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Thirteen year old girl leads police to quick arrest of her mum's killer


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Thirteen year old girl leads police to quick arrest of her mum's killer

Image: Daily News

Sakorn Nakorn police have made a quick arrest after a savage attack on a mother and child in the Sawang Daen Din district on Saturday night

SAKORN NAKORN: -- A 39 year old woman was murdered after a man tried to rape her in her house. She had called out to her 13 year old daughter who was in the house who came to help her reported Daily News. The man then slashed her in the head and fled, believing her to be dead too.

But the girl survived and was able to give police vital information that led to the arrest yesterday of Surasak Srichai (Jack), 25, who was hiding out at a relative's house in Udon. He has been charged with the woman's attempted rape and murder and the attempted murder of the daughter. Neither victim was named.

The severely injured girl had managed to tell investigators: "Please find my mum's killer."

Police said that Surasak told them he had been drinking alcohol and had taken 3 or 4 Ya Ba tablets.He said he entered the back of the victim's house finding there was no bolt on the door. He picked up a sharp piece of iron from behind a cupboard with the intention of raping the woman who was sleeping downstairs. He did not know she had a daughter in the house. When she called to her daughter for help he hit the woman about the head and body many times killing her.

When the daughter came in to help her mother he attacked her too and then fled believing them both to be dead. Next morning he heard news that the daughter had survived and believing that she would finger him he took off for a relative's house to hide.

Police said they have strong evidence such as bloodstained shorts used by the assailant with what they say is the victim's blood on them. Hair from the assailant was also found in the victim's hand. DNA evidence is expected to seal their case.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-06-14

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R.I.P to that poor lady, you can only imagine what the poor girl is going through now. knowing she will never see her mum again, hopefully she has someone to take care of her and doesn't wind up living on the street.

Ya Ba is a really nasty drug and I really don't know why it is so popular.

My neighbor's grandson is constantly threatening to kill her, or beat her up, if she don't give him more money so he can buy more Ya Ba

He is causing more and more problems for the whole family everyday, they have asked for my opinion on how to intervene .

My reply was " I would call the Police and pay them some tea money with instructions to scare the crap out of the kid to stop threatening the old lady"

Their reply " Oh no you can't do that, we don't want the police and our community to know our problems and that our son is on Ya Ba".

So the poor old lady has to live in fear every day now, waiting for when her Grandson to come to visit again.

How many other Thai Families are in this type of situation? and know of serious crimes committed, yet don't wasn't to loose face by calling the Police.

Very Sad.

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R.I.P to that poor lady, you can only imagine what the poor girl is going through now. knowing she will never see her mum again, hopefully she has someone to take care of her and doesn't wind up living on the street.

Ya Ba is a really nasty drug and I really don't know why it is so popular.

My neighbor's grandson is constantly threatening to kill her, or beat her up, if she don't give him more money so he can buy more Ya Ba

He is causing more and more problems for the whole family everyday, they have asked for my opinion on how to intervene .

My reply was " I would call the Police and pay them some tea money with instructions to scare the crap out of the kid to stop threatening the old lady"

Their reply " Oh no you can't do that, we don't want the police and our community to know our problems and that our son is on Ya Ba".

So the poor old lady has to live in fear every day now, waiting for when her Grandson to come to visit again.

How many other Thai Families are in this type of situation? and know of serious crimes committed, yet don't wasn't to loose face by calling the Police.

Very Sad.

I agree with what you are saying, unfortunately the people are so used to the norm of Thai thinking, loosing face is one thing but they also know that no severe punishment will be handed down to the perpetrators, and therefore fear retributions once they are back on the streets. This "Ostrich" type of mentality is all too common and one that will not go away quickly.

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R.I.P to that poor lady, you can only imagine what the poor girl is going through now. knowing she will never see her mum again, hopefully she has someone to take care of her and doesn't wind up living on the street.

Ya Ba is a really nasty drug and I really don't know why it is so popular.

My neighbor's grandson is constantly threatening to kill her, or beat her up, if she don't give him more money so he can buy more Ya Ba

He is causing more and more problems for the whole family everyday, they have asked for my opinion on how to intervene .

My reply was " I would call the Police and pay them some tea money with instructions to scare the crap out of the kid to stop threatening the old lady"

Their reply " Oh no you can't do that, we don't want the police and our community to know our problems and that our son is on Ya Ba".

So the poor old lady has to live in fear every day now, waiting for when her Grandson to come to visit again.

How many other Thai Families are in this type of situation? and know of serious crimes committed, yet don't wasn't to loose face by calling the Police.

Very Sad.

Near my tgs villiage , about a dozen families were so driven to despair about their own kids growing yabba addiction , and threats from neighbours over thefts and losses of scooters ( unheard of previously ) , that somebody called in the army , and the families turned in their sons during a large raid.

Seems the main dealers had police protection , and they went to jail and some cops were moved.

The other kids had counselling that has had regular follow ups and were put on good behaviour bonds.

Everything has settled down last I enquired .

