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UK: Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn loses confidence vote in wake of Brexit vote


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Those absolutely new members that appeared from nowhere to take advantage of the rule change introduced by Ed Milliband.

You know.....all those Union loving Trotskyists, Leninists, Marxists........the ones that still live in the world of the 1960's and 1970's.

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Those absolutely new members that appeared from nowhere to take advantage of the rule change introduced by Ed Milliband.

You know.....all those Union loving Trotskyists, Leninists, Marxists........the ones that still live in the world of the 1960's and 1970's.

Do you think it is possible that the upsurge in labour membership is purely to vote Corbyn out?

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Fact is most labour MP's are thinking of their future and they do not want to be jobless after the next general election...

The temporary membership thing along with unions is f___ing up the Labour Party.

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He only had 40 vote against the no confidence vote, he has 30 shadow cabinet posts and lots of other top job to fill, for his loyal supporters it must be like a raffle where there are more prizes than tickets.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It is "Jerry No Friends"

That says more about the sad state of politics in general and the Labour party in particular.

Despite the right-wing nuts and the media doing their damndest to smear and trash Corbyn, his popularity among Labour voters continues to increase. Forget what the voters want, the party has been hijacked by careerists.

That would be the same Jeremy Corbyn whose main support comes from our old, old friends the International Marxist Group (IMG, called something else now...) which has a policy of entryism in the Labour Party. Think back to Kinnock having to face down the Militant Org (now called the Socialist Party) another Orthodox Trotskist org, which believe it or not is not on talking terms with Corbyn's mob. (Splitter! as in Life of Brian) A star turn of these groups would be their designation of North Korea as a Degenerate Workers State to be defended. Encouraging all the bedsit revolutionaries to join the Labour Party to defend poor old Jeremy is the bubbling under activity.

Edited by SheungWan
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Fact is most labour MP's are thinking of their future and they do not want to be jobless after the next general election...

The temporary membership thing along with unions is f___ing up the Labour Party.

I suppose that's just another way of saying that they think JC is unelectable, sorta can't blame them really?

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Those absolutely new members that appeared from nowhere to take advantage of the rule change introduced by Ed Milliband.

You know.....all those Union loving Trotskyists, Leninists, Marxists........the ones that still live in the world of the 1960's and 1970's.

Do you think it is possible that the upsurge in labour membership is purely to vote Corbyn out?

I do not know what the Labour party thinks other than 200,000 temporary members at £3 each = £600,000... no checks to see if they were insurgents intent on destroying the party. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The NEC ruled that only those who have been members for more than six months will be allowed to vote---- http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jul/12/jeremy-corbyn-must-be-on-labour-leadership-ballot-paper-party-rules-nec?CMP=share_btn_fb#_=_

OK so now we are all up to speed-----no stacking of votes for people to fall back on if (when) he does get re-elected by the party members, who have been members for over 6 months.

Can no one see a similarity here with the USA.----I am not referring to their Policy.

You have a candidate in America who seems to be in touch with the people but not the party hacks....who have done everything to sink his chances to become POTUS & maybe will try again at their convention, all the party hacks want someone who will tow the party line, as has been the case year after year----no one seems to hear what the people are saying--they want it decided in the party room, they keep saying he doesn't stand a chance. Lets keep it as it is....our little club.

Here they didn't want it to go outside of the party room---God no don't let the people vote for the leader----we can decide that, lets keep business as usual, business as usual is "Firebrands" Like Neil Kinnock, going on to lose an unloseable election---then getting his just reward---he is now Baron Kinnock---really a Baron, with a seat in the EU parliament, and has placed his son in a nice safe labour seat to carry on the family tradition. Closely followed by Lord Prescott, --I take it he was given his Lordship for taking us into Iraq---Tony Blair's son is now being lined up for a real safe seat in Liverpool. The guy who has it now held it for 30 years has already told he will have to go. This is all decided by the party hacks--& is what people are fed up with, if it takes the party to tear it self apart and then years to rebuild itself as it was meant to be. So be it, I don't want it to remain as it is....an old boys club, handing out Lordships & safe seats to people who have never done a days labour in their life.

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Why do you think Jeremy Corbin is "in touch with the people"?

During the Trident debate, when he proposed nuclear submarines without nuclear missiles as a serious deterrent, or when he was slow to condemn antisemitism in his own party, he became a laughing stock among the people.

He is nothing but a sock-puppet of the Unions and the Looney Left. He definitely has no idea what "the people"......you know, those masses that live at the political centre.......really want, or, how they see him.

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Those absolutely new members that appeared from nowhere to take advantage of the rule change introduced by Ed Milliband.

You know.....all those Union loving Trotskyists, Leninists, Marxists........the ones that still live in the world of the 1960's and 1970's.

Do you think it is possible that the upsurge in labour membership is purely to vote Corbyn out?

Teflon Jeremy is taking some shifting.

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Those absolutely new members that appeared from nowhere to take advantage of the rule change introduced by Ed Milliband.

You know.....all those Union loving Trotskyists, Leninists, Marxists........the ones that still live in the world of the 1960's and 1970's.

Do you think it is possible that the upsurge in labour membership is purely to vote Corbyn out?

Teflon Jeremy is taking some shifting.

Maybe the labour party will go before JC, it certainly needs reforming.

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Looks like Margaret Beckett continues to have nightmares over the actions she took to have Corbyn included on last year's Labour leadership ballot.


LABOUR grandee Dame Margaret Beckett has launched an astonishing attack on Jeremy Corbyn – describing her decision to nominate him as party leader as the worst political mistake of her life.

The own goal of own goals!!

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Why do you think Jeremy Corbin is "in touch with the people"?

During the Trident debate, when he proposed nuclear submarines without nuclear missiles as a serious deterrent, or when he was slow to condemn antisemitism in his own party, he became a laughing stock among the people.

He is nothing but a sock-puppet of the Unions and the Looney Left. He definitely has no idea what "the people"......you know, those masses that live at the political centre.......really want, or, how they see him.

Lets see KB.....Let Them ---you know those masses that live at the political centre of their party ....have what they really want, let them decide who the leader should be ---isn't that the way it should be ? if they have your opinion then he wont be here long, will he---what I don't like is the way the party hacks tried to take it (the vote) away from the members and just have their inner circle decide who should get the top job. If as you say he has become the laughing stock amongst the people, then he will lose wont he.

When I read some of the stuff being printed about him, talk about a puppet of the Soviet union that hasn't existed in nearly 26 years, & Marx etc I find it all a little silly, but it does remind me of the last labour leader that was called this by the Daily Mail etc, Harold Wilson, and the reason he was being branded a puppet and a closet communist etc...etc...was because he said to America, No we are not going to fight in Vietnam, we don't believe that those people are a threat to the world.

A little different from other Labour leaders, that ran around like headless chickens when we were told to go to war, no questions. That's why , when you travel, you will often hear the UK referred to as Americas Poodle.

By the way Ms Eagle not only voted for the invasion of Iraq in 2003 but repeatedly voted against various proposals for investigations into the war in 2003, 2006, and 2007. In other words the people shouldn't know the truth about Iraq She also voted in favour of bombing Syria in 2015.....If PM--she will do as America tells her.

The vote that really stands out for me was her voting with the Tories on welfare cuts---when the rest of labour opposed them. on Ms Eagle was one of the MPs who did not vote against Conservative welfare cuts during Labour’s 2015 leadership contest-- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/angela-eagle-policies-voting-record-iraq-welfare-cuts-vote-syria-trident-tuition-fees-snoop-marriage-a7111696.html

Edited by oxo1947
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