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Controversial “Foreign National Information Form” arrives in Pattaya, being rolled out nationwide

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The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO


A wild guess would be that bluebluewater sees a future TV story exposing the wholesale systematic plundering of residents' bank accounts and other assets which has been undertaken by "persons unknown" apparently using information gleaned from these forms. It's just a wild guess tho'... ...probably never happen....


I did my 90 day report last Monday and never had to fill in this form

Apparently this form came into action today. A friend of mine had to travel back and forth a very long way to get proof of his address when doing his 90 day report.

At 2.6 " frequently visited places or premises" You need to fill : Kindergarten Jom Tien Soi 5 .......



I do hope you all kick up a fuss and have a little paddy at immigration office. Hopefully when I'm there so when they tell you to take another number and wait or make your visit hell I can sit and laugh. Dear me children act as most of you are doing now.

And it is your absolute right to do so. But do you really think that you are in any way less dispensable to Thailand than each and every one of the rest of us? That your strict adherence to the rules in any way insulates you from an official who for no discernible reason whatsoever, takes a dislike to you and makes your life a misery while the rest of those seated enjoy a laugh at your expense? I've seen it happen before with some of the 'in' crowd that suddenly weren't.

There but for the grace of God and all that...



I do hope you all kick up a fuss and have a little paddy at immigration office. Hopefully when I'm there so when they tell you to take another number and wait or make your visit hell I can sit and laugh. Dear me children act as most of you are doing now.

Legitimate concerns i think and not childish at all.

By all means hand them all your bank details, your social media sites, your passwords, your regular hangouts, your favourite colour and your grandmas teeth, and any information they want about you.

When you suffer from identity theft and your bank accounts cleaned out please let us all know so we can all come along and sit and laugh.


Did 90 day report two weeks ago in Phuket....no form in sight. If it is only in English how will that work for other countries nationals.



I do hope you all kick up a fuss and have a little paddy at immigration office. Hopefully when I'm there so when they tell you to take another number and wait or make your visit hell I can sit and laugh. Dear me children act as most of you are doing now.

Legitimate concerns i think and not childish at all.

By all means hand them all your bank details, your social media sites, your passwords, your regular hangouts, your favourite colour and your grandmas teeth, and any information they want about you.

When you suffer from identity theft and your bank accounts cleaned out please let us all know so we can all come along and sit and laugh.

That too..

I did my 90 day report last Monday and never had to fill in this form

Apparently this form came into action today. A friend of mine had to travel back and forth a very long way to get proof of his address when doing his 90 day report.
A letter from his landlord saying he has lived at this address from this date to the present day. Signed by the landlord and his contact details.

I know a lot of us are having a fit about this, and for those who wonder why, it's not because they ask for our phone number, but rather this is step 1 of many steps where in the future they will start asking for really personal information.

If we wait till it's too late to complain, it's too late

To flip this around to the other perspective: How will they even verify the information given (that isn't already on record with governments and they are, apparently, too lazy to cross reference).


Why not opt for tattoos? These would not get lost like a wristband or ankle bracelet. All visitors could be tattooed with their immigration number on each limb plus torso and face so that they could be readily identified from any body part that might be found after an accident or "heart attack".


I think you'll find that a certain painter & decorator from Austria did that a while back to large sections of the community & it was not popular.

Maybe the present junta have been reading up on "My Fight" & decided to nick a leaf?

They should be learning from history or they are doomed to repeat it.


If the paper it's written on is perforated, when I go to immigration accompanied by my thai lawyer and don't fill it in, they can still

use the form as a paper cup and have a nice cup of Tata tea! coffee1.gif


I made an extension of stay in Samut Prakarn three weeks ago and was not asked to fill in this form.

I did my 90 last month in Songkhla and was required to fill out the form. However, as mentioned above, I simply filled in name rank and serial number and it was accepted without question.


I do no social media. I only post on TV. If I was stupid enough to tell them that, and what I post, I would have been taken away a long time ago for attitude adjustment.

As for the bozo clowns that are running the nut house now, we really know what their attitude to foreigners is now ....

"easier to catch them."

Not find them, not help them, not take care, not be polite and welcoming. All out hell for leather "catch them".....For what ???

Just as the justice system works here. Foreigners are all guilty, and if not, only innocent until we trump up something.

This is social media.


I took the opportunity of entering my own answers into your template, hope you don't mind.


- Full name, date of birth, passport number, and names of father and mother ....... Oedipus, 3000BC, found abandoned on a mountain and raised by Shepherds called Nobby and Gladys. Dad dead. Wife looks familiar.

- Full address and telephone numbers in home country ........................................... 8-10 Broadway, London WC1H - +44-20-7230-1212 (Which just happens to be Scotland Yard)

- Full address and telephone numbers of your home and workplace in Thailand ............ A Tin and a piece of string, under the BTS Station at Nana, which serves as my office also.

- Social media and email accounts (is optional) .................................................... Accounts on Tinder, AdultHub, AdultFriendFinder.