The army is not unpopular in those parts nowadays.

Edited by zaZa9
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The poor girl will pass trough a hard time.
All by 1 citizen that doesn't fit to be alive in this world.

First she will need to go trough a lot of medical interventions and hope that the slashing don't leave any marks in her face or body.

Then she will need to go trough the medical bills all by her own.

She will need to build her live as a 13 year old girl probably on her own.
She can forget the school year.

No mum to help her.
She also need to survive with the image that a Yaba drunk bastard murdered her mum and was planning to kill her too.

But worst of all, she will need to survive with the idea that soon this bastard will be on the lose again and maybe will go to look after her.

ALL OF THIS because (Thai) society is not having the balls to make an end to the miserable life of this 1 misfit.


And I was believing that things would change for the better with the coup.

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God! when they woke up in the morning,how could they guess how their lives would change in one day.The mother losing hers. and the daughter being attacked in such a terrible way.Over here,you never know if or when it will be your last day.Because of A holes like this,who blame it on booze and drugs,like its a reasonable excuse and it should be taken into consideration.Infantile excuses!

Well done the girl for helping to catch this piece of shit.

I hope his future cellmate will be one who killed the guy who tried to rape his wife and killed his daughter,how ironic that would be.

Does the child have any relatives,does anyone know.?

RIP mum.

Hope you can forget daughter..

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yesterday....nongKhai town.

2 dead in shooting ya ba related

Lao victims mother and son

and this shit goes on and on..........

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Can't blame the alcohol and can't blame the drugs ,hang the man

I can understand the want to hang him - but I think that would not be ok.

Appropriate severe punishment - yes.

Being on yaba and alcohol should not take the blame - it should be an additional charge adding to the verdict of rape and murder

No way it could be an excuse.

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Dracula The Impaler will have an answer to this criminal.


Vlad, not Dracula, but your heart's in the right place.

You can never find an impaler when you need one and when you dont ten come along at the same time

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R.I.P to that poor lady, you can only imagine what the poor girl is going through now. knowing she will never see her mum again, hopefully she has someone to take care of her and doesn't wind up living on the street.

Ya Ba is a really nasty drug and I really don't know why it is so popular.

My neighbor's grandson is constantly threatening to kill her, or beat her up, if she don't give him more money so he can buy more Ya Ba

He is causing more and more problems for the whole family everyday, they have asked for my opinion on how to intervene .

My reply was " I would call the Police and pay them some tea money with instructions to scare the crap out of the kid to stop threatening the old lady"

Their reply " Oh no you can't do that, we don't want the police and our community to know our problems and that our son is on Ya Ba".

So the poor old lady has to live in fear every day now, waiting for when her Grandson to come to visit again.

How many other Thai Families are in this type of situation? and know of serious crimes committed, yet don't wasn't to loose face by calling the Police.

Very Sad.

Loosing face yes, but I think a lot of it is also the police !! you get them involved and you are going to have more problems !! Remember their not there to help as much as their there to see what they can get out of it as well.

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Time the junta scrap the attitude adjustment camps for ones targeting disaffected youth and others. Shock them, inform and empower them through real-life tailored documentaries, professionals and victims involved in the fallout and engaging counseling, discussions, and debates to instill positive societal values. Addicts would also need other care services and rehabilitation. The cost can be redeemed from increased productivity of communities, scraped ineffective services and lowered crime levels.

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What exactly is Ya Ba? How is it taken?

Pretty sure it is methamphetamine in pill form... damn bad drug that's caused a lot of grief around the world. It has different names in various areas.... In North America, we used to call it "Speed".... I think the most powerful form was "Crystal Meth".

There are many similar stimulant drugs.... like Dexedrine and others.

There were stronger and weaker forms of the drug. Originally many years ago used as a diet drug until they realized the dangers. One of my aunts got hooked on it back many years ago when it was prescribed by a doctor for diet. She ended up hooked and going to multiple doctors for prescriptions...... taking them in the morning to get through the day.... and then needing strong depressants at night to sleep.. Like an elevator... up and down... up and down..

ruined her life....

You can tell a long time meth addict.... it rots and destroys their teeth..... giving them "Meth Mouth". They end up living a paranoid life in a lot of cases.. They can get "Meth Mites".... imaginary itching feeling like bugs.. and they will literally scratch until they have scratched right through their skin into their flesh...

In Thailand... Ya Ba...or Yaba..... Even Opium, another addictive drug... did not cause so much grief.. People usually just nodded out on a couch, relaxed on it.

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It seems that in Thailand and some other countries, saving face is more important than

getting a criminal put in jail. It really is too bad that so many countries have done

away with the death penalty for murderers. In Canada, it was our government who changed

the law, and not the people. There was not Canada wide vote, of all voting aged citizens to

keep or quit the capital punishment for first degree murder. It instead was voted on

by only a few hundred people in the government of the time. I am still bitter about this.

I hope this girl can survive and have enough support to have a better life. This killer

should be put to death, but it is in the hands of the Government and politicians, and judges of Thailand.


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