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Why waste time thinking about it? Just comply with the law.

Because the law says that this is okay. There is no written time limit for how long you can stay as a tourist. Europe has this in there law, Thailand not.

So why are the people in the consulates doing this? Rassism against farangs? Revenge for some additional work they have to do? Stupidity? Well i think it is the last.

Why don't you get the laws changed in Europe so that asians can stay long enough as much as they want on tourist visas, can work without proper permists because they bring some initial investment? If you say that you contribute to the economy of Asia, same way when asians work in West they also contribute to the economy. why do you cry that these asians take away the jobs and works which are rightfully (what you feel) yours? isn't is rassism against asians/africans/coloured or anyone belonging to developing country??????



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Here's an interesting question. If I use the Internet in Thailand, should I be paying taxes on my trading profits?


You need a workpermit and pay tax and VAT as your services are likely not in Thailand.


If Thailand draws the line at 90 days, so be it, time to move on.


As its exactly these kind of loopholes they are trying to prevent better start looking....


What loophole?

Did you not understand? There are no services involved. My profits come from my US stock and options trading accounts. The profits are channeled to bank accounts in other countries. International ATM's provide me with my living money here. My income is no different than any other income derived from abroad.

I will not be moving until I find out for sure whether or not back-to-back tourist visas will be issued next year....so if it's ok with you, I'll stay put for the time being. There's no stress about finding other countries, there are many.


They may decide you are no longer an asset (more of a social burden).

I wish they would sit down to decide whether I'm an asset or a social burden. Rignt now you have to be either rich, or employed by a major corporation. "Dear sir; we understand that you are a poor hippie with no employer. But you turn sand into gold, and you're feeding seven Thai people. Let's make a deal."

If you weren't feeding those 7 people they would have been dead by now. right? there is a old saying in my country, "The dog walking under the cart normally thinks he's carrying the cart"



I have lived and worked LEGALLY in Thailand for almost 20 years.

I have a company that pays it's taxes.

I pay my taxes, and get a refund every year.

The process is a pain to be sure, but it is a process and the law.

I have now opted for a multiple entry Non "B" visa because of the problem with the work permit expiring with the visa and during the process the 1 year visa can take 4-5 months to be issued which during this time you have to renew the work permit 4-5 times, I would rather go out on a short holiday every 3 months, when I come back get the work permit renewed. Also don't need to report address to Immigration every 3 months.

I have no problem with Non"B" visa's being issued AS LONG AS YOU HAVE A VALID WORK PERMIT

You must bring the work permit when you apply and have a copy of Every page signed and stamped.

Other documents are provided by my bookkeeper as required by the regulations.

Never a problem, never a question, and yes just got a new Non "B" last month.

I believe that the tourist visa rules are designed to prevent people from living and working in Thailand with out paying taxes. Or running a business or working for a business legal or not that does not pay the required Taxes or Social Insurance on it workers.

The moral is know and follow the rules and the process although strange sometimes and changes at times works.

If i fix a wheel to myself am i immune from paying tax? You know just like all the Thai food businesses. If the govt is that concerned with collecting taxes, they need to clean their closet out first.


Morning all,

To tell the truth I havent been giving the visa changes much thought up until recently and I am now wondering if my own situation is affected.

I am married to a Thai (western marriage but not yet Thai marriage) I work in China and rotate every 28 days between China and Thailand, spending my "off time" in Thailand with my wife, we also periodically return to Australia for short breaks.

I just land in Bangkok airport and get a 30 days visa as normal, but is there a risk of one day turning up at the counter to be told that I have exceeded the amount of entries into Thailand?

Also, should I decide to take a month off work and wish to stay for 90 days would this entail an application and approval prior to landing in Thailand?

I was also wondering if there is any benefit at this stage formalising the marriage in Thailand in respect to length of stay, ease of multple entry applications etc

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks Andy


60-day tourist visas are available in Tokyo for only 3,000 yen, which is about 900 baht. However, you must show your ticket to Thailand (one-way ticket is okay) as well as a statement of balance from your bank, to prove funds. An ATM printout will not do for this one, you will need a signed statement from your bank.

Although the requirements are lengthier than in Singapore and Malaysia, having multiple tourist visas from the same year does not seem to be a problem.

I remembered I accompanied a trip with another Swedish friend to Yangon and he went to Thai Yangon embassy try to get double visa, it was about 3 months ago. And they told them Yangon embassy is for Myanmar people to go to Thailand and not for the purpose of issuing visa to other foreigners. My friend asked for this time a single visa, but they refused him as well repeating that Yangon embassy is for people of Myanmar only. They told them to get else where.

