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Is it true that most Thais believe that foreigners come here because LOS is amazing?

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Under £1 for a full English breakfast in the UK lol.... I seriously doubt it

A month ago I was there, a breakfast roll in a shop with bacon, eggs and hash brown and ketchup was about £3 to take outside and eat it in the car ...


8 GBP for a sparingly-filled BLT and a cup of tea in Pret a Manger when I was last there in January

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Thousands of places in the world to spend one's holiday. Many of them are truly amazing.

If anyone selects Thailand, they either believe it's amazing, they're after the cheap sex and consequence free booze, or they're idiots.

It seems from the OP's title that most Thais are giving us the benefit of the doubt. I wouldn't be so generous.

Edited by impulse
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Is it true that most Thais believe that foreigners come here because LOS is amazing?

Only the uneducated ones. Even those with a moderate education wonder why we'd rather be here than in a first world country they all aspire to visit/migrate to.


They're all desperate to visit or migrate to a "1st world" country?

Is it any wonder Thaivisa is as ridiculed as it is?

Agree, that does show a tremendous amount of ignorance. Mr. Dags has been hanging out with way too many bargirls.

Funny, I work in a big factory and not one of them have ever said to me "Why would you want to live here? Conversely none have ever said how they would want to go live in the US. The "luster" of wanting to live in the US, UK , Oz just isn't as appealing anymore. Visit...YES. Live NO!. Most know they leave here they cannot even remotely afford to live in those other countries. It always look so glamorous on TV but there is a brutal dark side to being in a "1st World" country.

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Normal people stay in their own countries, misfits (and the extremely poor) want to live in other countries.

"Normal people stay in their own countries?" Really? Actually Sheeple stay in the own country and live in an envelope. How can one speak cognizantly or factually about another country having never been? I hear stupid sheit all the time in the US like "I just had some really good Authentic Thai food" I ask, "Have you ever been to Thailand before?" They say No....I just laugh. Same for other countries. People are just stupid. I have a colleague who said to me "why would I want to go live in a country where people live in shacks on rivers where they wash their clothes in the same river they crap and pee in" I just looked at him and bust out laughing and said, Man you watch too many of the commercials on "Send your money to Care" or CNN. Ironically, people in the deep bayou areas of the South in the US live the same way. However people who live in affluent states never leave them and never see the atrocities in the US. Go to a Ghetto, or a projects area, Go to a backwoods area in Tennessee or a white trailer trash park in Bakersfield California.

On a side note, You know MissAndry I expect more from you than a ignorant post like that. 99% of the time you post level headed(at least the ones I read). I will excuse you this time. LOL!!!

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People are just stupid. I have a colleague who said to me "why would I want to go live in a country where people live in shacks on rivers where they wash their clothes in the same river they crap and pee in" I just looked at him and bust out laughing and said, Man you watch too many

What was funny about what he said? Bangkok isn't the whole of Thailand, and even then there are plenty of people living like that in and around BK if you look. Once you're out in the boonies, he's pretty much correct. Ever seen a sewage treatment works in Thailand? I haven't. Down south near the beaches and islands I can guarantee everyone is pooping and peeing in the sea, but only the tourists are daft enough to swim in the poop.

Edited by MissAndry
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People are just stupid. I have a colleague who said to me "why would I want to go live in a country where people live in shacks on rivers where they wash their clothes in the same river they crap and pee in" I just looked at him and bust out laughing and said, Man you watch too many

What was funny about what he said? Bangkok isn't the whole of Thailand, and even then there are plenty of people living like that in and around BK if you look. Once you're out in the boonies, he's pretty much correct. Ever seen a sewage treatment works in Thailand? I haven't. Down south near the beaches and islands I can guarantee everyone is pooping and peeing in the sea, but only the tourists are daft enough to swim in the poop.

Ohhh I am not in disagreement with you, however people seem to think in 1st world countries that doesn't happen. Its BS. Its all what people want to fixate on. In the US we tend to hide that part of it. Show all these top notch best of class areas and that is really only in affluent areas in some states. I have been by a few Ghetto's across the US and through some white trailer trash mobile home parks. Its interesting as GREAT as this deemed"1st country" screams it is that it happens and a lot more than people want to know. It might tarnish the image.

Yes Thailand lacks infrastructure but they have a viable excuse in many cases. They have a long way to go to meet many standards that most foreigners would like them too. Likely will not happen in my life time.

As for swimming in the oceans, totally depends on where and what part. I wont even near Pattaya, Hua Hin, Phuket. Its is a bad as going to Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta in Mexico or the Bahamas.

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Thousands of places in the world to spend one's holiday. Many of them are truly amazing.

If anyone selects Thailand, they either believe it's amazing, they're after the cheap sex and consequence free booze, or they're idiots.

