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Unofficial TV survey


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Due to the overwhelming response to the topic of the TV survey I thought it only appropriate to conduct a non bias survey of my own open to any and all members of Thai Visa.

Please take the time to carefully read the questions and answer truthfully.

1. Do you live inside of Thailand

2. If you do not live in Thailand, where do you live

3. If you reside in Thailand, in which city do you live.

4. Do you own a property

5. Do you own a motorcycle

6. Do you own a car or truck

7. Are you working for an employer

8. Do you own your own business

9. Are you married

10. Do you have children

11. Are you retired

12. Are you a tourist

13. What is your age

14. Are you a male or female

15. Do you earn over 100000b per month

16. Are you

A. Deliriously blissfull

B. Blissfull

C. Extremely happy

D. Happy.

E. I'm okay

F. Unhappy

G. Miserable

17. Do you feel that the country is safe?

A. Extremely safe

B. Very safe

C. Safe

D. Not safe

E. Dangerous

18. Please rate Thai visas news coverage

A. Excellent

B. Very good

C. Good

D. Ok

E. Could be better

F. Horrible

19. Moderation cannot be discussed, so unfortunately this portion cannot be part of the survey.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

20. Do you sleep more during the day or in the evening?

21. What other social media do you use?

22. Which new outlet other than Thai Visa do you get your new?

23. Do you use the Thai Visa website, app and newsletter service everyday?

24. Do you have health insurance?

25. Do you think this topic will be removed?

I will leave this topic open from July 11th 2016 until July 18th 2016.

Please feel free to PM me your responses or leave them for all to see.

Results from this survey will be available on July 25th 2016 or not at all if TV has anything to say about it.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this unofficial TV survey.

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Okay <deleted> not?

1. Do you live inside of Thailand? Yes
2. If you do not live in Thailand, where do you live? In a condo
3. If you reside in Thailand, in which city do you live? Bangkok
4. Do you own a property? No, other than condos foreigners can not own property.
5. Do you own a motorcycle? No
6. Do you own a car or truck? No
7. Are you working for an employer? No
8. Do you own your own business? Yes but not in Thailand.
9. Are you married? No I am gay and have a partner.
10. Do you have children? No
11. Are you retired? Sort of.
12. Are you a tourist? No
13. What is your age? 40
14. Are you a male or female? Male
15. Do you earn over 100000b per month Well over that but live on under 10,000 per month.

16. Are you
A. Deliriously blissfull
B. Blissfull
C. Extremely happy
D. Happy.
E. I'm okay E
F. Unhappy
G. Miserable

17. Do you feel that the country is safe?
A. Extremely safe
B. Very safe
C. Safe but using caution is helpful these days.
D. Not safe
E. Dangerous

18. Please rate Thai visas news coverage
A. Excellent
B. Very good
C. Good
D. Ok
E. Could be better Somewhere between could be better and horrible. The articles can be amusing but appear to be written by 5th graders at times.
F. Horrible

19. Moderation cannot be discussed, so unfortunately this portion cannot be part of the survey.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10. We shall not speak about such things which says a lot in and of itself.

20. Do you sleep more during the day or in the evening? Day

21. What other social media do you use? all the usual suspects.

22. Which new outlet other than Thai Visa do you get your new? again too many to list.

23. Do you use the Thai Visa website, app and newsletter service everyday? The app sure, they have a newsletter?

24. Do you have health insurance? yes

25. Do you think this topic will be removed? Does it matter?
Please tell me I get a discount certificate at Sizzlers for filling this out.
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1. Do you live inside of Thailand - Yes
2. If you do not live in Thailand, where do you live N/A
3. If you reside in Thailand, in which city do you live.- EASTERN SEA BOARD
4. Do you own a property - YES
5. Do you own a motorcycle - YES
6. Do you own a car or truck - YES
7. Are you working for an employer - YES
8. Do you own your own business - NO
9. Are you married - YES
10. Do you have children- YES but not in Thailand
11. Are you retired - NO
12. Are you a tourist - NO
13. What is your age - 50
14. Are you a male or female - Male
15. Do you earn over 100000b per month - YES

