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Call for Australian leader's resignation amid election chaos


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Call for Australian leader's resignation amid election chaos
KRISTEN GELINEAU, Associated Press

SYDNEY (AP) — With Australia's government in chaos amid a dramatic national election that failed to deliver an immediate winner, the country's opposition leader called on Monday for the prime minister to resign, dubbing him "the David Cameron of the southern hemisphere."

The dig by opposition leader Bill Shorten comes as the country faces up to a month of uncertainty while officials scramble to count the millions of mail-in and remaining ballots that will determine who, if anyone, won Saturday's knife-edge election.

With about a quarter of the votes left to be tallied, neither Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's conservative Liberal Party-led coalition nor Shorten's center-left Labor Party had secured the required 76 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives to form a government — raising the prospect of a dreaded hung parliament.

"Mr. Turnbull clearly doesn't know what he is doing. Quite frankly, I think he should quit," Shorten told reporters. "He has taken this nation to an election on the basis of stability. He has delivered instability. ... The bloke is not up to the job."

Shorten mocked Turnbull for assuring voters that sticking with the coalition was the safer, steadier choice amid the global chaos prompted by Britain's decision to exit the European Union and British Prime Minister David Cameron's subsequent resignation.

"Mr. Turnbull tried to capitalize on the Brexit vote and say therefore, because of what happened in England, you had to vote for him in Australia," Shorten said. "He Brexited himself. This guy is like the David Cameron of the southern hemisphere."

Turnbull was facing fierce criticism from all sides on Monday for his decision to call a rare early election. Most analysts had predicted the race would be tight, but few had anticipated it would be this close: Labor and the Liberals were in a virtual tie, raising the possibility that neither will end up with enough seats to form a majority government, resulting in a hung parliament.

That would force the Liberals and Labor to try to strike alliances with independent and minor party lawmakers in a bid to form a minority government. If no alliance can be forged, the government could end up calling yet another election — a possibility sure to frustrate politically weary Australians who have endured five changes of prime ministers in as many years.

Turnbull, who is pinning his hopes on mail-in and early ballots that traditionally favor the conservatives, said he remained quietly confident of an eventual victory, and his coalition could indeed still win by a slim margin. But the strong comeback by the Labor Party had many questioning whether Turnbull could hang onto his job, even if his party is re-elected.

Mobbed by reporters outside his Sydney home on Monday morning, Turnbull ignored a question about whether he was still confident of his leadership, telling journalists simply that "the counting continues."

As of Monday, Australian Broadcasting Corp. election analysts — considered among the most reliable — were predicting that Labor and the coalition were tied at 67 seats each and minor parties were leading in five seats. Another 11 seats were in doubt.

Counting by the Australian Electoral Commission was on hold until Tuesday, with Turnbull warning that the ultimate result may not be known until the end of the week. The electoral commission said it may take up to a month.

With the possibility of a hung parliament looming, Turnbull and Shorten both said they had contacted the five independent lawmakers who could make up a minority government if needed. Two of those — Tasmania state independent Andrew Wilkie and Victoria state independent Cathy McGowan — said Monday they had yet to commit to either party.

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon said he had spoken with both leaders, describing the phone calls as simple, "G'day, let's keep in touch and see where the dust settles" conversations.

"I still think it's likely that Malcolm Turnbull might just get across the line with a one-seat majority," Xenophon told Melbourne radio station 3AW.

Shorten declined to elaborate on what any Labor deals with the independents might involve, but vowed to work with all lawmakers in a bid to restore order to the fractured parliament.

"We will work with the Liberals, we will work with the crossbenchers and the minor parties because this country, and this parliament, is too important to fall foul of needless partisanship," he said. "But we won't compromise our principles."

The lack of certainty wrought by the election continues an incredibly volatile period in Australian politics, with Monday's front page headline in Sydney's Daily Telegraph aptly blaring "CHAOS REIGNS."

The election result comes as frustrated Australians have watched as internal party squabbling and fears over flagging poll ratings have prompted both Labor and the Liberals to oust a series of leaders in rapid-fire succession in recent years.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-04

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I think both party leaders should resign, why is one more responsible than the other? What it does show that the people are sick of both major parties and the rubbish they continue to serve up.

The People are also tired of social injustice, as the gap widens between the have and have nots. It will not matter if they call another election, the next time, more people will vote Independent and maybe give Australians a viable alternative.

