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ALERT - dog poisoning

The Snark

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In the Sansai towards Doi Saket area, north of the Chiang Rai highway. It appears someone is putting out poison bait, We have had 2 dogs poisoned in the past month and another 20 or so dead or suddenly missing in the area.

So corral your pooch and if at all possible keep it away from roadways where people can toss the bait.

Symptoms are very rapid death, often found lying in a puddle of vomit.

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There's a LOT of spraying going on in the rice fields, which are being made ready to cultivate.

Can it possibly be something like that instead of deliberate poisoning?

Thank you for the warning, though. :)

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Maejo University ESE through the urban and rural area on towards Doi Saket. Nong Yaen specifically. Easternmost problem area I've noted is Mae Kwang - Luang Neua - Tao Gardens area where numerous dogs have been killed.

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May be if folk looked after their dogs rather than just let them roam the streets all day barking and annoying other people then they wouldn't get poisoned.

Its probably someone who is fed up of all the dogs roaming about, can't blame them really

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May be if folk looked after their dogs rather than just let them roam the streets all day barking and annoying other people then they wouldn't get poisoned.

Its probably someone who is fed up of all the dogs roaming about, can't blame them really

I enjoy seeing all my dog friends on my walks and they are friendly to me. It is one of the special aspects of Thailand that dogs are given some freedom to roam and have relationships with neighbors and other dogs. Why should they be prisoners?

Edited by daoyai
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Or you could be a responsible dog owner, keep your dog on your property. and not let it run around trying to bite people in the street and pooping everywhere.

Or you could join reality, they toss the bait/poison over your fence into your property.

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Yeah, the dog (s )inside the gate, next to the house lying in wait and i walk by on the public street. They lunge at the fence, snarling and barking and if they could, would rip off my legs.

Then those same dogs, from 9 at night till 2 am barking barking and more barking at the moon or the motorbikes. The owners are deaf and dumb stupid. Ask a Thai to train a dog? Hardly, since most Thais have no concept of dog obedience.

IMO, let them be dead with no remorse. But i did not kill them.

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those condoning the intentional killing of innocent animals should be ashamed of themselves. they have every right to be here. yes, there are many irresponsible pet owners. but killing innocent animals is not the solution.

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those condoning the intentional killing of innocent animals should be ashamed of themselves. they have every right to be here. yes, there are many irresponsible pet owners. but killing innocent animals is not the solution.

It probably is.

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an injection would be quicker, but just not possible. I applaud the people, who have the guts to protect their kids (and property values).

so poisoning random animals protects kids and property values? some of you really are sickos.

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May be if folk looked after their dogs rather than just let them roam the streets all day barking and annoying other people then they wouldn't get poisoned.

Its probably someone who is fed up of all the dogs roaming about, can't blame them really

I enjoy seeing all my dog friends on my walks and they are friendly to me. It is one of the special aspects of Thailand that dogs are given some freedom to roam and have relationships with neighbors and other dogs. Why should they be prisoners?

If the owners take responsibility for their dogs AND clean up the shit they leave, i would be inclined to agree. But as mostly they don't......

I arrived home in the rain last night to a giant pile of dog shit outside my gate, i would have happily killed the dog if was there. Instead i picked the lot up and splattered it in front of it's owners house. Did it work, no! The dog is today walking in the street, the owner does not care!

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Dogs need to be in a home or in a confined looked after area......Free roaming dogs, dogs with no home. unspade or neuterd....Well gas is better. But strays need to be gotten rid of. period.

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I often cycle where the OP mentioned, the last 6 days actually, and I am never bothered by any dogs. Sure a few act in a way to protect thier territory, we often play a little friendly game since we know each other and never has one even appeared to be actually trying to nip me. My own dogs roam about a bit, as do many of the neighbor's do, and they seem to have thier turf borders figured out. Sure some that look like they could be menacing are behind gates and I'm sure other inside dogs like my handbag version aren't seen out. But none of them cause any trouble, believe me I would be told just as we would mention it to the other residents. The one man who everyone says is crazy has poisoned a few of my dogs, leaving bated meat along our open property line which is next to my rice fields and his fish farm. It was terrible as he is a dog owner and tied his up when he did this. Unfortunately it is one of the horrible things that happens here that not much can be done about. Thanks for the post and hopefully anyone near there will be warned to keep thier pets safe and hopefully it is only temporary.

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and now we get a clearer picture of why it takes 2-3 years to sell a house in SanSai.

I live near JC, dogs all over the roads. Dog pooh everywhere.

I cycled through earlier this week, one chased me and tried to bite me.

What do I care about most 'your dead soi dog' or 'my bite and chance of rabies'

Only one sensible choice for me.

Edited by MissAndry
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May be if folk looked after their dogs rather than just let them roam the streets all day barking and annoying other people then they wouldn't get poisoned.

Its probably someone who is fed up of all the dogs roaming about, can't blame them really

I enjoy seeing all my dog friends on my walks and they are friendly to me. It is one of the special aspects of Thailand that dogs are given some freedom to roam and have relationships with neighbors and other dogs. Why should they be prisoners?

Oh dear, oh dear.

If you are not part of the solution, I guess you are part of the problem.

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There are indeed far too many dogs around everywhere. Dangerous beasts. And nobody there to catch them. Dogs without owners.

If anybody would keep their dogs within their premises no dog would be poisened. I for myself keep my dog in my garden.

But I admit poisoning is not the appropriate way to reduce the numbers of dogs.

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I enjoy seeing all my dog friends on my walks and they are friendly to me. It is one of the special aspects of Thailand that dogs are given some freedom to roam and have relationships with neighbors and other dogs. Why should they be prisoners?

Do you really need an answer to that?

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an injection would be quicker, but just not possible. I applaud the people, who have the guts to protect their kids (and property values).

so poisoning random animals protects kids and property values? some of you really are sickos.

Random? If I were to do it I would know exactly which ones.

But the real root of the problem are actually the "owners". By owner I mean the person that feeds them and keeps them on the street and pretends he/she doesn't know the dog when a problem arises.

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Take a bullet, oh brother you don't know anything about me. People been trying to kill me since I was 19 yrs. old I'm still here and they are gone. There may have been one lucky enough, but none good enough, no brag, just fact. I'm still damn good at gunfighting but I specialize in long range work, get my drift, ese'. Back to the topic. I am sorry for your dog and I understand your anger, your dog wasn't one of the problem ones. BTW, I was in addtition to being a professional guide, a law enforcement officer working along side NM Game and Fish. Dogs packed, miles from house collar or not, and I was 5 miles from nearest house, died. Policy same as coyotes, they killed deer. Oh and I just chased and rocked 2 that came and urinated on my truck tires and garbage can. Damn right I would have shot them.

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And yes, I understand the new, but stupid law, that doesn't allow one to defend oneself against an attacking animal. Strange how a dog's life is more important than a human's. My military neighbor, Thai, shot one that attacked him in his own yard. No charges and the owner and the ones that turned him in had to apologize.

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