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Hillary Clinton’s ‘birthday gift’ to Donald Trump…


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Hillary Clinton’s ‘birthday gift’ to Donald Trump…


WASHINGTON: -- He turned 70 on Tuesday but the only thing Donald Trump got from Hillary Clinton was a harsh rebuke for his response to the Orlando shooting tragedy – notably the property mogul’s comments on US TV that “There is something going on” with President Obama in his handling of the terror threat.

As well as criticising Obama’s calls for tighter gun control in the interview on Monday with Fox News, Trump said of the President: “He doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands – it’s one or the other and either one is unacceptable.”

Trump was a high-profile leader of the so-called “birther” movement, which believed Obama was born abroad and not eligible to be president, until he produced his Hawaii birth certificate to put the issue to rest. The New York billionaire has long denounced the President for failing to label attacks as “radical Islamic terrorism”.

It is all a clear and shocking insinuation from Republican Trump, according to his likely Democratic rival for the White House, that President Obama is actually on the side of violent Islamist militants.

“What Donald Trump is saying is shameful,” Hillary Clinton, Obama’s former Secretary of State, told supporters in Pittsburgh on Tuesday.

“It is disrespectful to the people who were killed and wounded and their families. And it is yet more evidence that he is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be commander in chief.”

Euronews Washington correspondent Stefan Grobe said: “The Orlando killings are now dominating the presidential campaigns and the contrast between both presumptive nominees could not be starker, in style and in substance.

“Republican Donald Trump sought to project strength and lack of concern for the reaction to his provocative rhetoric. Trump seems to be calculating that there are political benefits of the rising fear of terrorism and that a majority of voters would applaud his ‘make no prisoners’ approach to national security. On the other hand, Democratic Hillary Clinton projected an image of calm and confidence, seeking to inspire trust and inclusiveness. The issue of terrorism will likely not go away. And the voters will have a clear choice.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-15
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Yes, terrorism will be a big election year issue.

But the vile monster is an American Mussolini ... are Americans that afraid they would go there?

A positive thing for Hillary Clinton is that she is credibly positioned to the RIGHT of President Obama on foreign policy type issues.

That will be helpful this time as I think the majority does want to go to the right of Obama now, but the question is how FAR right.

Clinton, some, the vile monster, OFF THE CLIFF.

This swing to terrorism being central basically proves a point that many, including me, have thought all along. Regardless of previous polls, left wing Bernie Sanders would have been CREAMED in the general election.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes, terrorism will be a big election year issue.

But the vile monster is an American Mussolini ... are Americans that afraid they would go there?

A positive thing for Hillary Clinton is that she is credibly positioned to the RIGHT of President Obama on foreign policy type issues.

That will be helpful this time as I think the majority does want to go to the right of Obama now, but the question is how FAR right.

Clinton, some, the vile monster, OFF THE CLIFF.

This swing to terrorism being central basically proves a point that many, including me, have thought all along. Regardless of previous polls, left wing Bernie Sanders would have been CREAMED in the general election.

The majority wants to go RIGHT? I disagree. She is not positioned to the the right of Obama and the majority of people don't want America going right.

The fact remains, the chances of getting killed in a terrorist attack is 20,000,000 to 1 in America. The Trumpeteers want to make this about terrorism but there is no real terrorism threat to America. Sorry wingnuts.

The recent mass shooting by a deranged man by a legally bought AR-15 was just another shooting by a mad man, like the last one, like the next one. It's a gun control incident, not a terrorist incident.

Those politicians who voted not to ban assault weapons are the ones who will be in trouble in the next election cycle. Terrorism is not the issue, as much as Trump wants it to be.

Trump wants to make the next election about fear. That appeals to the Republican wingnut base. For the rest of America it will be about controlling guns, the real menace to society. America is afraid of the guy carrying, not ISIS.

Edited by Pinot
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Then we disagree.

It's an objective fact that Hillary Clinton is positioned to the right of Obama on foreign policy issues.

