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Tension run high today as DSI attempts to search Dhammakaya temple looking for the abbot


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Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

This abbot is destroying Buddhism himself with all his money Stop blaming others for the Abbott way of life

Blaming others?! I was simply relaying some of the comments I've read on social media and things people have told me in person.

The abbot's followers want to protect him - that is only natural when someone of his authority has been accused of money laundering. I am also aware of monks engaging in lavish lifestyles, like the one who has his own private jet and fled to the USA. That is unacceptable, sure. However, I can't help but think that there is only selective enforcement of laws in Thailand. While I don't want to derail this discussion, but rich, connected drivers getting away with vehicular manslaughter comes to mind.

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A few water cannons,and a liberal dose of tear gas

would shift them,I am sure,its just the Govt. does

not have the guts to do it,plus the Abbott thinks he

is above the law.

regards Worgeordie

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Several thousand people should immediately be charged with Obstruction of Justice.

And if that doesnt work than the easiest way to deal with it would be to just shoot the whole lot of them.

Edited by Rayk
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My wife informs me that a statement has been made to the effect of "I will surrender only when there is democracy in Thailand."

Like i said, this is my wife's interpretation of Thai news reports. She's absolutely fuming over this. its not often she swears, in Thai or English, but she attaches some

choice names to this guy.

So what he is essentially saying is that he is never going to surrender. Edited by Rayk
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I am starting to believe there are political players involved in this that want confrontation, I can reason no other logic behind this sham, they tried it with students which failed.

This is not an attempt to destroy Buddhism that has already been partly achieved with the very obvious criminality involved with these so called Buddhist temples and their leaders, it is they that have brought shame on Thailand

Money rules all here, what about the people that lost their savings

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Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

This abbot is destroying Buddhism himself with all his money Stop blaming others for the Abbott way of life

Blaming others?! I was simply relaying some of the comments I've read on social media and things people have told me in person.

The abbot's followers want to protect him - that is only natural when someone of his authority has been accused of money laundering. I am also aware of monks engaging in lavish lifestyles, like the one who has his own private jet and fled to the USA. That is unacceptable, sure. However, I can't help but think that there is only selective enforcement of laws in Thailand. While I don't want to derail this discussion, but rich, connected drivers getting away with vehicular manslaughter comes to mind.

This is the tip of a very large iceberg, people on here keep saying why not start at the top - well this is the top

If not handled correctly this could turn into another 2010 very very easily, I wonder who is really behind it ?

This is mob rule, nothing more nothing less, the same happened in Bangkok

Edited by smedly
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Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

Seems to me that it's the Abbot dragging the name of Buddhism through the dirt.

If he's innocent, what has he to hide? Except, of course, he's not innocent.....there is a paper-trail to prove it.

They should throw away the key to this total fraud and national embarrassment.

Edited by KarenBravo
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I wonder who it is they are really protecting, who or what organisation could be heavily involved with this money laundering service that are afraid of being exposed, I would be willing to wager this monk will never be taken alive

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I'm betting he's long gone already...

This is just a farce, a bit of public theatre to try and create the impression that the Thai police are good for something. Lots of standing around and looking going on, not much else.


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Several thousand people should immediately be charged with Obstruction of Justice.

And if that doesnt work than the easiest way to deal with it would be to just shoot the whole lot of them.

Welcome to Waco, Thailand.

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As I hear about the last, 'genuine'(NOT!), claim from those lemmings-in-white, the obstruction of Justice perpetrated by these brainwashed pseudo-Buddhists to protect their sect leader has now become a political side. Of course this has nothing to do with an established 'link' between Dhammajayo and Thaksin ('s UDD), it couldn't be, is it, as both have so little in common, is it: both megalomaniacs blinded by power and money, both liars, cheats and thiefs.

IMO, today, now, the NCPO must take decisive actions to bring this crisis to a swift end, show muscle before the situation further escalates to become yet another insurrection, send in the troops, massively, with heavy material, secure all of the (large) perimeter, block anyone from entering the premises, break down all blockades, remove every resistance (apprehend/arrest/deport) even from pseudo-monks, bring heli-jumpers inside the temple to secure landing strips for choppers, next elite troops 'en masse' and take control of the temple complex from within, following call in more mobile units to react on any gathering outside the temple grounds. Otherwise...

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A few water cannons,and a liberal dose of tear gas

would shift them,I am sure,its just the Govt. does

not have the guts to do it,plus the Abbott thinks he

is above the law.

regards Worgeordie

.... and don't waste fresh water. Use sea water.

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A few water cannons,and a liberal dose of tear gas

would shift them,I am sure,its just the Govt. does

not have the guts to do it,plus the Abbott thinks he

is above the law.

regards Worgeordie

.... and don't waste fresh water. Use sea water.

The Persil won't work in salt water.

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Embarrassed for the rtp. So just another day in Thailand.

Looks like a huge campus. Can't they just enter from the side or back? Why do they need to use the front door!!!!!!!!???????????

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and when these brainwashed (and probably well funded) idiots end up getting hurt because of their blind faith in a criminal they decided to protect from the law, they will try and sue and press charges the same way the red shirt terrorists did.

No sympathy, I hope they all get some good jail time instead of amnesty.

It is way past time that Thais learn that there ARE consequences to your actions.

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This article is just priceless...

Wonder if Mr General is going to be happy about some of the below statements:

DSI still unable to search Dhammakaya temple as disciples now claim abnormal situation to delay arrest


BANGKOK: -- Defiant disciples of the controversial abbot of Wat Dhammakaya continued to intercept attempt by the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to search and arrest Phra Dhammachayo, claiming the country's undemocratic rule that could be detrimental to justice system.

They cited the current undemocratic ruling as a new reason to delay the DSI’s attempt to make arrest of their abbot. cheesy.gif

A statement was issued late today by the disciples saying that as the abbot is still very sick, his surrender to the justice system is possible when the country returns to true peace and to full democracy. cheesy.gif

It said as long as the country remains in abnormal situation, the right to freedom and justice might be threatened, and Buddhism could also be destroyed by a certain group of people and eccentric monks. cheesy.gif

They also claimed that the delay in the appointment of the new supreme patriarch and the rush by the DSI to make arrest of the abbot were breaching agreements they have with the National Office of Buddhism. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif PLEASE STOP< GONNA WET MY PANTS cheesy.gif

They said as the statute of limitation of the charges runs up to 15 years, therefore it won’t be too late to pursue court action against him after the country returns to normal situation. clap2.gif THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT< Please come back in 15 years cheesy.gif

-- Thai PBS 2016-06-16

Edited by CantSpell
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This is pure comedy. I have been here nearly 20 years and this beats all the silly news stories hands down. What an absolute circus.

Imagine the Chinese invading the country ... what would anyone do to stop them? Sit down with clappers or take selfies with them???

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Only six DSI officials were permitted into the temple for negotiation while the remaining team was kept outside the temple.

They have an arrest warrant. They have a search warrant. When they arrive they are told only six can go in. You can't make this shit up.

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This is pure comedy. I have been here nearly 20 years and this beats all the silly news stories hands down. What an absolute circus.

Imagine the Chinese invading the country ... what would anyone do to stop them? Sit down with clappers or take selfies with them???

Blow whistles?

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