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Ubon woman claims rape and theft ordeal at hands of Jomtien police


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One of the major problems with the war on drugs and other lifestyle choices such as gambling is that it means there is a sword of Damocles constantly hovering over the heads of a fearful population allowing corrupt official to bully with impunity. The USA is another example of drug laws being used selectively against one section of the population, the non white population. Here in Thailand it is similar - the poorest section of society - the most vulnerable - the women, become victims of the so called war on drugs. The war on drugs is a war on free choice and a war on the people. Very sad. Thailand used to be a much better place when they had a more relaxed attitude toward these matters but as usual the UN dominated by the USA has made this corrupt war an international policy.

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40 grams of ice in the possession of "Bua" but yet "Or" is the one put in jail while Bua is not.

"Next day Bua turned up saying that she needed 5,000 baht in connection with the bust"

"A day later Bua arrived again and said she needed 15,000 baht"

To me it seems like this Bua character is in on the extortion with the police in some form.

While what you have said is true, she admitted doing drugs.

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Kidnap, Rape, Robbery & Extortion.

They are not policemen, they are highly criminals,

for which there is only one place in society: prison

Hopefully for a long time.

With such news, I no longer trust the police here.

"History doesn't lie" And down through history the Thai police been so overwelmingly worthless. There is the occasional exception but very rare indeed.

The police around the world are there to 'serve' and in Thailand the police are truly there to 'serve'...........................

To serve themselves..........

My Thai wife has 2 brothers that are Police in Korat. Over the past 20 years what I have heard about them and what I have seen for myself is disturbing to say the least. They are some of the worst "users and abusers" and crud walking the streets of this very lovable country. I hope the Army can prove to be an improvenent.

AND, now it is in the hands of the Pattaya Police, let's see if they can do a turnaround and actually treat this fair instead of another moneymaker for the department........

A moment of silence while I PRAY...........

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40 grams of ice in the possession of "Bua" but yet "Or" is the one put in jail while Bua is not.

"Next day Bua turned up saying that she needed 5,000 baht in connection with the bust"

"A day later Bua arrived again and said she needed 15,000 baht"

To me it seems like this Bua character is in on the extortion with the police in some form.

Well done Sherlock.But you forgot to add.Ubon women.Has brother in bangkok police,who happens to be very low ranked.no clout.She,s a druggy,deported from Korea for being there illegally.Selling sex in korea is big money. compared to thailand.Now she,see,s a chance of getting her money back.And she needs some money quickly for drugs.What do you think will happen.Answer,Nothing.Her brother has now been spoken to from his superiors.And he has told her to shut up and get back on the beach.If you understand thai women of this kind,Then you will understand all the bits that i have not explained .

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I hope you all understand that we need the military government.

It doesnt' matter if the rules are getting stricter for all of us who obey the law, as long as we can get rid of these scumbags

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How many more police act like this in Thailand , Maybe we will start to see some bad apples purged from the force.


and another reason why this military government is needed

all the "democratic" governments before did nothing, and T. did even the opposite

ha ha ha, yep things sure have changed!

These cases are just being reported that's all, meanwhile the thousands of others continue daily without mention.

You sure are gullible sweaty.

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The only clean up (needed) they (military) could do is to reintroduce martial law across the country and get rid off (by prosecuting) all criminals working for government agencies.

Democracy doesn't work at any corrupted or influenced by the special interests groups country. The law serves rich and punishing poor. Well, sort of standard isn't it? This also applies to modern "first" countries, I'm afraid. In certain circumstances dictatorial power can safe the nation and put them on the right path to real freedom where all are more equal in real life and abuses are seldom, exposed and prosecuted.

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It sounds like one of the villains is a police officer while the other accomplices are acting like police officers while the one police officer must have some sort of arrangement to use a room or rooms to conduct their sinister extortion affairs in the Na Jomtien police station while someone in a position of authority at the police station turns a blind eye to the extortion but takes a cut of what ever they can milk out of anyone.

The drug consumption aspect of the case is used as a legitimate but plausible reason as to why the women is being held while the police really do not care about the drug consumption...but if they can extort money out of people for drug related violations of the laws then...well ... they do.

Meantime the Girl Friend could have been a part of the extortion right from the beginning or most likely later incorporated as part of the scam or threatened to be spending time in prison for drug possession and quickly agreed to help the police extort the money out of the victim while under duress.

Being the scum bags that they are they can basically extort money from people in this orchestrated manner while most victims will not report the extortion because who can they report to and complain to about the extortion and alleged rape????...The police????

When you think about it, the woman could have been prosecuted by the letter of the law concerning illegal drug consumption and spend say 5 to 10 years in prison.

That being the case she was lucky, in a sense, that they extorted money from her, although in a very unsavory manner, rather than being incarcerated in a nasty Thai prison.

