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Germany warns Brexit could lead to EU 'disintegration'


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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

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All i hear in the media is '' Brexit will result in Britain's collapse ''

doom and gloom, the wrath of god will fall upon you, bad things will

happen to the British, the country will end up eating potatoes.

What a pile of manure, complete and utter bias propaganda, who is

paying for this rubbish advertisement to stay in the Euro by CNN and

BBC although i saw Richard Quest interview people on the street who

told him (100% of them) we are voting to leave, so it seems all the

news propaganda telling people to vote to stay isn't working, it

seems news media doesn't have the influence it once did before

the internet, maybe it's time the media started telling the truth,,

an unbiased truth.

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Do you know if Thailand has a mutual pension agreement with the UK? that might affect my future plans.

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Misinformation I am afraid.

At the this point in time if you qualify for a UK State pension it can be paid anywhere in the world. What does change around the world is tax liability and pension increases.

Of course that is not to say that things will stay the same for ever.

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Do you know if Thailand has a mutual pension agreement with the UK? that might affect my future plans.

I should correct what I wrote. Apparently, you can get a UK state pension if you live in Thailand but you won't be eligible for yearly increases. Here's a link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/state-pensions-annual-increases-if-you-live-abroad/countries-where-we-pay-an-annual-increase-in-the-state-pension

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Do you know if Thailand has a mutual pension agreement with the UK? that might affect my future plans.

I should correct what I wrote. Apparently, you can get a UK state pension if you live in Thailand but you won't be eligible for yearly increases. Here's a link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/state-pensions-annual-increases-if-you-live-abroad/countries-where-we-pay-an-annual-increase-in-the-state-pension

Thanks a good link, my Thai g/f is going to be peed of if I go live in the Philippines instead of with her.gigglem.gif

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I think the question the referendum must answer is not whether UK should leave the EU…but whether it was wise to join at all.

Just like globalisation, it was all just a huge scheme by big business and their politician cronies to enrich themselves through lower taxes and labour costs.

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Have the Germans only just realised that there will be one fewer to share the costs ?

What costs ? Just ask the ECB for a negative interest rate loan. ECB is desperate for giving loans...they're buying up corporate loans. Don't worry about EVER paying it back.

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Got out of the EU will last for years in the settlement.
An exit means the loss of free EU market access.
Would lead to an increase in customs and border personnel.
Imports and exports would become more expensive.

More important however is then the question of location for businesses.
For large companies, the competitive situation would worsen.
Also participating in EU public tenders is then more difficult.
Also participating in all EU community projects then ends.
EIPP, EIAH, EFSI, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Social Fund, European Maritime & Fisheries Fund just to name a few.
Also many research, science and innovation projects will be affected.
CORDES, Horizon 2020, Enterprise Europe Network, etc.



How big would this damage can only approximately represent in numbers: The economic development agency London First, for example, comes in a recent study estimates that the costs of exporting British services to Europe per year to about 27 billion pounds (34.58 billion Euro) would rise if the country only by WTO rules is with the continent.

The other way around the cost of exporting European services to the UK would grow by about converted 43.54 billion euros, predicts London First. At the same time British merchandise exports would fall by 90.9 billion euros in the EU, even decline, imports of goods from the EU to 161.3 billion euros per year.

Britain has had for years a trade deficit with Europe, the country imports more goods from Europe than it exports. In March, the deficit reached a record high with converted 10.37 billion euros. "Britain's exports to the EU have a much higher share of UK GDP than the EU exports to the UK GDP of the other EU countries," says Kallum Pickering, UK economist at Berenberg Bank in London.

Outside the European internal market different duties would be charged. For produced in the UK cars may apply for export to the EU import duties in the amount of ten percent, predicts the rating agency S & P. Even more expensive it could be for food producers and tobacco producers. In drinks and cigarettes, the EU imposed according to the rating agency Moody's 21 percent tariffs on dairy products as many as 45 percent.

So a proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union will not be unscathed.
In Global Competition there will be then two losers: EU + UK.

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As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Do you know if Thailand has a mutual pension agreement with the UK? that might affect my future plans.

I should correct what I wrote. Apparently, you can get a UK state pension if you live in Thailand but you won't be eligible for yearly increases. Here's a link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/state-pensions-annual-increases-if-you-live-abroad/countries-where-we-pay-an-annual-increase-in-the-state-pension

Thanks a good link, my Thai g/f is going to be peed of if I go live in the Philippines instead of with her.gigglem.gif

You should have a read of this short thread on UK pensions...



