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Sanders says his revolution is 'just getting started'


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Sanders says his revolution is 'just getting started'

NEW YORK (AP) — Bernie Sanders told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday that his campaign is "just getting started" fighting economic inequality, changing the Democratic Party and bolstering Democrats running for Congress.

Speaking to a packed hall in Manhattan, Sanders took something of a victory lap as he reviewed the states he won and the fact that many young people flocked to his campaign over presumptive Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's. He did not mention her name, let alone endorse her as leading Democrats have urged.

"Our goal from day one has been to transform this nation and that is the fight we are going to continue," Sanders, his voice hoarse, told supporters who packed a venue called The Town Hall near Times Square. "We have got to make sure that (Republican presidential candidate Donald) Trump is not president. But that is not good enough."

The independent senator got standing ovations as he reviewed his campaign positions, from free health care and college tuition to campaign finance reform. Sanders urged his supporters to keep fighting inequality and insisting on "forcing open the door" of the Democratic Party to allow working Americans, not political elites, to run it. That was a not-subtle swipe at a party he complained rigged the nominating system in Clinton's favor.

Clinton earlier this month clinched the delegates required to carry the Democrats' banner against Trump. And Sanders this week acknowledged that he would not be the nominee.

Sanders supporters, who lined up for several blocks in advance of the speech, were not eager to hear him endorse Clinton.

Judi Gardner, of Huntington, N.Y., waited more than five hours. She's an elected delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and she's sticking with him through the event.

"The political revolution is continuing," Gardner, 69, said. "This will not end here."

Steve Favilla, 36, was concerned while he waited in line that the hall might fill up before he got in.

"I want the media to see the thousands of people who are out here knowing we won't get in and still showing our support for Bernie," Favilla, an electrician from Queens, said.

Sanders has been signaling the transition of his movement from a presidential run to one aimed at bolstering likeminded Democratic candidates for Congress and offices up and down the ballot.

He was traveling to Syracuse, New York, on Friday to hold a rally with congressional candidate Eric Kingson, who is seeking the Democratic nomination in next Tuesday's primary to challenge Republican Rep. John Katko. Sanders is also delivering a speech Friday in Albany.

Sanders has raised about $2.5 million for congressional and legislative candidates in recent weeks, sending out fundraising emails on behalf of liberals who could further Sanders' message. The Vermont senator has raised about $300,000 for both former Sen. Russ Feingold, who is trying to win back his old seat in Wisconsin, and Florida congressional candidate Tim Canova, who is challenging Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who represents a Fort Lauderdale-area district.


Associated Press writers Ken Thomas and Laurie Kellman contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-24

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Give Sanders a one-way ticket to Venezuela as well as Pinot. Ref. Post (ie Click this)

Maybe they can get on the same flight and discuss their strategy of how to instruct the Venezuelans on how to properly and correctly implement a socialist utopia. They are probably looking for some "revolucionarios" these days given Sanders' plans for "revolution", it should work well for him.

PS: Take a lot of toilet paper, you two.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Give Sanders a one-way ticket to Venezuela as well as Pinot. Ref. Post (ie Click this)

Maybe they can get on the same flight and discuss their strategy of how to instruct the Venezuelans on how to properly and correctly implement a socialist utopia. They are probably looking for some "revolucionarios" these days given Sanders' plans for "revolution", it should work well for him.

PS: Take a lot of toilet paper, you two.

HEHE you socialist fear mongers are hilarious. The USA has the largest military, has social education, social security, social police forces, fire departments etc etc etc, all of which the public demands and loves, yet you throw around the word Socialism like it is some terrible disease because you are brainwashed by the 1/10 of 1%.

You have made your prison system a money making machine which has resulted in the US having the highest rate of incarcerated citizens in the world (over 2 million).

There are just some things that are better off government run, such as health care the correction system, the military, education as is done in almost every developed nation in the world.

If you really want smaller government reduce the size of your war machine and put the money into education and reforming your over priced healthcare system.

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Well Bernie is a Put on and a Front for Cousin Rothschild who control the Banks Gold and Diamond also the growing of Food

Bernie is a faker he is Capitalist one hendred per cent

Ridiculous bigoted nonsense!

Where do you get that info from? The discredited Elders of Zion?

