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While getting petrol at a gas station in Korat yesterday, was just sitting looking out the window while getting filled up.

I happened to notice a girl leaving the station on a motorcycle. Then suddenly her purse fell out of her pocket just as she pulled off onto the road, this was also noticed by the wife. It happened about 20 yards from the car and I couldn't really do anything because were in the process of waiting for our change.

This however was not only noticed by us, but also one of the pump attendants saw it happen and ran straight over to where the purse was and shoved it up his shirt and ran back over to the booth with a huge grin on his face... Just as he got back to the booth the girl came back into the gas station scanning the ground, obviously aware that she was missing her purse.

By then I was driving away from the pump, so I stopped the car, opened the window and sort of gestured the girl towards the booth. I decided to park up and watch how it played out despite the protests of my wife not to get involved. It was clear that these attendants were denying having the purse and the girl kept looking over at our car. In the end (again despite the wife's protestations) I opened the window again and shouted the girl over and in my best Thai (crap) tried to explain to her that the guy with the long hair took it and went into the booth, my wife in the end translated.

The girl went back over to the attendants all standing round the booth now and looking rather worried. As far as I could tell the girl was getting pretty pi$$ed off by now... In the end we drove off because we had somewhere we needed to be, but the girl had started calling someone on her phone which I suspect was the police or even better, a big brother who was a pro-muay Tthai boxer...

The upshot of my wife not wanting me involved was fear that the attendants would want to have a problem with me. She said many Thais would not have done that.... Sod that. To me this guy was a thief.... I hope the police got involved,and I hope he got his ass fired.

Would you have got involved or like the wife, stay out of it?

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Never sure what I might do these days in such a situation... but good for you for helping out and what a jerk for stealing the purse. I hope this is not a local gas station for you... If it was my local station, I probably would have said something about giving it back, but they are usually pretty nice there.


Never sure what I might do these days in such a situation... but good for you for helping out and what a jerk for stealing the purse. I hope this is not a local gas station for you... If it was my local station, I probably would have said something about giving it back, but they are usually pretty nice there.

Yes it was a local station that we use quite regularly, but I live in the city, so there are plenty of alternatives. The guy, who was not more than say 18 will have been clever to give it up in the end and just lost face rather than try to bluff it out till the police got there and searched the booth.


100% would get involved Most fuel attendants here at stations are Burmese & sorry to say but many try it on in various ways.

Many pump less gas than you asked for then charge you full keep the difference etc.

I once had to get out of my truck & threaten one guy till he handed over the 200 baht he was trying to steal from me.

I had asked for 1000 baht & when paying noticed pump read 800...So I just said in Thai..Wouldn't take the 1000 eh?

He tried to claim he ran the pump twice 200 & 800 ...yeah sure

I also saw the exact same at another station but the Thai man who was getting ripped off caught on & saw the pump reading

& while I thought he was going to beat him he instead called the cops.

The attendant was begging for mercy as he was probably an illegal status.

The Thai man basically said Tough Sh!t you should have thought of that before you tried to rip me off.


Never sure what I might do these days in such a situation... but good for you for helping out and what a jerk for stealing the purse. I hope this is not a local gas station for you... If it was my local station, I probably would have said something about giving it back, but they are usually pretty nice there.

Yes it was a local station that we use quite regularly, but I live in the city, so there are plenty of alternatives. The guy, who was not more than say 18 will have been clever to give it up in the end and just lost face rather than try to bluff it out till the police got there and searched the booth.

Not to worry these workers stay there weeks at most

Then gone

The Burmese girls at the stations are actually better workers IMHO


Am I missing something?

You were the only witness (apart from the alleged thief and his mates). When you left she still hadn't been given her purse. She was alone and in dispute with the attendants when you drove off.


Best avoid that station for a while. I can imagine the dialogue between BiB and the gal.

BiB: how do you know he took it?

Gal: Farang told me

Unless this place has a whole lot of farang customers the little creep, or his buddies, are going to remember you. Expect a flat tire, or something bad in the gas tank.


HeLL Yeah.....I hate thieves!!!!! Honest people have a hard enough time these days.....Its not just the small amount of cash...but the ID card, the ATM...other stuff as well. lost work time having to replace everything. Just the DMV is a day.