16. Are you
A. Deliriously blissfull
B. Blissfull
C. Extremely happy
D. Happy.
E. I'm okay
F. Unhappy
G. Miserable

17. Do you feel that the country is safe?
A. Extremely safe
B. Very safe
C. Safe
D. Not safe
E. Dangerous

18. Please rate Thai visas news coverage
A. Excellent
B. Very good
C. Good
D. Ok
E. Could be better
F. Horrible

19. Moderation cannot be discussed, so unfortunately this portion cannot be part of the survey.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

20. Do you sleep more during the day or in the evening? - Evening
21. What other social media do you use? - None of your business
22. Which new outlet other than Thai Visa do you get your new? Can't say will get banned
23. Do you use the Thai Visa website, app and newsletter service everyday? - No I unsubscribed
24. Do you have health insurance? YES

right so whats my prize ?...I wish to donate it to a well known member and one of the mods

Edited by Bunnychow
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1. Do you live inside of Thailand Yes.
2. If you do not live in Thailand, where do you live
3. If you reside in Thailand, in which city do you live. Sakon Nakhon.

4. Do you own a property No.
5. Do you own a motorcycle Yes.
6. Do you own a car or truck Yes.
7. Are you working for an employer No.
8. Do you own your own business No.
9. Are you married Yes.
10. Do you have children Step kids.
11. Are you retired Yes.
12. Are you a tourist No.

13. What is your age 67.
14. Are you a male or female Male.
15. Do you earn over 100000b per month You're joking.

16. Are you
A. Deliriously blissfull
B. Blissfull
C. Extremely happy
D. Happy.
E. I'm okay
F. Unhappy
G. Miserable

17. Do you feel that the country is safe?
A. Extremely safe
B. Very safe
C. Safe
D. Not safe
E. Dangerous

18. Please rate Thai visas news coverage
A. Excellent
B. Very good
C. Good
D. Ok
E. Could be better
F. Horrible

19. Moderation cannot be discussed, so unfortunately this portion cannot be part of the survey.
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

20. Do you sleep more during the day or in the evening? Evening.

21. What other social media do you use? Line. Face book.

22. Which new outlet other than Thai Visa do you get your new? Flip board. Internet radio.

23. Do you use the Thai Visa website, app and newsletter service everyday? Mostly.

24. Do you have health insurance? No.

25. Do you think this topic will be removed? Shouldn't be.

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Polls such as this are childish and a poor reflection of the needs, wants, interests and daily realities of Thailand's broader expat community.

School fees, for example, are a major consideration, as are 4EX rates (particularly in view of Brexit).

Way too many of these polls focus on twaddle.

Does anyone actually care if ThaiVisa's news coverage is comprehensive? Does anyone even bother reading it, let alone take it seriously?

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Why survey no easy?

1. Do you live inside of Thailand - YES, UNFORTUNATELY
2. If you do not live in Thailand, where do you live
3. If you reside in Thailand, in which city do you live. - BANGKOK, UNFORTUNATELY
4. Do you own a property - NO
5. Do you own a motorcycle - HELL NO
6. Do you own a car or truck - YES, A CAR
7. Are you working for an employer - YES
8. Do you own your own business - NO
9. Are you married - NOT YET
10. Do you have children - NOT THAT I KNOW OF
11. Are you retired - NO, BUT I WISH I WAS
12. Are you a tourist - NO
13. What is your age - 28
14. Are you a male or female - MALE
15. Do you earn over 100000b per month - YES, IF CONVERTED TO THB
16. Are you
A. Deliriously blissfull
B. Blissfull
C. Extremely happy
D. Happy.
E. I'm okay
F. Unhappy <- THIS ONE
G. Miserable

17. Do you feel that the country is safe?
A. Extremely safe
B. Very safe
C. Safe
D. Not safe
E. Dangerous <- THIS ONE

18. Please rate Thai visas news coverage
A. Excellent
B. Very good
C. Good <- THIS ONE
D. Ok
E. Could be better
F. Horrible

19. Moderation cannot be discussed, so unfortunately this portion cannot be part of the survey.

20. Do you sleep more during the day or in the evening? - I SLEEP AT NIGHT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON (BUT NOT ENOUGH)

21. What other social media do you use? - NONE, FOR REAL

22. Which new outlet other than Thai Visa do you get your new? - GOOGLE NEWS, THE ECONOMIST, BBC, 'MURICA (FOX, CNN, ETC.)

