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Researchers say Thai women have some of the smallest breasts in the world


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Doesn't bother me. Thai women are cute, sweet and have lovely legs.

I mainly agree with you but many I see hanging about malls and on the BTS have asses and legs on them like elephants.

That's what the scourge of fast food does to a place, but Thailand still has more than its share of lovely looking ladies.

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I agree about the earlier poster suggesting some research into the correlation between women's breast size and body fat/BMI.

To find the U.S. and UK at the top of the breast size list can only lead me to presume that there HAS to be some connection. I've never thought of U.S. women as having particularly large "natural" breasts compared to elsewhere, but they certainly would rank high internationally/comparatively on the chubby scale. Same with the UK, I'd imagine.

But likewise, to find the study saying PH women have the smallest average breast sizes in the world, and smaller than TH on average, seems to contradict both conventional wisdom and personal experience. That just doesn't sound right.

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It's only because most of the women from around the world are Obese, or bordering on obesity.

If you are the size of a small farm animal, then your probably going to have breasts to match.

Thai women are mostly dainty little creatures, and although the proliferation of western fast food chains

has started to impact the average body mass index figures, the levels of obesity are far below western standards.

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I'd like to see the results of a follow-up study comparing the ratio of nipple size to breast size.

Large breasts with small nipples don't do a lot for me, on the other hand small breasts with large nipples earn extra brownie points ...passifier.gif

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