- Make of car/motorcycle, model, colour, license plate number ............................. Williams FW38

- Frequently visited places such as clubs, restaurants, shops, hospital .................... Darby and Joan, McDonalds, anywhere without CCTV.

- Emergency contact details for a Thai and foreigner ....................................... Pray to Allah.

- Bank account details such as bank, branch, account name and account number (only required for certain visas ...... I only barter in Eggs and small herbs gathered from the forest.

I do hope you are prepared to answer to officials why you gave false in formation to Thai immigration


I do no social media. I only post on TV. If I was stupid enough to tell them that, and what I post, I would have been taken away a long time ago for attitude adjustment.

As for the bozo clowns that are running the nut house now, we really know what their attitude to foreigners is now ....

"easier to catch them."

Not find them, not help them, not take care, not be polite and welcoming. All out hell for leather "catch them".....For what ???

Just as the justice system works here. Foreigners are all guilty, and if not, only innocent until we trump up something.

Are you suggesting the literally hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners who are charged with crimes and paraded here on TV are all innocent?


Oh goody! w00t.gif This place is getting more and more surreal as time goes by. coffee1.gif

Yep! This is not about terrorism. This is about control. Mass surveillance systems have been online for over a year and a half now. The junta said it was being used for gathering intelligence on possible terror in the country. But not so, as of January the military have been using it to spy on twitter and facebook accounts.


Now why spy on farangs. To get rid of the ones who are critical of the current regime. Your card is marked, get to the border or extend your visa and big red stamp. Visa denied.

Of course I'm just paranoid. They just want to know who stole the shampoo from Boots to make an arrest. Or who kicked the door of a taxi or who dropped a cigerette stub on the street. Yes, thats why they need all that information on every foreigner coming in and out of los. Big brother is watching you, this is real.


A British man apologizes for posting a video clip complaining about exorbitant taxi fares in Phuket.

From sanook news website


English article in the khaosod

News https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.khaosodenglish.com/culture/net/2016/06/20/jack-dekfarang-apologizes-taxi-rant-riled-phuket/&ved=0ahUKEwjW5eSA-7vNAhUWS48KHWrvBHcQFggdMAE&usg=AFQjCNES3t5jZThU06367YTAD9E92Vxg1g&sig2=qCrOsFA3SS-0URCM6pntGw




- Full name, date of birth, passport number, and names of father and mother

deceased - they will not care

- Full address and telephone numbers in home country

no have

- Full address and telephone numbers of your home and workplace in Thailand

1 they know already, 2 no have

- Social media and email accounts (is optional)

optional - No

- Make of car/motorcycle, model, colour, license plate number

no have

- Frequently visited places such as clubs, restaurants, shops, hospital

3 Lotus in surroundings

- Emergency contact details for a Thai and foreigner

I will find somebody

- Bank account details such as bank, branch, account name and account number (only required for certain visas

think - not for me



Why is any foreigner filling out this form?

It clearly states;

1. To be Completed by Recording Person. (So it's their job to complete it, not ours).

I do hope you are not as ill-informed on everything you do. Yeah, the space labeled #1, is for an immigration official to fill in and identify themselves as the officer who received the form from you. The remainder of the form; however, is for you to fill out.


The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO

You , and all who liked you post should be aware, it says at the top of the form, "Providing false information to an officer, shall be punished under Penal Code."



- Full name, date of birth, passport number, and names of father and mother

deceased - they will not care

- Full address and telephone numbers in home country

no have

- Full address and telephone numbers of your home and workplace in Thailand

1 they know already, 2 no have

- Social media and email accounts (is optional)

optional - No

- Make of car/motorcycle, model, colour, license plate number

no have

- Frequently visited places such as clubs, restaurants, shops, hospital

3 Lotus in surroundings

- Emergency contact details for a Thai and foreigner

I will find somebody

- Bank account details such as bank, branch, account name and account number (only required for certain visas

think - not for me


I have seen the same one pager- don't know why some people are so up in arms abut this.

NoK details- makes sense, vehicle details- makes sense, emergency contact details- makes sense. Other stuff optional- makes sense.

The paranoia of some escapes me.


- Pin numbers to ATM cards (optional)

- Password to online banking accounts (preferred)

- Copy of key to house and car (optional)

Are you JOKING???

Pin number - Password - Copy of key???

You surely cannot be serious.

