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Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton


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Rightwhingenoids haven't ever been astute or even fairly good when it comes to facts. Rather abysmal actually.

Bernie Sanders and the rightwingnoids are on opposite extremes of their own world of fantasy whinging and unrelenting attacks.

Politics is one thing, governing is quite another. One is BS and the other is a serious business. The grotesque problem of the past 40 years is the take no prisoners doctrine of the Republican party as driven by the extremist right.

The KO they're cruising to in November is most welcome, hard earned; well deserved.

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Hillary supporters would like everyone to forget that the Benghazi investigation gave us this...

Hillary Clinton email controversy
Initial awareness
In the summer of 2014, lawyers from the State Department noticed a number of emails from Clinton's personal account, while reviewing documents requested by the House Select Committee on Benghazi.
A March 2, 2015, New York Times article broke the story that the Benghazi panel had discovered that Clinton exclusively used her own private email server rather than a government-issued one throughout her time as Secretary of State, and that her aides took no action to preserve emails sent or received from her personal accounts as required by law. At that point, Clinton announced that she had asked the State Department to release her emails.Some in the media labeled the controversy "emailgate".
I would have liked to post this on the Hillary Email FBI Investigation thread but even though it is the biggest current controversy surrounding a presidential nominee, I couldn't find any threads around here on the subject.
Edited by mopar71
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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

wow! you mean a politician lied? are you sure? kennedy, johnson,, nixon, ford, carter, reagan, bush , clinton and bush never did. I'm shocked.

The absurd thing is that Romney would never have won even if this was identified as a terrorist attack from the outset.

With his "binders full of women", his $10,000 bets on live TV, his completely empty policies and his record of avoiding taxes and helping out his mates, he was dead in the water anyway.

So if Republicans are dumb enough to believe this narrative, they probably deserve Trump anyway.

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How misinformed are the FOX viewers?

This may help explain why they seem short on facts.

Well, Fox News Aired 134 Segments Suggesting That No Forces Were Sent To Benghazi During The Attack.

Fact is, one of the Americans who were killed that night was part of the rescue effort.

A 66 man quick-reaction team including Libyan militia in Benghazi, responded to the initial distress calls from the diplomatic post.

Reinforcements from the embassy in Tripoli arrived the same night, before the second round of attacks on the CIA annex.

Over 100 attackers were killed.

Additional special operations teams were ordered to deploy from Croatia and the United States, but did not arrive in Libya until long after the attack had concluded.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has accused critics who believe more U.S. forces should have responded of having a "cartoonish impression of military capabilities."

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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

Ah, the congressional committee that was after Hillary for years, went after her with all they got to try and get rid of her and could not prove a thing and reached the conclusion 'there is no smoking gun'. But it's ok, we have our friend here who has watched youtube so knows better.

There is PLENTY of conclusive evidence that Hillary lied about the YouTube video that started the Benghazi controversy.

In a monumental display of self-serving chutzpah, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was there to testify before the Benghazi Select Committee to honor the service and memory of the four men killed in the terrorist attack. Then why, Madam Secretary, did you tell the parents of the dead as you and they stood in front of their sons’ caskets that you were going to get the maker of the video you blamed for their deaths?

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/10/hillary_and_the_video_lie.html#ixzz4D5A6Sxuv

Edited by Ulysses G.
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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

What shows the hypocrisy of this poster and others like him is their attitude towards George Bush vs. Hillary Clinton. Elsewhere, this poster actually was praising George Bush for taking Iraqi war veterans on bike rides and such. Four people died in Benghazi. Hundreds of U.S. troops were killed and thousand permanently disabled in Iraq. because Bush delayed adding armor to vehicles in Iraq. Despite the widespread outcry to do something about it.. And you know the reason why? Because armoring those vehicles would have shown that there was a full-fledged insurgency in Iraq under way and the Bush administration was in full-fledged denial of this fact. Of course, there are so many more deaths George Bush is responsible for but this just shows that it's politics behind the indignation against Clinton not righteousness.

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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

Ah, the congressional committee that was after Hillary for years, went after her with all they got to try and get rid of her and could not prove a thing and reached the conclusion 'there is no smoking gun'. But it's ok, we have our friend here who has watched youtube so knows better.

There is PLENTY of conclusive evidence that Hillary lied about the YouTube video that started the Benghazi controversy.

In a monumental display of self-serving chutzpah, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was there to testify before the Benghazi Select Committee to honor the service and memory of the four men killed in the terrorist attack. Then why, Madam Secretary, did you tell the parents of the dead as you and they stood in front of their sons’ caskets that you were going to get the maker of the video you blamed for their deaths?

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/10/hillary_and_the_video_lie.html#ixzz4D5A6Sxuv

So the 8 previous inquiries missed that, never mind I am sure once the next inquiry starts they will discover the truth.

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This all started because Obama and Hillary lied about a YouTube video to influence the last presidential election. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Hillary knew almost immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the video. Hillary lied to the American people and she lied to the families of the dead Americans. There IS a smoking gun and it proves her guilt.

