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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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Reading the UK news this morning, The Guardian, the Telegraph, The Express, the BBC are all reporting Brexit supporters partying, in Remain supporters in the doldrums so there has been an upside, some people have had occasion to party.

Meanwhile bringing comfort to British expats in Thailand, the pound has dropped again in early Asian trading.

While back on English streets the proud voice of Englishmen is being once again heard in open racist abuse of anyone one who doesn't 'look English'. It seems Brexit supporters are of the belief that they'd wake up after victory in the referendum to see foreigners packing their bags and heading for the ports and the assured belief that they have the right to berate any foreigner who hasn't immediately left with racist abuse.

After all 'We Won!'

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Just been watch French TV news - French foreign office minister just saying that migrants camped in Calais are not a French problem. Wants to terminate border inspections in France ASAP and move them to the UK. Once the UK leaves the EU the 'Dublin Convention' will no longer apply (i.e. the UK will not be able to send asylum seekers back to the EU country from which they arrived) - minister says asylum seekers in France en-route to the UK will no longer be a French problem. It seems the French will be very pleased to wash their hands of this problem. Interesting times ahead!

It was a local minister that said that, the French government has said nothing will change!

I would give that similar credence to statements from football team owners that they have full confidence in their team manager.

The bilateral agreement between France and the UK is hugely unpopular with the French public, more so with the French right wing supporters.

I expect France to act in its own best interest on this matter.

Brexit supporters wanted their country back, it seems entirely reasonable that the British immigration border should be retuned to Dover from Calais.


I believe the blame for this debacle lies squarely at the feet of the un elected commissars in brussels.

introducing ridiculous laws plus the european court of justice banning countries from expelling undesirables because of their so called human rights.People are fed up with it.

You are refering to the The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) which as an institution has NOTHING to do with the "club" you voted out of.

You know, it is things like this or the other Brexiter on this forum claiming or thinking that voting out did not have any impact on being a member of the single market etc. that clearly shows a majority of people voting Out had and still have no clue about what they actually voted on. It was in most cases an emotional and uneducated decision.


I believe the blame for this debacle lies squarely at the feet of the un elected commissars in brussels.

introducing ridiculous laws plus the european court of justice banning countries from expelling undesirables because of their so called human rights.People are fed up with it.

You are refering to the The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) which as an institution has NOTHING to do with the "club" you voted out of.

You know, it is things like this or the other Brexiter on this forum claiming or thinking that voting out did not have any impact on being a member of the single market etc. that clearly shows a majority of people voting Out had and still have no clue about what they actually voted on. It was in most cases an emotional and uneducated decision.

It was in most cases an emotional and uneducated decision.

an unfortunate side effect of democracy were uninformed voters can be swayed to any side by convincingly arguing demagogues... and/or plain liars. dry.png


I believe the blame for this debacle lies squarely at the feet of the un elected commissars in brussels.

introducing ridiculous laws plus the european court of justice banning countries from expelling undesirables because of their so called human rights.People are fed up with it.

You are refering to the The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) which as an institution has NOTHING to do with the "club" you voted out of.

You know, it is things like this or the other Brexiter on this forum claiming or thinking that voting out did not have any impact on being a member of the single market etc. that clearly shows a majority of people voting Out had and still have no clue about what they actually voted on. It was in most cases an emotional and uneducated decision.

Enough about the bigoted and ignorant voter collectively and arbitrarily writing off the future of Great Britain.

What exactly did the allegedly broader-minded and questionably better-educated political leadership and their sycophants do to prevent this debacle?



Now that the so called scaremongering has become reality I suppose that those that voted to have our pensions reduced are over the moon.


I now really wish I had voted, and I am sure many others who were in the Remain camp feel the same. It's my own fault, I stood by thinking that there was no way Remain would lose.

Som na na, as they say here

I happened to be in the UK so went and did it in person.


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

Freedom from German rule has always been a priority with the British.

(oh, I forgot for a moment the queen and all her lot are German)


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

So when this "freedom" actually occurs, will you know? And will it actually be better than what you currently have (or had)? Oh nevermind. Just for comparison sake, we have all kinds of "elected people" running our Congress (USA) and they are the most useless group of people God has ever put on this Earth. And I'm not exaggerating.


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

Freedom from German rule has always been a priority with the British.

