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Obama slams renewed Trump call for Muslim ban after Orlando shooting


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Thank you for saving me from explaining what I meant when I wrote Obama has lost all credibility on this issue.

For most of the right-wing nutters, Obama lost all credibility when he was born with black skin. That is why he was declared the worst president even before his inauguration by so many in the right wing media. That is why the Republican leadership decided to work against any legislation proposed by Obama, leading to the Republicans repudiating even their own legislation once Obama approved of that legislation. Just look at the course of discourse over "Obamacare" formerly "Romneycare", the Republican and Insurance industry designed plan to force all citizens into buying private insurance, in order to run interference against any talk of a competing, and more rational, national insurance plan.

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Trump is correct on this one , why should we risk the general public just to appease the pc crowd. Its ok for Obama and Clinton as we are paying for their security,

Nobody is able to answer me, as you support this you ll probably have a solution :

How will you know people are muslim? Offer a mandatory ham and cheese sandwich at the borders?

This is stupid unrealistic moronic idea.

tens of thousands simply show up at the border and are facilitated entry and disappear inside america doesn't seem to be the best "security solution" hopefully potential immigrants would apply at the usa embassies in their respective countries and be screened more properly.

obama talks with PC about muslims in america but his drones in islamic countries sure would appear to target and kill muslims specifically.

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The quiver lipping president was pissing all over himself on this, what an embarrassment, as all these attacks have happened on his watch at an ever increasing pace. His policies have failed and both him and the evil, racketeering queen are now blaming Trump in their display of being both clueless on the issue and weakness on how to solve it.

The FBI did not let the American public down on this one (all the clues were apparent), but it is Obama and his left, radical, Dept of Justice that have dictated the parameters for the FBI when investigating minorities. Particularly alarming is their policy on profiling. Obama said in a nation of 300 million this couldn't be stopped...if we looked harder in a community of less than 2 million, sure would up the odds.

The FBI did not let the public down. The Republicans and NRA douchebags did.

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The quiver lipping president was pissing all over himself on this, what an embarrassment, as all these attacks have happened on his watch at an ever increasing pace. His policies have failed and both him and the evil, racketeering queen are now blaming Trump in their display of being both clueless on the issue and weakness on how to solve it.

The FBI did not let the American public down on this one (all the clues were apparent), but it is Obama and his left, radical, Dept of Justice that have dictated the parameters for the FBI when investigating minorities. Particularly alarming is their policy on profiling. Obama said in a nation of 300 million this couldn't be stopped...if we looked harder in a community of less than 2 million, sure would up the odds.

My bold.

Nope the FBI were probably completely unaware that there was any hint that this was going to happen as their eyes were looking the other way as they were all (still are!) investigating some bloody emails.

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The quiver lipping president was pissing all over himself on this, what an embarrassment, as all these attacks have happened on his watch at an ever increasing pace. His policies have failed and both him and the evil, racketeering queen are now blaming Trump in their display of being both clueless on the issue and weakness on how to solve it.

The FBI did not let the American public down on this one (all the clues were apparent), but it is Obama and his left, radical, Dept of Justice that have dictated the parameters for the FBI when investigating minorities. Particularly alarming is their policy on profiling. Obama said in a nation of 300 million this couldn't be stopped...if we looked harder in a community of less than 2 million, sure would up the odds.

Thank you for saving me from explaining what I meant when I wrote Obama has lost all credibility on this issue.

The FBI should be able to water board those damn 2 million Muslims. That would make America safe...after we throw out the 12 million Mexicans and send the darkies back to Africa. Then, we can talk about the jews.

This is why Trump's campaign is a burning dumpster fire. Trump and his minions are so, so, far out there in this bizzaro world of hate and fear. Half the Republican party doesn't want anything to do with them.

Credibility on what issue? The parameters the FBI have on investigating minorities? You mean the bill of rights? Equal protection under the law? Freedom of Religion?

The Trumpeteers can't wait for the fascist dictator to goose step in and show this filth the door but as of today...American citizens still have rights. Obama and the department of justice? The hate isn't just irrational, it's misplaced.

