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What Animal in CM Bites Like This During The Raining Season, Every Year? Torture!


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WonderousWind is being bitten by flatulentissimii, the aggressive male flatulentissimus trollophilous, that enters rut during the mango rains' season here for obviously eponymous mephitic reasons.

The remedy for him is the kaopectate of silence; the remedy for us is benign indifference.

cheers, ~o:37;

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Tiny spiders nesting under a chair, table or whatever's nearby may cause such bites, usually only late at night. I had a similar problem, needle-sharp pain followed by a terrible itch, always around ankles. Khun Mortein found the nest.

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WonderousWind is being bitten by flatulentissimii, the aggressive male flatulentissimus trollophilous, that enters rut during the mango rains' season here for obviously eponymous mephitic reasons.

The remedy for him is the kaopectate of silence; the remedy for us is benign indifference.

cheers, ~o:37;

Haven't had a good swig of Kaopectate in ages, going on 50 years, at least.

I never minded the taste, although my siblings would not drink it.

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Insect Bite Problem solved...

1. I know that there are at least 2 or 3 people here that have reported exactly the same experience as I.

2. Also, being bitten in this way can make sitting outside for a smoke or a chat difficult.

3. Someone mentioned Saran wrap, presumably in jest.

4. However, the practical solution for sitting outside one's own home, and not resorting to insecticides, turns out to be quite simple.

5. I just tried using two very thin 7-Eleven plastic bags under socks. The large size.

Wearing socks over the bags turns out to have been far easier than anticipated.

The plastic bags actually cause the socks to slip on effortlessly. And, once on, there is no noticeable bulk,and the result is quite comfortable, and even less hot feeling than without the bags.

This is actually the best solution I have tried, and far better than clamping around in boots.

Laugh if you like, but for those who may be allergic to this insect, I suggest you might give it a try.

The bags are free, and harmless.

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Please have a look at this photo.

I have traveled widely, but never before been bitten like this.

Last year, the doctors and pharmacy told me they do not know what Animal it might be.

Once bit, it is excruciatingly uncomfortable, and lasts over 2 weeks.

Don't tell me mosquitoes.

Also, it is NOT inside my house.

Repellants don't work.

My only solution, if I want to sit outside during the raining season, is to wear heavy duty zip lock bags on my feet and calves.

This is no joke!

It is both painful and itchy.

And antihistamines do not have any effect at reducing the bites.

These bites are already 8 days old.

I have never been bitten in this way in my life.

ALSO, these bites occurred, all of them, during one half hour of exposure.

They are murder!

This is the main reason I do not like the raining season.

Anyone else have this same syndrome? attachicon.gif20160618_132407.jpg

Whatever it is, these animals can only bite about 25 centimeters off the ground!

I had similar to that when I first moved to Thailand in 2001.

Will never forget it as they were agony I had to take pills etc, it lasted for about a week.

It was after sitting on the beach at night with my feet in the sand.

I reckon ants.


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Did the spots become red on their own or because of your scratching because they itch?

The reason I'm asking is because I always get prickly heat rash in Thailand and the spots and their pattern look identical to what my prickly heat rash looks like if I scratch them a bit. The rash also itches for days on end in my case.

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Did the spots become red on their own or because of your scratching because they itch?

The reason I'm asking is because I always get prickly heat rash in Thailand and the spots and their pattern look identical to what my prickly heat rash looks like if I scratch them a bit. The rash also itches for days on end in my case.

The lesions became as photographed, on their own, without scratching.

However, I did not think it could be prickly heat.

Although, as you point out, the bites do not extend above sock level.... So good point.

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Please have a look at this photo.

I have traveled widely, but never before been bitten like this.

Last year, the doctors and pharmacy told me they do not know what Animal it might be.

Once bit, it is excruciatingly uncomfortable, and lasts over 2 weeks.

Don't tell me mosquitoes.

Also, it is NOT inside my house.

Repellants don't work.

My only solution, if I want to sit outside during the raining season, is to wear heavy duty zip lock bags on my feet and calves.

This is no joke!

It is both painful and itchy.

And antihistamines do not have any effect at reducing the bites.

These bites are already 8 days old.

I have never been bitten in this way in my life.

ALSO, these bites occurred, all of them, during one half hour of exposure.

They are murder!

This is the main reason I do not like the raining season.

Anyone else have this same syndrome? attachicon.gif20160618_132407.jpg

Whatever it is, these animals can only bite about 25 centimeters off the ground!

I had similar to that when I first moved to Thailand in 2001.

Will never forget it as they were agony I had to take pills etc, it lasted for about a week.

It was after sitting on the beach at night with my feet in the sand.

I reckon ants.


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Almost agony, for sure.

I am quite sure it is the same animal, and as someone commented, it could be midges which are most active at night.

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I recommend visiting with a recommended, competent, Dermatologist.

The skin is the largest organ in the body.

Anything abnormal eventually shows up on the skin.

Lab tests may be required to rule out anything serious.

