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Feisty Farage tells MEPs ‘You’re not laughing now’


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Belgium which is the central headquarters of the EU has the world's largest and deepest snout trough?

What has it ever created except smoked salmon sandwiches by the thousands every day of the week to feed said snouts. Plus it has ordered all member countries to open their doors and admit millions of economic refugees searching for free welfare (money, accommodation and health services).

Britain is well rid of the EU and has saved themselves millions of pounds that would otherwise go toward the lavish lifestyles of it's members.

What Belgium has ever created?

Well, in 1944 they prevented that all Brits would have spoken German today.

Are you drunk!

In 1944 Britain liberated Belgium from German occupation.

Think that he may have meant that in 1914 the Belgian Army delayed the Germans enough to give the BEF time to form some type defences.

The Germans were held up in following our forces on the retreat after Mons.

The British Empire lost over 1 million men because of our treaty with Belgium.

Ungrateful Belgique!

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The point's convienently missed- there's only one achievement that matters. Only one.

History will also observe one accomplishment. In fact, any others while an MEP would be a distraction, not elaborating. Had he failed BREXIT then a stern rebuke over accomplishing zero seems fair.

But he only had one goal. All the noise offered above presumes your worldview. He and I don't share it. If the only thing he's accomplished in 17 years will be remembered with Concord, the Berlin Wall, and other high and low points of this age, I'd say I'm correct.

The only part Farage played in Brexit was the role of public celebrity as he is unelected in the UK.

He told lies about £350m a week going to the NHS then backtracked 10 minutes after the referendum result.

What exactly did he achieve again ..I'm confused?

He is an elected a UK MEP

He did not tell lies, I had this convo with another member here:http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/927483-brexit-why-british-expats-are-worried/page-11 post 259

His goal was to get a referendum on the UK's membership of the EU, so he achieved his goal

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He is an elected a UK MEP

Which election and can you provide dates?

Have YOU tried Google under the name of Nigel Farage?

It is very easy to do.

However I have made it even easier for you.


European Parliament

Farage was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 and re-elected in 2004, 2009 and 2014. In 1999 the BBC spent four months filming a documentary about his European election campaign but did not air it. Farage, then head of the UKIP's South East office, asked for a video and had friends make copies which were sold for £5 through the UKIP's magazine. Surrey Trading Standards investigated and Farage admitted the offence.[22] Farage is presently the leader of the 24-member UKIP contingent in the European Parliament, and co-leader of the multinational Eurosceptic group, Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy. Farage was ranked the fifth most influenctial MEP by Politico in 2016, who described him as, "one of the two most effective speakers in the chamber."[23]

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He is an elected a UK MEP

Which election and can you provide dates?

He was first elected in 1999 and then again in 2004, 2009 and 2014. He's still a buffoon of the highest order.

I agree with the first part of your post but not your personal comment.

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He is an elected a UK MEP

Which election and can you provide dates?

He was first elected in 1999 and then again in 2004, 2009 and 2014. He's still a buffoon of the highest order.

I agree with the first part of your post but not your personal comment.

No problem, many people seem to think he's OK too. Personally, I think he's a disgrace to his country and is mainly responsible for a decision which will negatively affect generations to come.

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He is an elected a UK MEP

Which election and can you provide dates?

Have YOU tried Google under the name of Nigel Farage?

It is very easy to do.

However I have made it even easier for you.


European Parliament

Farage was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 and re-elected in 2004, 2009 and 2014. In 1999 the BBC spent four months filming a documentary about his European election campaign but did not air it. Farage, then head of the UKIP's South East office, asked for a video and had friends make copies which were sold for £5 through the UKIP's magazine. Surrey Trading Standards investigated and Farage admitted the offence.%5B22%5D Farage is presently the leader of the 24-member UKIP contingent in the European Parliament, and co-leader of the multinational Eurosceptic group, Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy. Farage was ranked the fifth most influenctial MEP by Politico in 2016, who described him as, "one of the two most effective speakers in the chamber."%5B23%5D

I did use google, but that wiki page is not properly referenced, the ref from your quoted paragraph goes to an article from 2008 ...did the journalist have time machine and go into the future?

