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21 Male Moving To Thailand In Sept ? About Visa

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So i had some very basice questions. Im a 21 yr old male on the west coast in the united states. I plan on moving ot thailand in september and as that date grows closer i feel i need to get my visa taken care of. I believe i need a non immigrant visa correct? Also im not coming down with a whole lot of money but based on the exchange rate is aroudn 40 bath per 1 american dollar correct? And ive found apartments for 2500 Bath and was curious if u guys knew of any others that i can look into. I have a mthly income of $300 American that will be deposited into my bank account every mths so i can live but i also want to get employment in teh IT industry, is it difficult to get the work visa? And how hard do u guy's think it will be for me to get into thailand, any guidance into this woudl be appreciated, sept is only 4 mths away and thats the date im shooting fore.. thanks in advance :o

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Unless you plan to live on a two or three month visa run life do not believe you have a very bright future and seriously ask that you research much better than you seem to have done thus far. But if you could provide an impressive list of degrees or experience you would at least have a shot at it. But for now must answer as below:

It will likely be very hard to find work in IT. And for the work to be legal you would have to earn 65,000 baht per month. And they would have to have a work permit position available. And you would have to obtain a non immigrate visa to use that permit. All possible but highly unlikely IMHO.

PR is only available to a few each year and there are a number of requirements. You have to be here on extensions of stay for 3 or more years to even apply. Three one year non immigrant visas do not count.

$300 per month is not going to go very far when you have to make visa runs every 60 to 90 days (if you do not have work permit) so would not even consider that as an option. Survive you might just do. Live you will not do.

A 2,500 apartment is likely to be a single small hotel type room with no facilities or furnishings. Dark, hot, and very depressing.

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I cant afford the visa runs, which is why im looking at a non-immigrant visa. My parents are paying for everything, unless there is somwhere rather close to go in order to do the visa run then i will do it that way. I just cannot afford $500 every 3 mths to fly back to the united states. Im not to concerned about facilitys the apt i found is pretty decent. when move ill have $2000 afer plain ticket, its not like im not going to thailand with any money whatsoever its just hte afterwords income that will be givin to me. Im not only looking for it work, in fact if i dont need to work thats fine as well, more or less im looking just to go and "stay" ro an extended period of time. I dont know if this is better clarification as to what my goal is but if u have any questiosn ask. And im used to surviving, im not looking for a fancy life by all means, more or less just cultural immersion

Ok Did more research so im editing post, i guess i can get a 2mth tourist extend 1 mth, then pay to extend another mt at that point its 4 mths at the end of four mths fly into surrounding area and get my visa re instituted. This will cause a crunch in cash but ill just have parents keep 1 mth where i get more cash, ill just keep doing this until somehow i find a job or am able ot obtain a workvisa, I know i may not be coming down with most money but statistically the money i would have would be just enough to make me financially normal. So does this sound viable?

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I cant afford the visa runs, which is why im looking at a non-immigrant visa. My parents are paying for everything, unless there is somwhere rather close to go in order to do the visa run then i will do it that way. I just cannot afford $500 every 3 mths to fly back to the united states. Im not to concerned about facilitys the apt i found is pretty decent. when move ill have $2000 afer plain ticket, its not like im not going to thailand with any money whatsoever its just hte afterwords income that will be givin to me. Im not only looking for it work, in fact if i dont need to work thats fine as well, more or less im looking just to go and "stay" ro an extended period of time. I dont know if this is better clarification as to what my goal is but if u have any questiosn ask. And im used to surviving, im not looking for a fancy life by all means, more or less just cultural immersion

Ok Did more research so im editing post, i guess i can get a 2mth tourist extend 1 mth, then pay to extend another mt at that point its 4 mths at the end of four mths fly into surrounding area and get my visa re instituted. This will cause a crunch in cash but ill just have parents keep 1 mth where i get more cash, ill just keep doing this until somehow i find a job or am able ot obtain a workvisa, I know i may not be coming down with most money but statistically the money i would have would be just enough to make me financially normal. So does this sound viable?

Get a double or triple tourist visa. As you said, that is good for 60 days per visa and each one is extendable one time by another 30 days

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Can u guide me where to apply for these visa's thanks :o and can i just cross over into cambodia to get them renewed and come back same day?

In the Asian region it will be apply one day pick up the next. The Consulates are not going to agree to issue unlimited back to back tourist visa's to someone obviously residing in Thailand.

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So either your saying i wont be able to get back to back or u mean i just have to wait a day, by say getting a room? My only concern is figuring out how i can stay without doing it illegally, if it comes to it, i will stay illegally and hopefully not get caught. Id rather not which is why im posting for all viable options i have, short of getting married in thailand

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So either your saying i wont be able to get back to back or u mean i just have to wait a day, by say getting a room?    My only concern is figuring out how i can stay without doing it illegally, if it comes to it, i will stay illegally and hopefully not get caught. Id rather not which is why im posting for all viable options i have, short of getting married in thailand

tyson, how would getting married help you or the woman you would then need to support? also, i would take the idea of staying illegally in thailand right out of your head. overstaying your visa and being picked up will drop you right into the IDC jail and then being deported.

my suggestion is to try and get a non immigrant visa by mail from the thai consulate in houston while you are in the US. then come to thailand and try to find work or at least make contacts. if you don't find work within 3 months, go back to the US and save up some money. anything else on a shoestring budget is just too risky.