(oh, I forgot for a moment the queen and all her lot are German)

i vonder how manny Brits know zat ziss Tcherman konspirassy to infiltrate ze British Empire started 198 years ago ermm.gif


Been watching a lot of the news. I have a feeling many Brits are going to wake up tomorrow morning, bewildered, and asking themselves "What have we done??"

Well i woke up this morning with a song in my heart , ok i wont get as many baht to the pound , big deal , but my country is free from a bunch of snout in the trough freeloaders in Brussels that made up stupid laws and used my country as a cash cow now sing , "oh the sun has got his hat on ,hip hip hip hooray,the sun has got his hat on and is coming out to play"tongue.png

I have heard several people mention being "Free" and making up your own laws, but what was so bad about laws written in Belgium? Is there a particular piece of legislation you are against or just any legislation written outside the UK?

Are UK politicians so honest and trustworthy they are the only ones worthy of writing your laws?

If the EU was headquartered in London, would that make a difference? You would have to refer to the "freeloaders" in London then.

What are the financial reasons you wanted out? Surely you must see that in renegotiating every single trade deal with every single country in the world from a position of weakness cannot be a good thing for the UK?

53% of the UK's exports go to Europe under "free trade", if that is withdrawn how much do you think it will cost? More than the 8.5 billion it currently costs to be a member and take advantage of that?

Hi ljd1308, I'm sure it all looks befuddling from the outside in, and part of that is the country's history. The Magna Carta, a hard won piece of eventual legislation protecting the barons and eventually 'the common man' from the arbitrary and capricious rule of their kings. The right to live freely (allow 12 honest men to determine our fate) has therefore come to be a bastion of our cultural value going back to just after 1200 and only 200 years of French kings.

If we compare this outcome to the one in France where the French tried to rid themselves of their mean and whimsical kings/queens, you could argue that once they removed that arbritrary system (the royal family and their cronies) and bearing in mind their method was far more violent, they ended up subjogating their freedom to the state. So the concept of 'freedom' in France has been twisted to mean 'individualism' these days as freedom doesn't exist here. The country is strangled by employment and banking laws. The reason they have so many strikes is because the unions are weak and have no power; There is no power to the people here.

The fact is, we have referendums now for just this type of decision and I feel that it's unlikely that other countries such as France or Germany would ever allow such a vote.

Regarding trade agreements, most other countries survive nicely without the EU, in fact ALL countries not in the EU, that is N minus 27. Britain with all her faults is a country with the highest home ownership that I know of and is not an inexperienced international trader and negotiator thanks to the colonies, war and old trade routes, silk, spices, etc. Their sales people may be in the Middle Ages still compared to the US, but this is infinitely better than placing your company's fate with the catalogue of MEP muppets they've had since time immemorial. Trust them? No! They couldn't run a bath, never mind a company. The average politician in the UK, according to Jeremy Paxman, has fewer than 5 O'levels. And these are not hard to get. You basically just need to turn up to class to get one!

So we think even less of European MPs, esp. having witnessed several parliament punch ups on youtube!

Margaret Thatcher was asked by Stephen Pile (a joke collector and author) if she had any jokes, she replied, "I've got a Cabinet full of them". Naturally, she'd never met an MEP before.


Hate Crime Reports Up 57% In Brexit Aftermath

The Prime Minister says racially-motivated attacks must be "stamped out" after calls to a special phone line see sharp increase.


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

Freedom from German rule has always been a priority with the British.

(oh, I forgot for a moment the queen and all her lot are German)

I'm sure you meant French rule not German rule! The French started their lineage in 1066 and the English defaulted to German royalty only because the populace didn't want a succession of Catholic kings and queens (especially after the religious tyranny of Bloody Mary, Queen Anne et al), but Germany doesn't have a royal family anymore, right? WWI saw to that.

The Magna Carta had a profound effect on the English psyche. The personal freedom argument is probably why the British are the only nationality that do NOT have any form of ID card. I don't agree with that in point of fact, I think for security reasons, everyone should carry ID, but that's a different issue...


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

So when this "freedom" actually occurs, will you know? And will it actually be better than what you currently have (or had)? Oh nevermind. Just for comparison sake, we have all kinds of "elected people" running our Congress (USA) and they are the most useless group of people God has ever put on this Earth. And I'm not exaggerating.

