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"Sideline Girl" repents - tells others not to sell themselves online


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Yes that's true, and I think that's what pisses off the Males of our species. biggrin.png

Split on that.

Sure, we'll have a portion that will be jealous of said fact, on the other hand many pay for it and it's not all that much of a secret so there is some sort of acknowledgement in that regard for sure. It would be intellectually dishonest to deny that one of womens biggest assests is their body and their control over sex, just like it can't be denied that men are physically superior....just need to know how to make use of what you got and what you can do, what people think of it is another story entirely just as what they will say. Just can't have everything, eventually one learns that.

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I had to laugh at this.

Repents, my rear end!

She is basically promoting it.

She also states she sometimes made 500k Baht a month, yeah right.

However for some stupid young girls this would be the incentive to do it, it will not put them off!

Reality will soon kick in.

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A whore by any other name is still a whore

and nothing wrong with being a 'whore' if you want to be. Time we got over this antiquated notion of sex, people do it all over the world. If some want to sell it, then good on them.

It isn't the 1800s any more.

A sideline customer methinks.

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On 6/29/2016 at 8:23 AM, phantomfiddler said:

Indeed what a crock. She did all right with it didn,t she ! The difficult part is for her partner, who will at some point in time realize he is shacked up with a hooker :(

The same hooker he had been sponsoring on all previous occasions.

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On 6/29/2016 at 11:03 AM, TPI said:

Not wanting to sound cynical but! What's the difference betyween marriage and prostitution? 


The difference between 1-2K THB/hr. and 50% of the gross. 

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