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Farang beach rubbish collectors wowing Thais


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They are obsessed with not having been colonised....just look at the National anthem. That's all that matters to most and it doesn't matter it's a dirty s*it hole.

That's because they voluntarily gave up some of their territory, but i bet you wouldn't find that little "irrelevant" particular on local's history books.....

Good point but actually I think you will. Thai nationalists often like to point out how big their country could have been if it weren't for the actions of greedy western (French/British) imperialists. It's funny how Thailand also briefly regained control of parts of eastern Shan State (now in Myanmar) and Saiyabuli province (then called eastern Nan now part of Laos) during the Japanese occupation in WW2 but had to give them back to their colonial occupiers after the end of the war. Within just 5 years of reverting these territories back to their colonial masters, their empires collapsed altogether. Kind of ironic in a sense.

However, Thailand (then Siam) also used to be a lot smaller in historical terms. When the Khmer empire was in full bloom, it ruled over much of present day Thailand. The Burmese gained control over vast areas of Siamese territory in the 1700s.

Territorial gains have also been made by Thailand in the last century or so. The easternmost section of Trat province was handed to the Thais by the French colonial government - otherwise it'd be part of present day Koh Kong. The three southernmost provinces (Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani) were once part of an Islamic sultanate called Patani but annexed by Thailand over 100 years ago. All of Isarn could potentially have become French administered and now be part of Laos. Instead, Thailand received most of the territories west of the Mekong but had to give up some claims to western parts of Cambodia and Laos (as mentioned above) to the French in 1893.

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Go to any country in the world and you will see citizens throw trash away outside trash cans. And same country will have other citizens picking up trash under the name of some "clean the world" campaign of cleaning said country.

England ...........

Almost totally litter free, none on the roads, none in the parks, clean beaches.

Spain .............

Seems to be no trash anywhere in Spain.

Thailand ..........

Dirtiest country I have ever seen, rubbish on the beaches, countryside, roads, monuments, it's everywhere.

Brighton, Benidorm, Patong? Maybe get out of the tourist cities to some of the nice rural areas.

You've obviously never been to Indonesia if you say Thailand is the dirtiest country you've ever seen.


Cambodia is a lot worse. Even the Thais I went to Cambodia with back in April were constantly complaining about all the trash strewn everywhere.

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Most of the Thai's live in la la land. They believe that Thailand is clean and advanced and that they know everything. My wife used to think like that until she started coming to different countries with me. After that she used to complain that Thailand was filthy.

A lot of the thinking is the same as you get in many of the Middle eastern countries. They are fed the idea that their country is the greatest and that they know everything, hence the reason they ignore anything a foreigner says. You cant blame them they have been brain washed. The better educated Thai's know there is a lot wrong with the country and the Thai way f thinking but will never admit it in public

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I stayed in BKK during the 2011 flood. I wanted to help but when I arrived at the help center they just told me that I could not help as I only had a tourist visa (between jobs) and no WP.

Even if you had a work permit you could not work. A work permit is not an open license to work doing anything, anywhere. Your work permit says what your job is and location and that is the only place you are allowed to work.

Yet, a group of us from my company spent several evenings around the Erawan Temple loading trucks full of food and water and supplies to be driven north for flood victims. Some of them even went with the trucks to ride the inflatables further than the road could take them. Old fart that I am, I let the young pups take the road duty- with the pretty girls.

Never once approached by anyone who wanted to do anything but thank us and offer us coffee, tea and water to drink- and tried to buy us food from the McDonalds right there.

Actually you broke the law. I didnt say police and immigration are out looking for people that help in emergency situations and are going to do arrest you, its a chance you are taking. You piss someone off and they complain then you can have issues. I have helped neighbors, friends move, paint, repairs on their houses. I have a work permit but it's for my company not everything I do.

Do I think it's right NO! however TIT and we all know the rules are only enforced when someone complains.

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I stayed in BKK during the 2011 flood. I wanted to help but when I arrived at the help center they just told me that I could not help as I only had a tourist visa (between jobs) and no WP.

Even if you had a work permit you could not work. A work permit is not an open license to work doing anything, anywhere. Your work permit says what your job is and location and that is the only place you are allowed to work.

Yet, a group of us from my company spent several evenings around the Erawan Temple loading trucks full of food and water and supplies to be driven north for flood victims. Some of them even went with the trucks to ride the inflatables further than the road could take them. Old fart that I am, I let the young pups take the road duty- with the pretty girls.

Never once approached by anyone who wanted to do anything but thank us and offer us coffee, tea and water to drink- and tried to buy us food from the McDonalds right there.