I really missed no hearing how Obama lost all his credibility over the Orlando shooting. cheesy.gif

Unfortunately, one of the American rights is to be able to walk into one the thousands of gun stores all over the US and buy an AR-15! Now that is scary...and weird. Fear the paranoid loon who buys the next AR-15. He's a lot scarier to me than some phantom terrorist.

I don't get this irrational fear of Muslims. Now, I do have a legitimate fear of guns. That's because 35,000 Americans are killed by guns a year. Odds a Muslim terrorist (the guy in Orlando was not a Muslim terrorist) will kill you are 20,000,000 to 1. Do the math and let me know what I should be afraid of? Fear rules the wingnuts.

Trump and his minions are a match made in Wingnuttia. The craziness grows by the day...

Not surprised but you misrepresented the facts. Out of the 35,000 killed by guns, you didn't mention that 25,000 were pulling the trigger themselves, committing suicide. Oh, but if the guns weren't available, they wouldn't have? Bullshit, anyone motivated to put a bullet through their head, would most likely find a way. Ask the families of the 47,000 that are dying of drug overdoses every year.

Fear rules the wingnuts? You got that right, the loony left wingnuts.

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Thank you for saving me from explaining what I meant when I wrote Obama has lost all credibility on this issue.

For most of the right-wing nutters, Obama lost all credibility when he was born with black skin. That is why he was declared the worst president even before his inauguration by so many in the right wing media. That is why the Republican leadership decided to work against any legislation proposed by Obama, leading to the Republicans repudiating even their own legislation once Obama approved of that legislation. Just look at the course of discourse over "Obamacare" formerly "Romneycare", the Republican and Insurance industry designed plan to force all citizens into buying private insurance, in order to run interference against any talk of a competing, and more rational, national insurance plan.

I consider you a very intelligent poster, even thought we have different political views. However, you have really let me down with this nonsense. I voted for Obama the first time he ran for president. He misrepresented himself as a centrist, but within a short time started showing his true political colors and making me regret my vote. His skin color has nothing to do with my disgust. I know a lot of conservatives and NONE who hate the man because of the color of his skin. I am sure there are a few racists out there who care about nothing else, but most of his detractors are a lot more concerned about his the lies he has told the American people and the unconstitutional actions he has put in place.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I consider you a very intelligent poster, even thought we have different political views. However, you have really let me down with this nonsense. I voted for Obama the first time he ran for president. He misrepresented himself as a centrist, but within a short time started showing his true political colors and making me regret my vote.

First, although being more conservative than myself, I do not consider you to be a right wing nutter. Not all those to the political right of me are nuts. And I too am very disappointed with Obama as I thought he originally represented himself as being mildly progressive but has shown himself as just another mild neocon and true neoliberal.

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I don't have a problem with a healthy debate and who should or should not be admitted to any country, but when dealing with people and the human condition it doesn't work out so well. I know several US citizens who are married to Thai nationals and the wives are Muslim. Should they be prevented from visiting or moving to the US?

I worked in the ME and after Saddam re-invaded the northern No Fly Zone, he made it clear that all those who worked for foreign gov'ts were considered traitors and would be executed. Those working for US based organizations and the military were taken to Guam and screened for resettlement. (Some of them did not get past the security screening and were left in camps in Guam). Should they have been left to the whims of Saddam? Oh, and before answering, his threat to execute them was actually a part of Iraqi Iaw.

Should the local staff who work in Embassies, such as in Syria and Yemen be left there when things go pear-shaped?

These are some of the things that need to be considered when implementing any sort of ban.


That's exactly why Donald is so dangerous, he runs off the mouth at a whim, unscripted and without allowing his brain particles to arrange themselves.

His idiocy will end up killing good men and women.

He should stick to his creepy comments about his step daughter and sleeping around the backroo said of beauty pageants.

The guy is Scarey weird and unpredictable. He needs to change his medication & fast.

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The quiver lipping president was pissing all over himself on this, what an embarrassment, as all these attacks have happened on his watch at an ever increasing pace. His policies have failed and both him and the evil, racketeering queen are now blaming Trump in their display of being both clueless on the issue and weakness on how to solve it.

