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I am considering this, is this a procedure that is done in most hospitals ? I am on the outskirts of BKK. Any Idea what the price of this would be ?

If its an easy procedure then most hospitals would be able to do it.. if its complex then I might have to look for a DR specialized in it. What i have read in the west its a short operation and then out the same day. Here im sure they would want to keep me overnight (probably)

Id like some more information about this if possible. Prices and where it was done.


It seems you are wanting to get a vasectomy done. It should be available at most hospitals.

Sterilization makes me think of something worse.


Had it done in the West.

In and out in 90 mins. Simple procedure, some mild discomfort for a few days.

Back in the saddle within a week. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Sorry, no info about having it done in Thailand.


It is a very simple outpatient procedure.

The lion's share of vasectomies in Thailand are done at PDA clinics and cost is nominal. In Bangkok:

Population and Community Development Association (PDA)
6 Sukhumvit 12, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
Tel : 662-229-4611-28 Fax : 662-229-4632
E-Mail : [email protected]


It seems you are wanting to get a vasectomy done. It should be available at most hospitals.

Sterilization makes me think of something worse.

Yes your right.. bad translation from Dutch. My medical English is not what it should be.


It is a very simple outpatient procedure.

The lion's share of vasectomies in Thailand are done at PDA clinics and cost is nominal. In Bangkok:

Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

6 Sukhumvit 12, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110

Tel : 662-229-4611-28 Fax : 662-229-4632

E-Mail : [email protected]

Great.. if that is where the most are done.. then i'm sure they are good at it. Then I won't do it near my home but there. Thanks a lot.

To be honest I did not really worry about the cost. Was just curious about the price.

But now that i know where to go ill get it done next month when im not so busy.


In Bangkok:

Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

The same people as run the popular "Cabbages and Condoms" restaurant/resort chain.

Pop in for a meal after getting the snip? And as they advertise "And remember, our food is guaranteed not to cause pregnancy".


It depends also on your age and if you have children already. PDA refused me (under 30's). I got an sky high offer from bnh hospital in silom, around 60-80k if I remember correctly. And one from Phayathai hospital of around 25k if I could produce a birth certificate of one of my own children.

As far as I know I don't have any kids yet so I haven't done the procedure myself but you could look into the hospitals I mentioned.


After 3 kids in quick succession, I had it done in UK. Shortly after a young guy asked me about the procedure. I kept a straight face and told him: 'Basically they cut your balls off. Don't worry about looking deformed they sew imitation silicone ones into your sac. The only problem I have is when I wear boxer shorts - you can hear them clicking together as I walk down the corridor.'

His wife got pregnant again shortly after our talk.


It depends also on your age and if you have children already. PDA refused me (under 30's). I got an sky high offer from bnh hospital in silom, around 60-80k if I remember correctly. And one from Phayathai hospital of around 25k if I could produce a birth certificate of one of my own children.

As far as I know I don't have any kids yet so I haven't done the procedure myself but you could look into the hospitals I mentioned.

42.. no kids never have them and never want them. I will see if they refuse me or not. Strange that they want you to have kids before doing this. But then again nothing surprises me in Thailand and if it was 25K id go for it


It depends also on your age and if you have children already. PDA refused me (under 30's). I got an sky high offer from bnh hospital in silom, around 60-80k if I remember correctly. And one from Phayathai hospital of around 25k if I could produce a birth certificate of one of my own children.

As far as I know I don't have any kids yet so I haven't done the procedure myself but you could look into the hospitals I mentioned.

42.. no kids never have them and never want them. I will see if they refuse me or not. Strange that they want you to have kids before doing this. But then again nothing surprises me in Thailand and if it was 25K id go for it

I got it done i 2011 as 41 years old, And i have no kids, and don´t want kids.

I got it done at Yanhee hospital Bangkok.

There is 2 option:

#1 The cheap one around 5.000 - 6.000 baht for it all, But this option you can´t get the "tubs" put back together again, If one day you regret your choice and want kids.