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Bernie Sander's movement is a powerful thing but the only way for any of his vision to actually happen in reality NOW is to elect Hillary Clinton as president and take majorities of the house and the senate.

Hillary as President Warren as VP Bernie as Speaker of The House with Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and The Senate.


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Bernie Sander's movement is a powerful thing but the only way for any of his vision to actually happen in reality NOW is to elect Hillary Clinton as president and take majorities of the house and the senate.

Hillary as President Warren as VP Bernie as Speaker of The House with Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and The Senate.


Getting the house will be the hardest. Only likely in a Hillary LANDSLIDE.

For any hope of that, Hillary needs to run on more than anti-vile monster. She needs to EXCITE the base and the middle. That's a challenge. She isn't exciting. So it has to be about some issues that contrast well with the vile monster and are also popular.

Edited by Jingthing
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Bernie Sander's movement is a powerful thing but the only way for any of his vision to actually happen in reality NOW is to elect Hillary Clinton as president and take majorities of the house and the senate.

Hillary as President Warren as VP Bernie as Speaker of The House with Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and The Senate.


Wow! Another candidate for a one-way flight to Venezuela!

This thread (and maybe the entire forum) seems to be infested with Sanders supporters from my observation of the number of "Likes" this reply to one of my posts (ie, Click This) has received.

How can we get Ms "you didn't build that" Warren to get on the plane as well ... advertise it as an ethnic studies junket, perhaps? Certainly, pushing the visit as a serious study of economic realities would not interest her. Maybe if it were advertised as a "free" trip that would cinch it.

Anyway, as usual, pack plenty of toilet paper.

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Sanders says his revolution is 'just getting started'

When it comes to spreading revulsion and being revolting, Trump maintains his lead.


Trump is Hitler reincarnated.

He is a master at marketing who has rallied the uninformed and uneducated around him.

He has the emotional vote locked up, but not the intellectual vote.

He has no knowledge of how the government functions and what the powers of the President even are.

He is a con artist, and that is not revolutionary in the US government at all.

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Well Bernie is a Put on and a Front for Cousin Rothschild who control the Banks Gold and Diamond also the growing of Food

Bernie is a faker he is Capitalist one hendred per cent

You're a cousin of Rothschild? coffee1.gif

As you know I am proud to a admitted a Rothschild in my line as well as a Cardozo to name a few even Schiff

Edited by HenryB
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Well Bernie is a Put on and a Front for Cousin Rothschild who control the Banks Gold and Diamond also the growing of Food

Bernie is a faker he is Capitalist one hendred per cent

Ridiculous bigoted nonsense!

Where do you get that info from? The discredited Elders of Zion?

As you know I am proud to a admitted a Rothschild in my line as well as a Cardozo to name a few even Schiff that is how I Know

Believe me their are many poor cousin around

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Bernie has opened the eyes of millions to the corruption in the American political system and how corporate America owns the country.

He has also opened the eyes of the country as to how many millions of people are fed up with how they are being abused for the increased wealth of a fortunate few.

Bernie has awakened the youth of the country the injustice in America, and they are the future who will decide how the country evolves.

Bernie has started a revolution that will not end with the 2016 election.

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Bernie is on the right track. It isn't his political revolution, it is the peoples and it damn sure isn't the Clintons. They are not part of the solution, they are the problem. The only hope is that the people are able to change the Democrat Party that sold out to the Wall Street criminals/banksters under Bill. Maybe, just maybe next election a viable 3rd party. Warren will never be VP. For one it would cost her all her support and she would be silenced, Clinton would like that part. For two, Wall Street has already ordered Clinton to not only not nominate her but to only nominate a Wall Street friendly VP. The Wall Street/government revolving door continues. If the people can change the Democrat Party back to representing the people, i.e. FDR New Deal then only 4 yrs. of the empress rule. With Clinton as the candidate, Democrats will not retake the Senate, although it is there for the taking. Forget the House. Those 4 yrs. will see the continued destruction of the US and more war, but maybe better than the fascist orange monster.

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If this "utopian" socialist state is ever adopted by the citizens of the US...they will run headlong into a country just like Venezuela has become...no food on the shelves...anarchy in the streets...

People...get real...it is work...hard work...that keeps an economy going...not government entitlements and freebies...

Bunch of economic and resource leaches asking for more...

