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Sometimes I just can't understand Thai mentality.


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Roomuck , what if your sudden braking was due to the avoidance of a kid running out of the road ?

Legally, the girl who rear ended me.

But common sense, it was the parents of the kid for not supervising the kid that CAUSED the accident.

In that case, not my fault, not her fault. The parents fault.

Clever people these Thais.

If they are so clever, why are they the second worst drivers in the world ?:

Not true. A thaivisa often repeated myth.

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I wonder at the mentality of a person that does not regularly check his girlfriend's motorbike's brakes.

It's not just the condition of the brakes that's important, you also have to know how to use them.

In my observations and having had to maintain the bikes of a number of family members, many Thais seem to only use their rear brake rather than front & rear together - rear brake pads/shoes worn out, front hardly used.

Using just the rear brake can easily lock the back wheel resulting in a skid.

Teach your wife/gf to use both F&R brakes together or, if they really can't get the hang of that, use the front brake only rather than rear brake only. Front brake only greatly reduces stopping distance compared to rear brake only. F&R together reduces stopping distance even more.

Kinda impossible because the right hand is for the throttle and rear hand brake if so equipped and the left hand is used as a sun visor,holding the blouse or hoodie over the face (although you can substitute an umbrella), the obvious choice is a cellphone but that can be substituted for a cold drink,snack food or plastic bag. Sometimes the left hand is merely used to hold the skirt down and that one really bothers me the most.
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Apologises for my absence since posting the topic.

I certainly didn't expect so many replies and I just don't have the time to respond to each poster, but.........

To the Berk from the Shires who suggested my g/f is a moron.

It's not often your right......but this time your dead wrong!

She is Bangkok University educated, speaks English better than your Thai and has her own business.

She is very considerate and caring by nature and never asks me for anything. Money isn't the issue here.

She admits that under the law she is at fault.

However she wants the driver of the car to take some responsibility for her actions.

Apparently, the vehicle that reversed from the parking bay was some metres ahead of the flow of traffic and didn't cause an immediate danger, or for the lady car driver to slam on her brakes, as in an emergency stop situation.

The traffic was only moving between 25-30kph, my g/f saw the truck reversing out ahead and took her hand of the throttle to slow down. She was expecting the car in front to slow, not to do an emergency stop some 10 metres away from the reversing truck.

Whilst I can sympathise with her, she is still at fault.

Generally she is a good careful driver and usually expects the unexpected when driving.

She isn't refusing to pay, just wants the woman to acknowledge she was also at fault.

The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

With regard to her rear brake being defective, I've told her to get it repaired asap.

She doesn't see any urgency because she has another brake that works fine.

That's the kind of mentality I can't understand, and a difference in how we think about safety, and the value we place on preventative maintenance, rather than replace a motorcycle when it's wrecked, or even worse, your dead!

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The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

You've spent a lot of time explaining the situation and your GF's response to this whole matter. Yet, you still didn't get my point. You're talking about ONE person. How can the behavior of this one person represent an entire country of 60 million+? I know Thais who do not think the same as your GF. I recognize the Thai basher mentality and you clearly have it. Or perhaps you should read your thread title again.

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Land Transport official told me the unwritten rule is the larger vehicle is always in the wrong. Even if motorcycle is on wrong side of the road. Car owners only get out of it if the bike rider is drunk.

That is simply not true. I had two accidents in the last 4 years, both with motorcycles rear ending my car. In each case police was called and accepted my reasons for braking and held the motorcyclists responsible.

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The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

You've spent a lot of time explaining the situation and your GF's response to this whole matter. Yet, you still didn't get my point. You're talking about ONE person. How can the behavior of this one person represent an entire country of 60 million+? I know Thais who do not think the same as your GF. I recognize the Thai basher mentality and you clearly have it. Or perhaps you should read your thread title again.