Best avoid that station for a while. I can imagine the dialogue between BiB and the gal.

BiB: how do you know he took it?

Gal: Farang told me

Unless this place has a whole lot of farang customers the little creep, or his buddies, are going to remember you. Expect a flat tire, or something bad in the gas tank.

So you think they're going to do that while he is watching?

see the way thai's think about it ,you are the problem not him taking the wallet. he got the wallet good farang ratting me out bad. it is the farang's fault not his. in his mind he did nothing wrong.


I saw the same thing one time at the gas station where I always drive to.

The guy who picked up the wallet was on the way to hide it in his pocket when he saw I was watching him. I made big angry eyes , nodded negatively and said "Tssst Tssst". The guy then put the wallet on the pump and smiled to me. I didn't smile back. In the meanwhile, the scooter driver came back and the "almost thief" ran to him and gave him the wallet back. He looked at me and I smiled.

Now when I go get gas, this guy always tries to serve me. Maybe he is thankful I helped him not to be a thief....


Perhaps it would have been a good idea for you (or your wife) to tell the Lady that she should ask to see the CCTV. That would have sorted it.

P.S. Yes, I would have done the same as yourself along with mentioning about the CCTV.


In this case I would have gotten involved. I mean at least you had a "getaway vehicle".

Cheers to you for being a good human being. As for your wife saying most Thais would not have gotten involved... well that's just a sad reflection of how this whole country works.


If it was local, I would have stayed out of it for obvious reasons, but noted the girls reg no, and asked Mrs Possum to tell her brother as he is a policeman.

If it was not local, I would tell the girl, and point to the thief, if there was more than one male petrol attendant, I would then make myself scarce.


Am I missing something?

You were the only witness (apart from the alleged thief and his mates). When you left she still hadn't been given her purse. She was alone and in dispute with the attendants when you drove off.

Yes you did miss something, in my post I clearly stated we had to be somewhere and were pressed for time, and the missus just wanted to go so was getting agitated and explaining that the girl was certainly now calling the police. They also have many CCTV cameras around the station explicitly pointing at the pumps and cash booth. The cops would certainly be reviewing the hard drive. It would have all been caught.

Under the circumstances,I more than done my bit.


If your Thai wife did not want you to get involved, perhaps she should have spoke out herself or got off the car herself to talk to the lady who drop her wallet....Thai mentality


I would have donned my ThaiVisa cape and cowl , knocked out the criminal, warned the others to be better citizens, presented the wide eyed girl with her purse , then drove off in a cloud of dust and burning rubber.


Am I missing something?

You were the only witness (apart from the alleged thief and his mates). When you left she still hadn't been given her purse. She was alone and in dispute with the attendants when you drove off.

Yes you did miss something, in my post I clearly stated we had to be somewhere and were pressed for time, and the missus just wanted to go so was getting agitated and explaining that the girl was certainly now calling the police. They also have many CCTV cameras around the station explicitly pointing at the pumps and cash booth. The cops would certainly be reviewing the hard drive. It would have all been caught.

Under the circumstances,I more than done my bit.

"Then suddenly her purse fell out of her pocket just as she pulled off onto the road . . . ," were the CCTV cameras pointed out onto the road? It does seem you did something, but not enough to get too involved.


Am I missing something?

You were the only witness (apart from the alleged thief and his mates). When you left she still hadn't been given her purse. She was alone and in dispute with the attendants when you drove off.

Yes you did miss something, in my post I clearly stated we had to be somewhere and were pressed for time, and the missus just wanted to go so was getting agitated and explaining that the girl was certainly now calling the police. They also have many CCTV cameras around the station explicitly pointing at the pumps and cash booth. The cops would certainly be reviewing the hard drive. It would have all been caught.

Under the circumstances,I more than done my bit.

"Then suddenly her purse fell out of her pocket just as she pulled off onto the road . . . ," were the CCTV cameras pointed out onto the road? It does seem you did something, but not enough to get too involved.