Once again, lets have the exact elections and dates from a proper source?

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He is an elected a UK MEP

Which election and can you provide dates?

Have YOU tried Google under the name of Nigel Farage?

It is very easy to do.

However I have made it even easier for you.


European Parliament

Farage was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 and re-elected in 2004, 2009 and 2014. In 1999 the BBC spent four months filming a documentary about his European election campaign but did not air it. Farage, then head of the UKIP's South East office, asked for a video and had friends make copies which were sold for £5 through the UKIP's magazine. Surrey Trading Standards investigated and Farage admitted the offence.%5B22%5D Farage is presently the leader of the 24-member UKIP contingent in the European Parliament, and co-leader of the multinational Eurosceptic group, Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy. Farage was ranked the fifth most influenctial MEP by Politico in 2016, who described him as, "one of the two most effective speakers in the chamber."%5B23%5D

I did use google, but that wiki page is not properly referenced, the ref from your quoted paragraph goes to an article from 2008 ...did the journalist have time machine and go into the future?

Once again, lets have the exact elections and dates from a proper source?

Try here and click on south east region


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I said he is an elected UK MEP the first paragraph says

There are 73 UK MEPs. They are elected in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Other EU member states elect MEPs from their countries. Elections take place every five years. The next elections will be in 2019.

This is the EU website,

If you need more info feel free to do your own research

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No problem, many people seem to think he's OK too. Personally, I think he's a disgrace to his country and is mainly responsible for a decision which will negatively affect generations to come.

What decision is he mainly responsible for?

Their was a free and fair vote. The people of Britain made the decision.

Sure he encouraged people to vote a certain way, and sure he may have been economical with the truth at times, but there were plenty of voices encouraging the opposite and they weren't all bastions of the truth either.

Farage didn't force anyone to vote a certain way. People made their own minds up. I think all this anger towards Farage is really an anger at democracy, People love and hail it when it goes their way, but when it doesn't, suddenly it's all not such a good idea.

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All the ad homemin Farage attacks aside, he's done more in 17 years then most have done in their entire lives.

Can you list his achievements over this period? ...I mean apart from being an integral part of the "undemocratic Brussels machine".

He didn't even win his own seat in the last General election...which is highly embarrassing since he is the party leader for UKIP.

If fact, the entire UKIP party only won 1 seat from a possible 650 ....total failure!

He promised to resign if he didn't win his seat then backtracked...much like he backtracked on the £350m to the NHS.

Anyone who is even vaguely familiar with the vagaries of the British voting system knows what happened in 2015:

UKIP 3.9 million votes, 1 MP

SNP 1.4 million votes, 56 MPs

Thus UKIP are disadvantaged, by the UK voting system, by about 140:1 compared with the SNP.

I daresay that travesty may have helped Farage and the Leave movement, because British people remain acutely alive to the notion of "fair play".


You don't have the faintest clue how the UK voting system works...

It's not votes that matter...it's seats.

Here is what really happened:


SNP 56

And the SNP only campaigned in Scotland not the whole of the UK like UKIP did ...which makes that result even more embarrassing for UKIP.

And, while we're on the subject of democracy, the UK public voted in 2011(United Kingdom Alternative Vote referendum) to change the UK voting system ...but they choose not to. 5555555

All of sudden "democracy" becomes a "travesty" when it doesn't go your way?

The referendum was for the 'Alternative Vote' system, NOT for the 'Proportional Representation' system which is the more democratic system.

The people of the UK should be given a referendum on the PR system, especially now that we are in an era of multi party politics.

It staggers me how you can say UKIP performed poorly when they were the 3rd party, by some distance, and got nearly 4 million votes. They performed very well, it was the undemocratic system that failed.

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He is an elected a UK MEP

Which election and can you provide dates?

Have YOU tried Google under the name of Nigel Farage?

It is very easy to do.

However I have made it even easier for you.