They could be all of those things. One isn't exclusive of the other. I think Thailand is amazing, enjoy the cheap sex, consequence free booze and I am an idiot. I don't think I am alone here.

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I'm not reading all that.

Thai woman are amazing though, can find a new amazing one every day.

That's why Thailand is amazing, sit on the beach eating cheap food, drinking cheap piss and preparing for a night of debauchery.

What would you prefer

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Normal people stay in their own countries, misfits (and the extremely poor) want to live in other countries.

"Normal people stay in their own countries?" Really? Actually Sheeple stay in the own country and live in an envelope. How can one speak cognizantly or factually about another country having never been? I hear stupid sheit all the time in the US like "I just had some really good Authentic Thai food" I ask, "Have you ever been to Thailand before?" They say No....I just laugh. Same for other countries. People are just stupid. I have a colleague who said to me "why would I want to go live in a country where people live in shacks on rivers where they wash their clothes in the same river they crap and pee in" I just looked at him and bust out laughing and said, Man you watch too many of the commercials on "Send your money to Care" or CNN. Ironically, people in the deep bayou areas of the South in the US live the same way. However people who live in affluent states never leave them and never see the atrocities in the US. Go to a Ghetto, or a projects area, Go to a backwoods area in Tennessee or a white trailer trash park in Bakersfield California.

On a side note, You know MissAndry I expect more from you than a ignorant post like that. 99% of the time you post level headed(at least the ones I read). I will excuse you this time. LOL!!!

Why would you expect more from someone who's username literally means 'Man-hater' as a loan word from the original Greek 'Misandry/Misandrist'?

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Is it true that most Thais believe that foreigners come here because LOS is amazing?

Only the uneducated ones. Even those with a moderate education wonder why we'd rather be here than in a first world country they all aspire to visit/migrate to.

They're all desperate to visit or migrate to a "1st world" country?

Is it any wonder Thaivisa is as ridiculed as it is?

Agree, that does show a tremendous amount of ignorance. Mr. Dags has been hanging out with way too many bargirls.

Normal people stay in their own countries, misfits (and the extremely poor) want to live in other countries.

Nope. Normal people come here too. They just avoid the losers, same as they'd avoid their company back home.

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Do you ever say anything worthwhile about others on this site, Soibiker? It seems like you never add anything to a discussion other than how great you and your circle are. You average 11 posts a day and belittle people who come here. Do you ever have opinions that are sincere and not just meant to belittle others so you can feel better about yourself?

Every post you make seems to be intentionally designed to offend those you consider beneath yourself. Your mother must be very proud of you.

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Do you ever say anything worthwhile about others on this site, Soibiker? It seems like you never add anything to a discussion other than how great you and your circle are. You average 11 posts a day and belittle people who come here. Do you ever have opinions that are sincere and not just meant to belittle others so you can feel better about yourself?

Every post you make seems to be intentionally designed to offend those you consider beneath yourself. Your mother must be very proud of you.

Great post. Couldn't have said it better myself. I also wondered what his problem is with the constant daily, one line people putdowns, each and everyday. Some people really suffer bad from their superiority complex ...Sad !

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Thank you all for your comments.

It looks like some had a tough time managing more than 2 lines of my OP, which might have been the reason why you did not quite get to the more balanced, nuanced part (or the part when I talked about Texas).* However, you did look like you were very smart pigeon-holing me. Btw, I did stop reading your remark after the 2nd line too, but then there were only 2 lines., so it is a moot point. LOL Of course, if you only read the headline, the thesis, are you really giving the writer a fair chance? Are you not from Texas, yourself? "War and peace" could be written by one of those extremists. "Oh! No!" Are you really as open-minded as you pretend to be, going on chastising people so quickly, which is something that you probably are opposed to. Who is the guy (or the woman) from Texas. really?

Btw, I have lived in many countries and consider certain traits of certain cultures as a nuisance in the sense that they tend to artificially legitimize and entrench questionable behaviour, like speeding, tailgating, smoking up the region for 2 months, disturbing your neighbour with a barking dog at 2 a.m.,..The mai-pin-rai culture, the not-losing-face culture, do(es) exactly that. If taken to the extreme it becomes silly. That is what my thesis is. Btw, there are cultural traits from Texas (and not just Texas LOL) that need to be eradicated or smoothened too, at least. Shooting your neighbour over a barking dog at 3 a.m. is perhaps one of those behaviours. Spitting everywhere like some people do is high on most Thais' don't-do-don't-like lists. Insulting your neighbour's mother over a piece of paper that landed in your yard is another one of those. In other words, the middle ground of choosing to honk at someone to let them know that they are speeding like a dork (drunk or not) is a better course of action than just accepting it (with the possible and dire consequence of seeing body bags 1 km away). How are they supposed to know that they are dorks? Or "dorkettes" (who drive so slowly it becomes a hazard)? Sure, I can put up with a lot of spitting and lung damage, but at the end of the day, a culture, people of any culture must look at their own behaviour as a collective and ask themselves if it is that smart to do. Do Thais like to see their children go to the emergency for cancer of the lungs? Please tell me it is so. Over-compliance or patience is counter-productive in certain situations. When it comes to excessive tailgating, drivers cutting people off, or drinking-and-driving because, even though it is annoying to some, if no one does or says anything until there are 3 people dead ... in their immediate family, perhaps, then it is counter-productive. If you find the course of action of doing nothing the right course of action, I hope it does not happen to you. Wait! Dying is part of life. Right? LOL