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"Bernie Sanders told a roaring crowd of supporters Thursday that his campaign is "just getting started"

That's the problem, his campaign should have started 10 months ago instead of giving Hillary a free pass on everything until it was too late.

I would have liked to see him as the Democrats' nominee, but only because it would be a sign that the voters on the Democrat side are as sick of establishment politics as the voters on the Republican side are for choosing Trump. Instead, many are enthusiastically falling behind Hillary - the first major party nominee for POTUS who is not under one, but two active FBI investigations.

Just to be clear, I think Trump & Bernie are both poor candidates, I just like that both of their nominations would finally show a change in American politics away from the self-serving establishment politicians we see on both the Republican and Democrat side.

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Could the USA be re-named, TRUMP PARADISE

if he wins the election, and

The White House TRUMP TOWERS

The Pentagon TRUMPAGON

and the list goes on.

And, the Trump Bankruptcy Court (for screwing over investors & creditors).

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Bernie Sander's movement is a powerful thing but the only way for any of his vision to actually happen in reality NOW is to elect Hillary Clinton as president and take majorities of the house and the senate.

Hillary as President Warren as VP Bernie as Speaker of The House with Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and The Senate.


In your dreams perhaps! laugh.png

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If this "utopian" socialist state is ever adopted by the citizens of the US...they will run headlong into a country just like Venezuela has become...no food on the shelves...anarchy in the streets...

People...get real...it is work...hard work...that keeps an economy going...not government entitlements and freebies...

Bunch of economic and resource leaches asking for more...

The changes Bernie proposes wouldn't even bring the US into line with other developed Nations that have standards of living many Americans could only dream of. Many Americans would be considered 'dirt poor' and living in a third world underdeveloped Nation by people living in advanced Democratic Socialist countries.

Hardly a revolution. More like small baby steps towards a fairer more equitable society that provides the very minimum basics to its citizens.

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Give Sanders a one-way ticket to Venezuela as well as Pinot. Ref. Post (ie Click this)

Maybe they can get on the same flight and discuss their strategy of how to instruct the Venezuelans on how to properly and correctly implement a socialist utopia. They are probably looking for some "revolucionarios" these days given Sanders' plans for "revolution", it should work well for him.

PS: Take a lot of toilet paper, you two.

You need to read "The Secret History of the American Empire" by John Perkins. You will then realize it is the U.S. CIA that is causing all the problems in Venezuela. When Chavez refused to play along with the major oil companies, the CIA arranged the coup that lasted all of 48 hours because the people saw through that garbage and had him restored. After his death, the CIA has been attempting (and some would say succeeding) at bringing Venezuela to its knees so they can plant their leader of choice. Every time I hear some talking head spewing bullsxxt about how sovereign nations aren't acting in a way that is in alignment the U.S. interests, I want to throw a shoe through my TV.

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If this "utopian" socialist state is ever adopted by the citizens of the US...they will run headlong into a country just like Venezuela has become...no food on the shelves...anarchy in the streets...

People...get real...it is work...hard work...that keeps an economy going...not government entitlements and freebies...

Bunch of economic and resource leaches asking for more...

The changes Bernie proposes wouldn't even bring the US into line with other developed Nations that have standards of living many Americans could only dream of. Many Americans would be considered 'dirt poor' and living in a third world underdeveloped Nation by people living in advanced Democratic Socialist countries.

Hardly a revolution. More like small baby steps towards a fairer more equitable society that provides the very minimum basics to its citizens.

Please name them and give examples whistling.gif

If Bernie truly means what he says then the solution is simple. Join Johnson as VP on the Libertarian ticket. He doesn't like the GOP or the DNC, then make the 3rd party strong enough to oppose them.

I'm sure President Trump would find him a job on November 9th. thumbsup.gif

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If this "utopian" socialist state is ever adopted by the citizens of the US...they will run headlong into a country just like Venezuela has become...no food on the shelves...anarchy in the streets...

People...get real...it is work...hard work...that keeps an economy going...not government entitlements and freebies...

Bunch of economic and resource leaches asking for more...

The changes Bernie proposes wouldn't even bring the US into line with other developed Nations that have standards of living many Americans could only dream of. Many Americans would be considered 'dirt poor' and living in a third world underdeveloped Nation by people living in advanced Democratic Socialist countries.