I agree with you Berkshire, I think he is missing the point. Again had the thread been entitled something like "I do not understand my GF's thought process or mentality" this would have taken a different path. But again tossing in "Thai Mentality" just says he believes that all Thais behave and act the same and of course the subject line draws in the TV mob and starts the train wreck.

In the end his GF was silly, could be her age, her maturity, her stubborness, maybe she didn't have 400 baht on her...who knows. She should have paid the 400 baht(if she had it) and moved on. But this particular gal thought she was right and decided to go the long way.

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This is a classic case of what the law and what they learn in obtaining a license is negated by years of lack of enforcement by even the police! I wouldn't be surprise you G/F doesn't even have license. If the police was really doing their job would have told her to shut up and pay up or go to jail. The brake is most likely not defective, through normal use the rear brake has the most wear and tear just needs a adjustment in the rear a simple fix 10 seconds any shop can do it for free especially for a girl. Last, you going against her in public cause her to lose face just made her go on and on. As for the insurance majority do not have any a 3rd party, cheap in our book 3,000 baht? Yea she is dead wrong but Thais don't like confrontation even the police so instead of telling her the truth they pacify them. This driving situation falls under " This is Thailand "

Edited by thailand49
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The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

You've spent a lot of time explaining the situation and your GF's response to this whole matter. Yet, you still didn't get my point. You're talking about ONE person. How can the behavior of this one person represent an entire country of 60 million+? I know Thais who do not think the same as your GF. I recognize the Thai basher mentality and you clearly have it. Or perhaps you should read your thread title again.

I agree with you Berkshire, I think he is missing the point. Again had the thread been entitled something like "I do not understand my GF's thought process or mentality" this would have taken a different path. But again tossing in "Thai Mentality" just says he believes that all Thais behave and act the same and of course the subject line draws in the TV mob and starts the train wreck.

In the end his GF was silly, could be her age, her maturity, her stubborness, maybe she didn't have 400 baht on her...who knows. She should have paid the 400 baht(if she had it) and moved on. But this particular gal thought she was right and decided to go the long way.

I think it is you two who have missed the point. Ok maybe the thread title could have been better but in his last post he describes quite well his girlfriends thought process and the reason for his post.

He would have paid up and moved on whereas his girlfriend has some principles and wants the other driver to accept their driving contributed to the accident. I imagine for her it's nothing to do with 400 baht.

How Berkshire has not offered an apology for calling her a moron tells it's own story

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The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

You've spent a lot of time explaining the situation and your GF's response to this whole matter. Yet, you still didn't get my point. You're talking about ONE person. How can the behavior of this one person represent an entire country of 60 million+? I know Thais who do not think the same as your GF. I recognize the Thai basher mentality and you clearly have it. Or perhaps you should read your thread title again.

I agree with you Berkshire, I think he is missing the point. Again had the thread been entitled something like "I do not understand my GF's thought process or mentality" this would have taken a different path. But again tossing in "Thai Mentality" just says he believes that all Thais behave and act the same and of course the subject line draws in the TV mob and starts the train wreck.

In the end his GF was silly, could be her age, her maturity, her stubborness, maybe she didn't have 400 baht on her...who knows. She should have paid the 400 baht(if she had it) and moved on. But this particular gal thought she was right and decided to go the long way.

If you both read the topic properly, I neither mentioned it was solely my g/f mentality, nor did I mention 60 million Thais, who unless they had the same experience in the same situation, we'd never know how they'd react or think.

What I said was;

She still isn't fully convinced and other Thai friends insist she is in the right

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This is a classic case of what the law and what they learn in obtaining a license is negated by years of lack of enforcement by even the police! I wouldn't be surprise you G/F doesn't even have license. If the police was really doing their job would have told her to shut up and pay up or go to jail. The brake is most likely not defective, through normal use the rear brake has the most wear and tear just needs a adjustment in the rear a simple fix 10 seconds any shop can do it for free especially for a girl. Last, you going against her in public cause her to lose face just made her go on and on. As for the insurance majority do not have any a 3rd party, cheap in our book 3,000 baht? Yea she is dead wrong but Thais don't like confrontation even the police so instead of telling her the truth they pacify them. This driving situation falls under " This is Thailand "

Another one who either didn't read the topic, or read but doesn't understand what he read.

