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Monk found with drugs, weapons and "masturbation equipment"


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Sixteen replies and no obligatory it-happens-all-over-the-world comment?

You mean like the Catholic church ?

I was brought up an Irish Catholic ,but early on (roughly aged 12 ) found there story in the Tall tales league .Am now a buddist if anyone asks .

So, infinite afterlife until you finally learn to be one with the Universe does not sound like a tall tale?

I am curious, as you are now a Buddhist are you on your first life right now? Does this only start when you acknowledge your belief in Buddhism?

Seems quite plausible to me. I'm not a Buddhist btw.

Most Buddhist don't what life hey are on, do you think someone is taking a count?

Unless you are just out to take the piss out of the guy's religion, it's a utterly stupid question.

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Tin can vaginas?

How desperate do you have to be to slap your John Thomas into a tin can?

I mean, why did no one tell this guy about lubricants...

...John Thomas meets John West.

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OK, notwithstanding the obvious jokes, the tin can is usually lined with something like a sponge split in half with a cavity in between, here is a typical build from a Pringles can, , which maybe the monk saw: http://buildavagina.com/make-a-vagina/full-build-instructions-mrs-pringles/ if the link gets censored just search vagina build mrs pringles

Omg ??????

Can someone give this a test.

We need a poll.

Pringles virgina verse fleshy virgina. ????

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look on the bright side you don't have to take it out for a drink (meal), it won't nag you when your home late,

won't be on your case for money every day, will not have that awful face only Thai woman seem to able to pull when there pet Farang breaths the wrong way,

i can see a market here clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Tin Vaginas....I was thinking more on the line of those sculptured clasped hands you see for sale along with Buddist statues.....

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What's happening in the Monkhood?

Same as has always happened. But why the surprise? There have been many studies which show that most people masturbate, and others which show that Thai monks are not the ascetic people they pretend to be.

The problem as reported is 90% humbug, and 10% an opportunity to vilify someone you don't like or who opposes you.

Look at the policemen in th picture,. You think they don't masturbate when nobody is looking? Dream on, get real.


Get real???? What part of real are we not seeing here. HE IS BANGING A TIN CAN....... <deleted>. Everyone enjoys a relief session when the urge rises but banging a TIN CAN!

I still don't know how they figured it out. Let's face it the plod are mostly hapless when solving cases or dealing with DNA so how they managed to decipher what he was doing with his metal collection or indeed what part of the body it was supposed to replicate I've no idea.

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What's happening in the Monkhood?

monkhood sounds like a dodgy neighborhood somewhere in EAST L.A. dudette has been a junki now for years .... why now is he busted /........that is the real question .

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>>every religion is bad<<

​Buddhism ,is a philosophy rather than a religion .

Not in the way it is practised in Thailand it isn't. Buddhism doesn't recognise a deity but Thai Buddhism has all the trappings of other major religions. Places of worship, rules and regulations, organised events, donations, the whole nauseous business. Why do yo think that certain Buddhist hierarchy are pushing for Buddhism to be the state RELIGION of Thailand? http://sea-globe.com/thai-nationalism-and-the-rise-of-buddhist-extremism/

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It's pretty harmless when compared to what Catholic priests did to young children back in the West. At least he was only selling drugs and bonking a tin can - not nearly as harmful as molesting little boys and girls.

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Unbelievable - just unbelievable! Is there no end to the all-pervasive moral rottenness of this 'culture'?!

So you're saying you qualify to throw the first stone ... at everyone who falls under your definition of this culture?

He's an individual. His behavior, especially when hidden behind the facade of respectability that's implied by his vocation, cannot be defended and brings shame to those who try to live up to the expectations of monks, but attributing some pervasive rottenness to the entire culture is just childish name calling.

Whatever nationality or religion or culture we all consider as ours, there are individuals, whether religious, politicians, military, business leaders, sportsmen, celebrities or whatever who behave poorly. Many of them causing far worse consequences than this loser.