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i wasnt stating i would marry, thats was more of a sarcastic remark as to some of the things i have seen on the forums. The more i read about these visa's and requirements and what not, i almost dont want to go through the hassle just to visit a country for a yr or two if enjoyed. What about trying the thai council place here in oregon?

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Tyson, I have much to say to you and I dont think you'll like it but hopefully it will be helpful. First of all, the only way you can come to Thailand is on a tourist visa. Whether its a double or triple or whatever, thats the only visa you're going to get. You are not eligible for a Non-Immigrant visa because they are issued only for special purposes i.e marriage to or support of a Thai would be an "O" visa. For research and development of a business venture would allow you a "B" visa. Neither of these are related to your purpose of visitation.

How long do you want to stay in Thailand? If its only 6-12 months, then you could probably accomplish that through an initial double or triple tourist visa and then making a few border runs to Cambodia or Laos. After a few of them though, from what I have been hearing, you'll start to get turned down and be forced to leave. That will buy you about 1 year there. You could probably go to any Thai consulate in the US and get the tourist visa.

As far as your financial situation, with only 300 USD per month you will just be scrounging by. On the off-chance that you find a job, that would help tremendously but dont get your hopes up. At only 21 years of age, what is compelling you to come to Thailand? My first visit to Thailand was when I was only 20 and at first I hated it. Have you been here before? What are you looking to accomplish here? You might be able to get a student visa if you wanted to come here for school. Not sure about this though.

Anyway, good luck to you.

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As far as your financial situation, with only 300 USD per month you will just be scrounging by. On the off-chance that you find a job, that would help tremendously but dont get your hopes up. At only 21 years of age, what is compelling you to come to Thailand? My first visit to Thailand was when I was only 20 and at first I hated it. Have you been here before?

The voice of reason.

Please stay in the States up to the time you REALLY know why you are coming to Thailand for,....

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I cant afford the visa runs, which is why im looking at a non-immigrant visa. My parents are paying for everything, unless there is somwhere rather close to go in order to do the visa run then i will do it that way. I just cannot afford $500 every 3 mths to fly back to the united states. Im not to concerned about facilitys the apt i found is pretty decent. when move ill have $2000 afer plain ticket, its not like im not going to thailand with any money whatsoever its just hte afterwords income that will be givin to me. Im not only looking for it work, in fact if i dont need to work thats fine as well, more or less im looking just to go and "stay" ro an extended period of time. I dont know if this is better clarification as to what my goal is but if u have any questiosn ask. And im used to surviving, im not looking for a fancy life by all means, more or less just cultural immersion

Ok Did more research so im editing post, i guess i can get a 2mth tourist extend 1 mth, then pay to extend another mt at that point its 4 mths at the end of four mths fly into surrounding area and get my visa re instituted. This will cause a crunch in cash but ill just have parents keep 1 mth where i get more cash, ill just keep doing this until somehow i find a job or am able ot obtain a workvisa, I know i may not be coming down with most money but statistically the money i would have would be just enough to make me financially normal. So does this sound viable?

Dude, moving to thailand is not the answer for you. Stay in US and work for 20 years or more to make money then consider it. You are not ready. $300 per week might get you by. $300 a month is a joke. please forget about it

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Everything said above is true. Summarization: Don't do it!

I believe you will not take this as final advice, if you are determined to follow through with your plan. You do not say, why you chose Thailand, seems you have been here before and found this Baht 2500-place.

Now US$ 300.00 will not give you more than about Baht 11,000 (xch rate around 38 and deduct some banking charges) remain 8500 to live, eat and drink.

If by all means you must come, no offence, 21 is age where you can do a crazy thing or two. Do it, follow Dr.'s visa adv. 2-3 entries. The visa runs don't have to be done by plane, there are bus connections.

You parents support you, keep some of YOUR money safe with your parents. Just in case something happens that they can arrange for a ticket to go home.

To find work in IT, very doubtful, the competition is too big. To 'help' somebody here to fix the computer at home for let's say Baht 1000 each, is illegal and again the competition is big. Teaching (English or computer)? The laws are tightening to get a work permit.

If you come, set your first limit to 6-12 months. You don't like it or had enough of the cultural immersion, take the ticket-money and go home. In any case you will have had the experience.

You mentioned taking the risk of staying illegal hoping not to be caught. If not caught, you pay at departure a max fine of Baht 20,000 (+ US 500) If caught, however, detention, deportation and never come back. http://thaivisa.com/303.0.html

A word of warning on anything illegal. Don't do it. We just read of a fellow who stole a towel in a hotel, deporation. Drugs? Death penalty, usually reduced to jail and can be home after 40 years already.

