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Massive petition calls for EU referendum re-run


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Typical left…..all for free speech and democracy until it doesn't suit them.

I gather the main agitator for the referendum is on record saying that he would not accept the result if the margin was less than 3 to 4% would that be "Typical right"

And the online petition that gained steam was started by a pro-leave campaigner who started it thinking they were going to lose.... you just cannot write this stuff and make it sound believable :P

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The only reason this IS becoming a disaster is the way it's being handled (or not handled at all by those who should be handling it).

None of this is good thus far. I have a disturbing feeling it's started as it means to go on.

The whole brexit started many years ago as a power game in UK. There was a need to please the Eurosceptics to gain votes.


Cameron was eager to prove his view that everybody loves EU that he announced the referendum vote. He was 110% sure it would be a jog in a park. After all, all the previous votes had been successes.

Cameron was dead wrong. He did not understood how sick and tired ordinary people were about the UK politics. These people wanted to show that they have power and voted against Cameron.. as well as the EU which Cameron supported.

The populists saw the opportunity and used the agony of British people for their own gain. They wanted power. They wanted to rule the UK. For the populists, there is almost nothing what is considered as beyond fair play. It's ok to lie, it's ok to make false claims. It's ok to do pretty much anything to gain votes and manipulate people's minds. The populists did exactly that.

So, now we are in this mess. UK people don't really wish to leave the EU, but they have voted to do so. How to manage the unbearable situation? The situation which very few people actually wants. Some old sods do, but they are in minority.

There are different ways. One is to have a second referendum. Another easy way out is to get Scotland to veto the result.

Then there is a possibility of general elections. The newly elected government wouldn't be obligated to follow the promises to obey the results of the advisory referendum poll.

On top of all this, there is the EU. EU might see Brexit as an opportunity to make EU a more functional entity. It might be happy for the referendum results and the fact that UK is out of the EU's core.

I'm with the EU, but I'll be sad for the good folks in UK.

Yes I agree with you I should think the EU once it recovers from this upheaval it will be business as usual, they were there long before we joined and despite the wishful thinking of many who believed everything negative about the EU they will be there long afterwards. Now that they have got rid of the one member who was constantly whinging, complaining with demands for special treatment and opt outs. When the EU parliament watches Farage walk out of that door for the last time there will be great joy and cheering. How us British are going to enjoy his antics if/when he gets elected to our parliament.

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A friend of mine in Britain was always going to vote Leave and his only thought was immigration, not just the Poles etc that are in his area but all the illegal migrants that he seemed to think would stop if Britain is out of the EU.

I'm sure he didn't bother with the fine print of any withdrawal and phoned me over the weekend to express his anger at the potential delay in the process which could take a couple of years to sort out. This isn't what he voted for he complained, how many other Brexiteers were thinking like him and that a Leave vote was an instant Job Done ?

i'm not commenting on the right or wrong of how he voted but do wonder at how he and others arrived at their respective decisions.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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People go on about how our dismantling of 40 years of ruin with first the common market then the EU. Not something to be done with a knee jerk reaction or because some jumped up non elected leader of the EU says do it now or because this stupid second rreferendum online campaign which can be aaccessed by any Tom mick or harry . People say it'snot being handled correctly why!!!our PM has alrwady set out what he intends to do not what people with no buisness in our affairs want us to do. So far all the knee jerk reactions have come from the remain looser camp. Just let our ggovernment handle this in a quite calm smooth manner and Iam convinced the UK will emerge healthier stronger and still be the major player in Europe without the straight jacket of the EU holding us back

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What a joke. There was some young lass holding up a placard in London, saying 'I'm not British, I'm European'. How sad. Suggest she renounces her citizenship and move to that safe haven Brussels.

On the obligatory whining jocks and that horrible old goat; pfft. Who cares. Do what you will. Like an irritating little ferret constantly nipping at the heels. Lithuania has more clout. giggle.gif

Over the weekend I have never heard the words England and Independence used so much but when a Scot says Independence there's a completely different reaction.

England isn't the UK and Britain despite the belief of so many they are. I love the lads in my local talking about their English passports etc but funnily enough they can never produce them.

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The whining by the youth vote makes me think of a quote attributed to Churchill:

"If you are not liberal before the age of 25 you have no heart. If you are not more conservative after 35 you have no brain."

