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Three year old who soiled the bed battered to death by uncle


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what is wrong with these people

I think there are no compassion, no emphathies learned out in this country. Just hard and angfry save face attitudes and non understanding of other persons/childrens problems or differences

The school childrens can not even discuss and ask the teachers about simple things, as that will expose the theachers absolute stupidity and unknowledge of his/hers supposed field. This is due to the teachers actually are BUYING their jobbs from the head masters or school ovners without any certifcations or knowledge in their field. I've met 3 different english teachers that couldnt speak any english more than "how do you do"........

I really think thiis is a national problem in Thailand too, that is created in the schols in early ages, as I've seen this in minor classes in the country sides too.

Maybe also an assault of the thai people by the upper class to stop them from knowiing more from abroad, get crazy idees, or even learn english.....to discover the world and question the leaderships competence?

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"Both Sompong and the aunt, 19 year old Phawimon Pinthong have been charged with assault causing death to Supatcha Phitsanayabut. The attack happened at their third floor room in Niran Residence 5 in Soi On Nut 46."

Assault causing death doesn't carry a high sentence.
Maybe 6 months behind bars.

Taking in account that this "monster" has also a child to take care about; maybe it will be his first crime; he will admit everything; etc. he will walk free.


RIP to the little girl.
I hope you come back to the same place and remember what this "monster" did to you in your previous life.

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"But after just a week of "looking after her" Sompong started to hurt her", police said. Well I think that's a good reason for a three year old to wet the bed, especially if she was in fear and stressed form being beaten.

One can only imagine the horror of the last few minutes of her short life.

I am speechless to think up a fitting crime for this evil animal,in the photo on the left, he doesn't seem to upset, quite calm almost smug.

The girls mother must be devastated.

R.I.P little girl

The way he's preying he's hoping for a light sentence nothing else.

There are many in this world that can commit atrocity, give them a uniform and they will be worse.

Unfortunate but true, very sad for this poor litle girl who would never have even known why whe was being beaten.

This disgusting nutter should get the death penalty, I don't know what the partner did as but if she was supportive then she also should join the sick man in the gallows.

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Number one. Thai parents should not feel that it is completely acceptable to leave their kids with others, for extended periods. That is emblematic of a breakdown in Thai culture, and parenting.

Number two, someone should have removed this child from the custody of the super freak aunt and uncle, who have demonstrated they are NOT human beings, but rather some species disguising themselves as people.

Number three, one can only hope they either get the death penalty (perhaps too swift) or life in prison, where they can make alot of new friends. One has to presume people who are jailed for beating a kid to death, in this nation where kids are generally worshipped, will get special treatment. Let us hope so.

Number four. Since they are more than likely first time offenders, will they be able to find a judge who has enough fiber, moral conviction, and ethics, to convict these two worms to the kind of sentence they deserve? Again, one can only hope so. s

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"charged with assault causing death", what the <deleted><k is that? That's called Murder mate, these type of people should be put to death! Nothing less!!angry.png

Rest in peace little one...

"That's called Murder ."

He actually committed involuntary manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide because he had no intention of actually killing the baby but because he lost his temper, he beat her to the point she died.

Whatever legal definition is attached, the bastard needs severe punishment, and will probably get it as he's not the owner of a Mercedes Benz.

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Quote: Both Sompong and the aunt, 19 year old Phawimon Pinthong have been charged with assault causing death to Supatcha Phitsanayabut. This is not assault, this is murder and I hope they are charged accordingly. Rest in peace little one.

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The big takeaway from this animal is that he already had a child. One would assume the child he biologically fathered was a bit heartier and used to the abuse. What happens to these animals when they reach a Thai Prison? Are they treated differently by the other criminals?

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"SOILING THE BED" was the straw that broke the camel's back.

the little girl would have posed other problems which the couple

was not able to cope with culminating in his going berserk.

hindsight it is easy to say: oh he should have returned the girl

to the grandmother in case the couple was not able to handle her.

unfortunately the situation ended in a tragedy.