Ah, the congressional committee that was after Hillary for years, went after her with all they got to try and get rid of her and could not prove a thing and reached the conclusion 'there is no smoking gun'. But it's ok, we have our friend here who has watched youtube so knows better.

There is PLENTY of conclusive evidence that Hillary lied about the YouTube video that started the Benghazi controversy.

In a monumental display of self-serving chutzpah, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was there to testify before the Benghazi Select Committee to honor the service and memory of the four men killed in the terrorist attack. Then why, Madam Secretary, did you tell the parents of the dead as you and they stood in front of their sons’ caskets that you were going to get the maker of the video you blamed for their deaths?

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/10/hillary_and_the_video_lie.html#ixzz4D5A6Sxuv

The people who are out to get her have dismissed it as not conclusive. You may think otherwise, but then again, you won't be questioned by the media when you make a nonsense statement like you did. They will.

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How misinformed are the FOX viewers?

This may help explain why they seem short on facts.

Well, Fox News Aired 134 Segments Suggesting That No Forces Were Sent To Benghazi During The Attack.

Fact is, one of the Americans who were killed that night was part of the rescue effort.

A 66 man quick-reaction team including Libyan militia in Benghazi, responded to the initial distress calls from the diplomatic post.

Reinforcements from the embassy in Tripoli arrived the same night, before the second round of attacks on the CIA annex.

Over 100 attackers were killed.

Additional special operations teams were ordered to deploy from Croatia and the United States, but did not arrive in Libya until long after the attack had concluded.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has accused critics who believe more U.S. forces should have responded of having a "cartoonish impression of military capabilities."

Trump supporters, in general, have a very "cartoonish impression" of how the world works.

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Written by David French, the guy some conservatives were trying to recruit to run 3rd party in opposition to Trump. A short but excellent read...
The Benghazi Debacle Should Have Ended Hillary Clinton’s Career
It should be acknowledged that in their efforts to outrun their misdeeds, Obama and the Clintons always get an inadvertent assist from the conspiracy-mongering right. Obsessed with finding smoking guns personally connecting their targets to wrongdoing, they help the media define scandal down. They swing for the fences, and journalists are all too happy to treat doubles and triples as signs of failure.


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Written by David French, the guy some conservatives were trying to recruit to run 3rd party in opposition to Trump. A short but excellent read...
The Benghazi Debacle Should Have Ended Hillary Clinton’s Career
It should be acknowledged that in their efforts to outrun their misdeeds, Obama and the Clintons always get an inadvertent assist from the conspiracy-mongering right. Obsessed with finding smoking guns personally connecting their targets to wrongdoing, they help the media define scandal down. They swing for the fences, and journalists are all too happy to treat doubles and triples as signs of failure.


Well, if David French, the Presidential candidate choice of William Crystal, says so, then who are any of us to dispute him? Maybe he could run on a ticket with Sarah Palin, Crystal's other choice in 2008.

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Number of political witch hunts launched by Republicans over one embassy/consulate attack under a Democratic Whitehouse, costing four lives: EIGHT

Number of political witch hunts launched by Democrats over 13 embassy/consulate attacks under the previous Republican Whitehouse, costing 66 lives: ZERO


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Republican Presidents did not LIE about embassy/consulate attacks to win an election. Obama and Hillary DID!

Actually, the mastermind of the attack was captured in 2014 and he revealed it was the video, "Innocence of Muslims" that prompted the attack.

People that watch FOX won't know this.

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Makes you wonder, if the American Embassy here in Thailand warrants armed marine protection then why not an embassy in countries that have actual daily threats. whistling.gif

The US Embassy is in Tripoli.

Ambassador Stevens was visiting Benghazi at the time to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital.

The military rapid response team was 2,000 miles away.

In 2014 the terrorist that masterminded the attack was captured by US Special Forces.

Suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.

Buzz, There was a team and fighter aircraft at the ready on Aviano Air Base (Italy) and they never got the go ahead, so much for playing fast and loose with the factsrolleyes.gif

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Makes you wonder, if the American Embassy here in Thailand warrants armed marine protection then why not an embassy in countries that have actual daily threats. whistling.gif

The US Embassy is in Tripoli.

Ambassador Stevens was visiting Benghazi at the time to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital.

The military rapid response team was 2,000 miles away.

In 2014 the terrorist that masterminded the attack was captured by US Special Forces.

Suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala stated that the assault was indeed in retaliation for the video Innocence of Muslims.

Buzz, There was a team and fighter aircraft at the ready on Aviano Air Base (Italy) and they never got the go ahead, so much for playing fast and loose with the factsrolleyes.gif

Well then, you should call the chairman of the bengazzi committee and inform him that secretary of defense testimony is false.

"Defense Secretary Robert Gates has accused critics who believe more U.S. forces should have responded of having a "cartoonish impression of military capabilities."