Nothing to discuss with people that can't see basic facts.

I didn't say, FAR RIGHT, no she isn't, just somewhat to the right of Obama.

To suggest the majority of Americans want to go the left of Obama on foreign policy issues now is utterly ridiculous.

This has been a major weakness of the Sanders bid all along. Besides being leftist, he has almost no foreign policy experience.

The Orlando atrocity does indeed touch on gun control issues but it was DEFINITELY and clearly confirmed as an attack related to radical Islamist motivated terrorism.

Wait until you hear the released 911 calls if you don't believe it.

Edited by Jingthing
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The greatest threat to the USA is economics short term and environment long term. Our Constitution provides for a separation of powers: legislative, judicial, and executive. No one president can fix or break us. Gun control will ultimately be decided in the legislature. Tragedies such as the Orando massacre simply give rise to the voice of the people which, I pray, will finally be louder than the voices of the NRA and gun manufacturers.

Though I generally disagree with most of the rants emitted by FOX news, Bill O'Rilley was spot on today... Terrorism associated with radical Islamist's needs to be confronted head on by law abiding Mulims world-wide.

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Then we disagree.

It's an objective fact that Hillary Clinton is positioned to the right of Obama on foreign policy issues.

Nothing to discuss with people that can't see basic facts.

I didn't say, FAR RIGHT, no she isn't, just somewhat to the right of Obama.

To suggest the majority of Americans want to go the left of Obama on foreign policy issues now is utterly ridiculous.

This has been a major weakness of the Sanders bid all along. Besides being leftist, he has almost no foreign policy experience.

The Orlando atrocity does indeed touch on gun control issues but it was DEFINITELY and clearly confirmed as an attack related to radical Islamist motivated terrorism.

Wait until you hear the released 911 calls if you don't believe it.

What has this 911 call has to do with anything? This person was crazy and aloud to carry a gun, even buy a assault riffle.

He just said in the 911 call that he did this for isis. But it's now pointed out that he was a regular at this nightclub.

So you can scream all you want about moslim terorist, but the reality is that this was just a f***** person.

So, please don't come with the storry that everybody needs to carry a gun in the USA.

You just get more killings every month, if that's posible!

And to give you a little bit more information, the democats don't want to ban guns, they want to ban automatics.

But you just listen and believe Trump, who said;

I can shoot somebody and don't loose voters!

At least he, the donald, can count on you!

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Then we disagree.

It's an objective fact that Hillary Clinton is positioned to the right of Obama on foreign policy issues.

Nothing to discuss with people that can't see basic facts.

I didn't say, FAR RIGHT, no she isn't, just somewhat to the right of Obama.

To suggest the majority of Americans want to go the left of Obama on foreign policy issues now is utterly ridiculous.

This has been a major weakness of the Sanders bid all along. Besides being leftist, he has almost no foreign policy experience.

The Orlando atrocity does indeed touch on gun control issues but it was DEFINITELY and clearly confirmed as an attack related to radical Islamist motivated terrorism.

Wait until you hear the released 911 calls if you don't believe it.

What has this 911 call has to do with anything? This person was crazy and aloud to carry a gun, even buy a assault riffle.

He just said in the 911 call that he did this for isis. But it's now pointed out that he was a regular at this nightclub.

So you can scream all you want about moslim terorist, but the reality is that this was just a f***** person.

So, please don't come with the storry that everybody needs to carry a gun in the USA.

You just get more killings every month, if that's posible!

And to give you a little bit more information, the democats don't want to ban guns, they want to ban automatics.

But you just listen and believe Trump, who said;

I can shoot somebody and don't loose voters!

At least he, the donald, can count on you!

This is too funny.

I'm a democrat, think trump is a fascist, and am in favor of RADICAL gun control on the AUSTRALIAN model.

Yes, I understand American culture will never allow that, but I can still be in FAVOR of it.