The FBI did not let the American public down on this one (all the clues were apparent), but it is Obama and his left, radical, Dept of Justice that have dictated the parameters for the FBI when investigating minorities. Particularly alarming is their policy on profiling. Obama said in a nation of 300 million this couldn't be stopped...if we looked harder in a community of less than 2 million, sure would up the odds.

The FBI did not let the public down. The Republicans and NRA douchebags did.

Oi you, I have copyright on that word.....but at least you used it in its correct context! :P

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Good old Chris Christie has weighed in, saying words to the effect that "We should bomb them where they live".

Which of course implies that the Trump administration would launch drone strikes against Florida.


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Thank you for saving me from explaining what I meant when I wrote Obama has lost all credibility on this issue.

For most of the right-wing nutters, Obama lost all credibility when he was born with black skin. That is why he was declared the worst president even before his inauguration by so many in the right wing media. That is why the Republican leadership decided to work against any legislation proposed by Obama, leading to the Republicans repudiating even their own legislation once Obama approved of that legislation. Just look at the course of discourse over "Obamacare" formerly "Romneycare", the Republican and Insurance industry designed plan to force all citizens into buying private insurance, in order to run interference against any talk of a competing, and more rational, national insurance plan.

I consider you a very intelligent poster, even thought we have different political views. However, you have really let me down with this nonsense. I voted for Obama the first time he ran for president. He misrepresented himself as a centrist, but within a short time started showing his true political colors and making me regret my vote. His skin color has nothing to do with my disgust. I know a lot of conservatives and NONE who hate the man because of the color of his skin. I am sure there are a few racists out there who care about nothing else, but most of his detractors are a lot more concerned about his the lies he has told the American people and the unconstitutional actions he has put in place.

"I know a lot of conservatives and NONE who hate the man because of the color of his skin." Really?

This one is even better..." His skin color has nothing to do with my disgust."

Come on, you never voted for Obama. cheesy.gif

Edited by Pinot
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Good old Chris Christie has weighed in, saying words to the effect that "We should bomb them where they live".

Which of course implies that the Trump administration would launch drone strikes against Florida.


Nice! We Shall Fight on the Beaches... Maybe that's the plan! By the way, does he actually have any plans?

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Why don't you focus on protecting Americans from "Islamic" terrorists and not what The Donald says from day to day.

While you twiddle your thumbs at the alter of political correctness, Americans are getting slaughtered!

This is political paranoia and flat out crackpot raging.....

Donald Trump said today he was right to imply that President Obama is an ISIS sympathizer, ABC News reports.

In an attempt to defend his controversial claims that the president supports the terrorist group, Trump tweeted a story from Breitbart.com that cites a newly discovered “secret” memo the website says proves Obama is an ISIS supporter.

Silence is consent.

If this is the new Republican Party then so be it.

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Here is one of them the ban would have kept out.

Next, police tell CBS11 Waise headed to this hospital and harassed employees telling one woman if she didn’t take his Koran she would die and that the hospital would go down. Police say he next showed up at the courthouse yelling in Arabic and wanting to see judges. Police found a passport on Waise identifying him as an Iraqi.


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In view of what is a serious problem with Islamic religion wanting to perpetuate a 7th and 8th century ideology in the 21st century and spread and live that ideology in the West, it puzzles me that so many here are so willing to trounce on Trump's statements and support Obama and Clinton on this immigration issue. I have seen no where where Trump has advocated a permanent ban on Muslims immigrating to the USA. He has asked for a "temporary" ban on those immigrants coming from countries where there is a problem with this ideology. He has repeatedly asked for a ban based on the fact that everyone in the intelligence and law enforcement community in the Obama Administration have stated there is no way to know who is coming in and vet these people at this time. The plight of refugees is a horrible situation but everyone is more than aware of what is going on in Europe. Trumps has gone so far as to advocate safe zones in the Middle East for these refugees and financial help to do that. We all know that there are honest and decent Muslims living everywhere. In fact I just returned from Azerbaijan where Sunni's and Shiites live side by side without problems. There are places where Muslims live and work in peace with each other. Unfortunately however, there are people who cannot accept the very Western values of the countries they adopt to live in. Sorry but on this issue, I do back putting a temporary halt to taking in 10's of thousands of refugees who do not want to integrate in to Western civilization as we know it. The news, Obama, and Clinton keep spinning this as an anti Muslim issue against Trump and it is pure political rhetoric. Comparisons of the Japanese internment during WWII are just spin. Trump has not suggested such a thing for Muslims in the USA nor has Trump expressed anti Muslim sentiment. He has simply asked for a temporary ban on taking in immigrants of unknown origin and ideology.