About the foreign exodus, i think it has already begun. My Bangkok sevice apartment is very empty. The manager said it has never been like this slow in his memory. He said maybe due to the military coup and also became confusing and troublesome for long stay in Thailand. I am leaving in Jan as well and be back to Asia in sep 2007 and i hope not to see deserted Sukumvit, Silom, Pattaya, with all the neon signs turned off. :o

The exodus has begun in my opinion. We have a small takeaway shop amongst 25 beer bars on Loi Kroh Road in Chiang Mai. There are no single men tourists in the bars. At first i thought it was just our centre but now I can see it is most of the bars. I thought it was the coupe but now from what i read above im realising it is the Visas not been issued to single men. They want their package tourists and thats what they have getting. Loads of em up here . They walk around and dont spend a brass razoo on the small businesses. I dont understand why the Government want this type of tourist as they eat only in the hotels etc which are mostly foreign owned.

Anyway Ive had enough of Thailand after 6 years. Its obvious to me they want westerners out and I will respect that request. Moving the wife and two kids to Oz as soon as I can. Have very little interest in returning . I find their small mindness too much to take anymore. One prediction that i will make is that the next step will be the removal of Beer Bars and Go Go Bars. This will begin in Chiang Mai first and then be a policy over Thailand. Personally I dont blame them for wanting to do this and clean the place up but the way they go about things is ludicrous.

Good luck to all with your visas.


Hmmm.... what I dont quite get here is why everyone is whining about "tough" VISA rules in Thailand.

Since they are not that tough in any which way i look at it, they are STILL very liberate ...

Except if you want to stay there illegaly, and they are still liberate if you compare to other places.


You should allready be clear that before the new VISA Rules this was the fact.

Thailand wants Tourists!

Thailand do NOT WANT FARANGS to LIVE in Thailand (if they are not rich)

Thailand do not want criminal farangs to live in Thailand (unless they are rich)

Thailand want their investment money to stay inside Thailand (unless you are rich or super rich)

After these new rules:

Thailand wants Tourists!

Thailand do NOT WANT FARANGS to LIVE in Thailand (if they are not rich)

Thailand do not want criminal farangs to live in Thailand unless they are rich

Thailand want their investment money to stay inside Thailand (unless you are rich)

So the difference is ?

Very clear...

You can from now on not live in Thailand as a Farang if you are not rich :-)

So all non criminal Thais that are involved in Thailand and loves Thailand but

tries to live a good life for a small penny they are indeed no longer welcome to the

land of smiles aka Thailand... its a pity since I have studied Thai for 2 years and

had a vision of staying there, as far as these new fascist rules goes I would say

I am glad Laos still is communist.

Its sad, because I think that what they are aiming at if they are aiming at anything else

than more money through real VISAS is that they want to get rid of the "criminal" elements

that lives in Thailand with Tourist VISA:s but ...

Its a tough act but its too weak to get rid of the criminals if thats their purpose.

If they want more money from VISA:s why dont they keep the old rules but

make a VISA fee for 20$ for every VOA instead that would be so much easier...

I would say the whole VISA rule thing is a typical "I dont know what to do but lets do something and see what happens thing" its not very well thought through and they need to

thighten up some parts more and make the life of descent people that are ok easier.

It can be done I am sure ...


60-day tourist visas are available in Tokyo for only 3,000 yen, which is about 900 baht. However, you must show your ticket to Thailand (one-way ticket is okay) as well as a statement of balance from your bank, to prove funds. An ATM printout will not do for this one, you will need a signed statement from your bank.

Although the requirements are lengthier than in Singapore and Malaysia, having multiple tourist visas from the same year does not seem to be a problem.

Maybe I am slow, but I heard that the tourist visas now is issued for 90 days and NOT 60, as you all put it. Am I wrong? :o


60-day tourist visas are available in Tokyo for only 3,000 yen, which is about 900 baht. However, you must show your ticket to Thailand (one-way ticket is okay) as well as a statement of balance from your bank, to prove funds. An ATM printout will not do for this one, you will need a signed statement from your bank.

Although the requirements are lengthier than in Singapore and Malaysia, having multiple tourist visas from the same year does not seem to be a problem.