Your posting made me laugh, but I know you're being serious...and after all, we've witnessed some of your 'elected people'. Look, I have faith in the British population en masse, not necessarily individually, that's the point of 12 honest men. I think the point is, if they mess up, they want it to be THEIR mess up not someone else's.

Those of us who have been around long enough remember the mess ups and the colossal wastage in Brussels over umpteen years. The cost of biscuits - millions, the cost of cleaning windows - trillions! And the public need that money. The original referendum was for the Common Market and the EU is an entirely different "beast".

For you wrinklies out there like me, if you can recall the series "Yes Minister". Here's the reverend Sir Humphrey talking about the British "divide and rule" policy in Europe in his own inimitable way; and about the Euro ID card.....described as 'political suicide'.


I can remember when they never told the Border Barrier Chaps they need not stop anyone So they sat in the Box Anyway for about a Year ..⛱[emoji99][emoji99]


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

Deluded before and still deluded after........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


I'd go with this.......

"It's the right of MPs alone to make or break laws, and the peers to block them. So there's no force whatsoever in the referendum result. It's entirely for MPs to decide."


It's all about democracy and control.......nobody tells MY MPs what to do...they were elected to govern not at on momentary whims of the public.


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

So when this "freedom" actually occurs, will you know? And will it actually be better than what you currently have (or had)? Oh nevermind. Just for comparison sake, we have all kinds of "elected people" running our Congress (USA) and they are the most useless group of people God has ever put on this Earth. And I'm not exaggerating.

Same here too cheesy.gif

But at least we can kick out the government every so often, unlike Brussels and the E.U. We can only kick them out once.


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

Deluded before and still deluded after........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Ahhh, you are still smarting from being on the losing side. Never mind. Go sign the petition along with the hackers and other malcontents. Not that it will do you any good smile.png


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

So when this "freedom" actually occurs, will you know? And will it actually be better than what you currently have (or had)? Oh nevermind. Just for comparison sake, we have all kinds of "elected people" running our Congress (USA) and they are the most useless group of people God has ever put on this Earth. And I'm not exaggerating.

The sense of freedom is already with us.

The actual freedom will take more time.

Yes, it will be much better than what we had and also - and more importantly - what was on the horizon.

Several sources are quoting the Poles who are not happy about the latest announcement from the E.U. who are now wanting to bring forward their idea of a 'Superstate' linking all E.U. countries together. This is expected to mean the Euro army, police force and no more borders + more.

The 'Eastern Bloc' countries in the E.U. have erected barbed wire fences to protect themselves from the hordes of immigrant invaders. They feel their way(s) of life are under threat from the hordes.

Now it seems the E.U. are wanting to them to be told what to do regards this.

No more Poland, Hungary etc. All part of one Superstate.

One set of rules for all.

But - IMHO - what the autocrats, Germany and France want is not the best for each individual county.

Brussels to be the main treasury for the whole E.U. and that treasury to dole out the funds to each country as the treasury sees fit to do.

Total integration is not for all.

To be ruled by one unelected body is also not for all.

Freedom? Well, we will be free of this so called Superstate. We will be able to make our own laws again. Rule ourselves again. We can decide - hopefully - what is best for us.

As other have said, Magna Carta etc.

No, life will not be perfect. It never has been. But it will be up to us and not someone on mainland Europe who is telling us what to do smile.png


We gained freedom.

Freedom from those unelected people who were trying to run our lives for us.

It may take time for us to get things sorted, but I for one will be happy to wait.

Freedom from German rule has always been a priority with the British.

(oh, I forgot for a moment the queen and all her lot are German)

Our royal families have always been a mixed bag, as have many other royal families.

Marriages made to order for allies, for money and for power.

That is (was) the way of things.

I find it rather sad that people have to keep bringing up the German connection.

The royal family - and especially the now departed Queen Mother - stood by Britain in one of its darkest hours.

Many Americans would love to have a royal family.

Hell, they swoon over David Beckham and Victoria whatshername, treat them like royalty.

The Queen does more for the United Kingdom than any other person.

She has more contacts around the world than any other. Her diplomacy is second to none. And she brings in trade. Billions of £ of trade through her links and royal visits - no matter what the government of the day might try to get her to do.

The royal family - like any family - are not perfect, but I for one am proud of what the Queen herself does, especially behind the scenes.

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