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Advice For Homeless Brit Guy

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I believe the guy teaches from time to time and his expenses are low. As grungy as he's looked of late, I don't think he's taught in a while. As I stated from brief conversation last night, he'll be teaching to some degree soon. In spite of everything, he's usually clean shaven with cut hair. When he's doing his teaching thing, he's pretty cleaned up but still homeless.

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What ever happened to Dickie, my old workmate at the school? Maybe that's him, or a spitting/drinking image of him. Dickie put on a tie and tried to teach London English to Thais, and over holiday he called me for Phuket or Pattaya or Patpong and I sent him 12,000 baht and....he never worked again. We saw him once at the mall, but I didn't bother to ask for my money.

Hey, Dickie Boy, good luck. No hard feelings, mate. But no more cash advances, either.

I've done some bits of charity work, such as when we helped massacre survivors, at their request. However, but this guy in this topic reminds me of my ex brother in law. Very much "ex" since he died of alcoholism, face down on the bathroom floor. I wish this guy luck, but if it's Dickie, ask him to pay me first. :o

As far as I know this guy's name is Ken

Well, I was kidding about "Dickie." Besides, if he has no passport, we don't know if his name is Reginald Geoffrey Clydesmouth-Dickens. Or Reginald Dwight.
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He has no cash to speak of except for enough to buy his daily cans of chang
Tell him to start buying the big bottles, they are cheaper than cans

Yes you're right but this dude has his routine of doing the same thing every day and that would mess up that routine. 12 oz can of Chang. never seen him drink anything else. Those big bottles get all warm anyway 2/3 the way down. This guy loves his cans

Peace Blondie: you're right, we certainly do not know what his real name is. Ken may well be his street name

Edited by I Go With You
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What ever happened to Dickie, my old workmate at the school? Maybe that's him, or a spitting/drinking image of him. Dickie put on a tie and tried to teach London English to Thais, and over holiday he called me for Phuket or Pattaya or Patpong and I sent him 12,000 baht and....he never worked again. We saw him once at the mall, but I didn't bother to ask for my money.

Hey, Dickie Boy, good luck. No hard feelings, mate. But no more cash advances, either.

I've done some bits of charity work, such as when we helped massacre survivors, at their request. However, but this guy in this topic reminds me of my ex brother in law. Very much "ex" since he died of alcoholism, face down on the bathroom floor. I wish this guy luck, but if it's Dickie, ask him to pay me first. :o

As far as I know this guy's name is Ken

definetaly the guy who has been the topic of conversation, he doesnt need any help better left alone. Goes and tries to srounge a few beers in the bars now and again, most wont give him now.

If he wanted to clean himself up and manage then he is more than capable of doing so.

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I believe the guy teaches from time to time and his expenses are low. As grungy as he's looked of late, I don't think he's taught in a while. As I stated from brief conversation last night, he'll be teaching to some degree soon. In spite of everything, he's usually clean shaven with cut hair. When he's doing his teaching thing, he's pretty cleaned up but still homeless.

Hmmm, are there degrees in/of vagrancy...? :o

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I believe the guy teaches from time to time and his expenses are low. As grungy as he's looked of late, I don't think he's taught in a while. As I stated from brief conversation last night, he'll be teaching to some degree soon. In spite of everything, he's usually clean shaven with cut hair. When he's doing his teaching thing, he's pretty cleaned up but still homeless.

He is a substitute teacher who fills in when a teacher calls in sick. He has had some jobs however with some schools, he has been turned away when he shows up. He still had the expense of going to the school though. Not sure if he was turned away because of his teaching or his condition.

I must say, he never has asked me for a baht, even offered him lunch which he politely turned down. He has a high level of esteem/pride.


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I believe the guy teaches from time to time and his expenses are low. As grungy as he's looked of late, I don't think he's taught in a while. As I stated from brief conversation last night, he'll be teaching to some degree soon. In spite of everything, he's usually clean shaven with cut hair. When he's doing his teaching thing, he's pretty cleaned up but still homeless.