Obama's speech yesterday, when much of the population was expecting information on the current situation with regard to the situation in Orlando, was not the time and place for anti-Trump political rhetoric. I'm not a big Obama fan although I did vote for him in 2008 but in my mind that kind of speech should have been left for the campaign trail.

Islamic religion wanting to perpetuate a 7th and 8th century ideology in the 21st century and spread and live that ideology in the West,

While there are regressive aspects of Islam and Old World characteristics to it, the theistic and non-theistic religions also retain these defining features. Reality is the vast number of Muslims in the USA do not live as the Amish live nor do Muslims in the USA want any such lifestyle (said with due respect here of the Amish). This is true of Muslims in Europe, Australia and in other advanced societies where Muslims can be and usually are as materialistic as the next believer.

The great number of extremists against the West originate in the Middle East and in South Central Asia, such as in Pakistan -- next door in India -- and in Afghanistan. There are some in Indonesia and in some minor Muslim societies beyond. The problem in the ME in particular is that it remains the most violent and barbaric region of the world (but only after WW2 in Europe ended 2000+ years of perpetual savagery there, and only after China finally settled down during the past 30 years only).

The great number of Muslims are passive and increasingly material. How they look or practice their religion are no less remnants of ancient religious beliefs than are the vestments, attitudes and smoke pots of the oldest institution of the West, the Catholic Church.

I'm not a big Obama fan although I did vote for him in 2008 but in my mind that kind of speech should have been left for the campaign trail.

World leaders and allies to include partners of the United States are alarmed by Trump's rise in the USA and the fact Trump has seized control of one of the country's major political parties, namely the Republican party. The fact is continually brought forward by many means, from media to statements public and private that we know of and that are made by the many foreign leaders themselves. President Obama as chief of state and CEO, Commander-in-Chief is obligated to make public statements to the nation and the world to make clear the vast public opinion in the USA against this vile and repugnant eccentric egomaniac and moneybags ignoramus Donald Trump.

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The quiver lipping president was pissing all over himself on this, what an embarrassment, as all these attacks have happened on his watch at an ever increasing pace. His policies have failed and both him and the evil, racketeering queen are now blaming Trump in their display of being both clueless on the issue and weakness on how to solve it.

The FBI did not let the American public down on this one (all the clues were apparent), but it is Obama and his left, radical, Dept of Justice that have dictated the parameters for the FBI when investigating minorities. Particularly alarming is their policy on profiling. Obama said in a nation of 300 million this couldn't be stopped...if we looked harder in a community of less than 2 million, sure would up the odds.

Thank you for saving me from explaining what I meant when I wrote Obama has lost all credibility on this issue.

The FBI should be able to water board those damn 2 million Muslims. That would make America safe...after we throw out the 12 million Mexicans and send the darkies back to Africa. Then, we can talk about the jews.

This is why Trump's campaign is a burning dumpster fire. Trump and his minions are so, so, far out there in this bizzaro world of hate and fear. Half the Republican party doesn't want anything to do with them.

Credibility on what issue? The parameters the FBI have on investigating minorities? You mean the bill of rights? Equal protection under the law? Freedom of Religion?

The Trumpeteers can't wait for the fascist dictator to goose step in and show this filth the door but as of today...American citizens still have rights. Obama and the department of justice? The hate isn't just irrational, it's misplaced.

