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EU spells out conditions for single market access to Britain


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Dear people of the UK I truly smell another Greece in the making. You vote on a new party and they win. Then you vote on leaving the EU and you win at the ballot box BUT the people that you voted for betray you in the end and hat in hand go to the EU for mercy and a handout. After much verbal and physical flogging by the EU you finally receive a pittance but must sell your national treasures i.e. airports etc. to the rich foreign money grabbers at cents on the dollar. They have completely subjugated and dominated you (Greece) which is precisely why the UK voted to leave. Others will follow

Not sure I understand what you are saying but if you are camparing the UK to Greece that is like me comparing my left poicket (which has a hole in it) where I keep my loose change but it keeps disappearing - to my 4 bank accounts which are rich full and earning.

Why did Greece not hold a referendum to leave the EU ?

Greece was in a very bad position because its currency is the Euro. Germany made it clear that it would punish Greece severely if it left. The best course would have been to write off the debt and get Greece out of the Eurozone. That said, it's probably the best course for most of the members of the Eurozone.

Greece is in trouble because it borrowed more money than their economy could handle, while having problems with their tax system - which means they have a huge chunk of change while getting nothing for that money (i.e. not paying down the principal) - i.e. the interest piles up faster than the economy grows - and that was during the best of times.... then the financial crisis it and they are complete screwed. Yes, they should never have been allowed into the Euro, but no the Euro did not cause their problems.... they f*cked themselves.

The people asked for all this... spend more money, don't tax.... now they turn around and blame it on the Germans. People don't like to take responsibilities for things that they are absolutely responsible for.

But the problem is, that Greece can never repay its debt. It's simply too high and still increasing. And imposing austerity only makes it worse. The IMF recognizes this. And the banks that foolishly lent Greece the money have been mostly made whole with taxpayer money. They did take a mild haircut. Why weren't they allowed to go bankrupt? The governments where the various banks were located should have taken control of the bankrupt banks and sold off their assets. Instead we got more welfare for the wealthy.

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there is no EU member country that can be bankrupt........never

They can leave and be bankrupt - probably the best choice they could make

The worst thing that ever happened to greece is that they joined the EU and ditched their own currency, they could have just carried on with their faulty tax system and warped economy but it would have been as before - their own probelm which probably would not be a problem at all

Next we have Scotland under a very faulty leadership who are trying to take them down the same route - Sturgeon needs to take a very very big step back - are you ready for the Euro and people like Juncker telling you what to do ..... stupid woman........beyond stupid, the rest of the UK have tolerated this stupidity for some time now like a poke in the eye, be careful how you lead with your next poke as you might find yourself tossed out of the ring and into the mouths of the Juncker fascist dog

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there is no EU member country that can be bankrupt........never

They can leave and be bankrupt - probably the best choice they could make

The worst thing that ever happened to greece is that they joined the EU and ditched their own currency, they could have just carried on with their faulty tax system and warped economy but it would have been as before - their own probelm which probably would not be a problem at all

Next we have Scotland under a very faulty leadership who are trying to take them down the same route - Sturgeon needs to take a very very big step back - are you ready for the Euro and people like Juncker telling you what to do ..... stupid woman........beyond stupid, the rest of the UK have tolerated this stupidity for some time now like a poke in the eye, be careful how you lead with your next poke as you might find yourself tossed out of the ring and into the mouths of the Juncker fascist dog

No, Greece continuing down the same road would have always lead to ruin. You can only run up your debt so much before you have completely screwed yourselves.

Canada was well on the path to being in the same situation in the 1990s, but luckily some sense prevailed, we were i a hair of actually having to rely on IMF - and when you reach that point you already have screwed yourselves. A lot of people actually though that we would not be able to turn it around, that there was not enough political will to do it... but over a 7 year period we brought the annual deficit all the way down to balanced and grew back into at least to a manageable level.

There are no ways to go gracefully bankrupt as a country -- and seek creditor protection....

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No EU Trade Talks Until Britain Exits. According to BBC report in Newsnight. says Cecelia Malmstrom (and also on BBC website) No reason to suspect it is not true.

So it is never invoke Article 50, or WTO rules with application for anything else taking a few years.

It could be the face saver both parties are really after. The referendum probably could be annulled under a legal challenge as exit with free trade deal was a central promise.

Godsend or bummer, depending on your viewpoint.

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No EU Trade Talks Until Britain Exits. According to BBC report in Newsnight. says Cecelia Malmstrom (and also on BBC website) No reason to suspect it is not true.

So it is never invoke Article 50, or WTO rules with application for anything else taking a few years.

It could be the face saver both parties are really after. The referendum probably could be annulled under a legal challenge as exit with free trade deal was a central promise.

Godsend or bummer, depending on your viewpoint.

Been good for a laugh regardless. Life goes on.

To be honest, I'm more concerned about the weather. No let up in this dull overcast ghastliness in sight.

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No EU Trade Talks Until Britain Exits. According to BBC report in Newsnight. says Cecelia Malmstrom (and also on BBC website) No reason to suspect it is not true.

So it is never invoke Article 50, or WTO rules with application for anything else taking a few years.

It could be the face saver both parties are really after. The referendum probably could be annulled under a legal challenge as exit with free trade deal was a central promise.

Godsend or bummer, depending on your viewpoint.

No need to annul it. It had no legally binding force.

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