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Walkway collapse at market dumps tourists in the water


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"ironically most of the sExpats who cry foul the loudest and most often in Thailand would be off to the next cheapest 3rd world country which has cheap beer and girls on tap"

First of all beer is not "cheap" in Thailand. Beer is an imported luxury product and is MORE EXPENSIVE in Thailand than America.

Second of all, these Farangs you speak of don't have "good jobs" in Thailand nor did they have "good jobs" back home.

People who have good jobs back home that scrimp and save their whole lives don't move to Thailand and blow their savings on Booze and Broads.


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If anyone has walked over that bridge like many others they can easily see it was in need of maintenance and repair. The same old here, don't fix it until is broken. Probably the farangs fault, as they are fat and made the bridge break. But seriously across society as a whole proper maintenance is required before its too late. luckily no fatalities, this time.

Why would fatalities matter?

Watcharacters must be Thai!!! Why indeed?

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An unfortunate incident, lucky none were seriously injured or worse.

Yes, this and all walkways should be constantly inspected and maintained to the highest international standards. Also, all bridges, roads, pathways, electricity lines, buildings, pools, balconies, stairways, etc, etc, etc. Also the inspectors should not be bought nor the police etc.

However, this would also bring a massive rise in wages and consumer costs much like a Singapore. So, why do most constant complainers on here not move to Singpapore?

If Thailand ever does evolve similarly (and one hopes it does for the future sake of the young), ironically most of the sExpats who cry foul the loudest and most often in Thailand would be off to the next cheapest 3rd world country which has cheap beer and girls on tap, nevermind the infrastructure nor rule of law etc.

Meanwhile, a quick Google scan shows multiple bridge collapses from Germany to England to USA just in the past 72 hours:

One dead, 15 injured in Autobahn bridge collapse


Bridge collapse traps 500 people in West Virginia shopping plaza


Eastham Bridge, near Tenbury Wells, simply collapsed


Yeah, and your point is........? (biggrin.pnggiggle.gifwai.gif )

Leave him alone in his own little world.Hes not hurting anyone.

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Actually, I earned 90k a year and worked and traveled in over 30 countries. I came here 28 years ago when Thai's were nice peope as were the tourist and yea, booze and the the girls are expensive. But, here I don't have to mingle with the locals unless I have too. Back home with over 400 million people, it's a bit crowded.

Oh! i also was a teacher here earning 36k per month, how much do you earn and what level of education do you have that allow you to be employed around the world? Have you ever paid 37% tax on your earnings?

Enough said. The only money spent on the citizens of Thailand to improve there live goes into the corrupt pockets, hey Taskin is having a fun time with the MONK with the private jet in Hawaii.

"ironically most of the sExpats who cry foul the loudest and most often in Thailand would be off to the next cheapest 3rd world country which has cheap beer and girls on tap"

First of all beer is not "cheap" in Thailand. Beer is an imported luxury product and is MORE EXPENSIVE in Thailand than America.

Second of all, these Farangs you speak of don't have "good jobs" in Thailand nor did they have "good jobs" back home.

People who have good jobs back home that scrimp and save their whole lives don't move to Thailand and blow their savings on Booze and Broads.


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"However, this would also bring a massive rise in wages and consumer costs."

Why would they pay workers from Myanmar more?

If there's a need, more workers from Myanmar can be brought in, on a moment's notice.

Glad I could clear that up for you.


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What does it matter in a country where no person or authority can be held responsible for anything.

Let the victims go to a hospital, pay for their own medical expenses, prop the collapsed walkway up with a few cement blocks and all will be back on track again until the next time. This is why I love Thailand, everything is dealt with so easily here.

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I had to smile when i read the bit about the locals assisting the tourists look for lost possessions!I bet they fell over themselves assisting.maybe hoping to return a lost wallet or purse containing tourist shopping money for the day.??

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...how about some compensation....???

...oh sorry...only a death would merit a 1000 baht payment....???

...where does insurance come in...ever....???

...is it 'no fault by default'...unless you are a foreigner in which case you would be bankrupted keeping up with all fees and regulations....

...sorry but that's how it seems more and more....

...completely out of whack against foreigners at every turn....

...don't blame them for probably turning down a visit to the hospital....10-20-30000 baht saved....

...any visit or stay at hospital for a foreigner costs a small fortune....

...I know one man now....15,000 a day for (?) weeks before they moved him to s simple room...and it still came out to just under 300,000 for 19 days...???

...even charged for 'nursing and midwifery' separately....20,000 baht....???

...since when is a nurse 'extra'...???

...it really does not add up....except for those on the receiving end....

...were they all trained by the jet ski operators or what......???

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Just imagine what Inspector America (http://www.historyasia.com/shows/inspector-america) would say if he visited Thailand?


