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British Labour MP Jo Cox dies after being shot and stabbed


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Well, I guess she doesn't have to live with refugees any more.

All anyone needs to know about you in 1 sentence.

Yeah,...another PC apologist.

People have been known to kill for their beliefs....hows this any different?

Because shes a woman with kids?

Get over it....im not supporting the murderer who did this....but many are fed up with their governments come one come all immigration policy and the nasty habit of not listening to its people.

It happened outside a surgery where she was listening to the people she represents.

Valid point and I expect there will be no response from JHolmes fascist

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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

And how many guns deaths are there in the UK? Very few... how many in the US.... I rest my case.

More gun stores in the US then supermarkets and fast foods combined

This is at best disingenuous. Walmart is probably the biggest grocery retailer in the US and they also sell guns. Many stores are multi-purpose like that even if this unlinked picture has something other than an agenda. In other words, I don't believe that graph.


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How did this happen...doesn't Britain have some of the worlds strictest gun control laws? Do you mean to tell me it actually is mentally ill people who kill people and not guns that kill people?

Do you really think anyone argues that specific point? Technically, even that trite phrase is misstated; it isn't the gun, it's the bullet. Since you appear to be agreeing with the fact there are people who do not deserve gun access; do you also support gun control?.

nobody in a CIVILISED country needs a gun.

What's your point? I want a gun. I've had guns since I was 6 years old. The only time I ever killed anyone was when I was where my government put me. The majority of Americans want their guns or the second amendment would be repealed. If you don't like it, get the political clout to change it, or don't go there.

Have you tried penis enlargement? might be a cure.

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The paper trail to his far right links is old. He taught English to newly arrived immigrants according to BBC. He has a mixed race half brother, who never knew of his far right opinions. BBC is still showing the eyewitness who heard him shout Britain first.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Edited by Mosha
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The paper trail to his far right links is old. He taught English to newly arrived immigrants according to BBC. He has a mixed race half brother, who never knew of his far right opinions. BBC is still showing the eyewitness who heard him shout Britain first.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Interesting, I wonder if it's possible that the eyewitness was mistaken or indeed is "unreliable"?

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soalbundy said, “nobody in a CIVILISED country needs a gun”

smotherb said, “What's your point? I want a gun. I've had guns since I was 6 years old. The only time I ever killed anyone was when I was where my government put me. The majority of Americans want their guns or the second amendment would be repealed. If you don't like it, get the political clout to change it, or don't go there.

throatwobbler said, “So you need a gun. Your body must be very small somewhere else them”

It’s apparent you can neither read nor comprehend the function of a gun. Do you know the difference between "need" and "want"? Do you use your “very small somewhere else” for putting meat on the table or just for killing other people? At least in America I have the choice of having a gun instead of a nanny state telling me I can't. What part of, most Americans want their gun rights, do you not understand? The fact that violence, crimes, and deaths occur stems from people, not from guns. If you are an American and want to ban guns; get the political clout to do it; the second amendment can be repealed. If you're not an American, you have two obvious choices: stay out of America so guns will not bother you or come to America and try to take our guns.

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The paper trail to his far right links is old. He taught English to newly arrived immigrants according to BBC. He has a mixed race half brother, who never knew of his far right opinions. BBC is still showing the eyewitness who heard him shout Britain first.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Interesting, I wonder if it's possible that the eyewitness was mistaken or indeed is "unreliable"?

He did say he shouted it "at least twice".

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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The paper trail to his far right links is old. He taught English to newly arrived immigrants according to BBC. He has a mixed race half brother, who never knew of his far right opinions. BBC is still showing the eyewitness who heard him shout Britain first.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Interesting, I wonder if it's possible that the eyewitness was mistaken or indeed is "unreliable"?

He did say he shouted it "at least twice".

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Is it possible the witness is trying to stir things, maybe he has motives? It just seems odd and doesn't seem to fit with teaching English, a half race brother and his far right links being very old. I dunno, really, just guessing on my part and like everyone else, trying to make sense of it all.

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The private life stuff was from a Breitbart (spelling?) link posted earlier, not the eyewitness. He seems to be a normal West Yorkshire bloke.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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soalbundy said, “nobody in a CIVILISED country needs a gun”

smotherb said, “What's your point? I want a gun. I've had guns since I was 6 years old. The only time I ever killed anyone was when I was where my government put me. The majority of Americans want their guns or the second amendment would be repealed. If you don't like it, get the political clout to change it, or don't go there.

soalbundy said, “Have you tried penis enlargement? might be a cure.”

It seems you and throatwobbler are hung-up on penis envy. You mean your nanny state has managed to take away your penes too?

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The private life stuff was from a Breitbart (spelling?) link posted earlier, not the eyewitness. He seems to be a normal West Yorkshire bloke.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Then why are the police on record as saying they are investigating his extreme right wing connections?

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soalbundy said, “nobody in a CIVILISED country needs a gun”

smotherb said, “What's your point? I want a gun. I've had guns since I was 6 years old. The only time I ever killed anyone was when I was where my government put me. The majority of Americans want their guns or the second amendment would be repealed. If you don't like it, get the political clout to change it, or don't go there.

throatwobbler said, “So you need a gun. Your body must be very small somewhere else them”

It’s apparent you can neither read nor comprehend the function of a gun. Do you know the difference between "need" and "want"? Do you use your “very small somewhere else” for putting meat on the table or just for killing other people? At least in America I have the choice of having a gun instead of a nanny state telling me I can't. What part of, most Americans want their gun rights, do you not understand? The fact that violence, crimes, and deaths occur stems from people, not from guns. If you are an American and want to ban guns; get the political clout to do it; the second amendment can be repealed. If you're not an American, you have two obvious choices: stay out of America so guns will not bother you or come to America and try to take our guns.