23. Do you use the Thai Visa website, app and newsletter service everyday? - NO

24. Do you have health insurance? - YES

25. Do you think this topic will be removed? - NO

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Why survey no easy?

1. Do you live inside of Thailand - YES, UNFORTUNATELY

2. If you do not live in Thailand, where do you live

3. If you reside in Thailand, in which city do you live. - BANGKOK, UNFORTUNATELY

4. Do you own a property - NO

5. Do you own a motorcycle - HELL NO

6. Do you own a car or truck - YES, A CAR

7. Are you working for an employer - YES

8. Do you own your own business - NO

9. Are you married - NOT YET

10. Do you have children - NOT THAT I KNOW OF

11. Are you retired - NO, BUT I WISH I WAS

12. Are you a tourist - NO

13. What is your age - 28

14. Are you a male or female - MALE

15. Do you earn over 100000b per month - YES, IF CONVERTED TO THB

16. Are you

A. Deliriously blissfull

B. Blissfull

C. Extremely happy

D. Happy.

E. I'm okay

F. Unhappy <- THIS ONE

G. Miserable

17. Do you feel that the country is safe?

A. Extremely safe

B. Very safe

C. Safe

D. Not safe

E. Dangerous <- THIS ONE

18. Please rate Thai visas news coverage

A. Excellent

B. Very good

C. Good <- THIS ONE

D. Ok

E. Could be better

F. Horrible

19. Moderation cannot be discussed, so unfortunately this portion cannot be part of the survey.

20. Do you sleep more during the day or in the evening? - I SLEEP AT NIGHT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON (BUT NOT ENOUGH)

21. What other social media do you use? - NONE, FOR REAL

22. Which new outlet other than Thai Visa do you get your new? - GOOGLE NEWS, THE ECONOMIST, BBC, 'MURICA (FOX, CNN, ETC.)

23. Do you use the Thai Visa website, app and newsletter service everyday? - NO

24. Do you have health insurance? - YES

25. Do you think this topic will be removed? - NO

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

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1. Do you live inside of Thailand....................Yes
2. If you do not live in Thailand, where do you live...... n/a
3. If you reside in Thailand, in which city do you live........Near Sukhothai 14k out in a village Muang Kao.
4. Do you own a property.......... Cannot own here so NO but l bought it. laugh.png
5. Do you own a motorcycle.......Yes 650 Versys......my scooter is in my wife's name.
6. Do you own a car or truck......No...both in wife's name.
7. Are you working for an employer......No retired.
8. Do you own your own business......No don't want to.
9. Are you married.........Yes to Thai wife.
10. Do you have children......Yes 5 and 2 adopted.
11. Are you retired..........Yes since 2005.
12. Are you a tourist.......laugh.png

13. What is your age.....69 and l like 69 whistling.gif

14. Are you a male or female.....Definitely a Man.

15. Do you earn over 100000b per month.....laugh.png my pensions don't add up to that.

16. Are you
C. Extremely happy........without a doubt.

17. Do you feel that the country is safe?
A. Extremely safe

18. Please rate Thai visas news coverage
E. Could be better

19. Moderation cannot be discussed, so unfortunately this portion cannot be part of the survey.

20. Do you sleep more during the day or in the evening?.......blink.png at night
21. What other social media do you use?..........Facebook for chats with the kids & grandchildren.
22. Which news outlet other than Thai Visa do you get your news ?.......BBC.
23. Do you use the Thai Visa website, app and newsletter service everyday?.....Nah.
24. Do you have health insurance?..................Yep...32,000 baht per year including accident cover.
25. Do you think this topic will be removed?........Why ? laugh.png

I will leave this topic open from July 11th 2016 until July 18th 2016.

Please feel free to PM me your responses or leave them for all to see.
Results from this survey will be available on July 25th 2016 or not at all if TV has anything to say about it.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this unofficial TV survey.......Your Welcome. clap2.gif

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