they put you in jail for having drunk alcohol !?!?!?

Or as a woman? you drove a car in any country and they put her in jail for having driven a car !?!? (It's illegal for women to drive a car in Saudi Arabia, that exemplary human rights respecting country !!!!)

They should not be able to punish you for something you did legally in one country, because it's illegal in a other country !!!

Homosexuality legal and perfectly accepted in western and most Asian country's, but is illegal and reprehensible in others !!!

There are so many implication to this ......if you think of it ? we would all be criminals in one way or another !?!?

Food for thought !!!

Best regards.

Completely agree.

A friend visited Korea & hired a car.

He loved the 120km/h speed limit & drove accordingly.

When he returned to Australia should he be charged with speeding?

As the speed limit in OZ is mostly 100km/h.

Same reasoning.

He should not be in jail.

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I think the point of this case is that drug money can be legal in Holland, but is always regarded as illegal in Thailand, which-ever country it came from.

That doesn't make sense - would not foreign casino operators spending money in Thailand be subject to arrest here then? I don't think it works like that.

It would I suppose depend on what " informal fiscal arrangements" you made when the amount of money you had became known in certain circles...

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Very one sided news article.

Selling soft drugs in the Netherlands is being allowed quite often, but not legal.

Selling is most definitely fully legal in the Netherlands. There isn't even a grey area. The grey area is in the supply chain, growing cannabis is legal to up to 5 plants, anything over isn't legal.

No, not correct. See e.g. Wiki, "Cannabis remains a controlled substance in the Netherlands and both possession and production for personal use are still misdemeanors, punishable by fines." and "According to current gedoogbeleid the possession of a maximum amount of five grams cannabis for personal use is not prosecuted. Cultivation is treated in a similar way. Cultivation of 5 plants or less is usually not prosecuted when they are renounced by the cultivator."

Illegal but tolerated, just as the 5 plants you (incorrectly) mention.

Edited by stevenl
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This is my last reply to you, because you prefer to close your eyes to facts, rather than admit you're sprouting nothing but drivel.

The founder of this chain, Johan van Laarhoven, is currently imprisoned in Thailand, where he was recently sentenced to 103 years in prison for money laundering and earning money from selling soft drugs in the Netherlands.

Let the other posters know which part of the conviction you don't understand, and why there can be a conviction if it isn't illegal.

Bye bye

Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled.

''Fifteen months later, Van Laarhoven was convicted for spending money in Thailand that he earned by selling cannabis in the Netherlands. It should be noted that the sale of cannabis in coffee shops is legal in the Netherlands and the Dutch “gedoogbeleid” policy ensures that authorities turn a blind eye when coffee shop owners buy stock from illegal dealers.

The Thai court’s verdict, however, ignores that policy, concluding that money earned with the sale of drugs has to be illegal money. Therefore, spending that money is a crime. His assets in Thailand were siezed and his home and vehicles were auctioned off.''

"Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled."

No, the Op tells you why according to Team Van Laarhoven he was gaoled.

No it tells you why he was gaoled.

So you believe a one-sided story and treat it as gospel.

Up to you, but not smart.

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"Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled."

No, the Op tells you why according to Team Van Laarhoven he was gaoled.

No it tells you why he was gaoled.

So you believe a one-sided story and treat it as gospel.

Up to you, but not smart.

No. I've followed this story from the start.

He did nothing wrong.

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"Read the link to the OP. That tells you exactly why he was gaoled."

No, the Op tells you why according to Team Van Laarhoven he was gaoled.

No it tells you why he was gaoled.

So you believe a one-sided story and treat it as gospel.

Up to you, but not smart.

No. I've followed this story from the start.

He did nothing wrong.

So have I. I'm convinced he has been laundering money. 103 Years is really OTP in my opinion, but I'm pretty sure he'll be back in the Netherlands quite soon.

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So you believe a one-sided story and treat it as gospel.

Up to you, but not smart.

No. I've followed this story from the start.

He did nothing wrong.

So have I. I'm convinced he has been laundering money. 103 Years is really OTP in my opinion, but I'm pretty sure he'll be back in the Netherlands quite soon.

You may be convinced he has but a court of law decides that.

The conviction in Thailand was for spending money earned from the legal sale of drugs in the Netherlands.

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So you believe a one-sided story and treat it as gospel.

Up to you, but not smart.

No. I've followed this story from the start.

He did nothing wrong.

So have I. I'm convinced he has been laundering money. 103 Years is really OTP in my opinion, but I'm pretty sure he'll be back in the Netherlands quite soon.

You may be convinced he has but a court of law decides that.

The conviction in Thailand was for spending money earned from the legal sale of drugs in the Netherlands.

Since you like to point to the OP: "He was jailed for laundering money made from the coffee shops which were licenced in the Netherlands." Pretending he is an innocent victim is in my opinion total BS.

And that is my last word on this. We'll have to see how it develops.

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