Thank you for voicing your opinion though. Some of you made some good points. Yes, many foreigners are here for sexual reasons or love, but we all should know that most places in Thailand are much more affordable than Paris or London or New York (and even Texas), unless you like to live under a bridge, that is. Don't tell me that is not one major reasons some of you are here. Maybe many Thais do not wonder why we are here. However, I am sure officials (in the tourism industry or anyone who must "deal" with foreigners) do, as one poster mentioned.

* No, I am not from Texas or hold any extremist convictions, but it is convenient to pigeon-hole someone after reading a few lines, isn't it? LOL

Shorten your posts. Most of us will then read them. Few are on this site to read an essay. Sorry man, just make your points succinctly. Edited by jerojero
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Do you ever say anything worthwhile about others on this site, Soibiker? It seems like you never add anything to a discussion other than how great you and your circle are. You average 11 posts a day and belittle people who come here. Do you ever have opinions that are sincere and not just meant to belittle others so you can feel better about yourself?

Every post you make seems to be intentionally designed to offend those you consider beneath yourself. Your mother must be very proud of you.

Great post. Couldn't have said it better myself. I also wondered what his problem is with the constant daily, one line people putdowns, each and everyday. Some people really suffer bad from their superiority complex ...Sad !

To the contrary, I see his posts as a refreshing reminder that all in Thailand is not necessarily as it appears on tv.

There are a great number of expats in the country that are not here for sex for money or on the hunt for a mail order bride or someone to clean their houses and wipe their asses as they slowly die in front of their computers.

There are those of us who actually know professional Thais that belie the stereotypes you encounter when you purchase a wife for pleatsure and hang out in front of 7 11 or in dingy bars.

Why should we entirely give up our sensibilities because we have chosen to live in Thailand, why should I be content with a woman with little to no world view or education to even vaguely match my own? Lacking that education why wouldn't i prefer to spend time with someone with an inquisitive mind and some sort of common interest?

I don't find him negative, I find him to be a necessary reminder of what exactly you are giving up when you "settle" for a pad Thai, a cold chang and a plastic chair with your ill-matched partner and then have the gall to complain it is all Thailand's fault.

Just because his opinions don't gibe with your own, they are no less valid.

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Seeing as this is a sort of generalizing thread, I recon if the Thai in question isn't directly benefiting from your presence here; it's unlikely they will care if you live or die; let alone where you do it.

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""Normal people stay in their own countries, misfits (and the extremely poor) want to live in other countries.""

This is true.

The overwhelming percentage of the population of ANY country in the world is made up of people born there.

"Normal people" live their entire lives solely in their country of birth.

ALL the non-Thais living in Thailand are not representative of the population of their country of birth.

I came here as a misfit, and may soon also be poor; or dead.

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Dull people are content to spend their whole lives in one place. The inquisitive set out to experience more of the world.

I've met plenty of dull foreigners in Thailand.

Yeah. They're usually the ones who came here out of desperation rather than curiosity.

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There are a great number of expats in the country that are not here for sex for money or on the hunt for a mail order bride or someone to clean their houses and wipe their asses as they slowly die in front of their computers.

There are a great number of expats living in denial. I would actually say 99.99% of male expats I've seen in Thailand came here for exactly that.

With Naam and SoiBiker seeming to be the only male posters on this forum that seem to be approaching 'normal' relationships with women.

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There are a great number of expats in the country that are not here for sex for money or on the hunt for a mail order bride or someone to clean their houses and wipe their asses as they slowly die in front of their computers.

There are a great number of expats living in denial. I would actually say 99.99% of male expats I've seen in Thailand came here for exactly that.

With Naam and SoiBiker seeming to be the only male posters on this forum that seem to be approaching 'normal' relationships with women.

Pretty much all the expats I know have 'normal' relationships with their partners.

I guess the people you meet vary depending on the kind of places you hang out in.

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The truth is that most of us are here because it is cheaper to live here than in our home country. Our currency goes a whole lot more here than it goes in our country of origin.

My deepest sympathies, Thailand.

Edited by ravip
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I guess the people you meet vary depending on the kind of places you hang out in.

I hang out at home and on ThaiVisa. But see lots of expats while out and about in CM.

And with that, I think it's safe to discount your opinion on this matter

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