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'Reprimand' is all for school in Chiang Rai where 17 sleeping kids killed in fire


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Be patient. The country is still in transition. There are many parts where life is still simple and they live (or die) by their wits rather than rely on technology.

Funding all the improvements that are deemed necessary in the modern world can't all happen at once.

In transition from what to what?

But I suppose you kind of are correct, funding all the improvements that are deemed necessary in the modern world can't all happen and also support 25 billionaires, there will have to be sacrifices when 25 people want 25% of the economy.

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Another graphic illustration - as if it were needed - of how little the country's rulers care about their citizens. Not just the school's owners and managers should face retribution for negligence, but the government itself is culpable for its failure to enforce adequate fire safety regulations. No amount of hush money or official whitewash is going to cover up the grief which the parents of these dead girls will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

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I am originaly from UK i can point you to millions of homes there that have no fire alarms or sensors or they have but batteries taken out. Thousands of children/Adults die each year as a cconsequence to this but I have never seen any form of prosecution on these terrible accidents. I can point you to two schools I worked in in the 90's state schools I may add with no adequate fire alarm system installed only the old metal triangle and hammer warning. This thankfully has been eradicatedand now new homes and schools have to have as standard fire alarms. My point is The UK had to learn the hard way and slowly things changed I expect the same here. Given time. Oh and by the way India is far far worse for school fires with no fire alarm systems. Now that is not defending the horrible waste of life in this fire I am deeply shocked and feel for the parents and siblings. But the blame culture provides absolutely no help in this or any other case. Accidents happen it'sa fact tragic but a fact. So iI hope and expect lessons to be learned from this.

Edited by jeab1980
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Be patient. The country is still in transition. There are many parts where life is still simple and they live (or die) by their wits rather than rely on technology.

Funding all the improvements that are deemed necessary in the modern world can't all happen at once.

So you think any of this will change do you? So allow them more time?

How much more time would be enough? And how many more lives pointlessly lost without consequence would that translate to?


Edited by Winniedapu
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Reprimand.......I am sure this face saving measure for the administrator is much appreciated by the parents who lost their dear children. I can vividly remember the first statements made by this administrator on camera, after the disaster, while he smiled the whole time. Yeah, I know, "The Land of Smiles". He'll just go on about his business, but I hope those children's deaths haunt him to his grave.

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Were not the 9 victims in the van Thai? The 3 cyclists in CM? And so on...

Are you trying to say if Thai they would have received real stiff sentences?

Look at the evidence out there and give me some examples...

The legal system is broken in justice for victims....

I agree an the Dutch man got 103 years for something he may have done in Netherlands. In civilized couNtries there would be crimal charge and also aCivil Tort Case. Need supervision, smoke detector with toxic warning as well, second escape doors and sprinkler system.
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Disgusting waste of life. Everyone in authority at the school should be PUNISHED. Also the authorities should be held responsible. Hill people huh? poor Hill people do not have the money to send their kids to boarding school. Only Hill people from the Golden Triangle area would be able to afford to send their kids to boarding school. Maybe this is a reason for the weak pathetic action.

From what I understood this school houses children that live too far away from a school to go to school. It is a charity organization for poor children in remote areas to get an education. There is a similar setup in our village that houses several children that live too far away.

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I am originaly from UK i can point you to millions of homes there that have no fire alarms or sensors or they have but batteries taken out. Thousands of children/Adults die each year as a cconsequence to this but I have never seen any form of prosecution on these terrible accidents. I can point you to two schools I worked in in the 90's state schools I may add with no adequate fire alarm system installed only the old metal triangle and hammer warning. This thankfully has been eradicatedand now new homes and schools have to have as standard fire alarms. My point is The UK had to learn the hard way and slowly things changed I expect the same here. Given time. Oh and by the way India is far far worse for school fires with no fire alarm systems. Now that is not defending the horrible waste of life in this fire I am deeply shocked and feel for the parents and siblings. But the blame culture provides absolutely no help in this or any other case. Accidents happen it'sa fact tragic but a fact. So iI hope and expect lessons to be learned from this.

i think you need to stop reading comics,because all you say is comical.

what you say NO ONE IS TO BLAME.[WRONG] on all counts.

it was an ACCIDENT.[bULL S--T] on all counts.

then you finish with the most comical statement LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED.[ NEVER]

in over 35yrs.i have never ever seen a lesson being LEARNED. [THIS IS FACT]

why dont you go and visit these poor parents that put their trust in the very people who were paid to look after their loved ones,and tell them it couldnt be HELPED.