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So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

Buzz, I see now that playing fast and loose with the facts must be your M.O.. The first shots at the Ambassadors compound didn't even occur until around 4PM(EST) and the battle ensued there and later at the CIA annex until well after 1AM (EST). I am most certainly no defender of Donald Trump, but you my friend seem to be a die hard left winger, I hope you never run out of Koolade Buzz then you might actually have to view the facts of the situation instead of regurgitating the far left wing talking pointssmile.png

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So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

Buzz, I see now that playing fast and loose with the facts must be your M.O.. The first shots at the Ambassadors compound didn't even occur until around 4PM(EST) and the battle ensued there and later at the CIA annex until well after 1AM (EST). I am most certainly no defender of Donald Trump, but you my friend seem to be a die hard left winger, I hope you never run out of Koolade Buzz then you might actually have to view the facts of the situation instead of regurgitating the far left wing talking pointssmile.png

4:00PM? I heard it was 3:00PM.

Anyway, Trump says it was 3:00AM and Hillary was in bed.

We can agree Trumps claim is nonsense.

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Republican Presidents did not LIE about embassy/consulate attacks to win an election. Obama and Hillary DID!

Actually, the mastermind of the attack was captured in 2014 and he revealed it was the video, "Innocence of Muslims" that prompted the attack.

People that watch FOX won't know this.

Buzz, Your grasp of the facts here(or should I say your lack of grasp of the facts) is really remarkable, you make Joseph Goebbels look like an amateur. The attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound was planned well before this video nonsense made news, but once again as a true kool-aid drinker you definitely don't want the facts of a situation get in the way of a good spin eh?

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Republican Presidents did not LIE about embassy/consulate attacks to win an election. Obama and Hillary DID!

Actually, the mastermind of the attack was captured in 2014 and he revealed it was the video, "Innocence of Muslims" that prompted the attack.

People that watch FOX won't know this.

Buzz, Your grasp of the facts here(or should I say your lack of grasp of the facts) is really remarkable, you make Joseph Goebbels look like an amateur. The attack on the U.S. Benghazi compound was planned well before this video nonsense made news, but once again as a true kool-aid drinker you definitely don't want the facts of a situation get in the way of a good spin eh?

I don't know what you are talking about.

The mastermind of the attack was captured in 2014 and he revealed it was the video, "Innocence of Muslims" that prompted the attack.

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So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

Buzz, I see now that playing fast and loose with the facts must be your M.O.. The first shots at the Ambassadors compound didn't even occur until around 4PM(EST) and the battle ensued there and later at the CIA annex until well after 1AM (EST). I am most certainly no defender of Donald Trump, but you my friend seem to be a die hard left winger, I hope you never run out of Koolade Buzz then you might actually have to view the facts of the situation instead of regurgitating the far left wing talking pointssmile.png

4:00PM? I heard it was 3:00PM.

Anyway, Trump says it was 3:00AM and Hillary was in bed.

We can agree Trumps claim is nonsense.

I do not know about Trumps claim about 3AM, perhaps he was as misinformed as you were? In any event the battle did go on until after 1AM EST. If you are trying to make a character assassination of Donald Trump, then go right ahead, it's like shooting fish in a barrel rolleyes.gif, but please stop the far left wing talking point nonsense that has long ago been shown to be a smokescreen. The U.S. electorate has perhaps the two most pathetic choices for President that they have ever had in their history, one can only hope that Hillary gets indicted very soon and Trump is somehow convinced to withdraw whistling.gif

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So the Bengazzi attack happened at 3:00 in the afternoon and Hillary was not in bed sleeping, as Trump keeps saying.

Buzz, I see now that playing fast and loose with the facts must be your M.O.. The first shots at the Ambassadors compound didn't even occur until around 4PM(EST) and the battle ensued there and later at the CIA annex until well after 1AM (EST). I am most certainly no defender of Donald Trump, but you my friend seem to be a die hard left winger, I hope you never run out of Koolade Buzz then you might actually have to view the facts of the situation instead of regurgitating the far left wing talking pointssmile.png

4:00PM? I heard it was 3:00PM.

Anyway, Trump says it was 3:00AM and Hillary was in bed.

We can agree Trumps claim is nonsense.

I do not know about Trumps claim about 3AM, perhaps he was as misinformed as you were? In any event the battle did go on until after 1AM EST. If you are trying to make a character assassination of Donald Trump, then go right ahead, it's like shooting fish in a barrel rolleyes.gif, but please stop the far left wing talking point nonsense that has long ago been shown to be a smokescreen. The U.S. electorate has perhaps the two most pathetic choices for President that they have ever had in their history, one can only hope that Hillary gets indicted very soon and Trump is somehow convinced to withdraw whistling.gif

"I do not know about Trumps claim about 3AM, perhaps he was as misinformed as you were?"

Thanks for admitting you "don't know." Not sure why you responded to my post...

Anyway, Trump says the attack was at 3AM and Hillary was asleep..... The attack was in the afternoon EST and Hillary was in her office.

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