But I assure you that you're wrong about the Orlando terrorist event. Even though it brings up gun control issues, it was DEFINITELY, 100 percent, linked to Islamist extremism. The shooter being a drinker and perhaps into gay sex is IRRELEVANT to that fact. Anyone who has followed these terror events knows it is VERY COMMON for the terrorists to be "sinners" -- drinking, whoring, etc. Usually, actually.

Really dude ... SERIOUSLY ... what kind of people do you actually think Islamist terrorist groups like ISIS are trying to recruit and inspire, especially for suicidal MARTYR missions as this was? DUH.

Mentally troubled people --- PERFECT.

On the gun issue and Orlando, most probably the ease that he got guns made it MUCH EASIER for this Islamist terrorist to succeed in his mass murder so dramatically. But that same terrorist, similarly motivated as he was, almost definitely would have tried ANOTHER METHOD without guns. Perhaps with homemade bombs, which may have killed fewer people and maybe not. The sad truth is anyone with the interest and basic intelligence can make their own bombs at home in their kitchen with easy directions on the net.

I don't think the gun control question is so much about stopping an Orlando style terrorist, he was too motivated, but it is extremely relevant to the vast majority of the unfortunately very common mass shootings in the USA that have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, Islamist or otherwise.

Of course obviously looking back at this case, there is something that SHOULD have been and COULD be done now to at least fix the loophole that allowed the Orlando terrorist to easily get powerful guns. He had been investigated by the FBI on credible suspicion of links to Islamist terrorism and sadly they let him go. At the very least, anyone like him who has ever had that suspicion should automatically need to have it much harder to get guns. Of course the gun nuts will cry foul! Yes, it's hopeless with the gun nuts.

Edited by Jingthing
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Then we disagree.

It's an objective fact that Hillary Clinton is positioned to the right of Obama on foreign policy issues.

Nothing to discuss with people that can't see basic facts.

I didn't say, FAR RIGHT, no she isn't, just somewhat to the right of Obama.

To suggest the majority of Americans want to go the left of Obama on foreign policy issues now is utterly ridiculous.

This has been a major weakness of the Sanders bid all along. Besides being leftist, he has almost no foreign policy experience.

The Orlando atrocity does indeed touch on gun control issues but it was DEFINITELY and clearly confirmed as an attack related to radical Islamist motivated terrorism.

Wait until you hear the released 911 calls if you don't believe it.

What has this 911 call has to do with anything? This person was crazy and aloud to carry a gun, even buy a assault riffle.

He just said in the 911 call that he did this for isis. But it's now pointed out that he was a regular at this nightclub.

So you can scream all you want about moslim terorist, but the reality is that this was just a f***** person.

So, please don't come with the storry that everybody needs to carry a gun in the USA.

You just get more killings every month, if that's posible!

And to give you a little bit more information, the democats don't want to ban guns, they want to ban automatics.

But you just listen and believe Trump, who said;

I can shoot somebody and don't loose voters!

At least he, the donald, can count on you!

This is too funny.

I'm a democrat, think trump is a fascist, and am in favor of RADICAL gun control on the AUSTRALIAN model.

Yes, I understand American culture will never allow that, but I can still be in FAVOR of it.

But I assure you that you're wrong about the Orlando terrorist event. Even though it brings up gun control issues, it was DEFINITELY, 100 percent, linked to Islamist extremism. The shooter being a drinker and perhaps into gay sex is IRRELEVANT to that fact. Anyone who has followed these terror events knows it is VERY COMMON for the terrorists to be "sinners" -- drinking, whoring, etc. Usually, actually.

Really dude ... SERIOUSLY ... what kind of people do you actually think Islamist terrorist groups like ISIS are trying to recruit and inspire, especially for suicidal MARTYR missions as this was? DUH.

Mentally troubled people --- PERFECT.

