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US: F-16 fighter jets intercept passenger plane over disruptive man


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Fighter jets intercept passenger plane over disruptive man

TUCSON: -- A Delta Air Lines flight has been diverted to Tucson International Airport in Arizona after a passenger refused to sit down and made threatening remarks during a flight from San Antonio to Los Angeles, witnesses and officials say.

Flight 5720 was flying over New Mexico when a male passenger became disruptive and refused to sit down, prompting the pilots to declare an emergency. Two F-16 fighter jets were scrambled as a precaution to escort the plane.

The Embraer 175 aircraft, which departed San Antonio in Texas at 4:46 p.m. CT on Wednesday, made a safe emergency landing at Tucson International Airport at 4:37 p.m. MT. Heavily-armed police met the aircraft and took the passenger into custody.

Details about the exact circumstances of the incident were not immediately known, but one passenger on board the plane described the man as having “some sort of breakdown”. He said the passenger was refusing to sit down and was uncooperative with flight attendants.

Full story: http://www.streetwisejournal.com/fighter-jets-intercept-passenger-plane-over-disruptive-man/

-- StreetWiseJournal 2016-06-23

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What exactly can a fighter jet do to help escort a plane with a disruptive passenger?

Shoot it down if the pilot were to lose control of the plane.

Of course...so why not report that? They weren't there to help anyone on the plane. A bit of an over the top reaction to a likely drunk passenger.

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What exactly can a fighter jet do to help escort a plane with a disruptive passenger?

Shoot it down if the pilot were to lose control of the plane.

Of course...so why not report that? They weren't there to help anyone on the plane. A bit of an over the top reaction to a likely drunk passenger.

lol, my thoughts exactly.

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Learn from past mistakes.


"Standing orders on September 11 dictated that, upon receiving a request for assistance from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) would normally order escort aircraft to approach and follow an aircraft that was confirmed to be hijacked in order to assure positive flight following, report unusual observances, and aid search and rescue in the event of an emergency.[1] The 9/11 Commission determined that on the morning of September 11, the FAA did not adequately notify NORAD of the hijackings of Flights 11, 175, 77 or 93 in time for escort aircraft to reach the hijacked flights.[2] Notification of the hijacking of Flight 11 prompted the scrambling of two fighter jets from Otis Air National Guard Base, but they were not in the air until after Flight 11 had hit the North Tower. An erroneous FAA report of a hijacked plane heading towards Washington ("phantom Flight 11") prompted the scrambling of three more fighters from the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base, which due to "poor communications", ended up flying eastward, out to sea, instead of heading toward Washington, significantly delaying their arrival on the scene.[2] "

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Learn from past mistakes.


"Standing orders on September 11 dictated that, upon receiving a request for assistance from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) would normally order escort aircraft to approach and follow an aircraft that was confirmed to be hijacked in order to assure positive flight following, report unusual observances, and aid search and rescue in the event of an emergency.[1] The 9/11 Commission determined that on the morning of September 11, the FAA did not adequately notify NORAD of the hijackings of Flights 11, 175, 77 or 93 in time for escort aircraft to reach the hijacked flights.[2] Notification of the hijacking of Flight 11 prompted the scrambling of two fighter jets from Otis Air National Guard Base, but they were not in the air until after Flight 11 had hit the North Tower. An erroneous FAA report of a hijacked plane heading towards Washington ("phantom Flight 11") prompted the scrambling of three more fighters from the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base, which due to "poor communications", ended up flying eastward, out to sea, instead of heading toward Washington, significantly delaying their arrival on the scene.[2] "

U.S. Practices How to Down Hijacked Jets - NY Times October 2, 2003

"The United States military practices how to shoot down hijacked commercial airliners as often as three to four times a week, honing its defenses against terrorist attacks on American cities, a senior general said on Thursday."


"Ultimately, the decision to shoot down an airliner would rest with the president, but Mr. Bush has in the past authorized two midlevel Air Force generals to order the downing in the event that he, Mr. Rumsfeld or General Eberhart were out of contact, and an attack was imminent."

I wonder if the procedure has been updated for President Obama's terms - such as confirming that there aren't any Islamics aboard and dropping leaflets ahead of its flight path to warn the hijackers of their impending doom (which there probably welcoming anyway with the opportunity to take the passengers with them).

My money's on that when/if a shoot down is really needed, they won't be there or the plane won't because it would have gone to low altitude to avoid detection or it had already made it to a populated area or ... .

Edited by MaxYakov
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Ka...Ching! US National Debt Clock. And they needed two F-16s to escort? Gotta have a backup, I guess. And their critical mission was ...?

To stop someone who could cause harm to people on the plane. Or possible to do something to cause the plane to crash,

into a school, hospital, etc.

My best guess, in this case, is that two pilots needed some flight time to get their flight pay this month. We can only speculate given the minimal info we have. Perhaps one of the plane's pilots overreacted or accidentally triggered its transponder's hijack code and the situation escalated. In the unlikely eventuality that there was a shoot down, you can bet they'd be working on a scheme to plausibly (or even implausibly) blame the right wing (not the plane's right wing, of course).