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It is amazing how important the UK has suddenly become. Why didn't the EU think of this before and agree to the British peoples concerns?

And then Denmark could make special demands and france and so on.

Well the EU supposedly belongs to everyone not just Germany

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It is amazing how important the UK has suddenly become. Why didn't the EU think of this before and agree to the British peoples concerns?

And then Denmark could make special demands and france and so on.

Well the EU supposedly belongs to everyone not just Germany

Yes it does!

But you wouldn't think so... You would think it belonged to Junker and his Commission

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Have the Germans only just realised that there will be one fewer to share the costs ?

basically the average German sheeple care a flying fàrt concerning EU cost sharing. and the (alleged) UK financial net distribution is around 8% of the projected budget, id est another flying fàrt because these 8% can be easily compensated by reducing the bloated budget which consists mainly developing lukewarm flying policy farts by grossly overpaid EU employees in Brussels.

financial result of BRexit = zero sum game for the EU as vell as for ze Tchermans coffee1.gif

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Have the Germans only just realised that there will be one fewer to share the costs ?

basically the average German sheeple care a flying fàrt concerning EU cost sharing. and the (alleged) UK financial net distribution is around 8% of the projected budget, id est another flying fàrt because these 8% can be easily compensated by reducing the bloated budget which consists mainly developing lukewarm flying policy farts by grossly overpaid EU employees in Brussels.

financial result of BRexit = zero sum game for the EU as vell as for ze Tchermans coffee1.gif

Guess what Naam.

When you ignore the white noise coming from a small amount of racists, you have highlighted one of the major reasons why a large % of the UK population wants out of the EU.

Nothing to do with Germans, Dutch, Poles or anyone else.

Simply the EU and all that is stands for.

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Have the Germans only just realised that there will be one fewer to share the costs ?

basically the average German sheeple care a flying fàrt concerning EU cost sharing. and the (alleged) UK financial net distribution is around 8% of the projected budget, id est another flying fàrt because these 8% can be easily compensated by reducing the bloated budget which consists mainly developing lukewarm flying policy farts by grossly overpaid EU employees in Brussels.

financial result of BRexit = zero sum game for the EU as vell as for ze Tchermans coffee1.gif

Guess what Naam.

When you ignore the white noise coming from a small amount of racists, you have highlighted one of the major reasons why a large % of the UK population wants out of the EU.

Nothing to do with Germans, Dutch, Poles or anyone else.

Simply the EU and all that is stands for.


if the German sheeple knew what exactly is going on in Brussels they'd also opt for an exit. on the other hand there is no doubt that Germany's industry (and therefore employment) has profited immensely by the EU's existence.

i am talking of profits which are a multiple of the country's contribution. these profits could be much higher if there was a way to keep the الشرج (plural) in Brussels checked dry.png

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Have the Germans only just realised that there will be one fewer to share the costs ?

basically the average German sheeple care a flying fàrt concerning EU cost sharing. and the (alleged) UK financial net distribution is around 8% of the projected budget, id est another flying fàrt because these 8% can be easily compensated by reducing the bloated budget which consists mainly developing lukewarm flying policy farts by grossly overpaid EU employees in Brussels.

financial result of BRexit = zero sum game for the EU as vell as for ze Tchermans coffee1.gif

Guess what Naam.

When you ignore the white noise coming from a small amount of racists, you have highlighted one of the major reasons why a large % of the UK population wants out of the EU.

Nothing to do with Germans, Dutch, Poles or anyone else.

Simply the EU and all that is stands for.


if the German sheeple knew what exactly is going on in Brussels they'd also opt for an exit. on the other hand there is no doubt that Germany's industry (and therefore employment) has profited immensely by the EU's existence.

i am talking of profits which are a multiple of the country's contribution. these profits could be much higher if there was a way to keep the الشرج (plural) in Brussels checked dry.png


At long last something that we agree on thumbsup.gif

And that is the message that is being suppressed for ALL citizens within the EU. The issue is not other EU citizens, it is the EU institutions.

مناسب جدا clap2.gif clap2.gif

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

You have never been eligible in Thailand for the yearly increases, for English pensions ,

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Do you know if Thailand has a mutual pension agreement with the UK? that might affect my future plans.

