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Massive petition calls for EU referendum re-run


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In this Brexit case it has been obvious the majority of (a lot of obviously uninformed) voters made their decision with their heart and NOT with their brain. The demand for a new refendum confirms this.

16 million voted Remain. How many have demanded a new referendum? 2-3 million from around the planet? That is hardly confirmation.

I recall a meme or whatever they're called. March of the Zombies. It showed a line of young people, all staring into their smartphone. Too busy to see what's going on around them. That's the 57% of 18 - 24 year olds who didn't vote, and are whinging now.

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57%? More like 65%
I'm going on BBC figures. However its that age group who are calling foul. But as they say, if you don't vote ....

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Reading TV and the comments sections of UK MSM there is a very interesting phenomenon occurring.

It would appear that the majority of those that are opposing Brexit and calling for a 2nd referendum are NON - BRITS.

I'm expecting the petition to get pulled, given its an hoax.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Reading TV and the comments sections of UK MSM there is a very interesting phenomenon occurring.

It would appear that the majority of those that are opposing Brexit and calling for a 2nd referendum are NON - BRITS.

Seems the call for another referendum is under investigation for fraud, large numbers of people who signed the petion are not in the UK or even British, maybe some rich " remainer" is paying an indian or Bangledesh clickbait farm to sign the petion

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Reading TV and the comments sections of UK MSM there is a very interesting phenomenon occurring.

It would appear that the majority of those that are opposing Brexit and calling for a 2nd referendum are NON - BRITS.

Seems the call for another referendum is under investigation for fraud, large numbers of people who signed the petion are not in the UK or even British, maybe some rich " remainer" is paying an indian or Bangledesh clickbait farm to sign the petion

It would seem that you are indeed correct.


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The names matter not. All Politicians are liars.

I have no time for any of them or the Party system that is nothing more than a club of rectum kissers, causing division and hatred.

The next couple of years will be turmoil, now would be a good a time as any to rip up the current Political landscape and start again.

Politicians have caused the problems in the UK, but we expect politicians to rectify the problems.

A certain A. Einstein must be smirking his head off.

Edited by SgtRock
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I feel that Cameron got his face slapped on this one.He really thought that he wasnt going to lose,and he did.There was also a report on CNN yeserday that Obama my have been asked to make that comment about Britain going to the back of the 'que' There is the suspicion in the wording.Had he made that comment off his own back,he would have said "If Britain leaves the EU they will go to the back of the line" not que 'line' is an American expression.It would seem that some reporters and politicians picked up on it,and feel that Obama was coerced by Cameron into making that threat.

Also if we are talking about the online petition,that was reported to have reached 3000,000 signatures.They are on line and cannot be authenticated.I could be a Canadian and make my signature on line.

Also because of this petition,it only means that the question can be tabled for debate,nothing more.

Corbyn has sacked a member of his staff,i believe for making remarks on television,he refuses to resign.

I think that this is a case of pure spite by the remains and will fade away in due course.

The House still has to consider the result and can refuse to sanction it.But i feel if that was the case.The people would come out in arms.This is not the 17th century,and we all know what the result of that was.(i believe the word is Regicide)

I think that overall,Cameron just didnt listen to the people,and for that he got his arse handed to him.

Also as a side line,what happened to Camerons promise to change the Human Rights bill,into the Bill of British rights,as he promised,just askin'

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I'm baffled how many grown-ups on this forum are whining about their sudden, obviously unexpected reclamation of self-determination.

I don't know when it was the last time the British people were allowed to vote about something (I'm not a British citizen, obviously). But as far as I know this doesn't happen too often - So it should have been an epic event for them, a wake up call, but here I'm guessing, of course.

Now I read, that the vote was not really representative as it was raining so hard (allegedly exclusively for most of the "remainers" <cough>) or that the young voters (allegedly most of which are intelligent, productive "remainers" <cough> <cough>) were not able, willing or motivated enough to get up to vote, using boots and an umbrella...

Let me tell you this: To all of these (allegedly) sleepy, lazy, responsibility-hating "true democracy-defenders", there is no reason to panic, stay in bed and let others decide for you - You got what you wanted and deserve.

