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Two faced language views – why not make all people living in Thailand learn Thai.


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Aload of rubbish . I lived here for 7 years get a 12 month marraige visa but still have to report every 90 days , I AM NOT A RESIDENT ! as they will not allow me or nearly every other foreigner to be a resident
The residents in uk ARE residents with permission for them and their children to live there forever and eventually get british or dual passports . I can be kicked out of this country at any time on the whim of the government with quick rule changes or just at the whim of the local imm officer if i dont give her 500 baht which happend to me once .
They want me to learn thai , allow my family to come here , give me a permanent residence , free hospital care , unemployment benefit etc then i will be a resident and should be expected to speak thai. Given that i could be forced to leave the country at any time seems a really absoultely idiotic statement that all foreigners in thailand forced to speak thai

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the big difference between Thailand and the UK:

here you dont get any resident status, just an extension of stay - therefore no need to impose that language requirement

If you meet the requirements, you can apply for Thai residency and eventually citizenship. But like the UK a Thai language test is included.

The whole premise of this thread is misguided.

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A few years ago I want to the YMCA here in Chiang Mai to learn Thai. There were 6 of us in a "special class". All over 50, and with their "best" teacher. Not a day went past when we didn't have to look at each other in total confusion and whisper: "What did she say?" Her English was so atrocious that we could barely understand her 75% of the time. We all passed, somehow, and all vowed never to return.

The teacher should have never teach Thai with English.

I learned Thai without the English language.

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