But, Thanks anyway, I've got you covered - HERE (ie click this)

Edited by MaxYakov
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Give him the bill for the cost of the scrambled jets.

When The airplane landed earlier then expected it had to empty fuel to get to the proper landing weight and the cost of landing charged at the airport for a total odf about $15,000 to $20,000 that the airlines has the option to sue for. He will also be hit with a federal fine for his causing the emergency landing.

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What exactly can a fighter jet do to help escort a plane with a disruptive passenger?

Shoot it down if the pilot were to lose control of the plane.

I can imagine the conversation:

"F-16 Pilot to unidentified suicide bomber on Flight XXXX - land the 'plane or I will shoot you down!!"

Suicide bomber on hi-jacked Flight XXXX to F-16 Pilot

"You don't really understand the basic concept here do you?"


Edited by p_brownstone
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Ka...Ching! US National Debt Clock. And they needed two F-16s to escort? Gotta have a backup, I guess. And their critical mission was ...?

To stop someone who could cause harm to people on the plane. Or possible to do something to cause the plane to crash,

into a school, hospital, etc.

My best guess, in this case, is that two pilots needed some flight time to get their flight pay this month. We can only speculate given the minimal info we have. Perhaps one of the plane's pilots overreacted or accidentally triggered its transponder's hijack code and the situation escalated. In the unlikely eventuality that there was a shoot down, you can bet they'd be working on a scheme to plausibly (or even implausibly) blame the right wing (not the plane's right wing, of course).

But, Thanks anyway, I've got you covered - HERE (ie click this)

Pilots sitting alert do not and cannot make this decision. Only a designated 'scramble authority' can order a launch of these aircraft. Flight time has nothing to do with it and there is no Wing liability involved in the event.

Edited by Hayduke
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So does anyone actually have an intelligent reason as what 2 F-16 fighter jets can do about an unruly passenger that wont sit down? The cockpit had not been breached the plane was on course.

Has America totally lost its collective mind?

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What exactly can a fighter jet do to help escort a plane with a disruptive passenger?

Shoot it down if the pilot were to lose control of the plane.

Of course...so why not report that? They weren't there to help anyone on the plane. A bit of an over the top reaction to a likely drunk passenger.

lol, my thoughts exactly.

Agreed, BUT if it was a terrorist?

As in war, many innocents die to 'protect' the majority. sad.png

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Of course a complete overreaction but the F16's like the intercept practice and they are

already paid for. The same for having "heavily armed" police meeting him at the gate.

Regular police with side arms would have been enough, but why send them when you

can send S.W.A.T. whistling.gif

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So does anyone actually have an intelligent reason as what 2 F-16 fighter jets can do about an unruly passenger that wont sit down? The cockpit had not been breached the plane was on course.

Has America totally lost its collective mind?

If I was the pilot, I would have braked suddenly causing him to lose his balance, think that would have worked.

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So does anyone actually have an intelligent reason as what 2 F-16 fighter jets can do about an unruly passenger that wont sit down? The cockpit had not been breached the plane was on course.

Has America totally lost its collective mind?

If I was the pilot, I would have braked suddenly causing him to lose his balance, think that would have worked.

No need to brake that aircraft.

Just put on the fasten seatbelt lights and do a sudden dive. Man will become weightless, and easily managed.

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Is there a compromise order, yes or no? Is there a standing order, yes or no? Was the plane armed?

Without this information a fighter jet appearing in the sky is no more meaningful then UFO sightings.

Can/will the plane shoot the civilian airliner? Can it act autonomously if aggressive moves by airline? What is the playbook? I can't see why this 'deterrent' would be more meaningful then Obama's other defense postures.

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So does anyone actually have an intelligent reason as what 2 F-16 fighter jets can do about an unruly passenger that wont sit down? The cockpit had not been breached the plane was on course.

Has America totally lost its collective mind?

Lol, why do you and others get so worked up about stuff like this or all things American if you don't live here. Relax, enjoy life. It will be alright. Hilarious are the concerns of some about costs and fuel if a fighter escort who neither live here nor pay taxes here.

Are they supposed to wait until cockpit us breached and plane is heading toward a school yard or a skyscraper.

Yep, they will shoot it down if for some reason the situation gets out of control, the plane ends up in the hands of terrorists and will be used as a weapon against people on the ground. I am glad they are extra precautions and this poor drunk dude is going to feel like hell when he comes out of that black out.

Just imagine the phone call to the wife explaining that he got too wasted, started a raucous, caused a flight to get diverted with an fighter escort and needs to be bailed out.

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What exactly can a fighter jet do to help escort a plane with a disruptive passenger?

Shoot it down if the pilot were to lose control of the plane.

Of course...so why not report that? They weren't there to help anyone on the plane. A bit of an over the top reaction to a likely drunk passenger.

It was not over the top but a standard reaction nowadays.

If any airline pilot in the west has a problem like this then they make an emergency call and always there will be 2 armed fighters with live weapons scrambled as a response. mopar71 is correct on this point. The fighter aircraft and the controllers on the ground will tell the aircraft where to go and what to do. If it deviates for any reason then the chances are that it will be shot down, preferably over open countryside and not allowed to crash into a highly populated city centre.

Blame 9/11 for that.

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