Maybe I am slow, but I heard that the tourist visas now is issued for 90 days and NOT 60, as you all put it. Am I wrong? :o

was a reporting mistake by a newspaper..Still standard 60 day per entry TV only with provision to extend up to 30 days or less depending on your nationality


I know many people like myself that are perpetual tourists. How? We make our living using the Internet. All I need is a reliable internet connection and I'm able to be a tourist anywhere.

I haven't lived in my home country for many years, and don't need to.



Sure, there are embassies all over the world. The point you haven't quite grasped is that all of the neighboring countries, if they will issue a tourist visa, have made anything over a single entry unobtainable (maybe with the exception of KL as some have reported success there in obtaining 2 -entry TVs).

Add to that the 1,900 baht extension and 3 visa runs at around 2200 each. For a 6-month stay, that's around 20,000 baht, 5 full days work plus time down at the Immigration Office to get one extension.

I am not saying this is good news but your scenario would indicate about 3,300 baht a month average cost to stay in the kingdom for 1 year. That's not so terrible. You can cut back a little on bar girls and booze and maybe shop a little harder and smarter and save that without any real change in standard of living.

If your complaining about missing work in Pattaya and don't have a B visa and work permit then yeah the government is targeting you. If on the other hand your under 50 and don't work and have free time then 4 or so visa runs a year is not that bad. Kinda breaks up the monotony of goofing around everyday.

It takes away my choice to go where I want to when I want to because they are single-entry TV's that allow 60 days if you don't leave before your sixty days are up. What say I needed to exit Thailand after a few weeks into my 60 days for some reason or other (shit happens). In that case I've basically wasted my time getting a visa and will need to start again. TV's are very inflexible.

Is it possible to get a re-entry prermit if you have a single entry tourist visa and have to leave unexpectedly? If you have a single entry non-imm visa you can get a single or multiple re-entry permit which will allow you to leave and return during your allowed permission to stay time without problem. Is this possible with a TV?


It takes away my choice to go where I want to when I want to because they are single-entry TV's that allow 60 days if you don't leave before your sixty days are up. What say I needed to exit Thailand after a few weeks into my 60 days for some reason or other (shit happens). In that case I've basically wasted my time getting a visa and will need to start again. TV's are very inflexible.

Is it possible to get a re-entry prermit if you have a single entry tourist visa and have to leave unexpectedly? If you have a single entry non-imm visa you can get a single or multiple re-entry permit which will allow you to leave and return during your allowed permission to stay time without problem. Is this possible with a TV?


:o The system of getting Visas in surrounding countries has been abused for many years so stronger messures should be implemented for security reasons at the least. Some folks just wanna write the immigration laws themselves for their comfort of living in LOS. Read the rules first and then play by them. :D I do. :D

..well l guess it is sorting out the people who unfortunately decide to live here in Thailand for vritually nothing, work with no work permits and dont pay taxes and causes us who are following the law recieve grief when we have to renew our work permits, visas etc.....btw, this happened in 1989/1990 for a short period too and l remember Hong Kong stopped issuing visas for people who had already one tourist visa in their passort - same reason give as Rangoon - 'you stay long enough in Thailand'...

"I believe that the tourist visa rules are designed to prevent people from living and working in Thailand with out paying taxes. Or running a business or working for a business legal or not that does not pay the required Taxes or Social Insurance on it workers."

That is exactly correct. Thailand isn't trying to keep people out, just trying to make them honest.

How long is long enough as a tourist?

I should think 90 days is enough time in Thailand as a tourist.

We all know most people doing the border runs are not being honest about their actual intentions so, I'm not sure why foreigners get angry with the Thai's when in fact the foreigners are breaking the law.

This is not our country; we are guests here and must follow the rules. The reason for the "crack down" is because, many of us don't follow the rules and it makes it bad for everyone. The lack of respect I have seen towards Thai officials doesn't help either.

It's tiring to read the same old khrap all the time...

There are people under 50, who do not want or wish or need to work, who do not want to do business, who do not therefore evade tax, who are not breaking any rule or law and never have been (doing visa run was not breaking a rule...) and for which there is currently NO visa available other than tourist.

If there was a law that fordad long time tourism in Thailand please point it at me. And as far as I know there is still no such law, just a restriction on the amount of time you can spend in thailand without a Tourist visa. So again, visa run are not against the law and application for TV are not against the law neither.

Now if the Thai really want to make things clear and simple they should draft a law that clearly say: Foreigners can stay in thailand for tourism purpose for X day a year. End of the story. For sure it might not look nice on glossy amazing Thailand prospectus ...

