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Second EU referendum petition to be debated in Parliament after receiving more than 4m signatures


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Second EU referendum petition to be debated in Parliament after receiving more than 4m signatures
The record-breaking petition was signed by more than four million people
Samuel Osborne

LONDON: -- A House of Commons debate on a petition calling for a second EU referendum will take place on Monday, 5 September.

The Commons Petitions Committee confirmed the record-breaking online petition, signed by more than four million people, will be put forward for debate.

The petition, which was set up by a Brexit supporter before the referendum was held, called for the Government to annul the results if the Remain or Leave vote won by less than 60 per cent on a turnout of less than 75 per cent.

Full story: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-second-eu-referendum-petition-latest-news-debate-parliament-mps-uk-position-in-europe-a7132836.html

-- THE INDEPENDENT 2016-07-13

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Brexit: Debate on second EU referendum after millions sign petition

LONDON: -- An online petition that calls for a second EU referendum will be debated in Parliament after it was signed by more than 4.1 million people.

The Petitions Committee said the debate would be on 5 September as a "huge number" had signed it.

But the committee said the debate did not mean it was supporting the call for a second referendum and it was "too late" to change the referendum rules.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-36777494

-- BBC 2016-07-13

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Dear Basil B

You recently signed the petition “EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum”:


The Petitions Committee has decided to schedule a House of Commons debate on this petition. The debate will take place on 5 September at 4.30pm in Westminster Hall, the second debating chamber of the House of Commons. The debate will be opened by Ian Blackford MP.

The Committee has decided that the huge number of people signing this petition means that it should be debated by MPs. The Petitions Committee would like to make clear that, in scheduling this debate, they are not supporting the call for a second referendum. The debate will allow MPs to put forward a range of views on behalf of their constituents. At the end of the debate, a Government Minister will respond to the points raised.

A debate in Westminster Hall does not have the power to change the law, and won’t end with the House of Commons deciding whether or not to have a second referendum. Moreover, the petition – which was opened on 25 May, well before the referendum – calls for the referendum rules to be changed. It is now too late for the rules to be changed retrospectively. It will be up to the Government to decide whether it wants to start the process of agreeing a new law for a second referendum.

The Petitions Committee is a cross-party group of MPs. It is independent from Government. You can find out more about the Committee on its website: http://www.parliament.uk/petitions-committee/role


The Petitions team

UK Government and Parliament

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This is exactly the way to make the pound tank even more. Uncertainty and instability. The decision is done. The UK should get the frakk out on Monday and start moving forward. Not being a 'member' has not done Norway any harm. We need to leave, focus and move forward and we will be strong again soon. If we remain, Italy will sink soon and drag down the entire show. It is madness to try and reverse the decision.

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We can always hope that sense will prevail but can't see it happening.

The debate will take place in Westminster Hall, it is a debate only, no voting, though the Government may look favourably at the consensus of the debate.

I do not think there will be another debate, well certainly not without the the EU agreeing to major changes of the union.

Edited by Basil B
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Oh dear, not another attempt. These people should get real. The remain lost. the Prime minister David Cameron clearly gave two options to stay in the EU and to leave the EU. The majority said leave. You could not make it clearer. That is what democracy is about. One will win one will not. Please those who can't accept this learn to deal with it. Start being optimistic and start supporting your country.

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Oh dear, not another attempt. These people should get real. The remain lost. the Prime minister David Cameron clearly gave two options to stay in the EU and to leave the EU. The majority said leave. You could not make it clearer. That is what democracy is about. One will win one will not. Please those who can't accept this learn to deal with it. Start being optimistic and start supporting your country.

Ironically the petition was started by a leave voter just in case they lost by a narrow margin.

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There was a request for a 3rd petition(if you can have a second why not a 3rd)but for some reason the petition site has not approved it yet after about 2 weeks now even with the required 5 sponsors. The 2nd is a complete farce, no worse than the notion of a 3rd or 4th.

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Oh dear, not another attempt. These people should get real. The remain lost. the Prime minister David Cameron clearly gave two options to stay in the EU and to leave the EU. The majority said leave. You could not make it clearer. That is what democracy is about. One will win one will not. Please those who can't accept this learn to deal with it. Start being optimistic and start supporting your country.

Ironically the petition was started by a leave voter just in case they lost by a narrow margin.

And so?

What is more revealing is that prior to the referendum, there were only 22 signatures on it. Not that the remainers lost, there are 4 million. Just show what sore losers they are.

Edited by Gweiloman
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Oh dear, not another attempt. These people should get real. The remain lost. the Prime minister David Cameron clearly gave two options to stay in the EU and to leave the EU. The majority said leave. You could not make it clearer. That is what democracy is about. One will win one will not. Please those who can't accept this learn to deal with it. Start being optimistic and start supporting your country.

Ironically the petition was started by a leave voter just in case they lost by a narrow margin.

And so?

What is more revealing is that prior to the referendum, there were only 22 signatures on it. Not that the remainers lost, there are 4 million. Just show what sore losers they are.

The post I replied to suggested the petition was more attempts to overturn a decision from the remainers. My point was the petition was started by a leaver.