He is a substitute teacher who fills in when a teacher calls in sick. He has had some jobs however that he has been turned away. He still had the expense of going to the school though. Not sure if he was turned away because of his teaching or his condition.

I must say, he never has asked me for a baht, even offered him lunch which he politely turned down. He has a high level of esteem/pride.



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I don't know this guy, but it seems he is little better than a tramp (with pooped pants). A lot of farang have noticed him and presumably a lot of Thais have as well. It seems that there is something being missed here. He is a disgrace to farangs getting us all a bad name. Not only that, if he is an overstayer he is illegal - if he works he is breaking the law even further. Is it any wonder that the Thai authorities tighten up visa requirements to clamp down on disgraces like this? Then we all suffer!!

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Wow, CRUNCHER, you display such compassion.

I guess you have never experienced hard times and I hope you never will.

But, realise that Sh1t can happen to anybody and if your turn comes, maybe your attitude will come back to haunt you.

People get floored for all sorts of reasons, not always entirely of their own creation.

Also, somehow I doubt that a few homeless foreigners are going to bring wholesale disgrace to the entire foreign community here and if they did, we are ALL in the wrong place.

Just out of curiosity, how long have you lived in Thailand ??

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Well, I was kidding about "Dickie." Besides, if he has no passport, we don't know if his name is Reginald Geoffrey Clydesmouth-Dickens. Or Reginald Dwight.

Er ... that's SIR Reginald Dwight to you (come on you Golden Glory 'Orns).

Yes, I thought about that, but I just couldn't imagine calling a street bum that kind of "Sir."
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He is a disgrace to farangs getting us all a bad name


I think you need to get out more! :D

FWIW I vote leave him alone, seems smart enough to help himself if he wanted to.

If anyone wants to get into the "saving someone" business plenty of willing candidates in any GoGo bar :o

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Wow, CRUNCHER, you display such compassion.

I guess you have never experienced hard times and I hope you never will.

But, realise that Sh1t can happen to anybody and if your turn comes, maybe your attitude will come back to haunt you.

People get floored for all sorts of reasons, not always entirely of their own creation.

Also, somehow I doubt that a few homeless foreigners are going to bring wholesale disgrace to the entire foreign community here and if they did, we are ALL in the wrong place.

Just out of curiosity, how long have you lived in Thailand ??

Hmmm, where is the relevance concerning how long one has lived in Thailand?

Piss poor planning predicates piss poor performance, wherever you live.

The Thai saying: 'som nam na' seems appropriate in this instance.

Btw, congratulations on your third post in less than three years... :o

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I'd stop and speak to the guy and find out what his real story was. If he is an alkie, which sounds very plausible, I'd take him first to a hospital and get him detoxed off all drink and drugs, then I'd take him to a meeting of AA, where he could help in other areas of his life.

One reason I'd do this is because that's pretty much exactly what someone did to help me.

The Embassy won't help if he doesn't have any relatives to send him money - if he's an addict he's probably burnt all his bridges already.

If he didn't want to stop drinking, I might buy him a beer.

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I guess you have never experienced hard times and I hope you never will.

But, realise that Sh1t can happen to anybody and if your turn comes, maybe your attitude will come back to haunt you.

People get floored for all sorts of reasons, not always entirely of their own creation.

Also, somehow I doubt that a few homeless foreigners are going to bring wholesale disgrace to the entire foreign community here and if they did, we are ALL in the wrong place.

Right on Phil :o

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Piss poor planning predicates piss poor performance, wherever you live.

The Thai saying: 'som nam na' seems appropriate in this instance.

Btw, congratulations on your third post in less than three years...

Utter crap.

3 good posts in 3 years is a lot better than 1,000 crap ones :o

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Well, I was kidding about "Dickie." Besides, if he has no passport, we don't know if his name is Reginald Geoffrey Clydesmouth-Dickens. Or Reginald Dwight.

Er ... that's SIR Reginald Dwight to you (come on you Golden Glory 'Orns).

