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Expat Survey: Was widely shared across social media and Thaivisa, say company

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Expat Survey: Was widely shared across social media and Thaivisa, say company


BANGKOK: -- Thaivisa has hit back after claims were made by forum members who said they had no opportunity to take part in a survey about life in Thailand.

The report on the survey results that came out yesterday said that expats in Thailand were “deliriously happy” and considered Thailand a safe place to live and work.

A significant number of posts followed with many suggesting that it seemed like April 1st all over again.

Though not all agreed Car720 said: "The only thing missing here (on the report) are the words ‘Thaivisa advertisement’. Did anyone else not see this survey? Talk about
destroying your own credibility”.

RayK claimed that the 884 respondents had been hand chosen and challenged Thaivisa to create a survey that every member could participate in.

But Thaivisa management said that is precisely what they did and that this was the reason so many people responded – along with a prize of two nights in a luxury villa for lucky respondents that will be drawn from a hat.

Operations Manager Jonathan Fairfield in the Hua Hin office said: “The survey was widely shared on social media, the Thaivisa newsletter on numerous occasions and in various places around the forum. It was highly visible".

Managing Director Dan Cheeseman in Pattaya said: “It is incredibly important for us to understand the views of our consumers if we are to stay valid and relevant as a media going forward.”

“The story that was published yesterday was an accurate and fair reflection of the data. Forums often tend to bias towards disgruntled views, as it’s a chance to get something off your chest. Many people who are happy with life and feel the country is generally safe and secure probably feel less need to".

Whilst a majority of posters rejected the survey’s findings many supported it too.

Howzat spoke for plenty when he commented following posts supporting life in Thailand: “Of course we love it. That’s why we are here. Why waste time going to print over the obvious”.

More than three hundred comments were registered yesterday following the story.

Thaivisa will soon be announcing the lucky winner of the two nights in a luxury villa – something that is sure to make the happy responder happier still.

-- 2016-07-12

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Wow we are under attack. lol Rayk is famous it seems. I have never seen a forum that has taken a dig out it's user base in quite this way before. This is becoming bizarre. The fact is not hardly anybody here heard about or knew about this survey and all the people saying so in the other thread are going to be a bit baffled although TV can claim whatever they want to. They seem to think nobody will notice that they are now directly lying directly to our faces.

TV has crossed the line here, I am not sure exactly what line they have crossed but they have crossed one. This is pretty funny.


the survey


Thaivisa Media Survey 2016 – Win 2 nights at a luxury villa

Please spare a few minutes to complete the Thaivisa Media Survey 2016.

One lucky person will win 2 nights at a luxury villa in Pattaya as our way of saying thanks!

Please note – We keep all personal data confidential.

The survey will close on Wednesday June 09, 2016 at 10.00pm (Bangkok time).

Complete the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/thaivisa-survey


To all you Brexiters:

Turnabout is fair play. You had your chance. If you didn't vote, it's your own darn fault.

Suck it up and live with the results. Thailand's wonderful. Any other statement would be undemocratic.


I think the reason most members did not take the survey was that most of these surveys ask "Do you like milk or cream in your coffee" or similar. I never bother with the surveys as they are either lacking in options or are biased towards one answer


They could always make another survey and post it right here on page one in the Thailand news section. I am not really sure why TV is taking this bizarre approach to things. It isn't like we are voting for brexit or the president. It has to be asked what does TV gain by what they are doing right now?

Is it like somebody else said that they want the results to show shiny, happy, people holding hands? Any potential or current advertiser will already know what a bunch of cantankerous, destitute, crotchety, unhappy, pricks we are anyway. Go into pretty much any sponsors thread and the evidence speaks for itself.

It is somewhat ironic how much discontent was brought about in the other thread when TV accused us of being happy.

Regardless I have to question some of the decisions that are going on behind the scenes at TV these days and what objective are they trying to achieve? There was a Khmer forum awhile ago that pissed off it's users and had a virtual monopoly. The owner started doing outlandish crap including moderation and now they aren't the only game in town.

Also does anybody else find it weird that TV is writing a piece about themselves as if they are a third party? I am no expert but I don't think CNN would report about itself like it is a third party.This in my opinion is about as unprofessional as you can get especially when you are reporting in this way to try to gain credibility.


What survey ? , its like when TRUE used to cancel a channel,we have done a survey and nobody wants the channel ! again what survey.

regards Worgeordie


The last survey I had was back in England.....A woman with a clipboard stopped me and asked if I'd participate .

I told her----"This country's going to the dogs," . "Bloody immigrants! Poles, blacks, bloody Chinese, and now Bulgarians. Do you know there's eighteen different languages spoken in my daughter's school. There's one kid from Moldova. I mean, where the f*k*'s Moldova? It's not on you know. Something got to change it all."

"Okay...well..back to the survey," she said. "Can you believe it's not butter?"............................coffee1.gif


Yes, what survey??