Insofar nothing has changed for you except from now on the people who decide for you are again British citizens, elected by you (if you don't bother to get up, drop a ballot... during a whole day, provided it's not raining...) and not nameless, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

Go back to sleep, everything is okay, nothing really changed for you regarding your convenience, really, don't worry. If you don't feel the need to participate, just continue to not vote/elect.

Yes, self-determination is an ugly bitch (this is pure sarcasm, in case you didn't notice) and you are obviously not ready for it, you are not mature - As I already implied, don't bother any further, go back to bed... Or at least, please, stop whining. It's completely embarrassing for grown-ups to behave like this. Grow up, show some responsibility and self-esteem for whatever you do - or do not, if you decide so.

I'm Swiss and we do this bloody, exhausting (sarcasm, again, for the uninitiated) voting several times each year and I know, what I'm talking about: It's so incredibly challenging, I really know what you must have gone through last week by answering one single question (or not, referring to the convenience-sleepers here). All I can say: I'm not patronising you, but show some respect for what you, as a people, have decided.

I agree with you . . . but . . . as it turns out, we don't have the politicians with the ability to make it happen in a sensible and orderly manner. Brexit wasn't really the problem, it's the handling of Brexit which is turning this drama into a calamity.

Please lend us some of your politicians, coz we ain't got any.

Yes, perfect time for Argentina to invade the Falklands....

Ironically the bulk of our naval losses and casualties in the Falklands War were caused by weapons supplied to Argentina by an EU partner - French Exocet missiles launched from Super Etendard aircraft. There is also some question about the presence of French personnel, erm , advising the Argentine Air Force.

Another major EU partner, Spain, was vociferous in its support for Argentina!

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To all the poster advocating a revote/rethink/60% rule: Can you honestly say that you would be on here debating these points if "remain" had won?

If "remain" had won, that would mean no change, wouldn't it? Why would there be need for a debate if nothing changed?

I think you have to differentiate between those who didn't like the results, and those who don't like the precedent this referendum sets. I could care less about the results. But I fear the precedent.

Next year, it could just as easily be a referendum to cut all benefits for Brits not residing in Britain. Given that it would benefit the vast majority of Brits (who still reside there), it would probably pass with over 50% people who bothered to vote.

You'd feel a little different about the 50% + 1 vote criteria on that one, wouldn't you? That's the problem with the tyranny of the majority and why it's so dangerous.

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I'm baffled how many grown-ups on this forum are whining about their sudden, obviously unexpected reclamation of self-determination.

I don't know when it was the last time the British people were allowed to vote about something (I'm not a British citizen, obviously). But as far as I know this doesn't happen too often - So it should have been an epic event for them, a wake up call, but here I'm guessing, of course.

Now I read, that the vote was not really representative as it was raining so hard (allegedly exclusively for most of the "remainers" <cough>) or that the young voters (allegedly most of which are intelligent, productive "remainers" <cough> <cough>) were not able, willing or motivated enough to get up to vote, using boots and an umbrella...

Let me tell you this: To all of these (allegedly) sleepy, lazy, responsibility-hating "true democracy-defenders", there is no reason to panic, stay in bed and let others decide for you - You got what you wanted and deserve.

Insofar nothing has changed for you except from now on the people who decide for you are again British citizens, elected by you (if you don't bother to get up, drop a ballot... during a whole day, provided it's not raining...) and not nameless, unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

Go back to sleep, everything is okay, nothing really changed for you regarding your convenience, really, don't worry. If you don't feel the need to participate, just continue to not vote/elect.

Yes, self-determination is an ugly bitch (this is pure sarcasm, in case you didn't notice) and you are obviously not ready for it, you are not mature - As I already implied, don't bother any further, go back to bed... Or at least, please, stop whining. It's completely embarrassing for grown-ups to behave like this. Grow up, show some responsibility and self-esteem for whatever you do - or do not, if you decide so.

I'm Swiss and we do this bloody, exhausting (sarcasm, again, for the uninitiated) voting several times each year and I know, what I'm talking about: It's so incredibly challenging, I really know what you must have gone through last week by answering one single question (or not, referring to the convenience-sleepers here). All I can say: I'm not patronising you, but show some respect for what you, as a people, have decided.

I agree with you . . . but . . . as it turns out, we don't have the politicians with the ability to make it happen in a sensible and orderly manner. Brexit wasn't really the problem, it's the handling of Brexit which is turning this drama into a calamity.