On the gun issue and Orlando, most probably the ease that he got guns made it MUCH EASIER for this Islamist terrorist to succeed in his mass murder so dramatically. But that same terrorist, similarly motivated as he was, almost definitely would have tried ANOTHER METHOD without guns. Perhaps with homemade bombs, which may have killed fewer people and maybe not. The sad truth is anyone with the interest and basic intelligence can make their own bombs at home in their kitchen with easy directions on the net.

I don't think the gun control question is so much about stopping an Orlando style terrorist, he was too motivated, but it is extremely relevant to the vast majority of the unfortunately very common mass shootings in the USA that have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, Islamist or otherwise.

Of course obviously looking back at this case, there is something that SHOULD have been and COULD be done now to at least fix the loophole that allowed the Orlando terrorist to easily get powerful guns. He had been investigated by the FBI on credible suspicion of links to Islamist terrorism and sadly they let him go. At the very least, anyone like him who has ever had that suspicion should automatically need to have it much harder to get guns. Of course the gun nuts will cry foul! Yes, it's hopeless with the gun nuts.

Lol! YOU assure him that he is wrong! unbelievable

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Trump suggests that if everyone in the gay club were wearing guns on their belts or strapped to their ankles then although the outcome wouldn't be good it would be much better than what happened. I assume he wants them to wear Stetsons and chaps and all sing YMCA as well!

So Donald thinks that the USA needs more guns. It just gets better every time he opens his mouth!

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I was a bit worried she was going to take her clothes off and give him a lap dance.


Say what you want about Trump but he has better taste in women than Bill

Trump is a silly old fool ! With a wig

Non.Sequitur. Besides, I'm sure the media will be covering the hairpiece scandal soon and we will have a whole new thread

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"Trump was a high-profile leader of the so-called “birther” movement, which believed Obama was born abroad and not eligible to be president, until he produced his Hawaii birth certificate to put the issue to rest."

Personally, I think the birther deal is ridiculous because first, it doesn't matter where he was born since his mother was a US citizen and second, there were birth notices in Hawaiian newspapers at the time I doubt somebody went back in time to Photoshop those. That said, I want to point out a couple things:

1) Trump just continued what the Hillary 2008 campaign started. The Birther issue originated with them once they say Obama as a threat.

2) The birth certificate released was proven to have been altered in Photoshop.

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"Trump was a high-profile leader of the so-called “birther” movement, which believed Obama was born abroad and not eligible to be president, until he produced his Hawaii birth certificate to put the issue to rest."

Personally, I think the birther deal is ridiculous because first, it doesn't matter where he was born since his mother was a US citizen and second, there were birth notices in Hawaiian newspapers at the time I doubt somebody went back in time to Photoshop those. That said, I want to point out a couple things:

1) Trump just continued what the Hillary 2008 campaign started. The Birther issue originated with them once they say Obama as a threat.

2) The birth certificate released was proven to have been altered in Photoshop.

Lol, those so-called proofs were debunked years ago!!

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I do not like either, Clinton or Trump, but after getting the nomination by votes, I was expecting to Trump becomes "presidential" and end his very well planned demagogy.... I was wrong. He really is showing that is not fit for the presidency in any way.

The Republican party now is talking about a "coup" to replace him with another candidate..... but...Trump, and his supporters, will not go away without creating big problems.....

Not a good time to be in the US now.... I prefer the Thai way... Sabai...Sabai....

Edited by Muzarella
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Yes, terrorism will be a big election year issue.

But the vile monster is an American Mussolini ... are Americans that afraid they would go there?

A positive thing for Hillary Clinton is that she is credibly positioned to the RIGHT of President Obama on foreign policy type issues.

That will be helpful this time as I think the majority does want to go to the right of Obama now, but the question is how FAR right.

Clinton, some, the vile monster, OFF THE CLIFF.

This swing to terrorism being central basically proves a point that many, including me, have thought all along. Regardless of previous polls, left wing Bernie Sanders would have been CREAMED in the general election.

The majority wants to go RIGHT? I disagree. She is not positioned to the the right of Obama and the majority of people don't want America going right.