#2 8.000 - 9.000 baht and this one if you regret your choice, The can put the tube back together again, and there is if i remember correct 80% chance you can make kids again.

I chose #2 as one never know 100% if things change, And i think it is good to have the chance to if i one day regret my choice.

And don´t cost that much more.

I think it is around 30-45 days after you get the operation you have to come back, Give a sperm sample to test to see if it work correct.

Please remember price is from 2011, So have no idea what the price is today.



It depends also on your age and if you have children already. PDA refused me (under 30's). I got an sky high offer from bnh hospital in silom, around 60-80k if I remember correctly. And one from Phayathai hospital of around 25k if I could produce a birth certificate of one of my own children.

As far as I know I don't have any kids yet so I haven't done the procedure myself but you could look into the hospitals I mentioned.

42.. no kids never have them and never want them. I will see if they refuse me or not. Strange that they want you to have kids before doing this. But then again nothing surprises me in Thailand and if it was 25K id go for it

I got it done i 2011 as 41 years old, And i have no kids, and don´t want kids.

I got it done at Yanhee hospital Bangkok.

There is 2 option:

#1 The cheap one around 5.000 - 6.000 baht for it all, But this option you can´t get the "tubs" put back together again, If one day you regret your choice and want kids.

#2 8.000 - 9.000 baht and this one if you regret your choice, The can put the tube back together again, and there is if i remember correct 80% chance you can make kids again.

I chose #2 as one never know 100% if things change, And i think it is good to have the chance to if i one day regret my choice.

And don´t cost that much more.

I think it is around 30-45 days after you get the operation you have to come back, Give a sperm sample to test to see if it work correct.

Please remember price is from 2011, So have no idea what the price is today.


Thanks and of course I would go for option 2 and even if the price has gone up to double i would still do it.

Its good to get all this information.


It depends also on your age and if you have children already. PDA refused me (under 30's). I got an sky high offer from bnh hospital in silom, around 60-80k if I remember correctly. And one from Phayathai hospital of around 25k if I could produce a birth certificate of one of my own children.

As far as I know I don't have any kids yet so I haven't done the procedure myself but you could look into the hospitals I mentioned.

42.. no kids never have them and never want them. I will see if they refuse me or not. Strange that they want you to have kids before doing this. But then again nothing surprises me in Thailand and if it was 25K id go for it

Here's a couple of things that I've learned about vasectomies.... Firstly they don't work! And secondly, they make your baby come out black!-----------------------------------------------just joking-----

I am surprised at Marcel1 contribution---I also had it done at 30--31 years of age in Australia.....(that's nearly 40 years ago) day surgery about 2 hours.....very simple, no questioned asked---performance the same--never regretted it.......(especially when I was accused of being the father of someone's child---no DNA in those days), good luck........coffee1.gif



It depends also on your age and if you have children already. PDA refused me (under 30's). I got an sky high offer from bnh hospital in silom, around 60-80k if I remember correctly. And one from Phayathai hospital of around 25k if I could produce a birth certificate of one of my own children.

As far as I know I don't have any kids yet so I haven't done the procedure myself but you could look into the hospitals I mentioned.

42.. no kids never have them and never want them. I will see if they refuse me or not. Strange that they want you to have kids before doing this. But then again nothing surprises me in Thailand and if it was 25K id go for it

I got it done i 2011 as 41 years old, And i have no kids, and don´t want kids.

I got it done at Yanhee hospital Bangkok.

There is 2 option:

#1 The cheap one around 5.000 - 6.000 baht for it all, But this option you can´t get the "tubs" put back together again, If one day you regret your choice and want kids.

#2 8.000 - 9.000 baht and this one if you regret your choice, The can put the tube back together again, and there is if i remember correct 80% chance you can make kids again.

I chose #2 as one never know 100% if things change, And i think it is good to have the chance to if i one day regret my choice.

And don´t cost that much more.