It's possible that an insect bit you and then bacteria/fungus formed under the skin causing a red irritation.

When this happens, it takes a month or so for your body defenses to kill off the bacteria under the skin.

The hot weather causes the healing to take longer.

However, I would get a Dermatologist to examine the bites.

Edited by Kabula
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I think you will find that they are mossies. Beginning and start of the rainy season bring these little gits out.

If i were you, i would fork out a couple of hundred baht and get one of the (many) electrical insect zappers.

Put it by your feet and see what you fry the next time you are sitting out. Should sort out your problem of identification at least.

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I recommend visiting with a recommended, competent, Dermatologist.

The skin is the largest organ in the body.

Anything abnormal eventually shows up on the skin.

Lab tests may be required to rule out anything serious.

It's possible that an insect bit you and then bacteria/fungus formed under the skin causing a red irritation.

When this happens, it takes a month or so for your body defenses to kill off the bacteria under the skin.

The hot weather causes the healing to take longer.

However, I would get a Dermatologist to examine the bites.

Last year, I visited two doctors. They both suggested the bites were from mosquitoes.

You are correct that in a room with aircon the discomfort lessens dramatically.

Both the doctors and the pharmacist recommended the second generation antihistamines. However, not effective.

This is a fairly severe and long lasting reaction to insect bites. And nothing seems effective.

Just to rule out the benefits of an herbal remedy suggested by a commenter above, I purchased some of the green salve that is shown in one of the photos above. I will use it on the left foot and ankle, and compare to the untreated right foot and ankle, and note any improvement.

I asked the pharmacist about TRAM, but she didn't seem impressed. It is just a topical corticosteroid.

Possibly it could be very effective, but I won't try it yet.

Edited by WonderousWand
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Do you happen to live near rice fields?? Are they cutting rice?? If so then they are Rice Bug bites - I live part year in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam and during rice cutting season, these buggers are ferocious - they bite me all around my ankles and feet and itches like crazy for days. I don't know the real name for them but I go on vacation during cutting season - my wife tells me "Its because they are mad, we cut down their houses so they bite us. but seems they only like me!!! must be Fahlung sweet blood. thumbsup.gif

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Looks like Asian Chicken Foot. You get it from eating too many eggs, like 5 to 10 a day.

I gotta tell you....

One half hour exposure sitting outside at 2am reading on my Note4, and I had over 50 bites on both feet ankles and other lower extremities.

I would not mind so much, BUT they do not go away, and remain painful and irritating just like the first day I was bitten.

Tried hydrocortisone, but useless.

Tried scratching, but only of temporary benefit

My only protection now if I want to sit outside is the giant zip lock bags, but people think I'm nuts.

I may just look for some sort of plastic socks.

It was surprising to me to learn that the doctors and pharmacy all say these are caused by mosquitoes!

Then why are these bites only about 5 inches off the ground.

Maybe if I lay on the ground then I might be bitten elsewhere.

It would be a good experiment, just to rule out that these bugs are only interested in biting below Midcalf.

I was sitting at a table which was on a paved surface.

The mosquitoes here in CM do not bother me at all.

They rarely bite me.

That's it!... It's a Note4 bug!... Have you run antivirus?..

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Do you happen to live near rice fields?? Are they cutting rice?? If so then they are Rice Bug bites - I live part year in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam and during rice cutting season, these buggers are ferocious - they bite me all around my ankles and feet and itches like crazy for days. I don't know the real name for them but I go on vacation during cutting season - my wife tells me "Its because they are mad, we cut down their houses so they bite us. but seems they only like me!!! must be Fahlung sweet blood. thumbsup.gif

Not near rice fields, however definitely near bamboo, and also indigenous trees and some heavy undergrowth.

Perhaps it is a similar insect. Plenty of insects during this season!!!

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Looks like Asian Chicken Foot. You get it from eating too many eggs, like 5 to 10 a day.

I gotta tell you....

One half hour exposure sitting outside at 2am reading on my Note4, and I had over 50 bites on both feet ankles and other lower extremities.

I would not mind so much, BUT they do not go away, and remain painful and irritating just like the first day I was bitten.

Tried hydrocortisone, but useless.

Tried scratching, but only of temporary benefit

My only protection now if I want to sit outside is the giant zip lock bags, but people think I'm nuts.

I may just look for some sort of plastic socks.

It was surprising to me to learn that the doctors and pharmacy all say these are caused by mosquitoes!

Then why are these bites only about 5 inches off the ground.

Maybe if I lay on the ground then I might be bitten elsewhere.

It would be a good experiment, just to rule out that these bugs are only interested in biting below Midcalf.

I was sitting at a table which was on a paved surface.

The mosquitoes here in CM do not bother me at all.

They rarely bite me.

That's it!... It's a Note4 bug!... Have you run antivirus?..

No, I am running Marshmallow 6.01

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Have you tried a process of elimination?

1. Spray the ground around where you sit with a strong insecticide that should kill everything on the ground.

If the problem goes away then its a ground insect, if not its an airborne insect.