TAFF,originaly from the valleys of the poor.

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You'd wonder why 23 or 33 million tourists would bother to visit a country whose decision making efforts could only be described as done by Sh!!t heads at best, the education department and police department should hold their heads in shame, the police have an obligation and law to prosecute under negligence and this is just what it was , pure neglect by a bunch of arso@!s running the school, shame on Thailand..........................................coffee1.gif .

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Disgusting waste of life. Everyone in authority at the school should be PUNISHED. Also the authorities should be held responsible. Hill people huh? poor Hill people do not have the money to send their kids to boarding school. Only Hill people from the Golden Triangle area would be able to afford to send their kids to boarding school. Maybe this is a reason for the weak pathetic action.

The school is a Christian run charity providing schooling for hill tribe children out of reach of traditional schools, they do not have to be rich, they have to be poor and geographically out of reach.

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the most amazingly stark shocker i first noticed in Thailand is how cheap life is . the young are at risk the most . really ? just a reprimand ? i love it here , the people are kind and good to me . i only wish the people in power would treat their own people as they treat me . this reminds be of the black on black violence and killings in Chicago every night , the people in power do not care at all . life there is also very cheap . it makes me so sad .

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If this had been a school in Bangkok , there would be hell on.

I like others on here , am disgusted how they can just wave away any responsibility , it is the same old story.

No investigation unless there is money to made out of it.

Edited by NE1
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I am originaly from UK i can point you to millions of homes there that have no fire alarms or sensors or they have but batteries taken out. Thousands of children/Adults die each year as a cconsequence to this but I have never seen any form of prosecution on these terrible accidents. I can point you to two schools I worked in in the 90's state schools I may add with no adequate fire alarm system installed only the old metal triangle and hammer warning. This thankfully has been eradicatedand now new homes and schools have to have as standard fire alarms. My point is The UK had to learn the hard way and slowly things changed I expect the same here. Given time. Oh and by the way India is far far worse for school fires with no fire alarm systems. Now that is not defending the horrible waste of life in this fire I am deeply shocked and feel for the parents and siblings. But the blame culture provides absolutely no help in this or any other case. Accidents happen it'sa fact tragic but a fact. So iI hope and expect lessons to be learned from this.

i think you need to stop reading comics,because all you say is comical.

what you say NO ONE IS TO BLAME.[WRONG] on all counts.

it was an ACCIDENT.[bULL S--T] on all counts.

then you finish with the most comical statement LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED.[ NEVER]

in over 35yrs.i have never ever seen a lesson being LEARNED. [THIS IS FACT]

why dont you go and visit these poor parents that put their trust in the very people who were paid to look after their loved ones,and tell them it couldnt be HELPED.

TAFF,originaly from the valleys of the poor.

A sterotypical response I expected as usual read what you want forget the rest and dive in mouth first. Pointless really pointless

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I am originaly from UK i can point you to millions of homes there that have no fire alarms or sensors or they have but batteries taken out. Thousands of children/Adults die each year as a cconsequence to this but I have never seen any form of prosecution on these terrible accidents. I can point you to two schools I worked in in the 90's state schools I may add with no adequate fire alarm system installed only the old metal triangle and hammer warning. This thankfully has been eradicatedand now new homes and schools have to have as standard fire alarms. My point is The UK had to learn the hard way and slowly things changed I expect the same here. Given time. Oh and by the way India is far far worse for school fires with no fire alarm systems. Now that is not defending the horrible waste of life in this fire I am deeply shocked and feel for the parents and siblings. But the blame culture provides absolutely no help in this or any other case. Accidents happen it'sa fact tragic but a fact. So iI hope and expect lessons to be learned from this.

i think you need to stop reading comics,because all you say is comical.

what you say NO ONE IS TO BLAME.[WRONG] on all counts.

it was an ACCIDENT.[bULL S--T] on all counts.

then you finish with the most comical statement LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED.[ NEVER]

in over 35yrs.i have never ever seen a lesson being LEARNED. [THIS IS FACT]

why dont you go and visit these poor parents that put their trust in the very people who were paid to look after their loved ones,and tell them it couldnt be HELPED.

