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Whats your "Dating Criteria" ?


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must do the following well


catch fish

kill or chase off, snakes,rats,jehovahs witness/mormons

sharpen knives

hit a soi dog in the eye with a shanghai at 20 paces

go to all boring village/or bat tor meetings


fill the bikes with fuel

oops, just described the mother in law

back to the psych for me.

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Speaks English.

Uni degree.

No kids.

Doesn't smoke, do drugs, and at most a social drinker.

Good job.

Taller, curvy, in shape. Light skinned.

Actually...this is my gf of a couple years. They are out there...took me a years of dating before we met.

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Smooth skin.

Long hair.


Nice smile.

Sweet breath.

Medium size upstanding breasts.

Oh and a placid nature is desirable, but if she has all the other attributes, l can handle a fiery personality.

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When I was 17, my criteria was: blond hair and big breast.

Then I met Daisy, blond and breast bigger than I could ever hope. After 3 months of crazy games, I noticed that a bit brain would also be good.

Then I looked for a girl with brain and I found Chantal. She was the Wikipedia of the 80's. She knew about everything and could take part to every conversation. But she couldn't take any decision by herself and she couldn't cook so we went to restaurant every day... I got bored.

I met than Suzy, then Karen, then Susan, Debbie, Sara, Donna... but the one was too dependent on other, the other one was OK but didn't like sex more than once a month, the one couldn't add 7 + 8 without calculator and... there was always something disturbing, boring.

And one day I found HER.

She had a nice body, she could cook, she was intelligent, had a good heart.

She was expert in accounting, smart and independent...

She became the mother of my children!

She was so smart, so expert and so independent that when we divorced, she got house, car and everything!

Now my criteria is: blond hair and big breast!

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Typical Thaivisa forum Romeo

"When I was 18 and fit as a butcher's dog, my criteria was blonde/brunette hair, clear blue or green eyes, bit more than a handful of boob, well dressed and a job earning her own money"

"By the time I got to 55 with a chopper I couldn't see without the aid of a mirror, I realised that the biggest threat to my manhood was ............a woman with a job, earning their own money"

"Funnily enough, when i landed in Thailand and realised lots of women were strapped for cash, my criteria mysteriously changed and the women I spent most of my life fancying the pants off suddenly became "fat, willful, ugly feminazis with issues"

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the women I spent most of my life fancying the pants off suddenly became "fat, willful, ugly feminazis with issues"

Amusing post but in reality, I just got old. If I were still 20, you'd still fancy me.

And if you were 20, I'd still fancy you!

Edited by MissAndry
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Not glued to the phone 24/7. Especially in the company of other people.

These days you will die lonely.

Thankfully I don't have to deal with the dating game for now.

You have life in hand then?

Yeah lots of little potential lives :)

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Not looking for a guy to support the entire family.

Mother Dead or out of the picture helps.

Realizes the earth is not flat.

Speaks decent English.

Not an ex hooker

Has a job.

Not glued to a smart phone.No FB or hates it even half as much as I do.

Likes to cook and wants to learn how to cook international food.

No tatoos.Lighter skin tone but not addicted to whitening creams and lotions or terrified of the sun.......

Took a bit of time to find her. I kept getting sidetracked.

You should have added one more to your list.

Doesn't get jealous or ask details about where you are or what you are doing when you go out.

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