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Nok Air issues grovelling apology to Yingluck after pilots joked they would fly her into the ground


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Imagine what would happen to the pilots if it was current PM was the victim.

Attitude adjustment at the very least, or at worst, off to the gulag!! Ah, the difference between thinking something and putting it in writing.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Yingluck flies nok air? My but that's a come down...

Just for show .I am quite sure that she regularly flies by private jet . I am also sure its on standby to take her quickly out of the Country if necessary .Prison would not be good for her hair or finger nails .

Anto, inform us all, what do you know?

What type of plane is it?

Where do they keep it?

Anywhere the PM's?

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Nothing wrong with Nok Air apart from their pilots - those responsible should be fired at once and their names circulated in the industry so they cannot get another pilot's job

The only problem with firing them is the lack of qualified replacement, Nok would have to cancel flights and that causes all sorts of problems.

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Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

The OFFICE of PM demands its own respect. After you leave office, the respect you have is that which you earned by your honesty, integrity, altruism, perspicacity and diligence. Then we have Yingluk.

Halloween, sure sure, you only say this because you are an apologist for this PM who wasn't even voted in by popular election.

But we all know where your allegiances lie.

Day one you were on here crowing about how the good times were gonna roll now we had an honest PM in the job. Yawn.

You choose to show respect to a PM that has yet to show his honesty, integrity, altruism, etc etc. But good enough for you eh?

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Aww... Just a technical jargon use with another pilot, who almost flew the country to the ground...

Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

What an ignorant comment to make about the current PM, he has done more for this country than the previous corrupt governments and has nothing to do with this issue. The pilots should be reprimanded for their comments but as usual it was probably taken out of context by some overly sensitive people looking for attention.

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>>Anto, inform us all, what do you know?

What type of plane is it?<<

They dont say what type , EX-PM Yingluck arrives at Don Mueang in private jet ,from Singapore , http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2014-08/11/content_18285985.htm

She arrives from Europe ,part of the same trip i think . in a private jet .http://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/ex-pm-yingluck-arrives-at-don-mueang-in-private-jet-40305

Edited by anto
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For a pilot in charge of a aircraft this would have to be the most inappropriate behaviour you can muster , discipline on the flight deck is very important , seems like the flight deck crew in Nok Air has a few cowboy's................................coffee1.gif .

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Aww... Just a technical jargon use with another pilot, who almost flew the country to the ground...

Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

What an ignorant comment to make about the current PM, he has done more for this country than the previous corrupt governments and has nothing to do with this issue. The pilots should be reprimanded for their comments but as usual it was probably taken out of context by some overly sensitive people looking for attention.

If you check the fact file the current unelected PM hasn't done more for this country ,most of the action has been superficial, at its best.

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For a pilot in charge of a aircraft this would have to be the most inappropriate behaviour you can muster , discipline on the flight deck is very important , seems like the flight deck crew in Nok Air has a few cowboy's................................coffee1.gif .

Hopefully they weren't posting on LINE during the operation of the flight.

They should probably be disciplined, not sure what their contracts look like, or what disciplinary action is possible. A 30 day suspension, without pay, seems reasonable, if only to re-instill some semblance of professionalism.

But as mentioned NOK AIR is both connected, and short on pilots, so a minute of grovelling/wai-ing should do the trick.

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Nothing wrong with Nok Air apart from their pilots - those responsible should be fired at once and their names circulated in the industry so they cannot get another pilot's job

Many just left and they had to employ a lot of new starters.

I guess pilots have to start their training somewhere.

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Nothing wrong with Nok Air apart from their pilots - those responsible should be fired at once and their names circulated in the industry so they cannot get another pilot's job

Many just left and they had to employ a lot of new starters.

I guess pilots have to start their training somewhere.

Just flew last week to Trang and was a very bumpy landing. Must be the pilot on the job training. Passengers are down and Thai Lion Air is reaping Nok bad image. Probably my last time flying Nok.

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Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

The OFFICE of PM demands its own respect. After you leave office, the respect you have is that which you earned by your honesty, integrity, altruism, perspicacity and diligence. Then we have Yingluk.

Halloween, sure sure, you only say this because you are an apologist for this PM who wasn't even voted in by popular election.

But we all know where your allegiances lie.

Day one you were on here crowing about how the good times were gonna roll now we had an honest PM in the job. Yawn.

You choose to show respect to a PM that has yet to show his honesty, integrity, altruism, etc etc. But good enough for you eh?

Read it again, slowly this time.

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Have the Shinawatras fallen on hard times?

Budget carrier Nok Air?

They are the only airline I deliberately avoid. After dealing with their ground crew and flight crew a few times I decided I wasn't going to trust their pilots anymore either.

My thoughts exactly !! Strange, hey? Maybe she is being boycotted by the Army. Private planes do need special permits one for each flight.

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

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Aww... Just a technical jargon use with another pilot, who almost flew the country to the ground...

Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

What an ignorant comment to make about the current PM, he has done more for this country than the previous corrupt governments and has nothing to do with this issue. The pilots should be reprimanded for their comments but as usual it was probably taken out of context by some overly sensitive people looking for attention.

Pardon me. This current PM done what? Still waiting; well accept for the lottery price, beach chairs etc; he done zilch. He has lots to do with this issue if he act with decorum regarding a former PM especially this case involves security. But alas, he really lack class and decency to act appropriately especially towards the previous government.

Read more slowly, more than previous governments [emoji6]

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Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

What an ignorant comment to make about the current PM, he has done more for this country than the previous corrupt governments and has nothing to do with this issue. The pilots should be reprimanded for their comments but as usual it was probably taken out of context by some overly sensitive people looking for attention.

Pardon me. This current PM done what? Still waiting; well accept for the lottery price, beach chairs etc; he done zilch. He has lots to do with this issue if he act with decorum regarding a former PM especially this case involves security. But alas, he really lack class and decency to act appropriately especially towards the previous government.

Read more slowly, more than previous governments [emoji6]

How much more exactly? Anything on anything important? (Corruption in the police? Corruption in the army? Corruption in the civil service? Aviation? Fishing? Human Trafficking? Holes in roads? The price of pork? Human Rights? Forced disappearances? Abductions by the army? Conflict in the South? The Economy? Exports? FDI? Inequality of wealth? The state of Education? The state of the healthcare system? Minimum living wage?).

Perhaps, when you say "more than previous governments", you could clarify how...?


Edited by Winniedapu
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...doubt it was a statement made in public...
I am under the impression that one of the plane herders posted his comments into a LINE group. LINE groups can be both private-ish (by invite only from a manager) or public-ish, open for enrollment. Since so many people have seen it, maybe millions now, I think it qualifies as a public statement, but then again Thailand is so unique, so who knows?
Last year a new civil aviation law enacted more stringent penalties in line with international standards for anyone who makes statements, serious or not, about a potential aviation threat.
According to Article 15 of the Civil Aviation Crimes Act, that law applies to anyone on the plane and is is punishable by imprisonment between five to 10 years or a fine between 200,000 baht to 400,000 baht, or both.
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Taxi drivers trained as Nok Air pilots.............!

This idiotic incident has now made it to the International media.......idiotic is probably not the correct term for these pilots....but never the less....for a professional pilot to even contemplate refering to their passengers in this manner, shows the complete naivety and immaturity of these guys.

Talk about a code of ethics lacking in Thailand, this is right up there with the best of all the other bad pri**s!!

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