Yes and why is there in America this "INSPECTOR AMERICA" for the same reason as here in Thailand, inspection in America has gone to s#x^ I know very well I was a member of American Society of Safety Engineers and have seen the society go down the tube after Ms.. July T. Neel Secretary for many years was eased out the door and the NWO clique started running the society. I also was a whistleblower which got my name on the shitlist of the society after Ms. Neel was eased out.

You think that latest two freight trains running head-on into each other, on a dual track system, in the Texas Panhandle and then a third freight train on the other railtrack plowing into the inferno of the first two freight trains thrown over both tracks. Three locomotive operators missing, fourth one seeing it coming jumped off the locomotive and severely injured taken to hospital. Why but why? because every year more safety inspectors are shit-canned in America to put more money in the pockets of the fascist capitalists. Problems here in Thailand are no different than the country Thailand has been aping since end WWII when Churchill demanded it being declared a member of the axis, but America with the haberdasher in the lead placated Churchill and his member of the axis demand, so it was forgotten.

It takes oldtimers of which there are not many anymore to remember history.

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"However, this would also bring a massive rise in wages and consumer costs."

Why would they pay workers from Myanmar more?

If there's a need, more workers from Myanmar can be brought in, on a moment's notice.

Glad I could clear that up for you.


You don't pay Myanmar workers. You simply work them then murder them or frame them for a crime before payday.

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" Twenty tourists and locals found themselves unceremoniously dumped in the sewer beneath 100 year old Bang Plee market on Sunday."

Thought I saw one guy swimming to get out, only to find out he was just going through the motions.

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You are aware people come onto TV to read about things that are happening in Thailand ?

An unfortunate incident, lucky none were seriously injured or worse.

Yes, this and all walkways should be constantly inspected and maintained to the highest international standards. Also, all bridges, roads, pathways, electricity lines, buildings, pools, balconies, stairways, etc, etc, etc. Also the inspectors should not be bought nor the police etc.

However, this would also bring a massive rise in wages and consumer costs much like a Singapore. So, why do most constant complainers on here not move to Singpapore?

If Thailand ever does evolve similarly (and one hopes it does for the future sake of the young), ironically most of the sExpats who cry foul the loudest and most often in Thailand would be off to the next cheapest 3rd world country which has cheap beer and girls on tap, nevermind the infrastructure nor rule of law etc.

Meanwhile, a quick Google scan shows multiple bridge collapses from Germany to England to USA just in the past 72 hours:

One dead, 15 injured in Autobahn bridge collapse
Bridge collapse traps 500 people in West Virginia shopping plaza
Eastham Bridge, near Tenbury Wells, simply collapsed

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If anyone has walked over that bridge like many others they can easily see it was in need of maintenance and repair. The same old here, don't fix it until is broken. Probably the farangs fault, as they are fat and made the bridge break. But seriously across society as a whole proper maintenance is required before its too late. luckily no fatalities, this time.

Fat Farangs are a seriuos problem........lol.

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I hope they all had travel insurance because I doubt the provincial administration will pay compensation or medical expenses for injuries sustained from poorly maintained infrastructure. The local hospital may see this as a windfall and can hold them as medical prisoners with costs accumulating daily until the tourists pay up

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Apparently none of you have seen pictures of outhouses in India perched right over a river, with kids frolicking in the water right below?

Should really get out more, drama barstool Queens, 555

right then thais exonerated, no need to maintain infrastructure or move forward in developing the country. India is still a backward shit hole so why should we as the tourist hub develop. But mum Johnny soiled his pants so why can't I?
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If anyone has walked over that bridge like many others they can easily see it was in need of maintenance and repair. The same old here, don't fix it until is broken. Probably the farangs fault, as they are fat and made the bridge break. But seriously across society as a whole proper maintenance is required before its too late. luckily no fatalities, this time.

"Cow run away... make fense." It's a thai saying. Comes with the culture.

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Does anyone know of another, supposedly, developed country in Southeast Asia as primitive/backwards as Thailand?

Even Laos and Cambodia have rules, regulations, zoning, etc.

Thailand seems to have only one model, greed!

It certainly does not model itself after Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, etc.

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I hope they all had travel insurance because I doubt the provincial administration will pay compensation or medical expenses for injuries sustained from poorly maintained infrastructure. The local hospital may see this as a windfall and can hold them as medical prisoners with costs accumulating daily until the tourists pay up

Thai tourists in Thailand now need travel insurance?

Live and learn.

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Sorry, but this thread is not even newsworthy. Is anyone actually surprised that structures collapse? Probably zero maintenance has been done since it was built.

I came on thinking it was the Pattaya walkway that had collapsed- now there's a real story. A brand new walkway built in a tourist town, and it starts falling down within a year 555555555555555.

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