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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

Talk about social misfits. I have been in SEA for almost 50 years and have been to many girlie bars. I know the girls better than most because I actually talk to them, I still do. Sure, there are those who are victims of trafficking , but the majority I see are working there by choice—it's better than having ten kids with who knows how many men in the provinces and having to plant rice with your latest on your back—and who knows, you may get a sugar-daddy or several.

However, my complaints are with these bible-thumping do-gooders and the hypocrisy I see from so many of them. My first encounter was in D.C., I volunteered with a Christian Coalition group to help the underprivileged. My group leader made a point of helping himself to the young girls we were there to help.

My second encounter was in Vietnam, a man from Catholic Relief Services, there to help the poor exploited girls in Saigon. He and I used to frequent a local restaurant and often spent the night there during curfews. I was there for one of the daughters, he was there for one of the sons. He was later dismissed and sent to Laos, he had been caught with two nine year old shoeshine boys.

My third encounter with these do-gooders was in the PI. He was a Seventh Day Adventist lay worker assigned to “save” the bar girls of Angeles City. He specialized in the “cherry girls”—it is common in the PI for virgins to work in bars as cashiers or counter-girls, some are there to sell their virginity to the highest bidder. At any rate, his specialization was to de-flower them himself—no big issue, except he used his religious credentials bolstered by promises of marriage and drugs to influence them.

Most sexpats just want sex and a good time; that is what the bar girls are all about. The ones who are there to hurt the girls are a different story, but there are those who claim to be helping, but who are actually hurting more.

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Good luck with your mission Dan - it cannot be easy work. However if you want to really make a change in Thailand I would suggest you consider some other areas of operation than NaNa.

Go out of Bangkok and Pattaya - go to the north, to the small cities, where underage hilltribe, Lao and Myanmar girls are serving local boys - who pays a fraction for their company than in Bangkok and Pattaya.

Or visit the hi-so mansions and rescue the maids who cannot escape and are beaten as a pastime - or accused of some imagined theft and sentenced to prison.

But why just the sex trade? Have a look at the fishing industry as well for example.

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This said, and knowing that a fair percentage of Thai hookers are in it for the money, being too lazy to do some real work and because they are addicted to the red light and disco scene, where recognition and cash rewards come easy, I'd say, "Sod off Danny Boy, and tackle the social problems in your home country!"

They are ALL in it for the money.

Another one in denial?

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I think he's a little bit jaded and green. The thing is, while human trafficking and the exploitation of minors is reprehensible and the guy is doing a good job to an extent, he is seeing what he wants to see and is tending to demonise the obvious. Most of what goes on here in the visible sex scene between farangs and Thais is consensual; a bit of fun for the visitor and earnings for the woman. Sure, there are the addicts and women that don't want to be there, but by and large it is by choice and benign. Many of the women don't want to work a 'real' job for a pittance; they want the fast money, the alcohol and the sanook and gritting their teeth to bed down with some random dude is a small price to pay for the 'big' rewards. The main draw for many visitors to Thailand is this very trade; it directly and indirectly brings in vast revenue for the country. If he really wants to make a difference, take a look at what the locals are getting up to (it is all on the Thais), which is mostly behind closed doors and involves some powerful people. Lobby the government to put it right, because following some old codgers around and putting it all on the farang is peeing in the wind somewhat and the tip of the iceberg.

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Dan fell in love with the SE Asian lifestyle but found the local employment options scarce and lowly. That was until Dan discovered the thriving charity sector: animal welfare, orphans, sex workers; Dan had found the well trodden path of the modern colonialist - one can escape the Western rat race while having those same rats fund your exotic adventure. And he wears the badge of altruism to boot!

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Well I think he's on to something with filling the void I know a few blokes that have come to Thailand giving away the their kids and grand kids to live the good life but are sad that they are missing a relationship that they had with their parents and grandparents .

Also I find that they fall for the old bar talk rumours and get involved in dramas that has nothing to do with them but they spend so much time in bars they actually think they have some type of status and importance with girls and the bar but in reality they just want your money and when they finally realise that well then that's when the depression hits. Doesn't happen to all of them and some guys love to play the game but others sadly start falling in love and just lose the plot.

As for the girls I find most of them happy in their work well the ones I've talked over the years. Most already have a child somewhere and are doing their best to support them and their families. Starvation is a good aphrodisiac .