Who cares in this thread about a British MP shot.
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Indeed the euphemism 'care in the community' rings hollow as so often people are left without support to even ensure they are taking their medication. Not so long ago a commuter was pushed to his death under a tube train by another 'care in the community' patient.

As a side issue health services be they physical or mental are undeniably put under strain by the out of control levels of immigration, which is a bitter irony if your link happens to be borne out as fact.

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The paper trail to his far right links is old. He taught English to newly arrived immigrants according to BBC. He has a mixed race half brother, who never knew of his far right opinions. BBC is still showing the eyewitness who heard him shout Britain first.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Interesting, I wonder if it's possible that the eyewitness was mistaken or indeed is "unreliable"?

He did say he shouted it "at least twice".

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Is it possible the witness is trying to stir things, maybe he has motives? It just seems odd and doesn't seem to fit with teaching English, a half race brother and his far right links being very old. I dunno, really, just guessing on my part and like everyone else, trying to make sense of it all.

It's one thing to guess or speculate, quite another to run a front page headline 'Brexit supporter murders Remain MP' as the Daily Star did. You can quite imagine the shit storm had a UKIP politician been murdered by a Muslim with headlines describing it in those terms.
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Looks like all the hallmarks of a Right Wing looney.

This is the problem with Right Wing hate speech, racism and bigotry. If a person who has limited brain cells is fed a steady diet of Right Wing propaganda this is the result.

Obviously this person has been groomed by Right Wing extremists and he has bought into their hate speech and acted on it. It is becoming obvious that the Conservative side of politics and media needs to be classified as extremist organisations and closely watched.

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He has appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court today.

From twitter feed of BBC reporter Daniel Sandford:

Asked his name the defendant in the dock says "My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain."


Edited by Orac
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Looks like all the hallmarks of a Right Wing looney.

This is the problem with Right Wing hate speech, racism and bigotry. If a person who has limited brain cells is fed a steady diet of Right Wing propaganda this is the result.

Obviously this person has been groomed by Right Wing extremists and he has bought into their hate speech and acted on it. It is becoming obvious that the Conservative side of politics and media needs to be classified as extremist organisations and closely watched.

You need serious help.

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He has appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court today.

From twitter feed of BBC reporter Daniel Sandford:

Asked his name the defendant in the dock says "My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain."


Mentally ill, but clearly (to my mind) far-right orientated. I loathe the far right as much as I loathe the far left, any form of extremism.

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Looks like all the hallmarks of a Right Wing looney.

This is the problem with Right Wing hate speech, racism and bigotry. If a person who has limited brain cells is fed a steady diet of Right Wing propaganda this is the result.

Obviously this person has been groomed by Right Wing extremists and he has bought into their hate speech and acted on it. It is becoming obvious that the Conservative side of politics and media needs to be classified as extremist organisations and closely watched.

You need serious help.

Are you suggesting the accused is not a right-wing lunatic?

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Looks like all the hallmarks of a Right Wing looney.

This is the problem with Right Wing hate speech, racism and bigotry. If a person who has limited brain cells is fed a steady diet of Right Wing propaganda this is the result.

Obviously this person has been groomed by Right Wing extremists and he has bought into their hate speech and acted on it. It is becoming obvious that the Conservative side of politics and media needs to be classified as extremist organisations and closely watched.

Really? the entire conservative side of politics is an extremist group?

You are clearly out on far edge of the loony left. It is your side which has brought us to the edge of the abyss.

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Looks like all the hallmarks of a Right Wing looney.

This is the problem with Right Wing hate speech, racism and bigotry. If a person who has limited brain cells is fed a steady diet of Right Wing propaganda this is the result.

Obviously this person has been groomed by Right Wing extremists and he has bought into their hate speech and acted on it. It is becoming obvious that the Conservative side of politics and media needs to be classified as extremist organisations and closely watched.

You need serious help.

Are you suggesting the accused is not a right-wing lunatic?

yes....he's ultra right wing. Big difference,

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He may have mental issues but it seems that this was a targeted attack on someone for their political views and actions. He outwardly appeared to others as an ordinary quiet man but he's clearly been radicalized to an extreme right-wing cause. It seems mostly likely that he self-radicalized but it would be interesting to know how it occurred and what actually triggered his actions.

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He may have mental issues but it seems that this was a targeted attack on someone for their political views and actions. He outwardly appeared to others as an ordinary quiet man but he's clearly been radicalized to an extreme right-wing cause. It seems mostly likely that he self-radicalized but it would be interesting to know how it occurred and what actually triggered his actions.

The internet.


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Looks like all the hallmarks of a Right Wing looney.

This is the problem with Right Wing hate speech, racism and bigotry. If a person who has limited brain cells is fed a steady diet of Right Wing propaganda this is the result.

Obviously this person has been groomed by Right Wing extremists and he has bought into their hate speech and acted on it. It is becoming obvious that the Conservative side of politics and media needs to be classified as extremist organisations and closely watched.

You need serious help.
Are you suggesting the accused is not a right-wing lunatic?

yes....he's ultra right wing. Big difference,

Ok. An ultra right-wing lunatic.

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