Please lend us some of your politicians, coz we ain't got any.

Yes, perfect time for Argentina to invade the Falklands....

Ironically the bulk of our naval losses and casualties in the Falklands War were caused by weapons supplied to Argentina by an EU partner - French Exocet missiles launched from Super Etendard aircraft. There is also some question about the presence of French personnel, erm , advising the Argentine Air Force.

Another major EU partner, Spain, was vociferous in its support for Argentina!

So? Most of the US casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq are caused by weapons supplied by the US.

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Let's all get together and decide what a winning vote should be.

In all future elections of any sort, we'll keep the same rule.

So what percentage would you like to call a winner?

No MP can ever be elected without the percentage.

No parliamentary vote can ever be carried without that percentage.

Then you would have to make voting compulsory with a heavy penalty for not doing so.

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More atypical Liberal abuse and criticism today - same old same old. The only new thing today, is the same old left-wing Liberal abusive response to alternative views - this time about Brexit.

And what is that Liberal response? NO!! We wont allow it!! We are right and the right is wrong!! We demand this be stopped !!!! The Brexit voters are all (personal abuse deleted). !!!!!!!

For far too long the looney left have been getting their way, and the time is up on this false and idiotic utopian move towards a beige world with no borders, no nationality, no sexuality, no identity - everybody the same and all peace and loving everywhere - and all the pigs fed and ready to fly. Quite a few younger voters are realising this is just ideological khraapp, but a clear majority of the 40+ year old people who have brains and a memory overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU. As someone that has been predicting the 'backlash' for a few years, and is delighting in seeing the UK wake up and reclaim is national pride, I am also delighting in seeing the looney left Liberals scream and complain when things dont go their way. They better get used to it - there is more coming right across the EU.


IF THERE’S one thing the last three days have taught us, it’s that 20-year-old social justice warriors on Twitter are smarter than 52 per cent of the British population. If you believe the outraged media, those 17.4 million Brits who decided they were sick of the bloated, anti-democratic, corrupt European Union telling them what to do are comprised entirely of old, racist, straight white men who should be stripped of the vote because they’re going to die soon. It’s astonishing that in the wake of one of the single most emphatic displays of pure democracy in recent history, there is a concerted campaign to subvert the will of the people.

Edited by Scott
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I think it would be unwise not to let people to vote again. Each UK-citizen have the same voting right as they did before.

If the UK folks still wish to exit, we'll shake hands and say goodbye for decades of co-operation. I think that is fair for both UK and EU.

What do you think? Fair, not fair?

What do I think? I think your idea is bonkers.

We've had four months of campaigning and a referendum. The majority of 52% prevailed.

It's not hard to understand, is it?

I really don't care about you old geezers. I don't. You are the reason I wish EU would eject the UK from our map as soon as possible. Old geezers have nothing to offer to the EU.

However there are plenty of smarter folks in UK, the ones who wish to stay and who wish to make EU a community for us all, which functions better in the future. These people are the majority in UK as we all know. These, smarter folks, were sleeping during the election day and have awoken since.

I'm a lazy person and tend to react to events, only when it's really necessary. I don't like to participate to discussions, which I feel that are just a silly talk. Most of the discussions are like that.

The younger generations are even less interested to participate to the hideous voting polls, than I am. If the vote is going to be a done deal, they and I would not bother to go to the polls and place a vote. Why bother the effort?

Now, if anyone would have predicted that the Leave EU would have won, there would have been plenty of reactivated youngsters who have gotten to the polls. They would have made the difference.

So, what is more important? To win this poll or to represent what people actually want?

I wish the real voice of people to be heard. What they really think.

Edit: Grammar etc.

So the younger, 'smarter' people waited until the result of the poll went against them and then, when it was too late to do anything about it, wished they'd got out of bed and voted? I don't wish to sound rude but that doesn't sound very smart to me at all. They sound like lazy, feckless fools.

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Attempts to disenfranchise voters rately end well

It would be a larger majority for brexit

I think it would be the opposite.

The issue is such an big caliber and many people were not awake once they were voting or decided not to bother to vote. It's quite clear that now the eyes are open and people realise the consequences of the exit.