Insurance company called, but they weren't interested as my g/f only has the Compulsory government insurance cover, which only covers for bodily injury, not damage to property.

The Compulsory Government Insurance comes with the Tax Disc. To Tax the motorcycle you must have a Licence.

That's how it works here.

Coincidentally, I watched a Thai TV show the other week where contestants are given 3 possible answers to a question.

This week one of the questions was, out of an estimated 67 million motorcycles in Thailand, how many motorcycle Tax Discs were issued last year.

1. 1.6 million

2. 16 million

3. 28 million.

The correct answer was 1.6 million.

So at least my g/f has enough sense to be one of the law abiding citizens.

Her rear brake is defective, pad worn down to metal, no 10 second adjustment will fix that.

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Apologises for my absence since posting the topic.

I certainly didn't expect so many replies and I just don't have the time to respond to each poster, but.........

To the Berk from the Shires who suggested my g/f is a moron.

It's not often your right......but this time your dead wrong!

She is Bangkok University educated, speaks English better than your Thai and has her own business.

She is very considerate and caring by nature and never asks me for anything. Money isn't the issue here.

She admits that under the law she is at fault.

However she wants the driver of the car to take some responsibility for her actions.

Apparently, the vehicle that reversed from the parking bay was some metres ahead of the flow of traffic and didn't cause an immediate danger, or for the lady car driver to slam on her brakes, as in an emergency stop situation.

The traffic was only moving between 25-30kph, my g/f saw the truck reversing out ahead and took her hand of the throttle to slow down. She was expecting the car in front to slow, not to do an emergency stop some 10 metres away from the reversing truck.

Whilst I can sympathise with her, she is still at fault.

Generally she is a good careful driver and usually expects the unexpected when driving.

She isn't refusing to pay, just wants the woman to acknowledge she was also at fault.

The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

With regard to her rear brake being defective, I've told her to get it repaired asap.

She doesn't see any urgency because she has another brake that works fine.

That's the kind of mentality I can't understand, and a difference in how we think about safety, and the value we place on preventative maintenance, rather than replace a motorcycle when it's wrecked, or even worse, your dead!

As she understands English perfectly, which is rare, I would sit her down and explain why a bike has a front and rear brake and why they should be in perfect working order..smile.png

Not perfect English Trans, but I have sat her down and explained why it's important she has two fully functional brakes, although from how she describes the woman's over reaction to do an emergency stop when there was no need, I doubt two working brakes would have prevented this accident.

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No, there IS a Thai mentality and is a result of their culture. Let's call it "Thainess". They are all brought up from birth with the "idea" of face and that it should under no circumstances be lost.

This isn't uniquely Thai, but, is Asian. It's just the Thai's reaction to losing face. The Japanese and Koreans admit losing face and then either it's public humiliation via an apology, resignation, or, in times past, suicide.

In Thailand, no one admits to anything.

It may not be PC, but, it's the truth. Something which trumps all in Western culture, but, doesn't have anywhere near the same value in certain Asian cultures.

The concept of face is the root of most problems in this country and is the single most important factor in why this country cannot move ahead faster than a snail's pace.

Good post highlighting the general rule rather than the exceptions which clearly do exist.

Just to be a little pedantic " In Thailand, no one admits to anything " not quite true

When caught bang to rights, by the authorities, admission is frequently used to negotiate a reduction in punishment .Until such a negotiating point is reached however......

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Apologises for my absence since posting the topic.

I certainly didn't expect so many replies and I just don't have the time to respond to each poster, but.........

To the Berk from the Shires who suggested my g/f is a moron.

It's not often your right......but this time your dead wrong!