It is not starvation in Thailand.... just poverty and ignorance, but that alone is not justification for prostitution. Easy money is....and plenty of "clients". End the demand..end the "business"..

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An SJW blogger, and a white knight bible humper get together and this is the result, pathetic.

Is he a bible humper?

Does he know about the hundreds of young boys/kids who were raped continiously fod decades by priests in Europe? And nope, none have gone to jail for that.

I get so tired of those people but Aussies think pretty bad about Thailand last years.

Aussies are NOT the only ones thinking bad about Thailand. Thailand is doing a mighty fine job of letting the whole world know it is not the paradise it once was.

this article is GARBAGE, well intention ed but RUBBISH to boot.

How many times a week do we see here Poor girls selling themselves for money wanting to give up?

Lured by the money girls at school sell themsleves

Please do not do this it ruins your life.

And Thailand has been doing this SO WELL for 100's of years and 98% are Thai users.

LEAVE THE WESTERNERS alone for pete's sake! At least we look after the people we meet and NOT dump them with 200 baht or nothing at all or worse - some disease they are ashamed to seek help for.

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Well I think he's on to something with filling the void I know a few blokes that have come to Thailand giving away the their kids and grand kids to live the good life but are sad that they are missing a relationship that they had with their parents and grandparents .

Also I find that they fall for the old bar talk rumours and get involved in dramas that has nothing to do with them but they spend so much time in bars they actually think they have some type of status and importance with girls and the bar but in reality they just want your money and when they finally realise that well then that's when the depression hits. Doesn't happen to all of them and some guys love to play the game but others sadly start falling in love and just lose the plot.

As for the girls I find most of them happy in their work well the ones I've talked over the years. Most already have a child somewhere and are doing their best to support them and their families. Starvation is a good aphrodisiac .

It is not starvation in Thailand.... just poverty and ignorance, but that alone is not justification for prostitution. Easy money is....and plenty of "clients". End the demand..end the "business"..

So you are advocating male genocide or possibly castration? Maybe a femenist reeducation camp? ..oh yea already mentioned castration. But you are wrong, you say easy money? I see some of these hookups and think "whatever he is paying her is not enough... but then he might be paying her more than what a white collar professional earns. Sex work is work.

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One has to observe that many of the posters here simply don't have the intellect or self knowledge to see the situation they are in...it really is sub-human - a life that consists of alcohol and sex......and virtually nothing else - no social intercourse , no thought, no real discussion no interests physical or mental just were are my next beer and ejaculation coming from.

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Sharing with me the impact that his work has had on him, Dan says that journeying into red light districts at times feels like he is entering the “most evil places on earth,” but the joy that comes from helping young women inspires him to keep going.

“When we first meet them [the girls] they hate themselves ... these girls were raped and abused, and now they feel that’s all they’re worth,” he says. “So to see them loving life and thriving is what gets me off.”

A quote from the article this post is based on. Sounds like a religious organization, moralizing about how bad it is, for men to be having sex with women, without having to jump over the ridiculous hurdles that are put up in his home country. Who is he to judge the world? What kind of vision or enlightenment does this fool have? For him to make the kinds of sweeping generalizations he makes in this interview shows the staggering degree of his ignorance about Thailand, about the industry, and about the girls, much less the Aussie men he is describing. What a complete fool. He reminds me of alot of two year olds I have met. They know nothing about anything.

Then this lowlife continues by uttering this drivel- “They think coming to Thailand for sex is going to fill a void in their lives, so they pursue this dream — and then they realise that the lifestyle they’ve chosen is empty and meaningless. It’s not too late to turn things around and become the man you’re proud of.”

What a complete fool. Has he ever heard the expression live and let live. He reminds me of alot of missionaries, and Jehovah Witness door to door salesmen I have met.

Edited by spidermike007
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Feminists and purveyors of man-made religious 'rules' flip the script and cast these women as doe-eyed, hapless victims. Not to say that's never the case. Sure it is, and in the most egregious examples, you would be hard pressed to find a white face.

When I look at Pattaya & BKK farang zones, I see women exploiting men. Knowingly and skillfully attracting a male foregone conclusion, sussing out his desires and playing to his weaknesses in order to exploit and extract what she can, as efficiently as possible.

