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British teenager kept prisoner in his bedroom for two years released in dramatic rescue


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Staggering the level of racist vitriol there is on this website, especially when it comes from people who are immigrants in an Asian country. Maybe that doesn't count though.

With the new economic powerhouses being China (that's chinks to you racists) and India (that being Paki's to you bigots) I wonder how the members on here will feel when they are running the world and we are all working for them or maybe just asking them for handouts?

Don't you agree that this news story is more about Indian culture than British culture? That's all this discussion is about.

Having read the full news story in the link, which contains this sentence "The father, who has not been named, reportedly claimed neighbours were trying to poison them through the water system and that he was being targeted by the Russian mafia.", I'd say it's a lot more about a man with mental health problems than anything to do with Indian culture.

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I wish they would make the distinction between someone of British ethnicity (ie, cleaving to thousands of years of local culture) and someone simply holding a British passport (ie, having just turned up and made himself at home). Big difference.

They're reporting the news, not pandering to the sensitivities of the bigoted.

Bigoted, and racist.

At least he has a British passport. When the British occupied India, pillaged it and called it home for 200 years, they didn't bother to hold an Indian passport. Some people just don't seem to understand that in politics, economics and sociology, as in all other matters, you reap what you sow. But most of all, some people (or should I say most) have a very short memory span.

As for the 'thousand years of local culture' ...

1/ The Angles (who gave England its name) were of Germanic origin and invaded the islands in pre-Roman times.

2/ The conquest of England by the Romans started with Julius Caesar around 50 bc, continued by Claudius about a century later. Emperor Hadrian's wall was built around 125 AD.

3/ The Norman conquest of England occured in 1066 under the leadership of William II of Normandy. To this day, innumerable traces of the Norman/French culture are to be found in the English culture and language.

4/ Until 1917 the House of Windsor, to whom Her Gracious Majesty belongs, was called House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

All these 'foreign' influences didn't make English culture poorer, they made it richer. A richness wich is now severely under attack by parochialism, xenophobia and narrow-mindedness.

Impossible for any of the British occupiers to have held an Indian passport as there was no such thing until 1947.

Before that, there was the British Indian passport that was introduced in 1920 and was good for travel only within the British Empire and parts of Europe.

I'm totally aware of that, and you totally missed my point. It's kind of funny how much you missed it, actually. If you didn't take it for granted that other people are ignorants, you'd avoid making a fool of yourself, Sir.

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Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

To get back to the main topic, I find i thard to believe the neighbours knew the house was overrun with rats and cockroaches, yet did nothing. Also, and I guess this is where the Indian culture comes in.....Where were his Mother and Sister for the last two years ????sad.png

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Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

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Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

Personal experience, or application....?

Sorry, I don't understand the question.

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Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist Edited by i claudius
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Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

Any more silly questions?

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Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

Any more silly questions?

What like your silly answers?

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Staggering the level of racist vitriol there is on this website, especially when it comes from people who are immigrants in an Asian country. Maybe that doesn't count though.

I don't believe any posters on this forum are immigrants to Thailand (maybe one or two).

On my passport the stamp actually says I'm not an immigrant (in case I forget).

Edited by MissAndry
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Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

Any more silly questions?

What like your silly answers?

Would you like to elaborate on what you find 'silly' about them? Or is this just playground stuff now?

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The term racist has been hijacked by the extreme left and their liberal dupes to attack anyone who didagrees with their PC lunacy. I wear the term with pride now. Anti white and anti English racists won't acknowledge their deluded ideology has been corrupted.

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The term racist has been hijacked by the extreme left and their liberal dupes to attack anyone who didagrees with their PC lunacy. I wear the term with pride now. Anti white and anti English racists won't acknowledge their deluded ideology has been corrupted.

You're proud to be a racist?

What nice people this forum attracts.

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The term racist has been hijacked by the extreme left and their liberal dupes to attack anyone who didagrees with their PC lunacy. I wear the term with pride now. Anti white and anti English racists won't acknowledge their deluded ideology has been corrupted.

You're proud to be a racist?

What nice people this forum attracts.

Like all the left. You twist things ,he did not claim to be racist ,but shout away ,

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Dunroaming.....'Paki's' are from Pakistan.....not India.....whistling.gif

Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

Any more silly questions?

So someone who lives in Pakistan ,is a Pakistani and that's a race,but if your Irish or Welsh ,your not a "race" well ,well,

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Not according to a generation of British racists who apply the term to anyone who looks even vaguely like they're from the Indian Subcontinent.