If the EU referendum had taken place when I was 18 I would have voted in, no question. But being much older I voted leave, with no doubt in my mind.

The EU isn't about hands linking up across the ocean, with everyone sitting round a campfire singing Kumbaya. It is about centralisation of power and the crushing of democracy.

The 20 year old who is upset with the result may well thank the older generation for their wisdom and the vote to leave when they are in their 30's.

Edited by teatree
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It is a scam petition.

Sick and fed up of the moaning ftom those who wanted to remain. They have resorted to calling leave voters stupid, bigots and racists. Oh the irony

Petition was started by leave.....

I heard Boris started it cheesy.gif

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It is a scam petition.

Sick and fed up of the moaning ftom those who wanted to remain. They have resorted to calling leave voters stupid, bigots and racists. Oh the irony

Petition was started by leave.....
The ppetition was started by a person an individual not as you say by leave. He may well have voted leave but he does not represent the leave camp he represents his and only his views for others to sign up to or not there is a big diffrence here Edited by jeab1980
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It is a scam petition.

Sick and fed up of the moaning ftom those who wanted to remain. They have resorted to calling leave voters stupid, bigots and racists. Oh the irony

Petition was started by leave.....
The ppetition was started by a person an individual not as you say by leave. He may well have voted leave but he does not represent the leave camp he represents his and only his views for others to sign up to or not there is a big diffrence here

It shows you that supporters of both sides feel that if it did not go there way -- they should get a do-over....

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. . . and Spain to take back the Rock

. . . and Ireland to take back NI

. . . Alex Salmond to take Scotland

. . . and the Greeks to recover the Elgin marbles

At least it would finally settle all these long running issues.

The Rock was a gift, the marbles were saved from being smashed up and NI can go back to Eire if that's what they want, but if it's a choice, can we keep all three and just let the Jocks go? [emoji39]
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You would think that they were smart enough to make up their mind,,,But we are talking about the UK,,, they don't know what they are doing,

can't make up their mind,in one day out the next,,,Oh shit ,,running scared can't stand on our own two feet,,back in

Whinging undeceiving Poms,,,They will Never change,,,

Oh do pipe down son of bread thief, this is none of your business. I'd be more concerned with the whitewash you lot just received from those that don't know what they're doing. 3-0 was it? [emoji23]
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So given what this petition is based on turnout Idemand a 2nd rreferendum for the 1970's vote on joining the common market

Votes %

Yes check.svg Yes 17,378,581 67.23%

X mark.svg No 8,470,073 32.77%

Valid votes 25,848,654 99.79%

Invalid or blank votes 54,540 0.21%

Total votes 25,903,194 100.00%

Registered voters/turnout 40,084,594 64.62%

Only 64.2% turnout can't be leagal LOL

Edited by jeab1980
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The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


The "I didn't know what I was doing" excuse. I'm thinking that "do overs" aren't should not be allowed.

Now, what is the real downside of having a re-vote? If people really want to leave the EU, they will run to the polls and say so.

If, after sleeping the hangover off, folks thinking clearly once again, want to stay.. then that's what the people actually want. The 350M/week for NHS was sold as a known lie, which was simple enough to anger many people against the EU.

The second vote is to eliminate the angry votes, the feeling based votes and make people to think before they actually place votes. The second vote is the vote when the populists lies have been proven wrong. A chance.

But hey, this is up to the UK people what they want to do. Second vote would have been one easy way out to cut the losses. For us EU citizens it's quite the same what do you decide to do.

So do whatever you want and please do it fast so that we can make realistic plans for the future.

Surely it's up the EU citizens to demand democracy. "Oh" Waite a minute, there is now an ever increasing number of EU citizens who are also asking questions. Let's just see if they have the guts to follow their fellow Europeans in the UK,and take back their countries.

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Typical left…..all for free speech and democracy until it doesn't suit them.

It's nothing to do with the left.

People left, right and centre can see the disaster in the making. Hopefully Cameron's successors see it and refrain from invoking article 50 and eventually abandon it.