The other police will most likely ignore the case or may be persuaded to pursue it for a "service fee" and then do nothing much at all while saying: We tried ..So sorry...Never mind ..Get over it .....Such is life ......and "then" ignore the case ...but after they milked the women for some money themselves.

Having said that, I am wondering why it is they targeted her to extort money from......or maybe it does not matter to them who they extort money from but more or less randomly decided that this girl is the chosen one because she was doing drugs with her female friend and the police officer figured: "Lets see how far we can take this"....under threat of going to jail and prison for drug consumption.

Sadly, all too often the police truly do live up to their well known nefarious reputation that proceeds them.


Edited by gemguy
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I hope you all understand that we need the military government.

It doesnt' matter if the rules are getting stricter for all of us who obey the law, as long as we can get rid of these scumbags

Sorry, I'm confused. We need them or we need to get rid of them???

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I currently know a uni girl that is being threatened daily and is petrified by this bully, ex cop that she played 'kik' to.

It seems to be common knowledge that the clowns in brown take whatever they want, at any costs too.

Back to the report in hand, Bua seems like a real, steady, dependable kind of friend, doesn't she? (NOT)

An average policeman pays between 1 and 3 million to get stationed in Pattaya, I'm not talking about a captain, since that runs in the tens of millions. Do you think they recover that from their salaries and nobody higher up knows what is going on?

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I hope you all understand that we need the military government.

It doesnt' matter if the rules are getting stricter for all of us who obey the law, as long as we can get rid of these scumbags

Sorry, I'm confused. We need them or we need to get rid of them???

Well.....sort of ....but you know what, the problem is, amongst many...when you come down on corruption relative to certain aspects of the corruption then the corrupt perpetrators will move on to new means and ways to make money in corrupted ways.

So, all too often, Good Intentions Run Amuck and make matters worse in some respects....especially in this long established corrupted environment

Often, in countries like Thailand, if they make a new law or regulation then everyone complains at first but sooner or later many come to realize this new law or regulation can be a lucrative means to make money and milk it for all it is worth.

The Motorcycle helmet laws for example:

The police really do not care as you see plenty of people still riding around without helmets...

That being the case, if they want to make a quick 500 baht and needed for their lunch time then they can pull over someone and threaten to arrest them for not wearing a helmet and the motorcycle driver basically knows what is going on and pays the fine right there and drives off.

If that law did not exist then the police could not so easily attempt to Cash Fine them on the spot rather have to find some other legitimate reason for pulling them over...but there is a helmet law and they can use that legitimate reason and force that law upon you...if they want...but they do not... rather they just want some quick money ..and it is more or less negotiable.

Some people pay what the officer demands or threatened to be taken to the local police station while some will negotiate the price while some will open their wallet and show the officer they only have 300 baht so the officer takes 200 baht and tells the victim: Move on and don't let me catch you again driving without a helmet.

The police love new laws as they all too often use the new laws and regulations as a means to extort money out of all the more people in guise of enforcing the law while often enough the people are happy to pay rather than be prosecuted to the full extent of the law because they actually did break the law and they knew they were breaking the law.

So, it works in favor of both parties and everyone is happy and life goes on.


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Looks like a Big bullshit story,,,,don't believe a word she said,,,Usually crap to hide the Truth,,,,

No not really!

It looks very much that she was a sex worker the usual would be that she was easy meat and would shag for freedom. The cops obviously knew there were drugs in the room.

Bua will be well known and a new girl staying with her was a soft target.

I reckon this is the norm but generally doesn't make it to headlines as most girls don't have someone to call and pawn their gold to get out.

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Bus or BOA is indeed working with those rogue policemen.And the whole film was pre staged and am certain the ice was supplied by police.The woman/ victim wasn't intelligent enough to work it out that bua is free and her is in.Amazingly, her policeman brother was involved in bargaining with his colleagues in Jomtien ?????I stop here...good (F..l)uck Thailand

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She claims that doctors at Pattaya hospitals have confirmed she was raped.

How can the doctors prove the woman was raped? They can possibly prove that sexual intercourse took place, but not whether it was consensual or not unless they have psychic powers.

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I currently know a uni girl that is being threatened daily and is petrified by this bully, ex cop that she played 'kik' to.

It seems to be common knowledge that the clowns in brown take whatever they want, at any costs too.

Back to the report in hand, Bua seems like a real, steady, dependable kind of friend, doesn't she? (NOT)

stay away from drugs and abuse of alcohol!

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Latest News: Na Jomtien Police Department – More Rape & Extortion Allegations
Reporting by Albert Jack


PATTAYA: -- Four policemen from Na Jomtien are arrested. Two senior officers suspended as all are detained without bail.