Actually you broke the law. I didnt say police and immigration are out looking for people that help in emergency situations and are going to do arrest you, its a chance you are taking. You piss someone off and they complain then you can have issues. I have helped neighbors, friends move, paint, repairs on their houses. I have a work permit but it's for my company not everything I do.

Do I think it's right NO! however TIT and we all know the rules are only enforced when someone complains.

I have no doubt that it could have been deemed illegal. But I’m more interested in the real world chances of negative consequences than the technical legality.

The main reason I’m interested in this thread is that each weekend for the past 6 months, I’ve been collecting trash on my weekly exercise jaunts in BKK. For over a year, I do the same outdoor exercise routine each weekend, and simply started carrying a trash bag with me to break up the monotony. When I’m finished, I dump the contents into the same trash bin each week.

If someone were to post some links to verifiable information that people were actually getting in trouble for what the guy in the OP article is doing, I may even quit the trash collection component of my weekly exercise evolution.

But I’m not inclined to stop because of unsubstantiated stories about friends of friends who were done in for WP violations because they mowed their own lawn or washed their car. Not that I don’t believe the stories, but I question whether they were WP violations by legitimate police, or shakedowns by rogue, or even fake cops. (My link to a concurrent TVF thread of fake cops seems to have been deemed off-topic and inflammatory)

So far, every published story I've read about WP violations makes sense when the whole story comes out. But I'm open to other possibilities as long as they come with some authentication.

On an aside, on my 2nd or 3rd weekly trash collection routine, I was approached rather sternly by a little old scavenger lady who apparently thought I was horning in on her recycling empire. But another nearby lady calmed her down, apparently explaining that I wasn’t absconding with the recyclables, and now the 3 of us exchange greetings every week. And she gets first dibs on all my goodies just before they go into the bin.

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Even if you had a work permit you could not work. A work permit is not an open license to work doing anything, anywhere. Your work permit says what your job is and location and that is the only place you are allowed to work.

Yet, a group of us from my company spent several evenings around the Erawan Temple loading trucks full of food and water and supplies to be driven north for flood victims. Some of them even went with the trucks to ride the inflatables further than the road could take them. Old fart that I am, I let the young pups take the road duty- with the pretty girls.

Never once approached by anyone who wanted to do anything but thank us and offer us coffee, tea and water to drink- and tried to buy us food from the McDonalds right there.

Actually you broke the law. I didnt say police and immigration are out looking for people that help in emergency situations and are going to do arrest you, its a chance you are taking. You piss someone off and they complain then you can have issues. I have helped neighbors, friends move, paint, repairs on their houses. I have a work permit but it's for my company not everything I do.

Do I think it's right NO! however TIT and we all know the rules are only enforced when someone complains.

I have no doubt that it could have been deemed illegal. But I’m more interested in the real world chances of negative consequences than the technical legality.

The main reason I’m interested in this thread is that each weekend for the past 6 months, I’ve been collecting trash on my weekly exercise jaunts in BKK. For over a year, I do the same outdoor exercise routine each weekend, and simply started carrying a trash bag with me to break up the monotony. When I’m finished, I dump the contents into the same trash bin each week.

If someone were to post some links to verifiable information that people were actually getting in trouble for what the guy in the OP article is doing, I may even quit the trash collection component of my weekly exercise evolution.

But I’m not inclined to stop because of unsubstantiated stories about friends of friends who were done in for WP violations because they mowed their own lawn or washed their car. Not that I don’t believe the stories, but I question whether they were WP violations by legitimate police, or shakedowns by rogue, or even fake cops. (My link to a concurrent TVF thread of fake cops seems to have been deemed off-topic and inflammatory)

So far, every published story I've read about WP violations makes sense when the whole story comes out. But I'm open to other possibilities as long as they come with some authentication.

On an aside, on my 2nd or 3rd weekly trash collection routine, I was approached rather sternly by a little old scavenger lady who apparently thought I was horning in on her recycling empire. But another nearby lady calmed her down, apparently explaining that I wasn’t absconding with the recyclables, and now the 3 of us exchange greetings every week. And she gets first dibs on all my goodies just before they go into the bin.

As I've said before, there is no problem mowing your own lawn or washing your own car. Hell, if a farang couldn't do any work, then driving a car would be illegal too, especially if you're picking up someone else. Many [most] of these types of jobs are done by foreigners anyway; usually Burmese or Cambodians. Helping a neighbor move should be OK too - especially it's a one off and you're just being helpful and importantly, you know said neighbors.

Those unsubstantiated stories are just that - every time there is a thread about this kind of story the "WP brigade" come out of the woodworks. Although I have spent considerable time trying to disprove their nonsense, this may be the last time I'm going to waste my time with this claptrap. Just because someone says something on TV doesn't make it true.