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It is interesting that although "referendum" results are usually a guage of public opinion which Govts. use to formulate policy this result is taken asa verbatim conclusion. Electoral votes are a different issue. The Uk adheres to a "first past the winning post" electoral system without compulsory voting. Thus a Govt. can be elected on the basis of a minority of population votes in total.

Apathetic and/or dissuaded voters are the key to a win in such a system. Hardly the mark of an honest representative democracy.

By the way...did a referendum result take the UK "into" the EU originally?

In the previous vote,1973 we were asked did we want to join a trading pact with other European countries,this was called th EEC. Since that time we have been deceived and lied to by the establishment. Now the people have spoken.

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The only reason this IS becoming a disaster is the way it's being handled (or not handled at all by those who should be handling it).

None of this is good thus far. I have a disturbing feeling it's started as it means to go on.

The whole brexit started many years ago as a power game in UK. There was a need to please the Eurosceptics to gain votes.


Cameron was eager to prove his view that everybody loves EU that he announced the referendum vote. He was 110% sure it would be a jog in a park. After all, all the previous votes had been successes.

Cameron was dead wrong. He did not understood how sick and tired ordinary people were about the UK politics. These people wanted to show that they have power and voted against Cameron.. as well as the EU which Cameron supported.

The populists saw the opportunity and used the agony of British people for their own gain. They wanted power. They wanted to rule the UK. For the populists, there is almost nothing what is considered as beyond fair play. It's ok to lie, it's ok to make false claims. It's ok to do pretty much anything to gain votes and manipulate people's minds. The populists did exactly that.

So, now we are in this mess. UK people don't really wish to leave the EU, but they have voted to do so. How to manage the unbearable situation? The situation which very few people actually wants. Some old sods do, but they are in minority.

There are different ways. One is to have a second referendum. Another easy way out is to get Scotland to veto the result.

Then there is a possibility of general elections. The newly elected government wouldn't be obligated to follow the promises to obey the results of the advisory referendum poll.

On top of all this, there is the EU. EU might see Brexit as an opportunity to make EU a more functional entity. It might be happy for the referendum results and the fact that UK is out of the EU's core.

I'm with the EU, but I'll be sad for the good folks in UK.

Yes I agree with you I should think the EU once it recovers from this upheaval it will be business as usual, they were there long before we joined and despite the wishful thinking of many who believed everything negative about the EU they will be there long afterwards. Now that they have got rid of the one member who was constantly whinging, complaining with demands for special treatment and opt outs. When the EU parliament watches Farage walk out of that door for the last time there will be great joy and cheering. How us British are going to enjoy his antics if/when he gets elected to our parliament.

People keep complaining about the EU being undemocratic, then don't bother voting in the European Parliament elections, leaving the door open for this Farage clown to attend and disrupt instead of someone who might have something constructive to say. The opportunity has always been there to make a difference by voting, bu hardly anyone bothers.

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I think it would be unwise not to let people to vote again. Each UK-citizen have the same voting right as they did before.

If the UK folks still wish to exit, we'll shake hands and say goodbye for decades of co-operation. I think that is fair for both UK and EU.

What do you think? Fair, not fair?

What do I think? I think your idea is bonkers.

We've had four months of campaigning and a referendum. The majority of 52% prevailed.

It's not hard to understand, is it?

I really don't care about you old geezers. I don't. You are the reason I wish EU would eject the UK from our map as soon as possible. Old geezers have nothing to offer to the EU.

However there are plenty of smarter folks in UK, the ones who wish to stay and who wish to make EU a community for us all, which functions better in the future. These people are the majority in UK as we all know. These, smarter folks, were sleeping during the election day and have awoken since.

I'm a lazy person and tend to react to events, only when it's really necessary. I don't like to participate to discussions, which I feel that are just a silly talk. Most of the discussions are like that.

The younger generations are even less interested to participate to the hideous voting polls, than I am. If the vote is going to be a done deal, they and I would not bother to go to the polls and place a vote. Why bother the effort?

Now, if anyone would have predicted that the Leave EU would have won, there would have been plenty of reactivated youngsters who have gotten to the polls. They would have made the difference.

So, what is more important? To win this poll or to represent what people actually want?

I wish the real voice of people to be heard. What they really think.

Edit: Grammar etc.

Have yo always been arrogant?

Edited by nontabury
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The only reason this IS becoming a disaster is the way it's being handled (or not handled at all by those who should be handling it).