But then again this being Thailand I'm pretty sure you are serious special after having just come back from the bank buying a Thai Gov. Bond which I have bought for more than the past twenty years in addition to a Bank 5-month Fixed Deposit. You should have seen the stack of forms the bank employee did complete, all of which I had to sign. The first form I took a look at and for a starter it looked to be all in Thai, then after a more intense look I did discover there were some English words in it making from my point of view the whole thing a charade, so I just signed were the bank employee pointed me to sign, normally they put a small x were to sign for you, but this time no small x just his finger pointing at were to sign as if he didn't wanted his pen involved with the form. If they are going to keep all that paperwork on file then from all that weight Bangkok will then even faster than it does now sink into the swamp it is build on. There is no way they can plow through all that paperwork. Like as so many times before, they will file all of it for a while and then it will lend up for wrapping paper with street food stall vendors. It is like Immigration paperwork when it was located on Soi SuanPlu they did seemed to keep it all because each year the stack was getting bigger. Then after they had moved to their new location low and behold the stack had become smaller, after asking what had happen, the officer said, "We now only keep the last 3-years". Now that Immigration is computerized you do not see that 3-year stack anymore because everything you submit now seems to be scanned into their mainframe. How well they do the scanning is another good question, maybe not tooo good, and that is why they have come up with this new gimmick form to see what they have lost into the ionosphere. Of course western countries are getting just as bad with orders from Obama to collect information to see were US passport holders are hanging out. Remember US Immigration has a law when living 10-year and over outside US you can loose US Nationality. How well this law is being enforced is another question. But the IRS has been transporting US passport holders back to the US during the past few years after having lived 10-years and more outside the US. So maybe immigration let the IRS do the dirty work. All this paperwork shit you do not know how much the sinister hand of the US is involved in it.


The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO

You , and all who liked you post should be aware, it says at the top of the form, "Providing false information to an officer, shall be punished under Penal Code."

You should also be aware that your IP is being tracked and that your email you logged in as a member is semi-safe.

Reading an article in a Cambodian magazine, a minister in Thailand wants all visitors to be issued wristbands by their hotels, with passport information etc., in case they become lost and do not remember where they are staying. Next it will be ankle bracelets.

Other than the Chinese, that would be a tourism killer.

Cambodians in hotels, very interesting; as the majority come here for working purposes - inconvenient on building sites. What other spin can the generals possibly dream up that's further complete crap - only in Thailand. That ones a new edition to Thainess book of rules, really? Cut down another 20 Rai of timber to keep the BS hard (stone age) records / just further opportunity for corruption.



- Full name, date of birth, passport number, and names of father and mother

deceased - they will not care

- Full address and telephone numbers in home country

no have

- Full address and telephone numbers of your home and workplace in Thailand

1 they know already, 2 no have

- Social media and email accounts (is optional)

optional - No

- Make of car/motorcycle, model, colour, license plate number

no have

- Frequently visited places such as clubs, restaurants, shops, hospital

3 Lotus in surroundings

- Emergency contact details for a Thai and foreigner

I will find somebody

- Bank account details such as bank, branch, account name and account number (only required for certain visas

think - not for me


I have seen the same one pager- don't know why some people are so up in arms abut this.

NoK details- makes sense, vehicle details- makes sense, emergency contact details- makes sense. Other stuff optional- makes sense.

The paranoia of some escapes me.

Say's Psimbo,

Police Sergeant IMmigration Bangkok Office.


The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO

You , and all who liked you post should be aware, it says at the top of the form, "Providing false information to an officer, shall be punished under Penal Code."

What a thoroughly unpleasant individual you portray yourself to be (the quote above plus your previous mutterings in this thread). I sicerely hope I never have the opportunity to meet you. So, below are a couple more quotes for you to ponder, as you appear to be quite happy to kowtow to every command and demand put upon you.

Personally, if information is requested from me, and provided that a clear and reasonable explanation is given for the need for that information, I have no objection to providing such information, allbeit that such information does not jeopardise my own well-being. I have nothing to hide. In relation to this current information request from Thai Immigration, no clear and reasonable explanation has been provided, and the information provided MAY indeed jeopardise my own well-being. As such, Immigration will receive the bare essentials (information that they already have to hand, if they were not too lazy to locate it themselves). The remainder will be gibberish.

And so to the quotes, dear smotherb... ponder them as you drift off into your peaceful, unenlightened slumber this evening;

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me." Pastor Niemöller

The form reads:


Bank Account Number (Only required for certain types of visa

applications) "​

​Should it not read:

"Thai Bank Account Number (Only required for certain types of visa applications)"

​Yes: which types of visa applications?

Marriage and retirement are "extensions of stay" and not visas if I am not mistaken.
Confusing....as I have learned, sometimes the hard way, to never assume anything.

Fill that in and you not only risk identity theft and extortion, but now the Thais can find out who says what online and file charges against the lot of us for being critical of the government or whatever. No thanks.

In addition to that, your information is probably being sold. We all fit a demographic and that info is valuable.


Reading an article in a Cambodian magazine, a minister in Thailand wants all visitors to be issued wristbands by their hotels, with passport information etc., in case they become lost and do not remember where they are staying. Next it will be ankle bracelets.

Probably an old article - they were tossing that brilliant idea around in the wake of the Koh Tao murders

all the forms in the world wont stop you getting raped and your head smashed in


Reading an article in a Cambodian magazine, a minister in Thailand wants all visitors to be issued wristbands by their hotels, with passport information etc., in case they become lost and do not remember where they are staying. Next it will be ankle bracelets.

Probably an old article - they were tossing that brilliant idea around in the wake of the Koh Tao murders

The mind boggles an ankle bracelet to keep track of murder victims!

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