When I saw the headline I thought it was something from Notthenation. Deliriously happy.....seriously?!


maybe if they offered a decent place instead of Pattaya they might have got a better response, not every one is interested in hookers, lady boys and bars. The last place I want to go for a holiday is Pattaya but I guess they figure all TV members are only interested in sex and grog. I delete all the crap advertising from TV, I dont even bother looking at it.


Talk about tickets on yourself, taking a page from the Junta textbook are we, propaganda, lies and corrupt bullshit. It was only a matter of time for TV to become arrogant like the present government.


I guess it shows how few people are aware of their newsletter.

They have a newsletter?

It must automatically go into my Spam folder.


Some people take the internet a little too seriously. It's a survey on a naff website, not a case of electoral fraud.

We don't take it lightly when they accuse us of being a deliriously happy bunch of people! Do we seem happy to you?


How many active members does Thai Visa have?

So maybe at best 0.1% of members actually had the opportunity to participate.

I now see the survey that Don Mega has posted from May 25th. Thank you for that Sir.

Should it not have been the responsibility of Thai Visa and even their moderators to ensure that members of the forum where made aware of such a survey in just the same way as Jonathan Fairfield has done with the photography competition.

Out there plain as day for everyone to see.


What Survey looks I missed the worst Prize ever Put it up again on front Page T V is getting worse I couldn't believe the result Bull %$#


They could always make another survey and post it right here on page one in the Thailand news section. I am not really sure why TV is taking this bizarre approach to things. It isn't like we are voting for brexit or the president. It has to be asked what does TV gain by what they are doing right now?

Is it like somebody else said that they want the results to show shiny, happy, people holding hands? Any potential or current advertiser will already know what a bunch of cantankerous, destitute, crotchety, unhappy, pricks we are anyway. Go into pretty much any sponsors thread and the evidence speaks for itself.

It is somewhat ironic how much discontent was brought about in the other thread when TV accused us of being happy.

Regardless I have to question some of the decisions that are going on behind the scenes at TV these days and what objective are they trying to achieve? There was a Khmer forum awhile ago that pissed off it's users and had a virtual monopoly. The owner started doing outlandish crap including moderation and now they aren't the only game in town.

Also does anybody else find it weird that TV is writing a piece about themselves as if they are a third party? I am no expert but I don't think CNN would report about itself like it is a third party.This in my opinion is about as unprofessional as you can get especially when you are reporting in this way to try to gain credibility.

Yes, it appears TV has written a story about a story TV wrote about some statistically irrelevant survey that TV held...

As far as sample sizes go, a survey that less than half of one percent of members (0.41%) responded should have been discarded rather than used a sycophantic fodder.


Some people take the internet a little too seriously. It's a survey on a naff website, not a case of electoral fraud.

We don't take it lightly when they accuse us of being a deliriously happy bunch of people! Do we seem happy to you?

Quite right. If they come round to my place I'll have the bloody dogs on them...

The last survey I had was back in England.....A woman with a clipboard stopped me and asked if I'd participate .

I told her----"This country's going to the dogs," . "Bloody immigrants! Poles, blacks, bloody Chinese, and now Bulgarians. Do you know there's eighteen different languages spoken in my daughter's school. There's one kid from Moldova. I mean, where the f*k*'s Moldova? It's not on you know. Something got to change it all."

"Okay...well..back to the survey," she said. "Can you believe it's not butter?"............................coffee1.gif

Moldova had a nice tune in Eurovision this year.


Also, the first phrase, which was written by the Administrator says: Thaivisa hit back;

why would you want to hit back or attack your own members if you weren't guilty of some sort of cover up?


To suggest that the survey was highly visible is risible: that doesn't mean the findings are skewed but it was not easily seen. It should have been a banner across the top of every page to get maximum exposure and response

so few filled it out maybe cos of the prize- a weekend in Pattaya blink.png I mean how bad can a prize get, and who won it anyway?


Glad to see I was not alone in never seeing this so-called survey.

Maybe we can do an informal survey of the number of people that actually saw the darn thing.

Start here .... not me.


"But Thaivisa management said that is precisely what they did and that this was the reason so many people responded –"

Management considers 884 people "so many". Laughable, completely laughable.

It's not even 1% of your total membership.

Come on guys. Simply admit you dropped the ball and f-ed up and quit trying to make a rose out of a pile of sxxt.


I suspect there may be 884 people working for TV Forums cheesy.gif

Probably why they need another thread to defend their own convictions.. wai2.gif


Just make another proper survey and mail it to every member = easy...

Any survey, which result states Deliriously happy, must be Delusional at best whistling.gif


And who was the winner for the free trip?

They will announce the lucky winner by drawing a name from a hat.

How 80's is that.

Are they using a Sombrero? What kind of a hat holds 884 names?

Goes to show just how small the participation was when they only need a hat to draw the winners name.

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