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Do expats in Thailand have higher or lower than average levels of testosterone?


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What do you think when you meet expat men (farangs) in Thailand? Do you believe that on the whole they're a masculine bunch, or do you get the feeling that generally they're rather wet? Here are some things I've noticed:

Thai Divorcees with Kids

I've come across an inordinate number of expats who've paired off with divorced women with kids (often sons) despite not having produced kids of their own. I've always considered this suspicious: I've always felt it's a route via which wet men can somehow legitimize themselves without needing to become biological fathers. In my opinion, men who take this path are effeminate and drippy. They have low levels of testosterone.

The Ladyboy Situation

You must be aware that contributors to this forum (and others like it) take an excessive interest in transgender men. I think I know what's going on here. I think wet, bi-curious men use ladyboys to legitimize their desire to have oral sex with men. I've met several farangs who openly admitted to having indulged in liaisons with katoeys. Without exception, these men had low levels of testosterone.

The Spinster Situation

Some farangs pair off with Thai spinsters. These women are not marriage material and have no desire to start families. Look carefully at the farang men who date women like this. Invariably, you will find they are wet. In many cases they are homosexuals who have yet to identify their true sexuality.

This point is something few men are are aware of. A lot of men (especially those with low levels of testosterone) go through life pretending to be something they're not. Many of these men get married and may even start families. But they're living in denial. They're actually gay. As they age, their true sexuality begins to reveal itself. There's a moderator on this forum who fits this "model". His name is PeaceBlondie. He lived for many years as a heterosexual and then "came out" in his fifties or sixties. I hope the man is very happy, by the way.


It's easy to assume that expats in Thailand are overtly masculine and bursting with testosterone, but this is simply not the case. In my experience, the average expat here in Thailand has a much lower level of testosterone than his counterparts back in his home country.

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Do you have a testosterone testing lab in your kitchen?

For that matter, do you have any testosterone in your body? You appear to be totally unfamiliar with how it works.

Let's make a few things clear:

1. You all know what this thread is about.

2. We can all agree that homosexuals should be tolerated. We all admire the likes of Quentin Crisp and Oscar Wilde. We value immensely their contributions to literature, design and the arts; we applaud their struggle in seeking and gaining equality. We embrace the concept of gay marriage.

This thread is about wet men with low levels of testosterone, and the extent to which they exist here in Thailand.

All of us -- homosexuals and straight men alike -- know what I mean when I talk about "wets", "drips", "men in denial", and "men going through the motions".

Edited by Fabricus
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Do you have a testosterone testing lab in your kitchen?

For that matter, do you have any testosterone in your body? You appear to be totally unfamiliar with how it works.

Let's make a few things clear:

1. You all know what this thread is about.

2. We can all agree that homosexuals should be tolerated. We all admire the likes of Quentin Crisp and Oscar Wilde. We value immensely their contributions to literature, design and the arts; we applaud their struggle in seeking and gaining equality. We embrace the concept of gay marriage.

This thread is about wet men with low levels of testosterone, and the extent to which they exist here in Thailand.

All of us -- homosexuals and straight men alike -- know what I mean when I talk about "wets", "drips", "men in denial", and "men going through the motions".

Sorry but I have to plead ignorance. I have no idea what "wets", "drips", "men in denial", and "men going through the motions" these terms mean. I am not joking either.

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I think it's more likely that those who bang on about manliness and testosterone and how other men are effeminate are the ones trying to prove something to themselves. People who're comfortable with their sexuality don't concern themselves with such things.

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know what I mean when I talk about "wets", "drips", "men in denial", and "men going through the motions".

Wets...what I get after seeing the daughter at No 24 in her bikini

Drips... Didn't shake it after using the urinal

Men in denial... Probably Egyptians

Men going through the motions...swimming in the sea at Pattaya.

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