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Its really quite a vivid example how the 'democratic' process is valid so long as the modern radical left gets their way. Yes, of course this is the modern radical left, I don't care who shares its umbrella. By such acts the west forfeits its legitimacy to continue in the textbook of history.

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Surely this is madness?

Unless the number of people signing the "Petition" for a second Referendum exceeds the number who voted for "Brexit" in the first Referendum the "Petition" should be ignored completely; otherwise we will end up like Quebec with endless Referendums until the original losers bore the pants off their opponents, who eventually lose interest and leave the "losers" in command of the field.

Both sides had equal chances to state their case to the Public in the Referendum and "Brexit" won - for better or worse that's it, end of story, finished.

Accept the decision of the majority, deal with the consequences and move forward on that basis.


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The true color is showing now,,,we knew this all along,,,,,Just Winging Poms,,,,, first in then out then in out,,,,,

Go back to sleep. No-one is going back in. Parliament are obliged to look at this like they look at anything with 100,000+ signatures. It's called democracy. Britain is out, that's it. If I were you I'd focus on what's happening in your torrid neck of the woods because it looks like China is buying up all the bush from 'neath the boguns' feet. cheesy.gif

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Surely this is madness?

Unless the number of people signing the "Petition" for a second Referendum exceeds the number who voted for "Brexit" in the first Referendum the "Petition" should be ignored completely; otherwise we will end up like Quebec with endless Referendums until the original losers bore the pants off their opponents, who eventually lose interest and leave the "losers" in command of the field.

Both sides had equal chances to state their case to the Public in the Referendum and "Brexit" won - for better or worse that's it, end of story, finished.

Accept the decision of the majority, deal with the consequences and move forward on that basis.


It's accepted. The debate is symbolic. Nothing will come of it.

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The true color is showing now,,,we knew this all along,,,,,Just Winging Poms,,,,, first in then out then in out,,,,,

Then in then out then in then out ? sounds like someone is getting s*r*w*d smile.png

Screwed must be the worst word anyone could use judging by all those asterisks.

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Bye Bye Britain , you're out .

May be it is better for England like this , but it surely is better for the EU ...

No panic or whatsoever on the stock markets , shares are rising after the brexit .

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The true color is showing now,,,we knew this all along,,,,,Just Winging Poms,,,,, first in then out then in out,,,,,

At least not a tupeny'halfpenny wannabee of a country whose national sport now seems to be electing prime ministers.

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Oh dear, not another attempt. These people should get real. The remain lost. the Prime minister David Cameron clearly gave two options to stay in the EU and to leave the EU. The majority said leave. You could not make it clearer. That is what democracy is about. One will win one will not. Please those who can't accept this learn to deal with it. Start being optimistic and start supporting your country.

The problem is the Tory government, MPs and party were so in ward looking at their own in-fighting that they didn't bother to think it through.

The UK is a representative democracy not an absolute one. The fact the government and both houses of parliament allowed a law to be passed permitting a referendum without any rules on % of electorate that must vote, winning margin and actions thereafter is scandalous and shows the shallow talentless dweebs we no have representing us - all parties and both houses.

The constitutional law experts and academics are debating if the PM, now May, can use the Royal Prerogative, and the government can follow the referendum result; or if there has to be an act of parliament , following a debate and vote before article 50 can be triggered.

It's not about remain or leave. It's now about the constitutional cock up the Tories have got the country into, although none of the other numbties or Lords stopped them.

The UK Constitutional Law website has never been so busy. From what I read, about 80% still claim a parliamentary debate and act of parliament, or a general election, in preference to the prerogative.

Complete shambles. And all because some very rich Tories were falling out over how they could become even richer.

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Last exploit of the most anachronistical country of the Western World:

Cornwall voted 60% for the Brexit although the voters knew hundreds

of millions of eu as subventions would be lost.

Now they ask the same money as subvention from the Government.

The Governement rejected clearly: "You knew before, now you have what you


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So presumably after scrubbing all the fake signatures from Vatican City etc there are at least 4 million people who either don't understand or don't care about democracy. At least Brexit allows the UK to decrease the rate at which it declines unlike the EU states who appear to be in a death spiral.

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So presumably after scrubbing all the fake signatures from Vatican City etc there are at least 4 million people who either don't understand or don't care about democracy. At least Brexit allows the UK to decrease the rate at which it declines unlike the EU states who appear to be in a death spiral.

So signing a petition is against the notion of democracy .... that is a new one. There have been countries that have believed the same... one election ... no need for others unless you don't believe in democracy tongue.png

I would put it that another referendum on exactly the same question so close to the last one is against my concept of fair play, but I would not say having another referendum (or even worse - signing a petition ohmy.png ) is against democracy. Newer mandates can replace older mandates - at least in the democracies I am aware of. I could of course see another referendum on the final agreement with the option to stay in the EU as an option.... after all so many of the leave seem to be against initiating article 50 until they have unofficial negotiations creating a new deal, and if that is a negotiating tactic then staying is an option -- after all you are telegraphing that by refusing to initiate article 50... we will hold you hostage and not leave until we get some sort of deal.... to which one answer is always no deal....

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