The fact remains, the chances of getting killed in a terrorist attack is 20,000,000 to 1 in America. The Trumpeteers want to make this about terrorism but there is no real terrorism threat to America. Sorry wingnuts.

The recent mass shooting by a deranged man by a legally bought AR-15 was just another shooting by a mad man, like the last one, like the next one. It's a gun control incident, not a terrorist incident.

Those politicians who voted not to ban assault weapons are the ones who will be in trouble in the next election cycle. Terrorism is not the issue, as much as Trump wants it to be.

Trump wants to make the next election about fear. That appeals to the Republican wingnut base. For the rest of America it will be about controlling guns, the real menace to society. America is afraid of the guy carrying, not ISIS.

Then we disagree.

It's an objective fact that Hillary Clinton is positioned to the right of Obama on foreign policy issues.

Nothing to discuss with people that can't see basic facts.

I didn't say, FAR RIGHT, no she isn't, just somewhat to the right of Obama.

To suggest the majority of Americans want to go the left of Obama on foreign policy issues now is utterly ridiculous.

This has been a major weakness of the Sanders bid all along. Besides being leftist, he has almost no foreign policy experience.

The Orlando atrocity does indeed touch on gun control issues but it was DEFINITELY and clearly confirmed as an attack related to radical Islamist motivated terrorism.

Wait until you hear the released 911 calls if you don't believe it.

PLEASE! Please don't fall out with each other on the left, it's unseemly. Lol

Pinot's wrong, Jingthing's right. It's nuts to be in denial about Islamic terrorism when the guy made the call before the event naming the action in allegiance to ISIS plus his other links to other jihadists.

However in support of Pinot I would say I do not understand the need for automatic weapons being so easily available. I live in a country where cops don't even carry guns openly (just locked in the trunk of their cars).We cannot purchase hand guns or assault rifles. We have very few gun incidences while America has more than one a day. OK America's bigger and I respect you have your 2nd Amendment freedom to bear arms etc but the controls are not good enough. Why wasn't there an automatic alarm raised when this guy went to purchase the weapons if they had interviewed him before? The FBI / gunshops have the internet don't they?

Edit: I agree that without weapons a terrorist/murderer/insane person can still make homemade bombs, but why make it easier? Gun controls have to be tighter, now I'm agreeing with Obama...whoops...but I disagree with Obama not calling a spade a spade because he is afraid of offending Muslims. Islam is the raison d'etra of jihadists perverted or not. Muslims, if your faith has been hi-jacked deal with it.

Edited by Linzz
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Expect that Hilary will win the election, one way or another. After that all we can do is hope she doesn't start a nuclear war with Russia, China or even both.

Even the German FM and former premier are now warning that it is NATO that is war mongering and playing a dangerous game. The Russians have said there is a line in the sand and not to cross it. Hillary's long history as a war monger suggests she just might.

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Expect that Hilary will win the election, one way or another. After that all we can do is hope she doesn't start a nuclear war with Russia, China or even both.

Even the German FM and former premier are now warning that it is NATO that is war mongering and playing a dangerous game. The Russians have said there is a line in the sand and not to cross it. Hillary's long history as a war monger suggests she just might.

Perhaps the German FM could talk directly to NATO since Germany is a member of NATO and took part in the exercises. As a matter of fact, it was German tanks crossed into Poland as a part of the exercises and that's the first time that has happened since WWII.

But yes, one would hope that Hillary doesn't start a war, but I would rather have the launch codes than the Donald.

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Then we disagree.

It's an objective fact that Hillary Clinton is positioned to the right of Obama on foreign policy issues.

Nothing to discuss with people that can't see basic facts.

I didn't say, FAR RIGHT, no she isn't, just somewhat to the right of Obama.

To suggest the majority of Americans want to go the left of Obama on foreign policy issues now is utterly ridiculous.

This has been a major weakness of the Sanders bid all along. Besides being leftist, he has almost no foreign policy experience.