I should correct what I wrote. Apparently, you can get a UK state pension if you live in Thailand but you won't be eligible for yearly increases. Here's a link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/state-pensions-annual-increases-if-you-live-abroad/countries-where-we-pay-an-annual-increase-in-the-state-pension

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What makes Brexit enthusiasts think we will be allowed to pull out of the EU even if this is the will of the majority of UK citizens?

According to George Galloway (love him or hate him, he is usually on the ball) the fight to regain our lost sovereignty will begin in earnest AFTER a majority vote to leave.

Powerful forces inside and outside the EU which have been backing the Remain campaign, including the Germans, are determined to ensure that Britain stays wedded to the ailing United States of Europe.

Support for Galloway’s view comes from Paul Craig Roberts, a former adviser to Ronald Reagan and the US Treasury. In an interview available on YouTube, he asserts that the EU was originally “a CIA operation” – which would help explain Obama’s unprecedented intervention on behalf of the Remain lobby.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9otn_5LVQq8.

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What makes Brexit enthusiasts think we will be allowed to pull out of the EU even if this is the will of the majority of UK citizens?

According to George Galloway (love him or hate him, he is usually on the ball) the fight to regain our lost sovereignty will begin in earnest AFTER a majority vote to leave.

Powerful forces inside and outside the EU which have been backing the Remain campaign, including the Germans, are determined to ensure that Britain stays wedded to the ailing United States of Europe.

Support for Galloway’s view comes from Paul Craig Roberts, a former advisor to Ronald Reagan and the US Treasury. In an interview available on YouTube, he asserts that the EU is “a CIA operation” – which would help explain Obama’s unprecedented intervention on behalf of the Remain lobby.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9otn_5LVQq8.

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Not true at all.

I applied for, and got, my state pension while living in Thailand.

Granted that I don't get the pension increases as people living in the EU do but I still get the state pension.

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Quote "A question nobody has yet asked. What happens to all the retired British Ex-Pats who live throughout Europe and their Old Age Pension Schemes and Free Health Care in the event of Brexit? At the moment OAP's enjoy Pension Increments and Free Health Care in Europe. Does Brexit mean that the OAP increments stop and no Free Health Care? Doesnt' look good to me. " Unquote

Nothing will happen. No country is going to kick out people paying into the local economy. And there were a lot of ex-pats long before the EU. At worst they will have to apply for a visa. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the NHS and each individual country have agreements, not the NHS and the EU.

As I understand it, for Britons to receive a State Pension they have to be resident in the UK, the European Union, Switzerland or a country that has a mutual pension agreement with the UK. So unless an agreement with the UK is renegotiated with either the European Union or EU countries on an individual basis, it could mean the end of the State Pension as long as they are living in the European Union..

Do you know if Thailand has a mutual pension agreement with the UK? that might affect my future plans.

You will get your state pension here in Thailand but if you give a Thai address it will be frozen at the rate given from the day you get it.

Edited by billd766
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It is amazing how important the UK has suddenly become. Why didn't the EU think of this before and agree to the British peoples concerns?

And then Denmark could make special demands and france and so on.

Well the EU supposedly belongs to everyone not just Germany

Yes it does!

But you wouldn't think so... You would think it belonged to Junker and his Commission

I couldn't agree more with you. They use it as their personal system

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Funny: The Presidency of the Council of the European Union is running on a rotating basis.

2017 would actually UKs turn again.

.....and your point it? We are not talking about next year, we are talking about and living now.

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What makes Brexit enthusiasts think we will be allowed to pull out of the EU even if this is the will of the majority of UK citizens?

According to George Galloway (love him or hate him, he is usually on the ball) the fight to regain our lost sovereignty will begin in earnest AFTER a majority vote to leave.

Powerful forces inside and outside the EU which have been backing the Remain campaign, including the Germans, are determined to ensure that Britain stays wedded to the ailing United States of Europe.

Support for Galloway’s view comes from Paul Craig Roberts, a former adviser to Ronald Reagan and the US Treasury. In an interview available on YouTube, he asserts that the EU was originally “a CIA operation” – which would help explain Obama’s unprecedented intervention on behalf of the Remain lobby.

he asserts that the EU was originally “a CIA operation”


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