Volunteering to do something for the community, even if you don't get paid for it (that's the definition of volunteering) is a completely different animal and yes, that requires a work permit.

Nobody cares what you do at home, but if you go out into the public sphere, that's another story.

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If the plane overshoots the runway on landing, you are not in thailand yet as you have not passed through immigration.

Of course you are, if, as in my example the accident occurs on Thai soil. Thailand doesn't just magically enforce it's laws based on whether you are stamped into the country or not.

What about illegal border crossers?

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Just because someone says something on TV doesn't make it true.

When did that change????

Edit: BTW, you're up against that old challenge of proving a negative. Just can't be done.

Edited by impulse
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So when I have friends visiting I'm the driver since I own a car and they save money on taxi , is that illegal too ? My payment is a free dinner.

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I stayed in BKK during the 2011 flood. I wanted to help but when I arrived at the help center they just told me that I could not help as I only had a tourist visa (between jobs) and no WP.

Even if you had a work permit you could not work. A work permit is not an open license to work doing anything, anywhere. Your work permit says what your job is and location and that is the only place you are allowed to work.

Yet, a group of us from my company spent several evenings around the Erawan Temple loading trucks full of food and water and supplies to be driven north for flood victims. Some of them even went with the trucks to ride the inflatables further than the road could take them. Old fart that I am, I let the young pups take the road duty- with the pretty girls.

Never once approached by anyone who wanted to do anything but thank us and offer us coffee, tea and water to drink- and tried to buy us food from the McDonalds right there.

Actually you broke the law. I didnt say police and immigration are out looking for people that help in emergency situations and are going to do arrest you, its a chance you are taking. You piss someone off and they complain then you can have issues. I have helped neighbors, friends move, paint, repairs on their houses. I have a work permit but it's for my company not everything I do.

Do I think it's right NO! however TIT and we all know the rules are only enforced when someone complains.

Quite right. When the floods happened outside our house I was out digging drains along with the council workers and their supervisors didn't have me arrested. It's only when a farang threatens a problem for a Thai that the threats start.

I used to have breakfast at a Pattaya restaurant owned by a farang, but he gave it away and went back to the UK when the demands became too onerous.

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I stayed in BKK during the 2011 flood. I wanted to help but when I arrived at the help center they just told me that I could not help as I only had a tourist visa (between jobs) and no WP.

Even if you had a work permit you could not work. A work permit is not an open license to work doing anything, anywhere. Your work permit says what your job is and location and that is the only place you are allowed to work.

Yet, a group of us from my company spent several evenings around the Erawan Temple loading trucks full of food and water and supplies to be driven north for flood victims. Some of them even went with the trucks to ride the inflatables further than the road could take them. Old fart that I am, I let the young pups take the road duty- with the pretty girls.

Never once approached by anyone who wanted to do anything but thank us and offer us coffee, tea and water to drink- and tried to buy us food from the McDonalds right there.

Thats great you and your friends helped!! However it was still illegal. Thailand work laws are very vague and as you have lived in Thailand I'm sure you know by now not all the rules are always followed. If they wanted to you could have ended up in detention for working without a work permit for that job. There are work permits for volunteer work. I admit I dont always follow the rules either many time I help my guys in the factory load the truck operate a machine when a guy is out sick etc, but even though I have a work permit for my company I have to do the job listed not any job I want.

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"There can be no exceptions. Work is work, even if it is for charity"


Apparently some volunteers were even asked to have at least 200.000B in their bank accounts, on top of all the other paperworks before they could help......can you imagine the discussion at the labour dept? "i no care 5000 people dead, you must pay money or you go away, money money money and no try to help if you no pay me because we put you in jail for 3 years and fine you too" facepalm.gif

Never heard of that going on down there. My one friend went down there and worked for 7 months with no issues. His employer actually kept paying him while he was down there working, which I thought was really nice.

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Never heard of that going on down there. My one friend went down there and worked for 7 months with no issues. His employer actually kept paying him while he was down there working, which I thought was really nice.

One of the first people i met longs ago, told me how you can work without WP, driving with no DL, etc...because he was doing that from so many years, somehow i did prefer to stick to the rules.

Ohh and he's no longer around from ages, i let you guess why.

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Never heard of that going on down there. My one friend went down there and worked for 7 months with no issues. His employer actually kept paying him while he was down there working, which I thought was really nice.

One of the first people i met longs ago, told me how you can work without WP, driving with no DL, etc...because he was doing that from so many years, somehow i did prefer to stick to the rules.

Ohh and he's no longer around from ages, i let you guess why.

Thing about LOS, it's always OK till it's not.

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