The Orlando atrocity does indeed touch on gun control issues but it was DEFINITELY and clearly confirmed as an attack related to radical Islamist motivated terrorism.

Wait until you hear the released 911 calls if you don't believe it.

What has this 911 call has to do with anything? This person was crazy and aloud to carry a gun, even buy a assault riffle.

He just said in the 911 call that he did this for isis. But it's now pointed out that he was a regular at this nightclub.

So you can scream all you want about moslim terorist, but the reality is that this was just a f***** person.

So, please don't come with the storry that everybody needs to carry a gun in the USA.

You just get more killings every month, if that's posible!

And to give you a little bit more information, the democats don't want to ban guns, they want to ban automatics.

But you just listen and believe Trump, who said;

I can shoot somebody and don't loose voters!

At least he, the donald, can count on you!

This is too funny.

I'm a democrat, think trump is a fascist, and am in favor of RADICAL gun control on the AUSTRALIAN model.

Yes, I understand American culture will never allow that, but I can still be in FAVOR of it.

But I assure you that you're wrong about the Orlando terrorist event. Even though it brings up gun control issues, it was DEFINITELY, 100 percent, linked to Islamist extremism. The shooter being a drinker and perhaps into gay sex is IRRELEVANT to that fact. Anyone who has followed these terror events knows it is VERY COMMON for the terrorists to be "sinners" -- drinking, whoring, etc. Usually, actually.

Really dude ... SERIOUSLY ... what kind of people do you actually think Islamist terrorist groups like ISIS are trying to recruit and inspire, especially for suicidal MARTYR missions as this was? DUH.

Mentally troubled people --- PERFECT.

On the gun issue and Orlando, most probably the ease that he got guns made it MUCH EASIER for this Islamist terrorist to succeed in his mass murder so dramatically. But that same terrorist, similarly motivated as he was, almost definitely would have tried ANOTHER METHOD without guns. Perhaps with homemade bombs, which may have killed fewer people and maybe not. The sad truth is anyone with the interest and basic intelligence can make their own bombs at home in their kitchen with easy directions on the net.

I don't think the gun control question is so much about stopping an Orlando style terrorist, he was too motivated, but it is extremely relevant to the vast majority of the unfortunately very common mass shootings in the USA that have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, Islamist or otherwise.

Of course obviously looking back at this case, there is something that SHOULD have been and COULD be done now to at least fix the loophole that allowed the Orlando terrorist to easily get powerful guns. He had been investigated by the FBI on credible suspicion of links to Islamist terrorism and sadly they let him go. At the very least, anyone like him who has ever had that suspicion should automatically need to have it much harder to get guns. Of course the gun nuts will cry foul! Yes, it's hopeless with the gun nuts.

"He had been investigated by the FBI on credible suspicion of links to Islamist terrorism and sadly they let him go."

Where do you get this nonsense? Do you have access to the FBI interview files? Were they published somewhere? Besides, we do not know what constraints Obama has placed on the FBI actions when dealing with Islamic citizens. I have information that constraints do exist and it is quite plausible given his inability to identify the Islamic terror threat other than in nebulous terms.

Your support of FBI actions based on "suspicion" leads to the type of tyranny that American was founded to avoid.

This post, and your posts in general advocate heavy-handed actions by a tyrannical state.

Oops, I forgot. You're a self-identified Democrat.

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Read the bloody news, mate.

The FBI multiple investigations based on people ratting him out for talking Islamic terrorist B.S. is a PUBLIC RECORD.

It's also public record that they did not take action on those interviews.


Yes, I'm a proud DEMOCRAT.

The modern democratic party is massively superior to the the modern republican party.

The republican party is party of:


anti-LGBTQ civil rights

tax cuts for the rich, screwing the poor


man made climate change DENIAL

guns guns and MORE guns


capitalism without civilized constraints

white supremacists

extremist Christian fundamentalists


Edited by Jingthing
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