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Shorten''s usage of the word 'bloke' says it all. Even the lower classes have eclipsed that sort of talk.

Grow up.

Sorry mate, I'll have a good talk to the bloke, tell him to straighten his tie....pull up his socks....so to speak........bewdy! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif <deleted>??

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Shorten''s usage of the word 'bloke' says it all. Even the lower classes have eclipsed that sort of talk.

Grow up.

What's wrong with bloke? Bloke is grouse! You're a bloke, I'm a bloke, we're ALL blokes! Except for Sheila's I suppose... then again, some of them are blokes too!

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Shorten''s usage of the word 'bloke' says it all. Even the lower classes have eclipsed that sort of talk.

Grow up.

Sorry mate, I'll have a good talk to the bloke, tell him to straighten his tie....pull up his socks....so to speak........bewdy! biggrin.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif <deleted>??

Strewth! wai2.gif

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Shorten''s usage of the word 'bloke' says it all. Even the lower classes have eclipsed that sort of talk.

Grow up.

Lower classes? You're no Aussie if you dribble shit like that mate... or should that be bloke?

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Another 4 more years of next to nothing, rather than blame the government at least they made a statement its the voters who have decided that we will have an other unworkable parliament, Labour has not been the workers party since the Hawk Keating days the Greens nothing more than a pressure group who's voters tend to be higher income earners who are happy for us to have things like a carbon tax, Liberals arnt seeing the big picture....

The global economy isn't working for us any longer the British have made a statement, Liberals Labour and the Greens continue to sell us out is it any wonder there is voter disenchantment?

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Australia is constantly advertising for 'skilled migrants'.

But how much more skilled could you be than an Indonesian who manages to navigate a tin bath three thousand miles?......................coffee1.gif

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Australia is constantly advertising for 'skilled migrants'.

But how much more skilled could you be than an Indonesian who manages to navigate a tin bath three thousand miles?......................coffee1.gif

For years up until the early 2000's there was talk of a skills shortage coming...looming with the baby boomers retiring well it never happened, the workers party as well as the Liberals flooded the labour markets with skilled overseas migrants to keep the labour market more than well greased, wages in all sectors except middle management and higher has been stagnating for years and years, both political parties have been in bed with employer groups on this matter.

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Another 4 more years of next to nothing, rather than blame the government at least they made a statement its the voters who have decided that we will have an other unworkable parliament, Labour has not been the workers party since the Hawk Keating days the Greens nothing more than a pressure group who's voters tend to be higher income earners who are happy for us to have things like a carbon tax, Liberals arnt seeing the big picture....

The global economy isn't working for us any longer the British have made a statement, Liberals Labour and the Greens continue to sell us out is it any wonder there is voter disenchantment?

praise bob and paul, intelligent witty blokes.

good result for shorten, pity he did not show more balls earlier, he is not bob or paul, but most aussies love a larrikin.

bill today, did have a swipe about expat pensioners facing restrictions on their benefits after 6 weeks.

free health, free education are still core principles australia must never give up.

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Bill can say what ever he likes to harness support but once he gets into that party room he has to convince everyone else, the New Labour party are just the old Liberals, what we have is how it will stay, neither side had anything ground breaking to offer, voter disenchantment starts with there hip pocket.

Medicare in principle is good but in reality only works for you iff your not sick, try carrying an injury that need surgery for a few years and you dont have private health cover.

University should not be free, those students end up on big incomes and charging us a fortune to see them.

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Just remember this time there is no great surplus for them to waste, it will be every dollar going down the gurgler from the get go. I just hope I can get my hard earned out of the country before they try to get whats left. Just ask when was last surplus they left.

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Shorten thinks that he is popular and wanted, but i think that its more of a protest vote against Turnbull who stabbed the well respected Lib leader Tony Abbott in the back, at the time many were very angry and have been waiting their chance to get even

. As long as Shorten is in power Labour will not get an outright majority, they need Albenese.

As long as Turnbull is in power Libs will not get an outright majority, they need Tony Abbott.

There you have it.

Edited by oldsailor35
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Shorten thinks that he is popular and wanted, but i think that its more of a protest vote against Turnbull who stabbed the well respected Lib leader Tony Abbott in the back, at the time many were very angry and have been waiting their chance to get even

. As long as Shorten is in power Labour will not get an outright majority, they need Albenese.

As long as Turnbull is in power Libs will not get an outright majority, they need Tony Abbott.