At least it should help narrow down what you are dealing with.

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You could try lotions or sprays which include DEET

I see here in Holland it contains 50% DEET, however i saw in Amazone 100% ! DEET

It is against insect bites, not for releaving but preventing,

Dont know if it s around in farmacies in Thailand. Maybe to order from Amazone?

I know i was in Phil and one morning waking up with just on left side of my upperbody bitten many times

And geeee those bites itch and sting, its hell. My partner didnt have just 1 bite.

I tried to burn it with my cigarette, heating it hard, sometimes it worked and then again not.

Then just used moisturising lotion to make it somehow comfortable, not really.

There are so many tiny animals which give you no pleasure at all.

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Used to get sand fly bites in Port Hedland, could not see them but certainly felt them. OP's bites look the same. Perhaps it's an inland variant.

It is a fact that you cannot see them, even if it were not night time, you probably still could not see them. Also, I am almost positive this problem does not occur during the Hot season. But for the last two raining seasons, I have been bitten with exactly the same lesions, always at night, and they always take at least 14 days for the pain, itching, and burning to lessen. In an aircon cooled room, the discomfort lessens very much. However, trying to wear shoes and socks over the bites is, as people have stated, very uncomfortable.

The fact that these bites are up to sock level and no higher, suggests that they are not airborne insects.

I had thought that it might be some rash that involved the sock itself, but this problem never happens anywhere else.

So this means it is somewhat seasonal, in the Raining Season, and is active at night, and also 50 bites can occur in about 30 minutes to 2 hours of sitting outside.

In fact, it is so very uncomfortable that I want to make sure I am not exposed again, and so I really have taken to wearing thin PE plastic bags under the socks, when I want to sit outside. I recommend trying this if you find no other better solution.

I have lived in other Asian countries, and in North America, and have done trekking and canoeing in Canada's Timmins area where there are tons of bugs, but these are far worse than anything I have encountered, simply because the lesions persist for days, and they remain painful and burning.

Of course it is not unendurable, however it certainly is something I will very much want to avoid repeating in the future.

NOTE: Today, the pharmacist asked me if I wash my socks every day. Well, yes, I do. (She was very diplomatic in the way she posed the question.)

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I think it is midges. I have noticed tiny flying bugs, about the size of a full stop in front of my eyes sometimes. Brushing a "tennis raquet", vertically not horizontally, through my hair produces a barrage of cracks. It isn't my hair 'cos I''m very short cut, and waving it around my feet and running it up my leg at right-angles does the same; even though I see nothing. The sparks are often not at the edge of the "raquet" so I don't think it is hair. My solution to the bites, and mosquito bites, is to dab them with Betadine (iodine solution): it eases the itching and they don't go septic.

Edited by keithathome
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I have never heard of misquotes biting in such a densely concentrated pattern, such as this.

I don't think this animal is airborne.

I think it is on the ground, waiting for an interloper to come by and provide a blood meal, if that is what they are after.

Also, they seem invisible. Or, very small, and you cannot feel them land, or crawl.

The very tiny ants are still perceptible if they crawl on the skin.

Sorry . just back from the only bar in woop woop but " I have never heard of misquotes .. " I too have never been attacked by misquotes , ......well only verbal ones .

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I have never heard of misquotes biting in such a densely concentrated pattern, such as this.

I don't think this animal is airborne.

I think it is on the ground, waiting for an interloper to come by and provide a blood meal, if that is what they are after.

Also, they seem invisible. Or, very small, and you cannot feel them land, or crawl.

The very tiny ants are still perceptible if they crawl on the skin.

Sorry . just back from the only bar in woop woop but " I have never heard of misquotes .. " I too have never been attacked by misquotes , ......well only verbal ones .

My advice to you, then, is to do yourself a favor and never use SwiftKey.

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Have you tried a process of elimination?

1. Spray the ground around where you sit with a strong insecticide that should kill everything on the ground.

If the problem goes away then its a ground insect, if not its an airborne insect.

At least it should help narrow down what you are dealing with.

spray at night , catch them out of the sandy soil , they burrow deep to stay out of the sunlight .

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I know this,had the same Problem: Sand fleas (หมัดทราย). Contact a Pest Control Specialist...they know what's to do. it is not easy to get rid of those beasts.

Edited by ujayujay
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I recently had an infestation of "tics' or hip as the Thais call them .I couldn't sit outside without getting bitten .night or day .but usually more at first light in the morning. Your photo suggests to me it may well be Tics...as to the solution, I can't really help you there....I moved home and haven't had a bite since.( I am in Khon Kaen by the way) The people that bought our home have phoned my wife several times complaining.....oh dear!

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flees only multiply on dry groud and wooden floor by the thousand ONLY if the only dog has died or moved

and its not so hitching

did you buy your anti histamine in Indonesia? fake medecines there EVERYWHERE including farmacies... even generics are fake... 10 years ago

tiger balm is suposed to be the best for all this ...the worst for me is caterpilars

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