She is Bangkok University educated, speaks English better than your Thai and has her own business.

She is very considerate and caring by nature and never asks me for anything. Money isn't the issue here.

She admits that under the law she is at fault.

However she wants the driver of the car to take some responsibility for her actions.

Apparently, the vehicle that reversed from the parking bay was some metres ahead of the flow of traffic and didn't cause an immediate danger, or for the lady car driver to slam on her brakes, as in an emergency stop situation.

The traffic was only moving between 25-30kph, my g/f saw the truck reversing out ahead and took her hand of the throttle to slow down. She was expecting the car in front to slow, not to do an emergency stop some 10 metres away from the reversing truck.

Whilst I can sympathise with her, she is still at fault.

Generally she is a good careful driver and usually expects the unexpected when driving.

She isn't refusing to pay, just wants the woman to acknowledge she was also at fault.

The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

With regard to her rear brake being defective, I've told her to get it repaired asap.

She doesn't see any urgency because she has another brake that works fine.

That's the kind of mentality I can't understand, and a difference in how we think about safety, and the value we place on preventative maintenance, rather than replace a motorcycle when it's wrecked, or even worse, your dead!

As she understands English perfectly, which is rare, I would sit her down and explain why a bike has a front and rear brake and why they should be in perfect working order..smile.png

Not perfect English Trans, but I have sat her down and explained why it's important she has two fully functional brakes, although from how she describes the woman's over reaction to do an emergency stop when there was no need, I doubt two working brakes would have prevented this accident.

Not saying you are wrong but I do not think you get it? When Thais say " this is Thailand " do you actually understand what this means? You can sit her down speak perfect Thai and she won't get want you are saying! Next time when you lecture watch her expression if you can tell you will see at a point she has shutdown on to be polite going in one ear out the other. That is because you aren't Thai the more you talk the more she will get upset or shut down. Sure there is two brakes been but the rear is the one that is used first that is why it is needs adjustments. Whenever you use the front brake suddenly first you are going to have a problem. Which sounds like why she had a problem.

Edited by thailand49
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The topic wasn't posted as a Thai bashing thread, only to point out that regardless of the circumstances, or how annoyed I would have been in that situation, the difference is that I would have just paid up and resolved the matter, then get on with my life.

It's just a different train of thought, a cultural difference, where if she gave it some thought she would save herself days or even weeks of worry and hassle arguing a point on which under the law she hasn't got a leg to stand on.

You've spent a lot of time explaining the situation and your GF's response to this whole matter. Yet, you still didn't get my point. You're talking about ONE person. How can the behavior of this one person represent an entire country of 60 million+? I know Thais who do not think the same as your GF. I recognize the Thai basher mentality and you clearly have it. Or perhaps you should read your thread title again.

I agree with you Berkshire, I think he is missing the point. Again had the thread been entitled something like "I do not understand my GF's thought process or mentality" this would have taken a different path. But again tossing in "Thai Mentality" just says he believes that all Thais behave and act the same and of course the subject line draws in the TV mob and starts the train wreck.

In the end his GF was silly, could be her age, her maturity, her stubborness, maybe she didn't have 400 baht on her...who knows. She should have paid the 400 baht(if she had it) and moved on. But this particular gal thought she was right and decided to go the long way.

I think it is you two who have missed the point. Ok maybe the thread title could have been better but in his last post he describes quite well his girlfriends thought process and the reason for his post.

He would have paid up and moved on whereas his girlfriend has some principles and wants the other driver to accept their driving contributed to the accident. I imagine for her it's nothing to do with 400 baht.

How Berkshire has not offered an apology for calling her a moron tells it's own story

Fair enough^

My point was the subject line is poor. I get it, he doesn't get his GF's thought process on the incident. Then just say it as such. Its not Thai mentality and to Berkshires point it comes across like every Thai behaves the same, they don't. not even close. My wife would have paid the 400 baht and moved on without a 2nd thought about it. Sweeping generalizations only start debates as it has in this thread. Sure people could have read between the lines ( I did) but sometimes members post baiting topics then do not understand why people fire off on them. Read the subject again. "Sometimes I just can't understand Thai Mentality". Baiting? Misleading? inflammatory?