None of this is good thus far. I have a disturbing feeling it's started as it means to go on.

The whole brexit started many years ago as a power game in UK. There was a need to please the Eurosceptics to gain votes.


Cameron was eager to prove his view that everybody loves EU that he announced the referendum vote. He was 110% sure it would be a jog in a park. After all, all the previous votes had been successes.

Cameron was dead wrong. He did not understood how sick and tired ordinary people were about the UK politics. These people wanted to show that they have power and voted against Cameron.. as well as the EU which Cameron supported.

The populists saw the opportunity and used the agony of British people for their own gain. They wanted power. They wanted to rule the UK. For the populists, there is almost nothing what is considered as beyond fair play. It's ok to lie, it's ok to make false claims. It's ok to do pretty much anything to gain votes and manipulate people's minds. The populists did exactly that.

So, now we are in this mess. UK people don't really wish to leave the EU, but they have voted to do so. How to manage the unbearable situation? The situation which very few people actually wants. Some old sods do, but they are in minority.

There are different ways. One is to have a second referendum. Another easy way out is to get Scotland to veto the result.

Then there is a possibility of general elections. The newly elected government wouldn't be obligated to follow the promises to obey the results of the advisory referendum poll.

On top of all this, there is the EU. EU might see Brexit as an opportunity to make EU a more functional entity. It might be happy for the referendum results and the fact that UK is out of the EU's core.

I'm with the EU, but I'll be sad for the good folks in UK.

Yes I agree with you I should think the EU once it recovers from this upheaval it will be business as usual, they were there long before we joined and despite the wishful thinking of many who believed everything negative about the EU they will be there long afterwards. Now that they have got rid of the one member who was constantly whinging, complaining with demands for special treatment and opt outs. When the EU parliament watches Farage walk out of that door for the last time there will be great joy and cheering. How us British are going to enjoy his antics if/when he gets elected to our parliament.

People keep complaining about the EU being undemocratic, then don't bother voting in the European Parliament elections, leaving the door open for this Farage clown to attend and disrupt instead of someone who might have something constructive to say. The opportunity has always been there to make a difference by voting, bu hardly anyone bothers.

what is the point of voting for an MEP? they are pointless and have no power, the EU is anti democracy

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To all the poster advocating a revote/rethink/60% rule: Can you honestly say that you would be on here debating these points if "remain" had won?

To some other posters: I think it's very arrogant/condescending to say "Go and think about what you did little Johnny and then come tell Mommy you're sorry". I know some "Little Johnny's" that have the highest levels of education in fields such as physics and economics that supported the leave campaign. Maybe...just maybe, the leave people voted "leave", because...well...THEY WANT TO LEAVE :rolleyes:

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Hah! Liberal Media Gets Punked by 4Chan – Petition for Second Brexit Vote was Spammed

Mainstream media outlets in Great Britain and the US were running news Sunday of a stunning petition that shows 2 million people want a new Brexit vote.

Over “two million” signed the referendum in less than 24 hours!


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In this Brexit case it has been obvious the majority of (a lot of obviously uninformed) voters made their decision with their heart and NOT with their brain. The demand for a new refendum confirms this.

16 million voted Remain. How many have demanded a new referendum? 2-3 million from around the planet? That is hardly confirmation.

I recall a meme or whatever they're called. March of the Zombies. It showed a line of young people, all staring into their smartphone. Too busy to see what's going on around them. That's the 57% of 18 - 24 year olds who didn't vote, and are whinging now.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

57%? More like 65%
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To all the poster advocating a revote/rethink/60% rule: Can you honestly say that you would be on here debating these points if "remain" had won?

To some other posters: I think it's very arrogant/condescending to say "Go and think about what you did little Johnny and then come tell Mommy you're sorry". I know some "Little Johnny's" that have the highest levels of education in fields such as physics and economics that supported the leave campaign. Maybe...just maybe, the leave people voted "leave", because...well...THEY WANT TO LEAVE rolleyes.gif

Well apparently that is exactly what Farage said.

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Reading TV and the comments sections of UK MSM there is a very interesting phenomenon occurring.

It would appear that the majority of those that are opposing Brexit and calling for a 2nd referendum are NON - BRITS.

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