She then returns to the Savannah watering hole to stalk another one.


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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

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Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.


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it is a colossal problem and you cannot argue against it.

yes dan's efforts are like a drop in the ocean.his intentions are compassionate, genuine, and in mybook, noble. he can not

reform or tackle the colossal issue but i his efforts save one or more

girls his mission is a success.

have more dans and the issue can be impacted further.

it is an uphill task in situations where parents sell daughters into this trade.

getting to the source of the problem is a mammoth task,for sure, but some

kind soul wants to initiate help to rescue even one person, encourage him or her.

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

You have obviously never been a lonely man.

That is if you are a man at all.

Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

but it gives them the right to sell sex? it's an EXCHANGE what's wrong with you? what 'damage'? don't be so self-righteous if you don't like it don't do it but it's not your job to stop others ok?

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it is a colossal problem and you cannot argue against it.

yes dan's efforts are like a drop in the ocean.his intentions are compassionate, genuine, and in mybook, noble. he can not

reform or tackle the colossal issue but i his efforts save one or more

girls his mission is a success.

have more dans and the issue can be impacted further.

it is an uphill task in situations where parents sell daughters into this trade.

getting to the source of the problem is a mammoth task,for sure, but some

kind soul wants to initiate help to rescue even one person, encourage him or her.

you think it's Desperate Dan's job to come to another country to 'rescue' people? why not do it in his own country? it's pompous nonsense and in all my decades of coming here and extensive travelling and sleeping with 100s girls I have never, ONCE, come across these 'hungry, desperate' girls who need 'rescuing'

this is Desperate Dan's form of co-dependency and it gives him his own form of 'ejaculation' feeling he 'rescues' these poor desperate girls - it's utter nonsense! go back to Aus and do your 'do-gooding' there!

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it is a colossal problem and you cannot argue against it.

yes dan's efforts are like a drop in the ocean.his intentions are compassionate, genuine, and in mybook, noble. he can not

reform or tackle the colossal issue but i his efforts save one or more

girls his mission is a success.

have more dans and the issue can be impacted further.

it is an uphill task in situations where parents sell daughters into this trade.

getting to the source of the problem is a mammoth task,for sure, but some

kind soul wants to initiate help to rescue even one person, encourage him or her.

No not at all. Rescued to what????? The god squad, as has been said if you don't want to pay for sex don't go. But don't tell people who do want to pay what to do nothing of anyone else's buisness. Why don't these do gooders go to Pakistan and stop these arranged marriages were the brides are very very young!!!!!!! Or over to ISIS land were any age girls get raped daily.

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way too many men think with their little head, the thought of getting into a young womans/girls pants is all that matters to them, Australia being only a 6 hours(Perth)/9 hours(Sydney) flight makes it a easy option for them but there are just as many US/UK and others countries males here for the same reason. Most of these men are too backward or are incapable of having a relationship with a female while here it is very easy to pick up a female with no strings attached for a few minutes to get their rocks off then run back to the bar for more beer and to brag about their conquestblink.png . There are depraved bastards everywhere, running around with their hands on their d*cks is second nature to them, you cant help stupidity, even thai men are just as bad.

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way too many men think with their little head, the thought of getting into a young womans/girls pants is all that matters to them, Australia being only a 6 hours(Perth)/9 hours(Sydney) flight makes it a easy option for them but there are just as many US/UK and others countries males here for the same reason. Most of these men are too backward or are incapable of having a relationship with a female while here it is very easy to pick up a female with no strings attached for a few minutes to get their rocks off then run back to the bar for more beer and to brag about their conquestblink.png . There are depraved bastards everywhere, running around with their hands on their d*cks is second nature to them, you cant help stupidity, even thai men are just as bad.

" even thai men are just as bad" giggle.gif

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A little aside, ever notice the antisex people are more passionate on the subject of sex than the actual participants? Sure gets them worked up, must be their personal kink.

Edited by daoyai
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DO NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT. You'll find out able real life after being checked into a nursing home by your children and grandchildren waiting to know what's in your will and who gets the house and car. As for me, I'm spending my money and time left on me. This is not the Walton's or Little house on the Prairie.

Living and being alone and lonely is not a pleasant feeling and a retreat making money for them, sorry Tony Roberts or monks did not earn my money for over 50 years of hard work.

Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?
Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.
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