TAFF,originaly from the valleys of the poor.

A sterotypical response I expected as usual read what you want forget the rest and dive in mouth first. Pointless really pointless

well off topic lets open my mouth again, 1966 i was with a team of miners who were first to arrive at the school in aberfan,to find over 116 children dead in a so called tragic accident. no it was not an accident as you want to call, IT WAS NEGLIGENCE,BLAME WAS ATTACHED,AND LORD ROBINS PAID THE PRICE.

when there's children involved in something likethat has happened here in chiang rai YOU NEVER FORGET.i have been lucky in life that i have never had to suffer anything like the parents who loose a child.so why dont you think before you open your mouth.

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Only a couple of days ago the PM was heaping praises on a lad that was picking up flags in the rain ........................... something out of kilter somewhere. ' What a great lad he was , how many died in a school fire ? Oh dear never mind , what a lovely boy that was picking up flags '

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I am originaly from UK i can point you to millions of homes there that have no fire alarms or sensors or they have but batteries taken out. Thousands of children/Adults die each year as a cconsequence to this but I have never seen any form of prosecution on these terrible accidents. I can point you to two schools I worked in in the 90's state schools I may add with no adequate fire alarm system installed only the old metal triangle and hammer warning. This thankfully has been eradicatedand now new homes and schools have to have as standard fire alarms. My point is The UK had to learn the hard way and slowly things changed I expect the same here. Given time. Oh and by the way India is far far worse for school fires with no fire alarm systems. Now that is not defending the horrible waste of life in this fire I am deeply shocked and feel for the parents and siblings. But the blame culture provides absolutely no help in this or any other case. Accidents happen it'sa fact tragic but a fact. So iI hope and expect lessons to be learned from this.

i think you need to stop reading comics,because all you say is comical.

what you say NO ONE IS TO BLAME.[WRONG] on all counts.

it was an ACCIDENT.[bULL S--T] on all counts.

then you finish with the most comical statement LESSONS WILL BE LEARNED.[ NEVER]

in over 35yrs.i have never ever seen a lesson being LEARNED. [THIS IS FACT]

why dont you go and visit these poor parents that put their trust in the very people who were paid to look after their loved ones,and tell them it couldnt be HELPED.

TAFF,originaly from the valleys of the poor.

A sterotypical response I expected as usual read what you want forget the rest and dive in mouth first. Pointless really pointless

well off topic lets open my mouth again, 1966 i was with a team of miners who were first to arrive at the school in aberfan,to find over 116 children dead in a so called tragic accident. no it was not an accident as you want to call, IT WAS NEGLIGENCE,BLAME WAS ATTACHED,AND LORD ROBINS PAID THE PRICE.

when there's children involved in something likethat has happened here in chiang rai YOU NEVER FORGET.i have been lucky in life that i have never had to suffer anything like the parents who loose a child.so why dont you think before you open your mouth.

listen we can all go on and on about trickyaccidents and what we have witnessed first hand. But iit'snot about us is it!!! Nowhere in my post did i say no one was at fault iIsaid accidents happen is all. And that iIfeel for the parents. So stop trying to be holier than tho for goodness sake.

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Disgusting waste of life. Everyone in authority at the school should be PUNISHED. Also the authorities should be held responsible. Hill people huh? poor Hill people do not have the money to send their kids to boarding school. Only Hill people from the Golden Triangle area would be able to afford to send their kids to boarding school. Maybe this is a reason for the weak pathetic action.

The school is a Christian run charity providing schooling for hill tribe children out of reach of traditional schools, they do not have to be rich, they have to be poor and geographically out of reach.

Christian run charity or not the school failed, and its owner's and staff should be dealt with.