There you have it.

Abbot shot himself in the foot, he was turned on by all in his party and thats after he was told to pull his head in, effective in opposition a liability as PM.

Shorten ex union boss....really how can you take this character seriously? surly being an ex union boss and now a Labour party leader how conflicting is that, Crean the same, only Hawk was able to pull it off.

Both parties are not listening, the middle classes have had enough, were getting screwed and there doing nothing about it.

Labour last time in bed with the greens a pressure group who were hell bent on us pay a premium for our energy consumption, and what a time to introduce it right after the global financial crisis which is still being felt all around the world.

Abbot wanted to hand wealthy women the chance to stay home for a year to look after there new born on full pay...

The politicians are out of touch with the Australian public they way were been voting in the last 2 or 3 elections is a clear indication of that.

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Just Shorten having a bit of a laugh. He is having a great old time sticking it to the conservative Liberals.

'Harbour side mansion' Turnbull thought he had this election in the bag but it has turned into a complete mess. Progressive Party Shorten totally outmaneuvered him politically with a 'eve of the election' smear campaign on Medicare (universal health care) under attack. A master stroke by the underdog.

Just goes to show arrogant multi millionaire 'successful' businessmen make dreadful politicians. What an absolute bloody knucklehead he is. Gives Corporate Australia a $50B tax cut promise and campaigns on 'trickle down economics' pie in the sky 'Jobs and Growth'. Fairdinkum.

Now the boofhead has a possible 'lame duck' minority government with a hostile Senate to navigate.

Shorten is sitting back thinking 'I may just do him slowly and painfully'.

As an old revolutionary Socialist I am enjoying every second of a Right Wing loony political Party being slowly sautéed in their own stupidity. Just wonderful stuff.

Bring them to the boil Bill lmao

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Just Shorten having a bit of a laugh. He is having a great old time sticking it to the conservative Liberals.

'Harbour side mansion' Turnbull thought he had this election in the bag but it has turned into a complete mess. Progressive Party Shorten totally outmaneuvered him politically with a 'eve of the election' smear campaign on Medicare (universal health care) under attack. A master stroke by the underdog.

Just goes to show arrogant multi millionaire 'successful' businessmen make dreadful politicians. What an absolute bloody knucklehead he is. Gives Corporate Australia a $50B tax cut promise and campaigns on 'trickle down economics' pie in the sky 'Jobs and Growth'. Fairdinkum.

Now the boofhead has a possible 'lame duck' minority government with a hostile Senate to navigate.

Shorten is sitting back thinking 'I may just do him slowly and painfully'.

As an old revolutionary Socialist I am enjoying every second of a Right Wing loony political Party being slowly sautéed in their own stupidity. Just wonderful stuff.

Bring them to the boil Bill lmao

Yep and your still back in the 50's the Labour party is only in name and really its the OLD Liberal Party, Shorten has sold out union members ran a scare campaign had no real policys and married into the elites, your on the tall poppy bandwagon, your as about socialist as Donald Trump, Labour didn't win and Liberals didn't loose neither will govern and were going to have more of the same of the past 10 years.

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Just Shorten having a bit of a laugh. He is having a great old time sticking it to the conservative Liberals.

'Harbour side mansion' Turnbull thought he had this election in the bag but it has turned into a complete mess. Progressive Party Shorten totally outmaneuvered him politically with a 'eve of the election' smear campaign on Medicare (universal health care) under attack. A master stroke by the underdog.

Just goes to show arrogant multi millionaire 'successful' businessmen make dreadful politicians. What an absolute bloody knucklehead he is. Gives Corporate Australia a $50B tax cut promise and campaigns on 'trickle down economics' pie in the sky 'Jobs and Growth'. Fairdinkum.

Now the boofhead has a possible 'lame duck' minority government with a hostile Senate to navigate.

Shorten is sitting back thinking 'I may just do him slowly and painfully'.

As an old revolutionary Socialist I am enjoying every second of a Right Wing loony political Party being slowly sautéed in their own stupidity. Just wonderful stuff.

Bring them to the boil Bill lmao

Yep and your still back in the 50's the Labour party is only in name and really its the OLD Liberal Party, Shorten has sold out union members ran a scare campaign had no real policys and married into the elites, your on the tall poppy bandwagon, your as about socialist as Donald Trump, Labour didn't win and Liberals didn't loose neither will govern and were going to have more of the same of the past 10 years.