So you are right there is no point in getting upset at the official, but why not creating a visa allowing people in the situation above mentioned to happily SPEND their money in Thailand as long as they can on a visa that they will be ready and happy to pay for???

The "crackdown" is just a populist diversion as many other used by Thaksin and thai politicians.



Certain airlines work together with visa agencies the KLM does this for instancde. you apply for the visa online, send your passport (no matter from which country) you pay online or in cash and they send your passport and visa back. The big advantage is that you can get a year visa (6 entries) in any European country for as little as 175€.

Kinda breaks up the monotony of goofing around everyday.

Yes, it certainly does get you out of the house, but personally I do what you suggested and I use the visa run as an opportunity to do something different. For me this gets expensive as I'm not a good budget traveller.

For example, last time I went to Penang I ended staying 5 days and blew a lot of money on shopping and other entertainment. That time I got a 3-entry TV, so it's not so bad to do that every 9 months, but changing it to a single entry TV makes a huge difference.

Previously on a 3-entry TV, 9 months with 2 Cambodia border runs.

Now, 9 months would theoretically require 2 trips to Penang and 3 border runs...and only if we can mix border runs with TV's indefinitely which has yet to be seen.


I know many people like myself that are perpetual tourists. How? We make our living using the Internet. All I need is a reliable internet connection and I'm able to be a tourist anywhere.

I haven't lived in my home country for many years, and don't need to.


Then presumably you have a work permit (assuming that your internet business requires you to do some work) and pay your taxes. Then you should be able to stay in Thailand without problem.

When the changes were announced months ago some officials did say that foreigners in future would need to apply for proper tourist visas "in their home countries".

If I can add a few thoughts on this whole visa subjetc: It strikes me that Thailand is now doing what many countries have done as they develop - keeping the foreigners who can contrbute towards the country - professionals, teachers, experts etc. The UK, Australia, the US and many others have done the same. You let all sorts in for years and then when you have the right people making some sort of contribution, you tighten your immigration laws to stop it becomng a free for all. The UK is now one of the most difficult places ( unless you're an Albanian gangster, then its OK to stay), Australia used to be easy, now it isn't. Ask a Mexicanor any foreigner about the US. You get my point. So, if your useful you stay, if you're freeloader on the cheap, then thank you, but no thanks. Seems fair enough, although the way Thailand is doing it does seem a bit odd.

For my self I came here in July to work for a Thai company. No problem until the goalposts moved, and the company is now undercapitalized by 1m Baht and should not qualify for my work permit. I have to get a B visa, and that seems difficult. Do I take a chance on a trip Pnohm Pehn or go back to UK at Xmas and get it there? Any suggestions most welcome.

I can sure see where this is headed.

Falangs mai dee - get out.


Got a Multiple-entry Non-immigrant "O-A" in Dubai with no difficulty. The visa office was jam packed with happy people being issued tourist visa for tourism and long-stay visas if a long stay was the applicants intention.

If you apply for the appropriate visa in the appropriate place with the appropriate qualifications, you'll be welcomed without hesitation.

Predictions of mass exodus are made on this message board every time the Thai government does something. Regulation of the sex "industry," earlier closing hours, allowing the baht to appreciate, transitional military coup, dual pricing for national parks or song taeows, whatever...according the the message board seers, all the high-quality falang are rushing to the exits.

Actually, it's just the opposite. One falang who spends an average of Baht 150,000 a month is worth more than five border-runners or English "teachers" or dive instructors who get by on Baht 30,000 a month, most of which is not derived from foreign sources.


Sorry but there is no Thai consulate in Kota Kinabalu.

Yes sorry. No consulate in KK but short bus/boat/plane ride from KK to Thai consulate in Brunei which is fairly friendly. The easiest way from KK to Brunei is taking a ferry for 4 hours. I remember it being about 50 malaysian ringgits (approx 500 baht each way on ferry) Interesting place to visit also. Cheap flight from BKK on AirAsia to KK.

Brunei, Royal Thai Embassy

Lot 25251, Simpang 683

Jalan Tutong

Kampong Bunut

Bandar Seri Begawan BF 1320

Brunei Darussalam

Tel: (673 2) 653108 / 9, 653311 (Visa Section)

Fax: (673 2) 653032

Do you have to apply for a visa for entering Brunei ? If YES, how much do they charge ?



I am married to a Thai (western marriage but not yet Thai marriage) I work in China and rotate every 28 days between China and Thailand, spending my "off time" in Thailand with my wife, we also periodically return to Australia for short breaks.