I think it is around 30-45 days after you get the operation you have to come back, Give a sperm sample to test to see if it work correct.

Please remember price is from 2011, So have no idea what the price is today.


Thanks and of course I would go for option 2 and even if the price has gone up to double i would still do it.

Its good to get all this information.

"Option 2" is misrepresented. While there are techniques with a better chance of subsequent reversal than others, none can give an 80% guarantee of success and the likelihood of a successful reversal goes down greatly the more time that passes.

Should not have this done if you think you may later want children.

In Thailand, they do indeed screen patients and while it depends on the doctor, few would agree if you have no children and are still fairly young - too much chance you'd later regret it.


"Option 2" is misrepresented. While there are techniques with a better chance of subsequent reversal than others, none can give an 80% guarantee of success and the likelihood of a successful reversal goes down greatly the more time that passes.

Should not have this done if you think you may later want children.

In Thailand, they do indeed screen patients and while it depends on the doctor, few would agree if you have no children and are still fairly young - too much chance you'd later regret it.

I am sure I don't want any children, but if there are 2 options I would always go for the option that leaves most chances open. Seems logical to me not to limit anything because of a few 1000 bt.

My marriage even ended because I did not want any children.. if i wanted them I would not be single now. So I am pretty sure, but also someone who is logical and the difference in price that was mentioned does not justify going for the cheaper option IMHO.


Google it and one can read many page write up to 70%, 40 - 70 %, 50 - 70%. And number can go down the longer time it go.

So it was not that fare off what i was told. (Think i was told)

The Doctor i use told me Chance to get kid(s) again if one day i want tube back together, And I know what chance mean.

Chance are not Guarantee. And i can live with that.

One can all ways if not 100% sure, Not sure about the furture, Get some sperm frozen down for later.


OP, as you have ni children thus may be a oeoblem. They will ask how many you have before agreeing to do the procedure.


OP, as you have ni children thus may be a oeoblem. They will ask how many you have before agreeing to do the procedure.

Thanks for reply, I will see what i can do. If they don't ask for proof I can always say I have 2 kids back in the Netherlands.

Been quite sure about this have been all my life. Anyway thanks I will see what I will do.


Google it and one can read many page write up to 70%, 40 - 70 %, 50 - 70%. And number can go down the longer time it go.

So it was not that fare off what i was told. (Think i was told)

The Doctor i use told me Chance to get kid(s) again if one day i want tube back together, And I know what chance mean.

Chance are not Guarantee. And i can live with that.

One can all ways if not 100% sure, Not sure about the furture, Get some sperm frozen down for later.

I don't want kids no need to freeze my sperm, point was more that if there are 2 options and the price difference is not that huge I would always take the option that leaves me with the most options later on.


OP, as you have ni children thus may be a oeoblem. They will ask how many you have before agreeing to do the procedure.

I worked with a guy that had it done, 10 years later married younger lady who wanted kids.

He went for the reversal, ended up with an infection and was quite ill for some time, 3 or 4 months. Told me later his balls swelled up to the size of tennis balls.

Year later he died of cancer, so OP you'd better think twice even thrice, who knows maybe you meet younger lady down the road............


OP, as you have ni children thus may be a oeoblem. They will ask how many you have before agreeing to do the procedure.

I worked with a guy that had it done, 10 years later married younger lady who wanted kids.

He went for the reversal, ended up with an infection and was quite ill for some time, 3 or 4 months. Told me later his balls swelled up to the size of tennis balls.

Year later he died of cancer, so OP you'd better think twice even thrice, who knows maybe you meet younger lady down the road............

Seriously .. its a decision I made way back I am sure about it. I don't want them never have and never will. Not everyone wants kids the world would be a better place if a lot more people decided not to take kids.


Hopefully, they won't do it the old fashioned way.

They used to crush the testicles between a pair of household bricks.

When the patient asked if that was going to be painful the Doctor replied, "Only if I get my fingers caught between them."

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