Hardly a revolution. More like small baby steps towards a fairer more equitable society that provides the very minimum basics to its citizens.

Please name them and give examples whistling.gif

If Bernie truly means what he says then the solution is simple. Join Johnson as VP on the Libertarian ticket. He doesn't like the GOP or the DNC, then make the 3rd party strong enough to oppose them.

I'm sure President Trump would find him a job on November 9th. thumbsup.gif

Publicly funded health care, Publicly funded higher education tuition fees, Publicly funded Pharmaceutical benefits, Publicly funded unemployment benefits, a living minimum wage (no food stamps), 4 weeks paid holiday pay, sick pay, maternity leave, worker representation.

France, Germany, England, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Finland, Israel, Singapore, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand etc etc etc etc ALL have higher living standards and far better publicly funded facilities.

Americans simply don't realise how far they are behind the rest of the world.

So Bernie's proposals are just basic standard rights citizens receive just for being a citizen. If you said to these Nations this was revolutionary they would laugh.

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If this "utopian" socialist state is ever adopted by the citizens of the US...they will run headlong into a country just like Venezuela has become...no food on the shelves...anarchy in the streets...

People...get real...it is work...hard work...that keeps an economy going...not government entitlements and freebies...

Bunch of economic and resource leaches asking for more...

The changes Bernie proposes wouldn't even bring the US into line with other developed Nations that have standards of living many Americans could only dream of. Many Americans would be considered 'dirt poor' and living in a third world underdeveloped Nation by people living in advanced Democratic Socialist countries.

Hardly a revolution. More like small baby steps towards a fairer more equitable society that provides the very minimum basics to its citizens.

Please name them and give examples whistling.gif

If Bernie truly means what he says then the solution is simple. Join Johnson as VP on the Libertarian ticket. He doesn't like the GOP or the DNC, then make the 3rd party strong enough to oppose them.

I'm sure President Trump would find him a job on November 9th. thumbsup.gif

Publicly funded health care, Publicly funded higher education tuition fees, Publicly funded Pharmaceutical benefits, Publicly funded unemployment benefits, a living minimum wage (no food stamps), 4 weeks paid holiday pay, sick pay, maternity leave, worker representation.

France, Germany, England, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, Finland, Israel, Singapore, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand etc etc etc etc ALL have higher living standards and far better publicly funded facilities.

Americans simply don't realise how far they are behind the rest of the world.

So Bernie's proposals are just basic standard rights citizens receive just for being a citizen. If you said to these Nations this was revolutionary they would laugh.

This all sounds so wonderful...sign me up!

What is that?...someone has to actually work and produce goods and services for all this to be possible...and there are as many people receiving government assistance as are work mainly for minimum wage...and what?...the country is going broke at an ever faster rate...and those living off of government are going to be in for a big surprise in a few years when there is no check in the mail...

No problem...more freebies and throwing out the welcome mat for indigent illegal immigrants will make everything work out for the good of the country...

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Giving Clinton the White House and a Democrat majority of obedient lemmings in Congress would be like giving a loaded revolver to a six year old.

And what's wrong with giving a six year old a revolver? We're talking about the US here... can't see the problem.

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Bernie Sander's movement is a powerful thing but the only way for any of his vision to actually happen in reality NOW is to elect Hillary Clinton as president and take majorities of the house and the senate.

Hillary as President Warren as VP Bernie as Speaker of The House with Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and The Senate.


No, not doable.

Sanders is a Senator. He cannot be Speaker of the House.

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If this "utopian" socialist state is ever adopted by the citizens of the US...they will run headlong into a country just like Venezuela has become...no food on the shelves...anarchy in the streets...

People...get real...it is work...hard work...that keeps an economy going...not government entitlements and freebies...

Bunch of economic and resource leaches asking for more...

The changes Bernie proposes wouldn't even bring the US into line with other developed Nations that have standards of living many Americans could only dream of. Many Americans would be considered 'dirt poor' and living in a third world underdeveloped Nation by people living in advanced Democratic Socialist countries.

Hardly a revolution. More like small baby steps towards a fairer more equitable society that provides the very minimum basics to its citizens.

Why can't I like this comment twice. Why can't I like this comment ONE HUNDRED times... what Bernie has constantly been proposing is not a revolution by any stretch. It is normal in any European nation you care to mention, along with Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Baby steps indeed Up2!

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