Would that be like the racists that call someone Taffy if they sound a bit Welsh,or Paddy if they sound Irish ? Or in your mind would that not be racist

Racist? No. Neither Irish or Welsh is a race. However, both terms you mention can and have been used in a pejorative manner.

Any more silly questions?

So someone who lives in Pakistan ,is a Pakistani and that's a race,but if your Irish or Welsh ,your not a "race" well ,well,

You've completely missed the point I was making - that people use the term 'Paki' as a catch-all term for those from the Indian Subcontinent.

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If the English really were racist people of all colours and culture would not flock there where they have equality and tolerance under the law. It is unfortunate that one section of immigrants abused this situation - refused to integrate or assimilate and aided by the spurious philosophy of multi culturalist and diversity established a hostile , alien culture in our country.

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The term racist has been hijacked by the extreme left and their liberal dupes to attack anyone who didagrees with their PC lunacy. I wear the term with pride now. Anti white and anti English racists won't acknowledge their deluded ideology has been corrupted.

You're proud to be a racist?

What nice people this forum attracts.

Like all the left. You twist things ,he did not claim to be racist ,but shout away ,

I'm not twisting anything. He starts the post by referring to the term 'racist' and then says he's proud to be called one.

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If the English really were racist people of all colours and culture would not flock there where they have equality and tolerance under the law. It is unfortunate that one section of immigrants abused this situation - refused to integrate or assimilate and aided by the spurious philosophy of multi culturalist and diversity established a hostile , alien culture in our country.

Thankfully, the English aren't racist - just an unfortunately rather vocal minority of which you appear to be a member.

How's the assimilation into Thai culture going, by the way?

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If the English really were racist people of all colours and culture would not flock there where they have equality and tolerance under the law. It is unfortunate that one section of immigrants abused this situation - refused to integrate or assimilate and aided by the spurious philosophy of multi culturalist and diversity established a hostile , alien culture in our country.

Thankfully, the English aren't racist - just an unfortunately rather vocal minority of which you appear to be a member.

How's the assimilation into Thai culture going, by the way?

Wonderfully thank you ,married to a wonderful Thai with a son who has finished university,I have the best loving Thai family a man could wish for,thanks for asking

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If the English really were racist people of all colours and culture would not flock there where they have equality and tolerance under the law. It is unfortunate that one section of immigrants abused this situation - refused to integrate or assimilate and aided by the spurious philosophy of multi culturalist and diversity established a hostile , alien culture in our country.

Thankfully, the English aren't racist - just an unfortunately rather vocal minority of which you appear to be a member.

How's the assimilation into Thai culture going, by the way?

Wonderfully thank you ,married to a wonderful Thai with a son who has finished university,I have the best loving Thai family a man could wish for,thanks for asking

I didn't.

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I know that Paki's are from Pakistan, that is the point! Racists don't know the difference. I hear it chanted all the time. Two weeks ago my wife was shouted at in the street. "Go back to Pakistan, you're not wanted here!" My wife is from Thailand and light skinned for a Thai. Our Vietnamese friend was told to go back to China where he came from. He is a doctor at St. Georges Hospital.

You can't cure stupid!.

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I know that Paki's are from Pakistan, that is the point! Racists don't know the difference. I hear it chanted all the time. Two weeks ago my wife was shouted at in the street. "Go back to Pakistan, you're not wanted here!" My wife is from Thailand and light skinned for a Thai. Our Vietnamese friend was told to go back to China where he came from. He is a doctor at St. Georges Hospital.

You can't cure stupid!.

Sadly, the referendum seems to have given some racist dolts the impression that they have a mandate for their hatred. Its visible on here as well as in the real world.

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Well I lived with my wife and son in the UK for 10 years,in a shall we say town with a large Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants ,my wife and my son who had dozens of white friends,were tested only with respect except when she was spat at by an Indian guy,and when I was asked in an immigrants shop if I had bought her, you can't cure ignorant

Edited by i claudius
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Wonder what the boy's crime was...that a father would lockup his teen son and make him suffer so?

Where was the mother while this was going on?

We...the human race...appear to be morphing back into the animals...from which we came...

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The mind boggles. Just what would a teenager do locked up in his bedroom for 2 years? I would not want to wash the bed sheets. I can imagine the dad shouting "if you don't stop that you'll go blind son", er dad I'm over here!

A teenager is starved and physically abused by the father for 2 years and your one comment is a cheap masturbation joke......really?

Yeah, what a <deleted>.

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Love all the Pommy purists venting here.

Isn't it true that going out for a curry is more popular than fish and chips?

Most common name for a boy is mohammed or a derivative thereof?

And the same posters have the nerve to call Thais xenophobic.

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