Why not tell us about your "culture" and how it exemplifies all that is wonderful in human nature while being free of any who fall short of the ideal.

+1 unfortunately you beat me to it. Well said!

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Unbelievable - just unbelievable! Is there no end to the all-pervasive moral rottenness of this 'culture'?!

So you're saying you qualify to throw the first stone ... at everyone who falls under your definition of this culture?

He's an individual. His behavior, especially when hidden behind the facade of respectability that's implied by his vocation, cannot be defended and brings shame to those who try to live up to the expectations of monks, but attributing some pervasive rottenness to the entire culture is just childish name calling.

Whatever nationality or religion or culture we all consider as ours, there are individuals, whether religious, politicians, military, business leaders, sportsmen, celebrities or whatever who behave poorly. Many of them causing far worse consequences than this loser.

Why not tell us about your "culture" and how it exemplifies all that is wonderful in human nature while being free of any who fall short of the ideal.

+1 unfortunately you beat me to it. Well said!


Love to hear Eligius's reply!

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Again, as I explain to friends who have never been here before, Thailand is NOT a foreign country. It is a distant planet. Planet Thailandia.

It is sometimes the only reasonable explanation for this kind of stuff. I can sort of understand a monk masturbating occasionally. But the "equipment" he had defies

reason or one's imagination. Just bizarre. Another planet.

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Amazon Prime is my "go-to" website for just about anything, and as I just found out -- that includes "sex Toys! I just checked and sure enough, there is a whole sheet-load of toys for both men and women. No, I could not find any "tin can" items but plenty of "Ciber-Skin" products, lubricants, dildos and anal beads!!!

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ok the tin cans are a bit weird, but I guess better than using children like some, he wasn't hurting anyone except the teachings of Buddha with that.

How can ýou hurt 'teachings'?

I think the secular world has moved on from holiness actually meaning anything worth a damn.

And by the looks of it, too many of its practitioners, these so called holy men. Worldwide.

Not true my friend, more people have faith in one religion or another today then ever before, and by that I mean %age of the Worlds population and subsequently number due to population rise. In short, religion is growing not declining with the muslim faith growing fastest of all, i think followed by Christians (protestants) It may be that the USA is turning its back on religion as is much of Europe, however, Africa, South America and more importantly Asia is growing fast and the populations here far exceed the USA and Europe.

It's not just "developing countries" either, South Korea has embraced Christianity in a big way.

You can bore yourself with the wiki data below


yeah no cure for stupidity

So 84% of the Worlds population are stupid? Hmmm, or maybe the 16% are clueless? Guess it depends on you what you chose to believe, don't think it makes people stupid though.


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Wat Chonprathan

I met the former abbot of there, Luang Por Panyanda, when in I lived in Non many years ago. He was and still is a very venerated monk He had close ties to Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, who in my opinion was one of the greatest monks of the last century. I spent time at his forest temple, Suan Mokh in the early 90s and learned so much.

If only some of the monk-bashers had an open mind to read some of their books instead of believing everything they read by people who know nothig

Exactly ,people spouting ridicule here are godless ,and spout the usual hatred about anything Thai .There is good and bad in every religion .

It's a breath of fresh air hearing from you and 'hookedondhamma'!

Sadly we are outnumbered by those who like to pass judgement to liven up their boring days.

Yes, every religion has good and bad. I'll bet you won't get immigrants in the UK etc spouting off hatred towards Christianity, for example.

I really wonder why Thailand breeds the sort of immigrant it does. Maybe because most aren't real immigrants an think they are some kind of special immigrant called an expat and are superior to the rest of the world.

Before the internet it was easy to avoid them by moving barstool but now, they spread their vitriol all over every thread here. Very sad.

If you really believe that people moan and judge too much your point would have had more credibility if you had to done exactly the same in your post. Hypocrisy at its best.

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