Oh boo hoo. All's fair in politics lovey lol

Shorten has a beautiful wife. Daughter of Dame Quentin Bryce ex Governor General. Kind of woman who would be a knock out in an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The dirty old pervert is punching well above his weight there.

Biggest mistake old 'Harbour side Mansion' Turnbull has made was proroguing the Parliament for two weeks, it sat for one day and then triggered a Double Dissolution to send the entire Senate to the ballot box. This made it so Senate candidates could be elected on 7% of the usual 14%. Well hello racist Hanson who looks to pick up 2 seats maybe 4. Nick Xenophon and the Greens and a cast of thousands to attempt to broker a deal on any and all Legislation. Turnbull is going to be a VERY VERY old man if he manages to form Government and has to do that for the next 3 years.

I reckon put them on simmer and broil em. Poke a fork in them every six months till they are all nice and tender.

Happy days Comrade.

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It looks like Coalition (Liberal and Nationals) will end up with 73 seats and the ALP ( Labor Party) (please note the spelling) will end up with 72. The Greens will have 1, Xenophon Team 1 and 3 independents.

This will be totally ungovernable so Australia may have to have another costly election.

I hope my prediction is wrong.

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It looks like Coalition (Liberal and Nationals) will end up with 73 seats and the ALP ( Labor Party) (please note the spelling) will end up with 72. The Greens will have 1, Xenophon Team 1 and 3 independents.

This will be totally ungovernable so Australia may have to have another costly election.

I hope my prediction is wrong.

Still too early. Seats still undecided and may come down to preference allocations maybe till next Friday week. If the coalition cannot get 76+ seats they are given first choice to form a minority government with the support of Independents. If they do then they must recall BOTH Houses in a joint sitting of Parliament to pass the BCI Legislation that triggered the Double Dissolution election. This Legislation WILL NOT PASS. It will be defeated the coalition Government has a hostile Senate that will vote down the Bill. At this point another DD can be triggered. This goes to the heart of the ability of the coalition to Govern. They will have no perceived mandate to pass ANY Legislation. Then the Senate votes on short (3 year) and long term (6 year) Senate candidates.

What a &lt;deleted&gt; mess. All created by the far Right Wing loons in the conservative Liberal Party.

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Just Shorten having a bit of a laugh. He is having a great old time sticking it to the conservative Liberals.

'Harbour side mansion' Turnbull thought he had this election in the bag but it has turned into a complete mess. Progressive Party Shorten totally outmaneuvered him politically with a 'eve of the election' smear campaign on Medicare (universal health care) under attack. A master stroke by the underdog.

Just goes to show arrogant multi millionaire 'successful' businessmen make dreadful politicians. What an absolute bloody knucklehead he is. Gives Corporate Australia a $50B tax cut promise and campaigns on 'trickle down economics' pie in the sky 'Jobs and Growth'. Fairdinkum.

Now the boofhead has a possible 'lame duck' minority government with a hostile Senate to navigate.

Shorten is sitting back thinking 'I may just do him slowly and painfully'.

As an old revolutionary Socialist I am enjoying every second of a Right Wing loony political Party being slowly sautéed in their own stupidity. Just wonderful stuff.

Bring them to the boil Bill lmao

Yep and your still back in the 50's the Labour party is only in name and really its the OLD Liberal Party, Shorten has sold out union members ran a scare campaign had no real policys and married into the elites, your on the tall poppy bandwagon, your as about socialist as Donald Trump, Labour didn't win and Liberals didn't loose neither will govern and were going to have more of the same of the past 10 years.

Oh boo hoo. All's fair in politics lovey lol

Shorten has a beautiful wife. Daughter of Dame Quentin Bryce ex Governor General. Kind of woman who would be a knock out in an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The dirty old pervert is punching well above his weight there.

Biggest mistake old 'Harbour side Mansion' Turnbull has made was proroguing the Parliament for two weeks, it sat for one day and then triggered a Double Dissolution to send the entire Senate to the ballot box. This made it so Senate candidates could be elected on 7% of the usual 14%. Well hello racist Hanson who looks to pick up 2 seats maybe 4. Nick Xenophon and the Greens and a cast of thousands to attempt to broker a deal on any and all Legislation. Turnbull is going to be a VERY VERY old man if he manages to form Government and has to do that for the next 3 years.

I reckon put them on simmer and broil em. Poke a fork in them every six months till they are all nice and tender.