And FWIIW, from his posting she 100% in the wrong. Her principles are somewhat skewed I think, sounds more like typical denial that most folks do in an accident anywhere in the world. The driver stopping abruptly and her hitting the car shows she was traveling to close. Simple physics (Speed, weight, distance, reaction time). Poor brakes would contribute meaning she was further in the wrong by not maintaining her scooter to be able to function correctly. Also to note, anyone riding a motorcycles and was properly educated knows the primary brake is the front brake. I have been riding/racing motorcycles for many years. I seldom ever use the back brake(except dirt bike riding going down a steep grade). In fact I forget there is one even there.

Edited by JAFO
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Roomuck , what if your sudden braking was due to the avoidance of a kid running out of the road ?

Legally, the girl who rear ended me.

But common sense, it was the parents of the kid for not supervising the kid that CAUSED the accident.

In that case, not my fault, not her fault. The parents fault.

Clever people these Thais.

If they are so clever, why are they the second worst drivers in the world ?:

Not true. A thaivisa often repeated myth.

Hate to break it to you but it appears even the thai press and world authorities disagree with you, perhaps you should try checking your facts or lack of them, try google, it is your friend, maybe the only one you have:

BANGKOK: -- Thailand has earned the dubious distinction as the country with the second most dangerous roads in the world.

Surely coming as little surprise to anyone well acquainted with Thailand’s roads, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has found that the Kingdom has the second highest road deaths per capita than anywhere in the world.

36.2 people per 100,000 die on Thailand’s roads every year – alarmingly more than the 2.9 rate in the UK or 4.3 in Germany, although much lower than Libya, which boasts the dubious title of the worst country for road traffic fatalities, with 73.4 road deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

Edited by seajae
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If they are so clever, why are they the second worst drivers in the world ?:

Not true. A thaivisa often repeated myth.

Hate to break it to you but it appears even the thai press and world authorities disagree with you, perhaps you should try checking your facts or lack of them, try google, it is your friend, maybe the only one you have:

BANGKOK: -- Thailand has earned the dubious distinction as the country with the second most dangerous roads in the world.

Surely coming as little surprise to anyone well acquainted with Thailands roads, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has found that the Kingdom has the second highest road deaths per capita than anywhere in the world.

36.2 people per 100,000 die on Thailands roads every year alarmingly more than the 2.9 rate in the UK or 4.3 in Germany, although much lower than Libya, which boasts the dubious title of the worst country for road traffic fatalities, with 73.4 road deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

Nah, it is BS. What you are quoting conveniently left out a whole lot of countries. Makes for a good story though.

Don't believe what you read in the Thai press mate.

But I did Google it as you kindly suggested.

Thailand can't even make the top ten.


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But the highest death rate in Asia.

Wonder why that is?

Turning right from a left hand lane.

Turning left from a right hand lane.

Going slow in the outside lane, forcing traffic to undercut on the left.

Not using mirrors.

Parking in the middle lane.

Cycles turning left onto major roads without looking right.

Jumping red lights.

Lack of awareness

Lack of consideration

Lack of courtesy

Disregard for safety

The list of reasons goes on and on.

I'll let you figure out for yourself why that is!

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No, there IS a Thai mentality and is a result of their culture. Let's call it "Thainess". They are all brought up from birth with the "idea" of face and that it should under no circumstances be lost.

This isn't uniquely Thai, but, is Asian. It's just the Thai's reaction to losing face. The Japanese and Koreans admit losing face and then either it's public humiliation via an apology, resignation, or, in times past, suicide.

In Thailand, no one admits to anything.