Yes, I thought about that, but I just couldn't imagine calling a street bum that kind of "Sir."

I wouldn't dream of calling Elt a ''street bum'' :o

And just to keep on topic, I find some of the comments made, that show no compassion for the subject of the OP's post, quite surprising (or not). True, he could just be yer average farang scumbag (but face facts, there really aren't that many people like that here, compared to the total number of tourists and expats in Thailand), and from what I've read so far he doesn't try to ponce money from people, and he seems to work when he can.

So he shat himself. Big deal. No money, nowhere to live, street food, dodgy stomach. Easily done, I'd imagine (I've been close myself -- go on, hands up who hasn't). No one has mentioned mental illness -- a possibility -- or he might just be stupidly proud, or he might have realised that if he's got no one in Blighty and if he returns in his current state he might well be dead after the first good winter.

Let's just hope that people like CRUNCHER never find themselves in a similar position. On second thoughts, perhaps if they did they might end up a little wiser, more pleasant and find some compassion.

Ah ... <deleted>. If anyone cares about this bloke, seek him out and see if you can help ... maybe get together and help him. Those that think he's a scumbag just <deleted>. Really, what is the point of arguing about someone else's misfortune (self-inflicted or otherwise)?

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Piss poor planning predicates piss poor performance, wherever you live.

The Thai saying: 'som nam na' seems appropriate in this instance.

Btw, congratulations on your third post in less than three years...

Utter crap.

3 good posts in 3 years is a lot better than 1,000 crap ones :D

Hmm, here are his two previous posts:

Can anybody explain and define the precise legal rights of a minority shareholder in a Thai Ltd Company.

Conversely, What are the legal obligations of a compay to the minority shareholders ?

I guess not many, but I would very much appreciate any info anyone has.

To what extent if any, does a company have to notify, inform or consult with minorities about its activities, results, planning ?

For example, does a company have any obligation to disclose ANY info to the minority shareholders ?

How accountable are the directors to minority shareholders ?

Appreciate any comments.

Wrong! But close. :D

'Good posts'?

Yeah right, pure quality... :o

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Just leave the old man alone.

I may want to sit down & buy him a beer in exchange for introspective on his version of LOS.

Unless he's clearly mentally unable to care for himself, no one should go meddling in his affairs.

What some may call a BUM, i call "the uninspired" And inspiration is not something that is lost forever,,, sometimes it comes back to you.

Poop, or no poop, he still may have more insight to offer the green traveler, than many freshly showered, compulsive posting, wanna-be intellectuals, espousing dry wisdom in forums such as this. (TV is one of the better ones though)

Just leave him be... GoLDarnIt!

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Sounds like he doesn't want to leave Thailand so the embassy idea likely isn't workable.

The Embassy idea is essentially a non-starter in any event, excepting mental illness. The following is from the Bangkok British Embassy website:

What kind of help we can provide

This page gives advice about what help we can provide if you do get into difficulty. We offer help which is appropriate to the individual circumstances of each case, including:

* issuing replacement passports;

* providing information about transferring funds;

* providing appropriate help if you have suffered rape or serious assault, are a victim of other crime, or are in hospital;

* helping people with mental illness;

* providing details of local lawyers, interpreters and doctors and funeral directors;

* doing all we properly can to contact you within 24 hours of being told that you have been detained;

* offering support and help in a range of other cases, such as child abductions, death of relatives overseas, missing people and kidnapping;

* contacting family or friends for you if you want; and

* making special arrangements in cases of terrorism, civil disturbances or natural disasters.

UK law says we have to charge for some services. Consulates display the current fees and the standards of service you can expect under Service First.

We cannot...

* get you out of prison, prevent the local authorities from deporting you after your prison sentence, or interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings;

* help you enter a country, for example, if you do not have a visa or your passport is not valid, as we cannot interfere in another country’s immigration policy or procedures;

* give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases, such as English-speaking lawyers;

* perform notarial acts, administer oaths (except oaths of allegiance) and take affidavits that are effectual in the UK

* get you better treatment in hospital or prison than is given to local people;

* pay any bills or give you money (in very exceptional circumstances we may lend you some money from public funds, which you will have to pay back);

* make travel arrangements for you, or find you work or accommodation; or

* make business arrangements on your behalf.


