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Brexit crisis hits UK Labour opposition as Corbyn faces party revolt


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Brexit crisis hits UK Labour opposition as Corbyn faces party revolt
By Alasdair Sandford


LONDON: -- Since the recent show of unity following the murder of the British MP Jo Cox, Brexit has brought down Prime Minister David Cameron, who says he will quit by the time of the Conservative Party conference in October.

Now Britain’s opposition Labour Party is also in open turmoil following the dismissal of shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn, who had leader Jeremy Corbyn he had no confidence in his leadership.

It was suggested that Benn had been plotting an internal coup. He had been at odds with Corbyn and last December angered his leader by giving a passionate speech in Parliament arguing for military action against the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Syria.

Benn’s sacking duly provoked an anticipated revolt and several members of Labour’s top team have resigned in protest.

Shadow health secretary Heidi Alexander was first to go, saying the country needed an effective opposition to hold the government to account. By Sunday afternoon six of her colleagues had followed suit and quit.

But despite the calls for him to step down, Corbyn’s close allies said on Sunday that he would be staying put. Several other cabinet colleagues including the shadow finance minister John McDonnell pledged their support.

The Labour leader faces a vote of no confidence among his own MPs over allegations he fought a lukewarm referendum campaign in defence of Britain’s EU membership.

Corbyn argued it was better to be in the EU to protect workers’ rights. The message was totally rejected by voters in Labour’s traditional heartlands in central and northern England, where people voted massively to leave the European Union.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-27
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The supposedly 'honest' Jeremy Corbyn was anything but when it came to campaigning. With him it was all ifs and buts. Given the position of the Labour Party and the TUC, Corbyn was nowhere to be seen other than right at the end when he said he wasn't going to take any blame in the event of Brexit and that his support was not unconditional whatever that meant. Weasel all through the campaign. Out.

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Jeez.....it was obvious that he personally wanted out of the EU, but, he couldn't admit it as staying in Europe is the official stand of the Labour party.

His (non) action spoke louder than words.

Doubt he'll last the year. The worst Labour leader since Michael Foot. No, that's wrong. He's worse than Michael Foot.

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With an EU in / out referendum looming, I always thought that the consistently anti-EU Corbyn was a strange choice of leader for the Labour Party.

Changing his EU stance the minute he became Labour leader made his position untenable just like Cameron's as soon as '' OUT '' were declared the winners of the referendum.

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Jeez.....it was obvious that he personally wanted out of the EU, but, he couldn't admit it as staying in Europe is the official stand of the Labour party.

His (non) action spoke louder than words.

Doubt he'll last the year. The worst Labour leader since Michael Foot. No, that's wrong. He's worse than Michael Foot.

To be fair he is sartorially more elegant then Michel Foot and his donkey jackets.

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Jeez.....it was obvious that he personally wanted out of the EU, but, he couldn't admit it as staying in Europe is the official stand of the Labour party.

His (non) action spoke louder than words.

Doubt he'll last the year. The worst Labour leader since Michael Foot. No, that's wrong. He's worse than Michael Foot.

To be fair he is sartorially more elegant then Michel Foot and his donkey jackets.

True, but, he has only half the personality and a tenth of the wit of Michael Foot.

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Another 3 resignation hits Labour

Toby Perkins has resigned as shadow armed forces minister saying that the Labour Party “needs a change at the top”.

Diana Johnson has resigned as a shadow foreign minister and Anna Turley as shadow minister for civil society.

Another few minutes goes by and Corbyn is hit by another resignation in his junior ranks. This time its Stephen Kinnock as Parliamentary Private Secretary to Angela Eagle.

Make that 4

Shadow housing housing minister Roberta Blackman-Woods is threatening to resign if Corbyn doesn’t step down.
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