Considering the amount of money available to the educational system ( Chiang Rai itself has several well funded, modern and well resourced government schools in the city), one wonders why even the most basic provision cannot be made for those from poor and remote areas.

But then they are from the Hill Tribes. They simply don't matter.

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Disgusting waste of life. Everyone in authority at the school should be PUNISHED. Also the authorities should be held responsible. Hill people huh? poor Hill people do not have the money to send their kids to boarding school. Only Hill people from the Golden Triangle area would be able to afford to send their kids to boarding school. Maybe this is a reason for the weak pathetic action.

The school is a Christian run charity providing schooling for hill tribe children out of reach of traditional schools, they do not have to be rich, they have to be poor and geographically out of reach.

Christian run charity or not the school failed, and its owner's and staff should be dealt with.

Considering the amount of money available to the educational system ( Chiang Rai itself has several well funded, modern and well resourced government schools in the city), one wonders why even the most basic provision cannot be made for those from poor and remote areas.

But then they are from the Hill Tribes. They simply don't matter.

Of course, but my point was to counter the comment above, that poor hill tribe people do not have the money to send their kids to boarding school and that the fact that these hill tribe kid did get afforded a school does not mean they came from drug dealing families as lungnorn inferred.

The hill tribes neglect is political, they are refugees, for decades many were kept caged in for the crime of being persecuted in Myanmar, Thailand has a shameful record of refugee treatment.

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Let as all hope and pray that the powers to be in charge of looking after these students boarders will in the future put the necessary safety steps in place to prevent a total waste of human life from occurring in the near distant future.

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The price of a smoke detector at eBay is just over 100 THB or about 6 baht per dead girl.

Seems the value of human life in Thailand is rather cheap...

Yes but they have to be checked regularly to make sure thay are still in working order,that's asking a bit much.

Lets remember the Shrine bombing in Bangkok, half the CCTV cameras in that location were not working.Maintenance is not part of Thai culture.

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Be patient. The country is still in transition. There are many parts where life is still simple and they live (or die) by their wits rather than rely on technology.

Funding all the improvements that are deemed necessary in the modern world can't all happen at once.

Transition implies it is changing. What do you see changing for the better, systemically?

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The problem in Thailand is simply that administrators do not understand or really do not care about safety measures for people. A smoke detector in a place where people sleep is a simple matter. They are very cheap and you stick them on the ceiling or wall and they go off at the first smell of smoke. Every administrator has the money to purchase safety equipment. The reason they do not is well known.

Schools and other places such as hotels, massage parlors, restaurants, nightclubs etc should be inspected for these things. This is the responsibility of the local government to enforce. Once a school or business is cited and fined they will get the message. I don't want the nanny state in Thailand but simple regulations to protect at least the children should be in place.

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And they laughed at me when I installed smoke detectors and extinguishers in the office and house. It's a very different way of managing risk over here. A bit like putting white powder on the roof your car and praying for no accidents, then driving like acid freaks. Some people call the regulated world the nanny state, but there are basic level regulations which are proven necessary and easy to implement which dont always happen sadly. I hope this prompts action on fire safety before it happens again. Despite what some say there is no lack of funds for this, its just in the wrong pockets...

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The problem in Thailand is simply that administrators do not understand or really do not care about safety measures for people. A smoke detector in a place where people sleep is a simple matter. They are very cheap and you stick them on the ceiling or wall and they go off at the first smell of smoke. Every administrator has the money to purchase safety equipment. The reason they do not is well known.

Schools and other places such as hotels, massage parlors, restaurants, nightclubs etc should be inspected for these things. This is the responsibility of the local government to enforce. Once a school or business is cited and fined they will get the message. I don't want the nanny state in Thailand but simple regulations to protect at least the children should be in place.

Ah sorry for the double up, you almost said what i said, read your comment after, agreed

Edited by tails
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They can only give a reprimand because the conditions at that school are not different than at many other places.

No smoke detectors, no fire plan or drills, no regulations to fulfill.

It should be a cautionary tale which could change the system. but actually it barely made the news.

In Thailand who does the safety responsibilities fall on in this situation? This school is exactly like many other schools, except they paid the consequences with 17 young lives. R I P

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