If you are married that is it. :D

It does not matter where it happened.

Any Thai marriage ceremony will only be sybolic, otherwise you will be a bigamist. :o


Of course, targeting those under 50 will eventually lead to an expat community of elderly old farts in need of social assistance. For those of you who think the "visa bar" will never reach your neck and that you are immune because you are "grandfathered" in, think again. They may decide you are no longer an asset (more of a social burden). At that point, I think it is more than probable that the grandfathered laws will be abrogated.

And what will you face look like when you get that news? Like this: :D Good luck!

"in need of social assistance" :D

JR Texas (51, USA, in China and in no need of social assistance): Reply to Dr. Pat Pong: Please tell me why "in need of social assistance" is so funny. :o Think about it. Most old farts need some type of assistance........social (people helping them). They can be a pain in the ass....but we help them because they are often our relatives and we love them. :D

In Thailand many of the old expat farts will not have such assistance. Their young girl friends will no longer be around. The wife will have already run off with the money and the house. The wife's relatives will not give a ###### what happens to you. :D

And governments (expats govt.) may or may not assist. No doubt pension money will be dry to the bone by this time. Lots of people are losing pensions. It will not be a good situation.

Thailand may start to see the growing army of expat old farts as a liability and want more young farts. Laws may change. Grandfathered laws may go out the window. :D

I do not think this is so funny. I think it is something that should be taken seriously and discussed. It does relate directly to the visa rules and regulations. :D

p.s., sorry about my comments about "cleaning." Sounded too much like "cleansing" to me and had just watched Schindler's List on DVD....bad timing. :D

I thought you meant that Thailand had to take on this social role. That was what I saw as funny, Sorry.

Got a Multiple-entry Non-immigrant "O-A" in Dubai with no difficulty. The visa office was jam packed with happy people being issued tourist visa for tourism and long-stay visas if a long stay was the applicants intention.

Please note the O-A visa is for retirement only, so you must be over 50 years of age. :o

Closer inspection may show that you need to be a resident of the area to qualfiy for a vsa from Dubai.

Many, if not most of the bargirls work to send money to their poverty stricken family.

Dunno, seen quite a fair few who just pocket the money, spend it wildly and recklessly on themselves and then plead poverty shortly after the money runs out.

Hardly vermin in my opinion.

I suggest you look up the dictionary definition of vermin, you will see it applies quite nicely.

As for the girls that con people - you will come across those in all walks of life - not just in bars and certainly in Singapore as well.

I was talking about the people in general. Genuinely friendly and I find the girls are a LOT more attractive, plus there is no racism or xenephpobia there (racism is a serious offence in Singapore). People just get along together regardless of their skin colour.

I for one will be delighted when you leave. :o

Ahhhh, the old don't let the door slam you in the arse on your way out. Very constructive and friendly. I don't know how long you have been in Thailand or how much Thai you speak but it might pay to open your eyes a bit more, on second thoughts maybe you should just stay blinkered for a few more years in your false idyll. Anyway, fortunately I am wealthy enough that I can live anywhere I want and that may or may not be Thailand. Up to me...


Why waste time thinking about it? Just comply with the law.

Because the law says that this is okay. There is no written time limit for how long you can stay as a tourist. Europe has this in there law, Thailand not.

So why are the people in the consulates doing this? Rassism against farangs? Revenge for some additional work they have to do? Stupidity? Well i think it is the last.

Why don't you get the laws changed in Europe so that asians can stay long enough as much as they want on tourist visas, can work without proper permists because they bring some initial investment? If you say that you contribute to the economy of Asia, same way when asians work in West they also contribute to the economy. why do you cry that these asians take away the jobs and works which are rightfully (what you feel) yours? isn't is rassism against asians/africans/coloured or anyone belonging to developing country??????



Unlike Thailand, there are laws in Europe that say HOW LONG you can stay as a tourist. For information a Tourist visa to the UK is for 6 months, multiple entries and once there you can apply for a schengen visa ( i know, I did it for my partner).

People who come in Thailand for business BRING IN initial investment whilst asian working abroad TAKE OUT money to send it back to their familly (and I don't condemn that!)

The jobs taken by asians in Europe are not available to foreigners in Thailand (heard of the restricted list of activities for foreigners???).

You talk about racism but what about the different minimun salary for foreigners? On what ground a chinese is worth less than an american?

So please don't compare apples and pears...

I would be the first to be very happy if Europe would relax its law on immigration, it would make my personal life much easier than having to shuttle between here and there.


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