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RIIP. Little girl . What an absolute piece of shit !this guy is ! My stepkid used to wet the bed so I set my alarm two hours earlier, took her to the toilet then put her back to bed....And reset my alarm .Problem solved.

My Wife was still doing it at 9 years old she tells me, but this is just disgusting behaviour for an "adult" although it seems at 29 he still hasnt reached that state yet and should be "beaten to death" using his own logic.

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I am at loss for words to describe what I am feeling after reading this article...I truly believe I could break this guys neck with my bear hands...hope the little girl's family has a chance to do what I would like to do...sorry bastard...

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Whilst the people are allowed to get away literally with murder this type of psychotic action will continue. It is incomprehensible how anyone could do this to a 3 year old child. The death penalty is the only penalty for this action but they wont get it I am sure.

RIP innocent child

it is unlikely that they couple would get capital punishment

as there was premeditation/

legal counsel was also plead insanity or emotional disturbance

of such a nature that the offender did not realise what he was doing.

a deterrent sentence will definitely be in order.

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Why are people so upset?

This is Thailand...no different than any other day...

Why are people so upset???

Because a 3 year old innocent little girl has been beaten to death by somebody who was supposed to be taking care of her...that's why!!!

Seriously, have you no heart to ask that, whether it's Thailand or not???

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The big takeaway from this animal is that he already had a child. One would assume the child he biologically fathered was a bit heartier and used to the abuse. What happens to these animals when they reach a Thai Prison? Are they treated differently by the other criminals?

I would hope that what happens to him in Thai prison will be enough to make him soil the bed himself!

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This is so sad. Just thinking of the pain and fear the little 3 year old must have felt makes me dizzy. Can even imagine how the mother is doing.

On a side track, one thing ive still not understood is why so many thai mothers leaves their babies with the grandma for such long periods. Ive seen children that only sees their mother one time a year or once or twice a month.

Yeah sure , work, but no work in the world justifies being absent from your own kid for that long. No way.

I think this is so rooted that it has become a tradition or a culture and it goes generations back.

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I am just more practical than you...been here 16 years and this is common practice day to day....

Where you upset recently that little 5 year old girl killed by the maintence man or the father drugged and raped her daughter in the south or those 4 boys drowned in the canal ( 3 youths drown daily in Thailand) or the NZ guy or American teacher gets stabbed just for being there, a ruling finding the CR school fire as unpeventable or numerous domestic violence cases leading to death ..all within the last week and that's what reported not indicating the true #s....

Why is it so shocking? Just another average week here

Now what I would find shocking if programs are designed and resources allocated to tackle domestic violence safety regulations dog bites drownings alcoholism and drug use vehicle fatalities etc and results tabulated down the road showing significant decreases...

Yes, that would be shocking in a positive way..

Reality says you need to revise your expectations about humanity and not worry about things you have no control over...

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R.I.P. little 2 year old Nong Supatcha Phitsanayabut: your stay in this world was so cruelly cut short. - At least you are no longer in pain and the place where you are now is so much nicer. We pray for you, little angel ! ! !

402.gif 402.gif 402.gif

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It doesn't matter in this corrupt godforesaken joke of a country. 17 girls killed in a boarding school because no smoke detectors and they get a 'reprimand'. An 'uncle' can batter a three year old to death. Self defence no doubt!!!

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At times like this, I actually regret being an atheist..... All I can do is plead with those that do prey, to prey not for forgiveness, but rather that these sick fooks suffer horrendously for a very very long time.... And my compassionate side hopes that they live a long life to endure the suffering.

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Road rage, knives, guns and swords , anger management: these people get angry just about over anything that they disagree with or when something goes not their way... RIP little one !

That is called "Bringing happiness to the people".

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I imagine the Lad's at Remand Prison know what to do with this piece of animal dropping !!

Impossible to comprehend what how a man/woman could do this to a three year old !!

But then, My Mother brought me up properly, Thank God !!

Makes you appreciate having good parents doesn't it !
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