Having said all this, I would not recommend to come here, but if you are determined , do it and take the limits and the fall-back of the return ticket.

Perhaps, think of health insurance as well. Accidents can happen and hospitals cost money.

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Im not looking for the rest of my life ot live in thailand, i only plan to stay about a year, come back to the states and hopefully have a finished novel by then. Funny that im writing a novel about the united states while i stay in a different country :o Scounging by is fine, consiering the average income in Baht is roughly 8000Bath 11000 puts me over the norm. Ive done my reasearch as far as cost of living and life in thailand its this whole visa thing thats got me running around in circles. My freind was in Malaysia and then went ot thailand and he stayed in the area something like 1 1/2 years. Then came back to the states, yet never mentioned to me how he managed to work out the issues with the visa.

Another quick ?, what about staying several mths at a time in thailand then going into malaysia for a mth or two, then back into thailand. Would something like that at least get me a year in the area?

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dude, now you're writing a novel? you sound a little mixed up. you are a young dude and should be cruising the US in a convertible bird dogging chicks. what makes you think you can live like a thai on a thai wage here? you cannot. your visa runs alone will chew up most of your budget. if you are going to do it, do it right. tell mommy and daddy to toss you a grand a month. it doesnt sound like they will so i would get a job in US like everyone else.

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I am already working on the novel its just something i can do while there. And to put it in the most simple term, Screw the united states and its pompous, self involved, stuck up, money loving people. U have to constrict to the norm here when the norm is worthless. Its all about being popular cant people just live there lives, and i had a job up until last week when the company downsized again. I just dont understand how my freind was able to get by on a budget of $250 a mth in malaysia and thailand and u guys say i cant with $300

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Hi there,

Your budget sounds low, but when you are young you can tolerate lots of things older folks cannot (like frequent upset stomachs).

So I think if you are willing to live in a non aircon depressing small room, eat street food, avoid taxis, greatly limit beer and bars, etc. etc., you could do this. In other words, live as close as possible to way poor Thais live. Of course, most Thais have strong local family/friends connections (usually sharing living space) so that also limits you.

Why can't you just try to get multiple entry tourist visas and play that game until it doesn't work anymore? Just make sure you have the money to fly home when you have to fly home.

See you at the street stalls.

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show me a farang who can stay in a room in thailand, eat, drink and do visa runs legally for 11000 bht per month.

you will last 2 minutes, do yourself a favour and get a job, earn some cash and then come here for a holiday, research means sweet fa, you need to see for yourself.

(living illegally if you have no choice is not a good option)

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I really dunno now, according to all my research i can live just fine. ###### i hiked across europe for 4 mths on $2000 im sure i can make this work, i just need to figure out where to start, how and what to do.

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lets see, 11000 baht/mo or 350 baht/day. lets back out the 2500/mo for the roach/rat infested flea bag room. you will have utilities of about 1000 min. OK you're up to 120/day for the room alone. your 350 budget is down to 230/day. go to bar and have 2 beers, 160 baht no tip. now you got 70 baht for food. hope you don't have anything else you need to buy, it'll blow your budget. visa runs will not fit into budget. no way no how. don't be illegal. you need to regroup. this will not work. we didn't even factor in transport or any other costs

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Well i dont drink.. hehe

And the room, located in meung thong thani has utilities included. Food ive found the chepaest places to eat and such already which is about 500 baht mthly if i can stick to it, when i need to go on a visa run my parents have already agreed to the extra money when the time comes, but as far as doing anything illegal no way.. im not spending 10 mths in jail for just having my shirt off... :o

But i do appreciate the input guys, i cant say im not going for sure, but at least i know what to expect if i do go, youve opened it up for me a little, i did my research but apparently i should have done more, its odd 3 years ago when i went to indonesia it wasnt nearly this hard

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Screw the united states and its pompous, self involved, stuck up, money loving people.

Yeah, in that case wait until you get to know the real Thailand, the land of smiles...Or was it the land of double-standards?

You know, everything here isn't as glamorous as you might think. I came here like you looking for a job and made it, but that was before the gouvernment started making it harder to get visas and work permits. If I had been scheduled to go today I would have reconsidered.

Man, 11.000 Baht is nothing here in Thailand! YOu know why the Thais can live on it? It's because they live together in families, they can't even afford an apartment of their own! They get by because often 8-10 people live together and share the rent!

When I first came here I lived on 20.000 Baht. That's enough to get by and for the visa runs, but it leaves you nothing extra!


Since you're a computer nerd, why don't you start making money online? It's actually easy once you know how to make a web site. Check it out here.


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Ive decided im going to put it off and go back to college i already have one degree but it wont hurt to finish with my MCSE and CCNA certifications, maybe with a better degree i can find a a company to sponsor me in the future. Thanks for all the input again guy's i easily would have gone on a whim, but id rather go when i know i dont have to look behind my shoulder, or worry about there im going to stay next.

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