European Parliament

Farage was elected to the European Parliament in 1999 and re-elected in 2004, 2009 and 2014. In 1999 the BBC spent four months filming a documentary about his European election campaign but did not air it. Farage, then head of the UKIP's South East office, asked for a video and had friends make copies which were sold for £5 through the UKIP's magazine. Surrey Trading Standards investigated and Farage admitted the offence.%5B22%5D Farage is presently the leader of the 24-member UKIP contingent in the European Parliament, and co-leader of the multinational Eurosceptic group, Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy. Farage was ranked the fifth most influenctial MEP by Politico in 2016, who described him as, "one of the two most effective speakers in the chamber."%5B23%5D

I did use google, but that wiki page is not properly referenced, the ref from your quoted paragraph goes to an article from 2008 ...did the journalist have time machine and go into the future?

Once again, lets have the exact elections and dates from a proper source?

Why don't you look for yourself being that you asked the question? Prove everybody plus Wikipedia wrong if you are able to.

AFAIAC Wikipedia is OK for most things.

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Still people throwing their toys out the pram. The referendum was a over a week ago. Get over it. Farage was the catalyst for the referendum as Cameron was worried about the rise of UKIP. He gambled and lost, so all those who can't accept a democratic decision then maybe you should go and live in an undemocratic country where you don't get a vote. I can name quite a few.

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No problem, many people seem to think he's OK too. Personally, I think he's a disgrace to his country and is mainly responsible for a decision which will negatively affect generations to come.

What decision is he mainly responsible for?

Their was a free and fair vote. The people of Britain made the decision.

Sure he encouraged people to vote a certain way, and sure he may have been economical with the truth at times, but there were plenty of voices encouraging the opposite and they weren't all bastions of the truth either.

Farage didn't force anyone to vote a certain way. People made their own minds up. I think all this anger towards Farage is really an anger at democracy, People love and hail it when it goes their way, but when it doesn't, suddenly it's all not such a good idea.

I agree that if it wasn't for Farage and UKIP the referendum would never have been held. That's why I'm angry. It was a huge mistake by Cameron to agree to hold it and the only good thing to come out of it, in my opinion, is that he is going.

If referenda were held on other emotive issues like the death penalty similar "unthinking" results could be expected. That's why we have a parliamentary democracy.

Hopefully (much as I detest her) Theresa May will become PM and be able to negotiate something beneficial for the UK from this almighty mess. She can't say it publicly, but the negotiated terms could still, in a year or two, put the brakes on a full Brexit, especially as public opinion begins to realise how much damage leaving the EU will cause.

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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No problem, many people seem to think he's OK too. Personally, I think he's a disgrace to his country and is mainly responsible for a decision which will negatively affect generations to come.

What decision is he mainly responsible for?

Their was a free and fair vote. The people of Britain made the decision.

Sure he encouraged people to vote a certain way, and sure he may have been economical with the truth at times, but there were plenty of voices encouraging the opposite and they weren't all bastions of the truth either.

Farage didn't force anyone to vote a certain way. People made their own minds up. I think all this anger towards Farage is really an anger at democracy, People love and hail it when it goes their way, but when it doesn't, suddenly it's all not such a good idea.

I agree that if it wasn't for Farage and UKIP the referendum would never have been held. That's why I'm angry. It was a huge mistake by Cameron to agree to hold it and the only good thing to come out of it, in my opinion, is that he is going.

If referenda were held on other emotive issues like the death penalty similar "unthinking" results could be expected. That's why we have a parliamentary democracy.

Hopefully (much as I detest her) Theresa May will become PM and be able to negotiate something beneficial for the UK from this almighty mess. She can't say it publicly, but the negotiated terms could still, in a year or two, put the brakes on a full Brexit, especially as public opinion begins to realise how much damage leaving the EU will cause.

In the scale of things, the death penalty is a fairly minor issue, and if the public were to vote on that, the public would be voting on every tiny decision, so hardly practical.

Staying in or leaving the EU is not a fairly minor issue. It's a massive one. Absolutely right that the public should finally have a say after all these decades.

Suggesting that the public is not sufficiently sophisticated to be able to decide is an extremely patronising position to take and one can't help wondering if you would still be arguing that had the public vote agreed with your own opinion. I suspect perhaps not. I think your issue is not so much with the referendum, it's with the referendum result.

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