If the second vote still says exit, then by all means exit. EU is ready for it and wish to get the exit over with as soon as possible. EU will loose England and Wales from the community, but will gain some businesses and probably better decision making process.

The turnout was 72 percent. The issues were debated for months and the pressure from the media and the establishment to force a Remain vote was enormous. Yet a majority of voters opted for a Brexit.

That's democracy in action. Or have you spent so long in a country where democracy doesn't exist that you have forgotten what it means?

Your reluctance to accept the will of the majority puts you in the same category as those arrogant unelected Brussels bureaucrats we Brexiters can't wait to be rid of.

Edited by Krataiboy
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Attempts to disenfranchise voters rately end well

It would be a larger majority for brexit

I think it would be the opposite.

The issue is such an big caliber and many people were not awake once they were voting or decided not to bother to vote. It's quite clear that now the eyes are open and people realise the consequences of the exit.

If the second vote still says exit, then by all means exit. EU is ready for it and wish to get the exit over with as soon as possible. EU will loose England and Wales from the community, but will gain some businesses and probably better decision making process.

The turnout was 72 percent. The issues were debated for months and the pressure from the media and the establishment to force a Remain vote was enormous. Yet a majority of voters opted for a Brexit. That's democracy in action. Or have you spent so long in a country where democracy doesn't exist that you have forgotten what it means?

A slight error in that post that needs correcting. A majority of voters didn't vote for exit but a majority of those that did vote voted for exit. In fact I believe that just over 36% of voters voted for exit.

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It doesn't matter. The internet petition has been proven to have many sham petitioners and the Brit. govt. aren't showing any interest in this manipulated petition.

It was originally claimed that it was 'signed' by regretful brexit voters - an obvious lie to anyone with the smallest amount of intelligence.

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I think it would be unwise not to let people to vote again. Each UK-citizen have the same voting right as they did before.

If the UK folks still wish to exit, we'll shake hands and say goodbye for decades of co-operation. I think that is fair for both UK and EU.

What do you think? Fair, not fair?

What do I think? I think your idea is bonkers.

We've had four months of campaigning and a referendum. The majority of 52% prevailed.

It's not hard to understand, is it?

I really don't care about you old geezers. I don't. You are the reason I wish EU would eject the UK from our map as soon as possible. Old geezers have nothing to offer to the EU.

However there are plenty of smarter folks in UK, the ones who wish to stay and who wish to make EU a community for us all, which functions better in the future. These people are the majority in UK as we all know. These, smarter folks, were sleeping during the election day and have awoken since.

I'm a lazy person and tend to react to events, only when it's really necessary. I don't like to participate to discussions, which I feel that are just a silly talk. Most of the discussions are like that.

The younger generations are even less interested to participate to the hideous voting polls, than I am. If the vote is going to be a done deal, they and I would not bother to go to the polls and place a vote. Why bother the effort?

Now, if anyone would have predicted that the Leave EU would have won, there would have been plenty of reactivated youngsters who have gotten to the polls. They would have made the difference.

So, what is more important? To win this poll or to represent what people actually want?

I wish the real voice of people to be heard. What they really think.

Edit: Grammar etc.

So the younger, 'smarter' people waited until the result of the poll went against them and then, when it was too late to do anything about it, wished they'd got out of bed and voted? I don't wish to sound rude but that doesn't sound very smart to me at all. They sound like lazy, feckless fools.

Yep, maybe if than had got off their lazy &lt;deleted&gt; and voted it might have been different for them

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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It doesn't matter. The internet petition has been proven to have many sham petitioners and the Brit. govt. aren't showing any interest in this manipulated petition.

They don't have to be. It was a non-binding referendum. The referendum itself carried no legal standing to exit the EU. At some time, the elected members of government are going to have to actually vote on whether to act on the results, or to do something else.

If they accepted the petition for a re-vote, they'd get another non-binding result, which they could also ignore. That being the case, why would they spend the time and money to hold another referendum?

I have no doubt that they're gauging the implications- political and economic- of ignoring the referendum. And with just 52-48%, they may decide to chance it. How big a difference is there between pissing off 52% and pissing off 48%, especially when some subset of the 52% are now expressing regrets?