It may not be PC, but, it's the truth. Something which trumps all in Western culture, but, doesn't have anywhere near the same value in certain Asian cultures.

The concept of face is the root of most problems in this country and is the single most important factor in why this country cannot move ahead faster than a snail's pace.

Well said KarenBravo, and spot on. My wife is Lao and there are many similarities between Thais and Lao people. Saving face is a concept I still do not fully understand despite being married and living in Laos for over a decade. I don't think we Westerners ever "really" get it. It's an encultured bias. In the West standing up and admitting mistakes and taking responsibility is a virtue and a sought after trait.

As for Korea, I was there for 6 years and the entire suicide thing is alive (no pun intended) and going strong.

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No, there IS a Thai mentality and is a result of their culture. Let's call it "Thainess". They are all brought up from birth with the "idea" of face and that it should under no circumstances be lost.

This isn't uniquely Thai, but, is Asian. It's just the Thai's reaction to losing face. The Japanese and Koreans admit losing face and then either it's public humiliation via an apology, resignation, or, in times past, suicide.

In Thailand, no one admits to anything.

It may not be PC, but, it's the truth. Something which trumps all in Western culture, but, doesn't have anywhere near the same value in certain Asian cultures.

The concept of face is the root of most problems in this country and is the single most important factor in why this country cannot move ahead faster than a snail's pace.

Good post highlighting the general rule rather than the exceptions which clearly do exist.

Just to be a little pedantic " In Thailand, no one admits to anything " not quite true

When caught bang to rights, by the authorities, admission is frequently used to negotiate a reduction in punishment .Until such a negotiating point is reached however......

This isn't exactly the same as admitting something, which presumes a measure of uncertainty. It is admitting something when it is 100% clear you are guilty.

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I have been called a Thai apologist here before, I'm really not. I think I've got a fairly good understanding of "Thainess" over all my travels here since 1971 and an 8 year marriage under my belt. I personally like Thais and "Thainess" as long as it doesn't endanger myself or anyone else.

I've traveled all over Asia and Indochina. And lived in Japan for a couple years. There's not a thing i'd like to change about Thailand except the frightening driving habits. I definitely won't drive here... wink.png

The Thais have their own unique "Mother Board" and "Software programs" "running" as do people in India, Southern California, Phillipines, Brazil etc etc.

if you want to see the most important thing to get right, take a look in the mirror...

Edited by joeyg
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I can see a lot of similarities between the Mexican and Thai mentality. Both relatively resource rich countries that need to be run by folks who are not indigenous to the place.

That said, it is amusing how so many folks with a 'superior' mentality cannot get ahead here and tread water.

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Land Transport official told me the unwritten rule is the larger vehicle is always in the wrong. Even if motorcycle is on wrong side of the road. Car owners only get out of it if the bike rider is drunk.

That is simply not true. I had two accidents in the last 4 years, both with motorcycles rear ending my car. In each case police was called and accepted my reasons for braking and held the motorcyclists responsible.

at anytime just say a dog ran across the road, it seems their lives are more important than peoples in Thailand

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I have been called a Thai apologist here before, I'm really not. I think I've got a fairly good understanding of "Thainess" over all my travels here since 1971 and an 8 year marriage under my belt. I personally like Thais and "Thainess" as long as it doesn't endanger myself or anyone else.

I've traveled all over Asia and Indochina. And lived in Japan for a couple years. There's not a thing i'd like to change about Thailand except the frightening driving habits. I definitely won't drive here... wink.png

The Thais have their own unique "Mother Board" and "Software programs" "running" as do people in India, Southern California, Phillipines, Brazil etc etc.

if you want to see the most important thing to get right, take a look in the mirror...

i just get an error code


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On Thai roads most drivers are very cautious and drive to avoid risking accidents regardless of blame, as a result bad drivers can go years without ever having an accident. Consequently Thailand has built up a sub-culture of bad driving which said drivers think is normal so when it finally does lead to an accident, they don't understand how it can be their fault.

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