I really missed no hearing how Obama lost all his credibility over the Orlando shooting. cheesy.gif

Unfortunately, one of the American rights is to be able to walk into one the thousands of gun stores all over the US and buy an AR-15! Now that is scary...and weird. Fear the paranoid loon who buys the next AR-15. He's a lot scarier to me than some phantom terrorist.

I don't get this irrational fear of Muslims. Now, I do have a legitimate fear of guns. That's because 35,000 Americans are killed by guns a year. Odds a Muslim terrorist (the guy in Orlando was not a Muslim terrorist) will kill you are 20,000,000 to 1. Do the math and let me know what I should be afraid of? Fear rules the wingnuts.

Trump and his minions are a match made in Wingnuttia. The craziness grows by the day...

Not surprised but you misrepresented the facts. Out of the 35,000 killed by guns, you didn't mention that 25,000 were pulling the trigger themselves, committing suicide. Oh, but if the guns weren't available, they wouldn't have? Bullshit, anyone motivated to put a bullet through their head, would most likely find a way. Ask the families of the 47,000 that are dying of drug overdoses every year.

Fear rules the wingnuts? You got that right, the loony left wingnuts.

Loony left wingnuts are going to elect HRC in a landslide. There were 20,000 suicides by handguns. What are you saying? That's cool? Forget about the 16,000 homicides?

The risk of suicide increases exponentially in homes where guns are kept. Fear that ISIS is coming to get you so you need to be armed? Having a gun in your home is real danger. Muslims terrorist fear is loony tunes bullshit.

Guns are rarely used in self protection. They're incredibly dangerous but you feel that's okay because the person would have found a way to shoot themselves anyway? What the...

That's crazy, nutty, wingnut stuff.

I think we can all agree here. It's not the left that's ginning up the fear. Trump and the Republicans own the fear factor. coffee1.gif

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I don't have a problem with a healthy debate and who should or should not be admitted to any country, but when dealing with people and the human condition it doesn't work out so well. I know several US citizens who are married to Thai nationals and the wives are Muslim. Should they be prevented from visiting or moving to the US?

I worked in the ME and after Saddam re-invaded the northern No Fly Zone, he made it clear that all those who worked for foreign gov'ts were considered traitors and would be executed. Those working for US based organizations and the military were taken to Guam and screened for resettlement. (Some of them did not get past the security screening and were left in camps in Guam). Should they have been left to the whims of Saddam? Oh, and before answering, his threat to execute them was actually a part of Iraqi Iaw.

Should the local staff who work in Embassies, such as in Syria and Yemen be left there when things go pear-shaped?

These are some of the things that need to be considered when implementing any sort of ban.

You bring up a good point. I am all for checking who someone is before admitting them as immigrants but we should fast track the people (regardless of religion) who help us in these countries. I get angry when I read about a local Iraqi or Afghan who put his life (and his family's) on the line helping our soldiers as a translator is not allowed to emigrate to the US or EU. We just leave them behind to suffer a horrible fate.

I feel for the small % of good people living in these screwed up counties BUT, it doesn't change the fact that the POTUS should be first and foremost concerned with American's safety. Maybe, in the year 2525, the leader of the Federation of Planets will be more inclusive. Until then, it's just not up to us to manage every other country's government.

Funny you should mention the Federation of Planets. I've always thought liberals meant well. Their problem though is that they expect/demand the far away Star Trek-like future to be NOW. And the fastest way to get to that future is to force feed everything on society when change is gradual. An American liberal on Guadalcanal in 1942 would have wanted to hug the Japanese because sometime in the future we would all be friends. It reminds me of this video I saw of an ex-CIA operative saying that the people we are fighting in the Middle East want the same things we do and if we would just listen to each other all would be dandy. I think she is insane.

As for the President's responsibility to his country first, that is 100% true. I always find it strange when people criticize the USA for doing things in their own interests. Duh, I hope every country and their leaders do things in their own interests. That's what they are supposed to do. We don't vote in our leaders to make the people in other countries happy. When interests match up with other countries', that's great. But it shouldn't be the goal.

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As for the President's responsibility to his country first, that is 100% true. I always find it strange when people criticize the USA for doing things in their own interests. Duh, I hope every country and their leaders do things in their own interests. That's what they are supposed to do. We don't vote in our leaders to make the people in other countries happy. When interests match up with other countries', that's great. But it shouldn't be the goal.