Apart from the fact that he does not even appear to want to go back, it seems likely he has nothing to go back to. If he ever did have any bridges, they were most probably burned long ago.

The reality is that he would have more chance of help if he was an asylum seeker... :o

it's a pity the uk don't post this to immigrants entering the uk.

it gets me a tad irritated that stories like this from brits and others down on thier luck but have contributed taxes and n.i to thier respective countries, and yet when abroad are treated less than a poor dog would be treated, and this is from thier respective embassies.

this chap is obviously lost and does need a kick up the a+se, now who should give him the first kick start the british embassy or the thais.

if he gets caught by the thai authorities he could languish in a prison for a very long long time then that could be the last straw for a man in his condition and a waste of life.

if on the other hand the embassy got him back and gave him a reallity check, with him having to pay back any costs incurred, then there is a little hope for the chap, as he sounds a once educated fellow,

some one should get him to the embassy and tell them this is now your resposibility to look after one of your own people for a change.

unfortunately i see no good coming out of this for the chap involved, unless he does get help

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With the amount of interest the OP's subject has generated on here, he is a minor celebrity now!

This guy has already declined offers of money, food etc, sooner or later the police will no doubt deal with him. I would suspect he has mental issues borne out of his drinking.

Life has its ups and downs, and circumstances/events/occurances beyond our control can put us in situations we would rather not be in.

You can only help someone who WANTS to be helped.

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Reminds me of a British bloke I have run into in the Rama 4/Sathorn area a few times - dressed in smelly torn clothes, long grey hair, selling post cards and some used old magazines. Chatted shortly with him and understood he was(? :o ) an airplaine engineer/designer, got ripped of in casino deals in the Carribbean, had close friends in the government and the stories went on and on :D. I was fairly certain that he was on various drugs you can not get at the Watson pharmacy....


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Piss poor planning predicates piss poor performance, wherever you live.

The Thai saying: 'som nam na' seems appropriate in this instance.

Btw, congratulations on your third post in less than three years...

Utter crap.

3 good posts in 3 years is a lot better than 1,000 crap ones :D

Hmm, here are his two previous posts:

Can anybody explain and define the precise legal rights of a minority shareholder in a Thai Ltd Company.

Conversely, What are the legal obligations of a compay to the minority shareholders ?

I guess not many, but I would very much appreciate any info anyone has.

To what extent if any, does a company have to notify, inform or consult with minorities about its activities, results, planning ?

For example, does a company have any obligation to disclose ANY info to the minority shareholders ?

How accountable are the directors to minority shareholders ?

Appreciate any comments.

Wrong! But close. :D

'Good posts'?

Yeah right, pure quality... :o

How about the quality of your post? and how about your personnal qualities? Kindly enlighted us!!

Noel? the only guy I knew who were named like that was silly enought to commit the same kind of post as you? By any chance, have you ever went in jail in Draguignan penitenciary facility? Really more I read you more you make think about him ......

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Noel? the only guy I knew who were named like that was silly enought to commit the same kind of post as you? By any chance, have you ever went in jail in Draguignan penitenciary facility? Really more I read you more you make think about him ......

Does that mean you met the other Noel when you were in prison?

:o Go start a insult thread, were discussing the hobo here

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Reminds me of a British bloke I have run into in the Rama 4/Sathorn area a few times - dressed in smelly torn clothes, long grey hair, selling post cards and some used old magazines. Chatted shortly with him and understood he was(? :D ) an airplaine engineer/designer, got ripped of in casino deals in the Carribbean, had close friends in the government and the stories went on and on :D. I was fairly certain that he was on various drugs you can not get at the Watson pharmacy....


I thougt he was American but anyway if you dont buy his cards he then asks for money

and you refuse that he gets quite aggressive :o

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