Edited by impulse
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The turnout was 72 percent. The issues were debated for months and the pressure from the media and the establishment to force a Remain vote was enormous. Yet a majority of voters opted for a Brexit. That's democracy in action. Or have you spent so long in a country where democracy doesn't exist that you have forgotten what it means?

A slight error in that post that needs correcting. A majority of voters didn't vote for exit but a majority of those that did vote voted for exit. In fact I believe that just over 36% of voters voted for exit.

In which case, even less (than 36%) voted to remain

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Nigel Farage said back in May that 52-48 win in the referendum would be “unfinished business”.

Sorry he said:

Nigel Farage said back in May that 52-48 win for the Remain side in the EU referendum would be “unfinished business”.


He seems to have amnesia now... gigglem.gif

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I wish the real voice of people to be heard. What they really think.

That's why they held the referendum in the first place, ya dummy.

How much more real can it get? One person, one vote, rules clearly spelled out months in advance, options clearly spelled out on the ballot paper.

Can't get any clearer than that.

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coming from canada, which has had a number of referendums that have come very close to the line, experience has taught that often times these votes are registered as a form of protest and people are shocked when they see how close the vote comes.

that may well be the case here

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The Brits just voted to get a group of unelected international bankers and control freaks out of their lives. If ONLY the shamestream media would have made SOME attempt to tell the people how xenophobic that is.

Let's start a massive petition declaring how wrong it is to take care of Brits instead of Somalis and Syrians and fat cats in Brussels, NONE of whom the British People ever invited into their lives and country.


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I wish the real voice of people to be heard. What they really think.
That's why they held the referendum in the first place, ya dummy.
How much more real can it get? One person, one vote, rules clearly spelled out months in advance, options clearly spelled out on the ballot paper.

Clear? True. But you got robbed of a bunch of choices in between "Stay" and "Leave"

How about "Stay, if we don't have to accept parasitic Euro castoffs on our shores"? Or: "Leave, but protect the interests of our citizens who have invested their life savings in Spain"?

There are a thousand variables that could have eased the sting from millions of your countrymen- stay or leave. But you didn't get a say on those. Only the black or white. So millions of your countrymen are going to end up on the short end of some stick.

That's why referendum democracy falls apart. There is no chance of negotiations, compromise, and win-win. Just win-lose.

I'm not a fan at all of the yoyos we have elected to the positions, but I am a fan of the democratic process and the myriad of outcomes that could still come from this if cooler heads prevail. The people of the UK deserve better than black or white. I don't care if it's stay or leave. But I do care if some poor schlepp loses his life savings because he ca't live in the retirement home he bought on a lake in France, or a young kid loses his career because he can't get permission to work in Italy.

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Generation Snowflake's favourite newspaper, The Guardian, thinks that Brexit is all Margaret Thatcher's fault for having 'devastated communities' across England's heartland.

Not bad, for a woman who lost power over a quarter of a century ago. Who will the Left blame next? Oliver Cromwell? The Venerable Bede? Boadicea?


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I wish the real voice of people to be heard. What they really think.
That's why they held the referendum in the first place, ya dummy.
How much more real can it get? One person, one vote, rules clearly spelled out months in advance, options clearly spelled out on the ballot paper.

Clear? True. But you got robbed of a bunch of choices in between "Stay" and "Leave"

How about "Stay, if we don't have to accept parasitic Euro castoffs on our shores"? Or: "Leave, but protect the interests of our citizens who have invested their life savings in Spain"?

There are a thousand variables that could have eased the sting from millions of your countrymen- stay or leave. But you didn't get a say on those. Only the black or white. So millions of your countrymen are going to end up on the short end of some stick.

That's why referendum democracy falls apart. There is no chance of negotiations, compromise, and win-win. Just win-lose.

I'm not a fan at all of the yoyos we have elected to the positions, but I am a fan of the democratic process and the myriad of outcomes that could still come from this if cooler heads prevail. The people of the UK deserve better than black or white. I don't care if it's stay or leave. But I do care if some poor schlepp loses his life savings because he ca't live in the retirement home he bought on a lake in France, or a young kid loses his career because he can't get permission to work in Italy.

What makes you think that this poor schlepp won't be allowed to continue staying in France? Thailand is not part of the EU and there are hundreds of poor schlepps living here.

As to the young kid that loses his career, there are million of other kids around the world who can't get permission to work in Italy either.

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