Oh yes, the whole thing would have been covered, just before the exit there are 2 ATM machines and a camera pointing towards them, and just beyond those is the exit. The fact the attendant ran towards it then ran back with a huge grin on his face with his hand stuck up his shirt will be enough even if the position of the purse was not completely in view. The actual dropping of the purse and the guy picking it up and getting back to the booth was no more than 30 seconds.

The young girl must have realised almost straight away because she was back just as the guy entered the booth. That is why I decided to collect my change and park up beside the ATMs to see if this guy was going to give it back to her, the guy saw me open the window and thumb to her in the direction of the booth. There was no doubt between the two of us that I was telling her that her purse was in there.

I thought the guy was certainly going to realise the gig was up and just hand the purse to her. That is why I hung around to make sure he did.... I was always going to make an extra intervention if he didn't, and that is what I did explicitly point out which guy picked it up and put it in there.

I should add that there was a woman I would say in her mid 30s who was in the booth at the time handling the cash etc... She MUST have known what was going on. As far as I am aware she was as good as implicating herself.


I would have stayed and sorted it out for sure. No question. Your wife should have

clearly and concisely told the young lady what happened and which attendant

with no ethics or morals had scooped her purse. sad.png


Never sure what I might do these days in such a situation... but good for you for helping out and what a jerk for stealing the purse. I hope this is not a local gas station for you... If it was my local station, I probably would have said something about giving it back, but they are usually pretty nice there.

Yes it was a local station that we use quite regularly, but I live in the city, so there are plenty of alternatives. The guy, who was not more than say 18 will have been clever to give it up in the end and just lost face rather than try to bluff it out till the police got there and searched the booth.

Not to worry these workers stay there weeks at most

Then gone

The Burmese girls at the stations are actually better workers IMHO

Not true, the 4 fuel stations that I know an use in my area are Burmese an 90% of them hav been working there over 6mths. An we also near the Burmese border.


By this we are changing thais behaviour

My ex is now not throwing garbage around or out of car. And when walking she keeps garbage in hand until we find a 7eleven or something. I told her it has to start somewhere


Never sure what I might do these days in such a situation... but good for you for helping out and what a jerk for stealing the purse. I hope this is not a local gas station for you... If it was my local station, I probably would have said something about giving it back, but they are usually pretty nice there.

Yes it was a local station that we use quite regularly, but I live in the city, so there are plenty of alternatives. The guy, who was not more than say 18 will have been clever to give it up in the end and just lost face rather than try to bluff it out till the police got there and searched the booth.

Not to worry these workers stay there weeks at most

Then gone

The Burmese girls at the stations are actually better workers IMHO

Not true, the 4 fuel stations that I know an use in my area are Burmese an 90% of them hav been working there over 6mths. An we also near the Burmese border.

555 well true for you & I differ then wink.png

Even Burmese employees my wife has had just ups & disappears one day no notice at all.

Kind of odd as my wife is very nice & pays very well for helpers at the time etc.

But other shops near my wife all say the same....Burmese workers...here today gone tomorrow without a word

Oh & here is something really shocking..The last girl left a week of pay behind too. Surely she knew if she just told my wife she

had to go my wife would pay her easily no problems

So sometimes I do wonder why


Yes it was a local station that we use quite regularly, but I live in the city, so there are plenty of alternatives. The guy, who was not more than say 18 will have been clever to give it up in the end and just lost face rather than try to bluff it out till the police got there and searched the booth.

Not to worry these workers stay there weeks at most

Then gone

The Burmese girls at the stations are actually better workers IMHO

Not true, the 4 fuel stations that I know an use in my area are Burmese an 90% of them hav been working there over 6mths. An we also near the Burmese border.

555 well true for you & I differ then wink.png

Even Burmese employees my wife has had just ups & disappears one day no notice at all.

Kind of odd as my wife is very nice & pays very well for helpers at the time etc.

But other shops near my wife all say the same....Burmese workers...here today gone tomorrow without a word

Oh & here is something really shocking..The last girl left a week of pay behind too. Surely she knew if she just told my wife she

had to go my wife would pay her easily no problems

So sometimes I do wonder why

Kidnapped and forced into the sex industry perhaps?


By this we are changing thais behaviour

My ex is now not throwing garbage around or out of car. And when walking she keeps garbage in hand until we find a 7eleven or something. I told her it has to start somewhere

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