Happy days Comrade.

Typical attitude of the old union shop steward...screw the company until we're all out of a job...that'll teach the capitalists.

Fair dinkum mate your attitude sucks.

Shorten is just a back stabbing chardonnay socialist the likes of whom Keating warned of.

The OP says Oz has had 5 prime ministers in as many years....three of those were the result of that nasty little man often known colloquially as electricity Bill Shorten. Make no mistake he will be in bed with anyone who will give him support - most likely the loony Greens - same as Juliar did.

Hopefully the police will apprehend the perpetrators of the fraudulent medicare mail out and the courts lock them up for a long time.

You seem to get some sort of perverse pleasure by watching the political infighting but ignore the damage being done to the great country of Australia as it inexorably slides in to second world status financially and living standards decline.

Hopefully there will be another double dissolution in the not too distant future and people may actually think for once and cast their votes accordingly

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It looks like Coalition (Liberal and Nationals) will end up with 73 seats and the ALP ( Labor Party) (please note the spelling) will end up with 72. The Greens will have 1, Xenophon Team 1 and 3 independents.

This will be totally ungovernable so Australia may have to have another costly election.

I hope my prediction is wrong.

Your predictions RIP have been played out before, the county will be stuck, the last thing this country needs is a small pressure group having sway over policies, we saw it when the Greens sided with the Libs over the not to recent changes to aged pension, going back to Gillard days when Greens sided with Labour over the carbon tax.

Love it or hate it one side needs a mandate to get there ideas into play, me i hope that within a year we go back to the polls.

This time i hope the parties finally "get it" and tailor policies to suite the actual people who drive the economy and that is the middle classes.

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Shorten thinks that he is popular and wanted, but i think that its more of a protest vote against Turnbull who stabbed the well respected Lib leader Tony Abbott in the back, at the time many were very angry and have been waiting their chance to get even

. As long as Shorten is in power Labour will not get an outright majority, they need Albenese.

As long as Turnbull is in power Libs will not get an outright majority, they need Tony Abbott.

There you have it.

"the well respected Lib leader Tony Abbott"

You have spent too long at sea. If the results for the liberals are not good now, they would have disastrous with that god-bothering royalist sycophant in charge. Like most Australians, IMHO seeing him go was the best view of him.

Edited by halloween
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Just Shorten having a bit of a laugh. He is having a great old time sticking it to the conservative Liberals.

'Harbour side mansion' Turnbull thought he had this election in the bag but it has turned into a complete mess. Progressive Party Shorten totally outmaneuvered him politically with a 'eve of the election' smear campaign on Medicare (universal health care) under attack. A master stroke by the underdog.

Just goes to show arrogant multi millionaire 'successful' businessmen make dreadful politicians. What an absolute bloody knucklehead he is. Gives Corporate Australia a $50B tax cut promise and campaigns on 'trickle down economics' pie in the sky 'Jobs and Growth'. Fairdinkum.

Now the boofhead has a possible 'lame duck' minority government with a hostile Senate to navigate.

Shorten is sitting back thinking 'I may just do him slowly and painfully'.

As an old revolutionary Socialist I am enjoying every second of a Right Wing loony political Party being slowly sautéed in their own stupidity. Just wonderful stuff.

Bring them to the boil Bill lmao

Oh boo hoo. All's fair in politics lovey lol

Shorten has a beautiful wife. Daughter of Dame Quentin Bryce ex Governor General. Kind of woman who would be a knock out in an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The dirty old pervert is punching well above his weight there.

Biggest mistake old 'Harbour side Mansion' Turnbull has made was proroguing the Parliament for two weeks, it sat for one day and then triggered a Double Dissolution to send the entire Senate to the ballot box. This made it so Senate candidates could be elected on 7% of the usual 14%. Well hello racist Hanson who looks to pick up 2 seats maybe 4. Nick Xenophon and the Greens and a cast of thousands to attempt to broker a deal on any and all Legislation. Turnbull is going to be a VERY VERY old man if he manages to form Government and has to do that for the next 3 years.

I reckon put them on simmer and broil em. Poke a fork in them every six months till they are all nice and tender.

Happy days Comrade.

Typical attitude of the old union shop steward...screw the company until we're all out of a job...that'll teach the capitalists.

Fair dinkum mate your attitude sucks.

Shorten is just a back stabbing chardonnay socialist the likes of whom Keating warned of.

