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Prosecutor backtracks on bringing red bull heir to court


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Absolutely shameless.

That these people have the gall to continue in their positions when it is patently obvious that they have zero intention of bringing the lowlife to justice beggars belief.

That the PM can stand by watching this farce unfold so publicly and so obviously corruptly, without even entertaining the possibility that this is what really tarnishes the image of Thailand, just proves the type of person he is.

I've often wondered how many of these governmental scumbags would be left if seppuku wasn't confined to Japan, but it's all too apparent that they simply have no shame.

What? The PM? The red Bull heir and his ilk are exactly the reason he is in power. Thailand doesn't care how it looks internationally as long as the system remains the same with the poor getting <deleted> over and the elite remaining elite, then it's all gravy figuratively and literally.

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Wasn't there a movie, years ago, about a group of people, judges?, who meted out punishments on those who escaped judicial judgement?

There was. Start Chamber with Michael Douglas. Good film too. May have been others too of course, but that's the only one I know of.


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easy its called blood money if u kill someone just pay same with the arabs… i guess the family of the cop received couple of mio dollars same everybody involved… this is the direct way to solve things here… u think in ur farang lands its different ???? excuse me if i burst out laughing....u believe in justice white man… let me tell u something over there in ur lands the richest will have the best most expensive lawyers… they avoid jail for u and if it is a politician he will get o.ly a few month in a nice easy jail for stealing billions only to apease the press a game a farce ur white system..fact is in usa black man get high sentence for medium crimes the rich go seldom in jail… a fact not a joke

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If this is, in fact, true, then my respect for this country has complete and utterly been erroded.

Red Bull heirs guilty of reckless driving resulting in fatal accidents getting off scott free; little hiso lasses driving under the influence and fatally injuring 9(?) minibus passangers getting a few hours community service; some poor, innocent Burmese labourers taking the rap for two tourists' deaths on Koh Tao just to deflect attention from a certain influential island businessman's son; coppers' children savegly slaughtering a helpless, crippled man (fair enough, their fate has yet to be decided, but, call me cynical if you will, but I doubt they'll receive any punishment worth mentioning).

This simply cannot be happening...

It's too much abuse of power...

When will it stop?

Edited by djayz
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I used to be a bail bondsman in the USA. Pay me and I will hunt this rat down and drag him back to Thailand. I've collected much, much worse garbage than him.

Of course, once he was back here, he still wouldn't stand trial.

Money talks. Always.

He is in Thailand. Driving about in a nice new shiney red Ferrari. He isn't shy about it.

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Thai justice or lack of it. Bloody disgraceful.

Many large envelopes have been passed out to get them to forget what statements were made.

Money speaks here, a poor man gets jailed for stealing fruit.

A rich brat gets to jet around the world and is untouchable until the statute of limitations expires.

The Thai government wonder why they are becoming a laughing stock.

Who said the Thai government wonder that. I'm sure they don't give a toss what you think!

How long have you lived here? Have you just realized the way things work, calm down and enjoy life here.

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Miserable, gutless little bag of <deleted> will evade all attempts to reign him in and instead hide behind his family's disgusting arrogance until 2027. Of course; the Thai's will have neatly forgotten all about his crimes by then and all history of the matter will be erased as if nothing ever happened. I hope Karma gets this low life in the end.

Do you believe in karma?

If so, then your post makes no sense.

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so much for ending corruption under the general, this will make him a laughing stock, he is rapidly losing the support for the lack of justice being done to monks and the hi so corrupt people and murderers. Maybe they can start a new tourism advertising campaign for the rest of the world to come to Thailand and do whatever you please as long as you are wealthy, run over police, kill not so well off people, steal land and money all with no jail time, I am sure they will attraclt all the scum of the earth to go with the wealthy scum that is already here.

What do you think many of us have been shouting ourselves hoarse about all this time? Now do you see it is not merely about the wretched Shinawatra family but the final battle of the establishment to remain entrenched in their positions forever?
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Like anyone here in the same position wouldnt do the same for their Grandson.

What, allow a nonchalant shrug over the lives snatched and carry on as always bar a minor legal hiccup here and there? Give the monkeys a banana and no harm done?

What a sad and degenerate species we are rapidly becoming...

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I used to be a bail bondsman in the USA. Pay me and I will hunt this rat down and drag him back to Thailand. I've collected much, much worse garbage than him.

Of course, once he was back here, he still wouldn't stand trial.

Money talks. Always.

He is in Thailand. Driving about in a nice new shiney red Ferrari. He isn't shy about it.


Can't say I'm surprised if true.

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Absolutely shameless.

That these people have the gall to continue in their positions when it is patently obvious that they have zero intention of bringing the lowlife to justice beggars belief.

That the PM can stand by watching this farce unfold so publicly and so obviously corruptly, without even entertaining the possibility that this is what really tarnishes the image of Thailand, just proves the type of person he is.

I've often wondered how many of these governmental scumbags would be left if seppuku wasn't confined to Japan, but it's all too apparent that they simply have no shame.

The good general (PM) has much bigger fish to fry:-


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Thai justice or lack of it. Bloody disgraceful.

Many large envelopes have been passed out to get them to forget what statements were made.

Money speaks here, a poor man gets jailed for stealing fruit.

A rich brat gets to jet around the world and is untouchable until the statute of limitations expires.

The Thai government wonder why they are becoming a laughing stock.


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If this is, in fact, true, then my respect for this country has complete and utterly been erroded.

Red Bull heirs guilty of reckless driving resulting in fatal accidents getting off scott free; little hiso lasses driving under the influence and fatally injuring 9(?) minibus passangers getting a few hours community service; some poor, innocent Burmese labourers taking the rap for two tourists' deaths on Koh Tao just to deflect attention from a certain influential island businessman's son; coppers' children savegly slaughtering a helpless, crippled man (fair enough, their fate has yet to be decided, but, call me cynical if you will, but I doubt they'll receive any punishment worth mentioning).

This simply cannot be happening...

It's too much abuse of power...

When will it stop?

It is so ingrained into the Thai culture that there needs to be a complete reset of the country for it to stop.

This reset is imminent. The whole stack of cards is about to come crashing down, and, hopefully, when the dust settles, Thailand will be able to begin rebuilding its tattered and tarnished image and fully realise its incredible potential.

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Smart move to get the speeding out the way: Now his lawyer will argue that since he wasn't speeding he couldn't have been driving recklessly so the "fatal reckless driving" charge gets thrown out. sleep.png

Shhh, don't give them ideas.

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Thai justice or lack of it. Bloody disgraceful.

Many large envelopes have been passed out to get them to forget what statements were made.

Money speaks here, a poor man gets jailed for stealing fruit.

A rich brat gets to jet around the world and is untouchable until the statute of limitations expires.

The Thai government wonder why they are becoming a laughing stock.

Becoming? Always have been :P

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easy its called blood money if u kill someone just pay same with the arabs… i guess the family of the cop received couple of mio dollars same everybody involved… this is the direct way to solve things here… u think in ur farang lands its different ???? excuse me if i burst out laughing....u believe in justice white man… let me tell u something over there in ur lands the richest will have the best most expensive lawyers… they avoid jail for u and if it is a politician he will get o.ly a few month in a nice easy jail for stealing billions only to apease the press a game a farce ur white system..fact is in usa black man get high sentence for medium crimes the rich go seldom in jail… a fact not a joke

may be.

but this thread is about this country

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The Attorney-General needs to resign and commit suicide for being a useless appendage. <<>>

This goes much higher than just the A-G.

A decision like this goes right up beyond Ministers - it goes up to the PM. And possibly beyond.

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