At 1pm this afternoon officers investigating the kidnap, rape and extortion allegations of a thirty-three year old Ubonratchathani woman, by police officers of the Na Jomtien Station, were expecting another seven victims to come forward.

Only three turned up at Pattaya Police Station to positively identify the suspects.

Forty-three year old Prachasawek Pimol made a statement claiming his son was arrested by the rogue police officers, in February 2016, in possession of a one-gram bag of Ya ba. The chief officer, known as Aueng, told him he would have to pay 100,000 baht in cash for the freedom of his son. Mr Pimol could not afford the bribe and so his son was sent to jail but not before ‘Aueng’ had seized a gold necklace and gold ring in the value of between 25-30,000 baht. Mr Pimol has positively identified the police officers involved.

Twenty-seven year old Ms. Supannee Chaladpaed made a statement claiming this group raided her boyfriend’s room and found nothing illegal. Even so they took her and her boyfriend to the police station and threatened them so she handed over 20,000 baht for their release. The officers then repeated this action three times, the last time being only weeks ago. Each time she paid officers 20,000 baht. She too has positively identified all the officers involved in the extortion racket.

Twenty-one year old Ms. Nantana Ruadrew made a statement claiming her boyfriend was arrested on June 16 in possession of .75 grams of Ice. She too was arrested, despite being seven months pregnant. Aueng went to search her family house and arrested her two brothers and sister-in-law who is also heavily pregnant, despite them having nothing to do with the alleged crime. She claims her boyfriend and brothers were then brutally beaten at the station and she was forced to watch.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/225932/latest-news-na-jomtien-police-department-rape-extortion-allegations/

-- Pattaya One 2016-06-24

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Hmm...after reading the additional information posted above it is becoming clear that these rogue police officer are simply taking advantage of the situations in a most sinister way.

Under most circumstance when someone is arrested for illegal drug trafficking and or illegal drug consumption, which we all know well is considered a serious crime here in Thailand, the police have all the rights in the world to arrest the people and begin the prosecution of the law breakers.....as that is what they are supposed to do...correct.

That being the case then all too often the law breakers are hoping and wishing and or attempting to just pay a fine and hoping the officers will take the money and let them go.

However, they know full well there is no simple fine to be paid so often enough the law breakers will try to pay the police an unofficial pay off to put an end to the law enforcement and have the police let them go....and better known as bribery and happens all the time.

To me it seems the police are using this fact to their advantage but rather than wait for the law breakers to suggest a pay off the police are aggressively and blatantly coercing the arrest person(s) to pay them money ...or be kept in Jail under threat of going to prison for a long time...which the police have the right to do so under the law....but not the right to extort money.

To make matters worse they sexually molest and or sexually force themselves upon the females that they arrest knowing full well the women are vulnerable.

The rape charges they can deny while they can argue that the person was arrested for illegal drug trafficking and or illegal drug consumption and then they tried to bribe their way out of the situation...which is also illegal...

So it becomes a matter of they said .....she said .....while she can still be arrested for drug law violations and prosecuted and incarcerated in prison because she DID break the law and she was consuming drugs.

So now...after all the revelations about the terrible police conduct she will still have to face the charges of drug possession and or drug consumption which she openly admitted to.

That being the case then the police officers will be thinking: OK girl, you just sank your own boat because now we are going to prosecute you to the full extent of the law and make damn sure you spend 10 years in prison because that is the law and you did break the law and for the record you broke the law and rather than extort money out of you and let you go free ...we have decided to do the right thing and enforce the law upon you......so how do you like that...because, you girl, are going to prison for 10 years.

The point being, the fact that she is revealing the awful conduct of the police does not change the fact that she has to answer to the law breaking activities that she was originally arrested for and openly and publically admitted to.

So what will it be girl???...Go to prison for up to 10 years or have money extorted from you and pay the money and move on and consider yourself lucky the police did not prosecute you and consider yourself lucky that you are not going to prison because the Thai prison system is full of drug users and drug traffickers that believed they could simply bribe police officers to stay out of prison ...but that was not the case for them and they now languish in prison.

Those people would tell the girl: You are lucky they just wanted to get some money out of you rather than ending up here in this hell hole of a prison.....so.....Just pay the money and move on and keep your mouth shut.....like that.

I am not condoning the actions of the police rather pointing out the bitter reality of the girls situation.


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so 3 Arabs are arrested with claims they ruined Pattaya's image for having a brawl

Well it pales to insignificant when compared to this Joimtien police station and its officers - rape - extortion - abuse - blackmail and possibly a lot more perpetrated by those tasked and trusted to serve and protect, I hope they get what is coming to them and that all those harmed at the hands of these thugs are well compensated and have their money returned hopefully including asset seizure

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