The OP says Oz has had 5 prime ministers in as many years....three of those were the result of that nasty little man often known colloquially as electricity Bill Shorten. Make no mistake he will be in bed with anyone who will give him support - most likely the loony Greens - same as Juliar did.

Hopefully the police will apprehend the perpetrators of the fraudulent medicare mail out and the courts lock them up for a long time.

You seem to get some sort of perverse pleasure by watching the political infighting but ignore the damage being done to the great country of Australia as it inexorably slides in to second world status financially and living standards decline.

Hopefully there will be another double dissolution in the not too distant future and people may actually think for once and cast their votes accordingly

Oh boo hoo the poor wealthy company execs lining up for their $50B Corporate Welfare handouts that aren't going to materialise. You're breakin my heart. The poor dears down to their last $20M are they? They'll scrape by. lol

Keating will always be the King of political one liners. Bill has a red hot go and comes up with the odd zinger.

Yeah 'MediScare' texts will be the never ending 'Benghazi' and 'Email' crappola for the far Right loons like the Republican's in the US. No one cares. No comment on 'children overboard' or the big bad 'Carbon tax' scare campaigns from the Right. Shoes on the other foot now Comrade. lol

Yes I take great pleasure in seeing the far Right Wing loons who want to defund Medicare, not address Climate Change and the new jobs that come with it, privatise higher education, defund Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, spend more on Corporate Welfare and tax cuts for the wealthy elite, lower wages and conditions, increase the widening gap between very rich and everyone else. Grind them ALL into the ground never to be heard of again.

Yeah bring on another Election and put Abbott up this time with the above policies that he tried to push through in the 2014 Budget and see how you go. You will lose in a landslide never seen before in Australian history.

Conservative Liberals creeping towards forming a 'lame duck' Government.

Where's Christopher Pine and that weasel Dutton gone? lol

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Shorten thinks that he is popular and wanted, but i think that its more of a protest vote against Turnbull who stabbed the well respected Lib leader Tony Abbott in the back, at the time many were very angry and have been waiting their chance to get even

. As long as Shorten is in power Labour will not get an outright majority, they need Albenese.

As long as Turnbull is in power Libs will not get an outright majority, they need Tony Abbott.

There you have it.

Not correct. There you don't have it. Conservative Liberal lost 1M primary votes via protest they went across to independents. In the Senate the loony racist Right Wing votes went across to the racist Hanson and that idiot religious homophobe nutter Nile in the Christian Democrats.

Abbott? How would you like to lose BOTH Houses in a landslide to Labor and the Greens? He lost thirty, that's 3 with a 0 polls. The far Right Wing loon section of the conservative LNP is unelectable. Bernardy, Abetts, Morrison, Brandis et al you need to keep on a VERY short leash.

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It looks like Coalition (Liberal and Nationals) will end up with 73 seats and the ALP ( Labor Party) (please note the spelling) will end up with 72. The Greens will have 1, Xenophon Team 1 and 3 independents.

This will be totally ungovernable so Australia may have to have another costly election.

I hope my prediction is wrong.

I don't hope you are wrong, I hope Australians take to the streets, time to set these politician arssssholzes straight. They are suppose to be working for the people, not the other way around.

Shorten and Turnbull should be placed in a cage and burnt, the pair of them, serious assssholzes.

It's time to run a good brush through the Australian system, ship up or shape the #uck out, you useless b@stards.

The country has gone to the pack, our grandfathers would be turning in their graves, how dare they make a mockery of a once great nation.

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Shorten thinks that he is popular and wanted, but i think that its more of a protest vote against Turnbull who stabbed the well respected Lib leader Tony Abbott in the back, at the time many were very angry and have been waiting their chance to get even

. As long as Shorten is in power Labour will not get an outright majority, they need Albenese.

As long as Turnbull is in power Libs will not get an outright majority, they need Tony Abbott.

There you have it.

Tony Abbott is finished. Good riddance. The sooner Malcolm and half the other halfwits on his team vacate their seats the better off the Libs will be.

As for labour, nothing short of a mass gassing will fix those corrupt foolish morons.

The greens did their best to bring tassie to,their knees, sure they'd love to have a crack at the main island too.

There is no answer in the current line up. Since we can't bring back Bob Menzies, somebody better go and see if Johnny Howard or Peter Costello can come back and sort this mess out. Either that or dig bob up and prop him up in the chair, he'd probably do better than this lot have.

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