We have a winner.

The sooner we all get back to that concept, the better the world will be.

Edited by SgtRock
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Trump is correct on this one , why should we risk the general public just to appease the pc crowd. Its ok for Obama and Clinton as we are paying for their security,

Nobody is able to answer me, as you support this you ll probably have a solution :

How will you know people are muslim? Offer a mandatory ham and cheese sandwich at the borders?

This is stupid unrealistic moronic idea.

tens of thousands simply show up at the border and are facilitated entry and disappear inside america doesn't seem to be the best "security solution" hopefully potential immigrants would apply at the usa embassies in their respective countries and be screened more properly.

obama talks with PC about muslims in america but his drones in islamic countries sure would appear to target and kill muslims specifically.

My religion, If I had one, is not written on my passport.

So yet I still wait how you can ban muslims from a country?

This is simply impossible

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Why don't you focus on protecting Americans from "Islamic" terrorists and not what The Donald says from day to day.

While you twiddle your thumbs at the alter of political correctness, Americans are getting slaughtered!

Americans are indeed getting slaughtered. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm.htm

33304 killings by fire arms in the US in 2014 and of course, the Orlando gunman was an American.

How many Americans have been killed by "Islamic" terrorists?

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The quiver lipping president was pissing all over himself on this, what an embarrassment, as all these attacks have happened on his watch at an ever increasing pace. His policies have failed and both him and the evil, racketeering queen are now blaming Trump in their display of being both clueless on the issue and weakness on how to solve it.

The FBI did not let the American public down on this one (all the clues were apparent), but it is Obama and his left, radical, Dept of Justice that have dictated the parameters for the FBI when investigating minorities. Particularly alarming is their policy on profiling. Obama said in a nation of 300 million this couldn't be stopped...if we looked harder in a community of less than 2 million, sure would up the odds.

Thank you for saving me from explaining what I meant when I wrote Obama has lost all credibility on this issue.

The FBI should be able to water board those damn 2 million Muslims. That would make America safe...after we throw out the 12 million Mexicans and send the darkies back to Africa. Then, we can talk about the jews.

This is why Trump's campaign is a burning dumpster fire. Trump and his minions are so, so, far out there in this bizzaro world of hate and fear. Half the Republican party doesn't want anything to do with them.

Credibility on what issue? The parameters the FBI have on investigating minorities? You mean the bill of rights? Equal protection under the law? Freedom of Religion?

The Trumpeteers can't wait for the fascist dictator to goose step in and show this filth the door but as of today...American citizens still have rights. Obama and the department of justice? The hate isn't just irrational, it's misplaced.

I really missed no hearing how Obama lost all his credibility over the Orlando shooting. cheesy.gif

Unfortunately, one of the American rights is to be able to walk into one the thousands of gun stores all over the US and buy an AR-15! Now that is scary...and weird. Fear the paranoid loon who buys the next AR-15. He's a lot scarier to me than some phantom terrorist.

I don't get this irrational fear of Muslims. Now, I do have a legitimate fear of guns. That's because 35,000 Americans are killed by guns a year. Odds a Muslim terrorist (the guy in Orlando was not a Muslim terrorist) will kill you are 20,000,000 to 1. Do the math and let me know what I should be afraid of? Fear rules the wingnuts.

Trump and his minions are a match made in Wingnuttia. The craziness grows by the day...

1) We know the terrorists attacking the USA from the inside are Muslim. Period. Your rant connecting the terrorists to Mexicans, Jews and "darkies" is just liberal crap that implies trying to protect people and save lives is racist, bigoted and fascist. In case you missed it, most the people killed in Orlando were gay and Hispanic.

2) Trump's campaign is a "dumpster fire" and half the Republican party does not want him. This is something non-Americans should pay attention to. Republicans know their candidate is flawed and many who support him do so reluctantly. That shows Republicans have a conscience. Democrats on the other hand are super enthusiastic about their candidate, the one currently under two separate FBI investigations for espionage and selling influence. Democrats clearly have no conscience. Apologies for the few Bernie supporters remaining who see Hillary for what she is.

3) Trump as a fascist dictator. Trump supporters are not the one's goose-stepping into Hillary or Bernie rallies trying to shut them down. Trump supporters are not the ones waiting outside Hillary and Bernie rallies for their supporters to leave so that they can attack them. Trump is the one fighting against the fascist thought police (too bad he sounds like a clown when he does it) Wake the F up and open your eyes. The fascists today are coming from the same direction they came from 90 years ago - from the Left.

4) Obama didn't lose his credibility over the Orlando shooting...he lost it years ago. Freedom of Religion does not allow you to stone women for being raped or throwing people off the rooftop for being gay. Sorry, you'll have to move to a Muslim country to enjoy those rights you so much want to protect. Islam is not only a religion, it is a fascist, political ideology. Obama calling it a "religion of peace" is more proof he has no credibility.

5) Anyone can buy a gun! According to statistics and news reports, if we banned Democrats and their sympathizers from possessing a gun the USA would have a gun homicide rate on par with European countries. After one of these shooters have you ever wondered why the media never mentions that the shooter was a member of the NRA? Or how they are right wing Republicans? Because they aren't. Make America Safe Again - Disarm Democrats.

6) Irrational fear of the AR-15.

Over 30k people killed each year by guns in the USA, that is true.

Over 20k of those are suicides.

Around 10k are homicides (about 60% of all homicides).

Of those, about 500 are committed with long guns (which includes the AR-15)

Fear the math: http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states

More than half of those 10k gun homicides are committed by 10% of the population against each other. If you are not part of that demographic and are not living in a Democrat-controlled city you have little to worry about.

I am not a Trump supporter, but that doesn't mean I am going to fall in line behind the leftist lies and distortions.

Edited by mopar71
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33304 killings by fire arms in the US in 2014 and of course, the Orlando gunman was an American.

Just your typical American...an American raised by immigrants from Afghanistan who have openly supported the Taliban. And who called Afghanistan "his country", not the USA.

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I consider you a very intelligent poster, even thought we have different political views. However, you have really let me down with this nonsense. I voted for Obama the first time he ran for president. He misrepresented himself as a centrist, but within a short time started showing his true political colors and making me regret my vote.

First, although being more conservative than myself, I do not consider you to be a right wing nutter. Not all those to the political right of me are nuts. And I too am very disappointed with Obama as I thought he originally represented himself as being mildly progressive but has shown himself as just another mild neocon and true neoliberal.

The right wing says Obama is too liberal. The left wing says Obama is too moderate. I wish everyone would make up their minds!

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Why don't you focus on protecting Americans from "Islamic" terrorists and not what The Donald says from day to day.

While you twiddle your thumbs at the alter of political correctness, Americans are getting slaughtered!

Americans are indeed getting slaughtered. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm.htm

33304 killings by fire arms in the US in 2014 and of course, the Orlando gunman was an American.

How many Americans have been killed by "Islamic" terrorists?

Being American and being an Islamic terrorist are not mutually exclusive.

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trump as usual, using every opportunity to scare people with muslim to gain more votes.

pity, a greedy US individual is doing all he can to discriminate others just to win an election and he creates division not only in US but all over the world and he is doing this in purpose. if division is getting more, Trump get more votes.

i wonder if he brings back slavery as well? or who will get banned next? colored people, Hispanics, jewish people?

and if he gets elected, i am sure many countries will ban him to enter.

he might be the first US president that cannot enter some other countries.

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Why don't you focus on protecting Americans from "Islamic" terrorists and not what The Donald says from day to day.

While you twiddle your thumbs at the alter of political correctness, Americans are getting slaughtered!

No, the American people are not being "slaughtered" by Islamic terrorist, they are simply slaughtering themselves.



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Yes, thaihome, very true.

Also true is the political radar about actually acting on gun control only happens when there are MASS shooting events. Those events can be terrorism related or not. Most of them are not.

Gun control deserves to be a huge issue but it's irrational to discuss it ONLY in the context of terrorism.

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