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Do I really need more than 1M THB coverage ?


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As the subject says, do I really need more than 1M THB coverage ?

I am talking about health insurance ...

A 5M THB coverage is about 30% more expensive. This is for me and my family.

My family history is very healthy people living into their late 90th without any major

illness ...

I don't drive motorcycles any longer, and have first class insurance on my car (wich

also provides some medical coverage in case of accidents).

Any thoughts and suggestions appreciated ...

Thanks !


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As they say up2u, BUT just make sure sure that you have the Money to cover you when you something major (Heart attack etc) happens.

I have (for my wife and myself) an UNLIMITED coverage via my Expat Insurance from abroad. Premium is +/- 3000 Euros (current exchange rate: 115.000 THB). Hope we don't need to use it, but you can never be sure.

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That's a big questions, you can search for topics like is a health insurance needed or not.

You are telling you and your family is healthy, but what if in 2 years one of your family member have some cancer, heart-problems or other health problems which need a longer stay in a hospital or even need for some reason a ICU. I guess 1 million is enough for 98% of the problems, but the big problem is if you have something else which is more expensive?

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I paid 1.1 million last month for bladder removal - also have no family history of such cancer and they lived into 90's also. Insurance is to cover the odd chance - and a million baht is becoming quite common for those in there elder years - and even possible much earlier.

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Last year I had a triple bypass.....1.1M....guess you could pay the extra 100K yourself no problem if you want to, how much is 30%?.

It's basically 101,136.00 baht vs 139,920 baht - that's for a family of 4 persons


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So I guess you're asking whether 1Million THB is enough for 4 people.

Assume one of them is your wife, does her side of the family also have a good health history living into their 90s?

Otherwise your kids (again assuming here that the other 2 are your children) don't have such a good history.

Given we're talking £2,000+ might be worth shopping around to see if you can get better coverage for your money.

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My bypass surgery was 2 million in BKK. Could have gotten it done cheaper- even at the same hospital, but I was covered 100% and I let the insurance company do all the negotiating. I'm surprised they didn't do better, but not my problem.

Also, $30,000 worth of coverage - is that a per event limit, an annual limit or lifetime limit? I could just see me having another problem the same year as my bypass and run up another million baht or so. If it's a lifetime limit, I'm pretty sure I'll have more significant expenses before they throw the dirt in my face (fingers crossed).

I'd also be asking myself if I'll be awake and able to direct the ambulance to the lower cost options. I wouldn't be the first guy with every intention to go to a government hospital for cheaper care, and waking up in a Bumrungrad because that's where they took me when I was passed out or injured and had no say in the matter.

In fairness, I'm American, and accustomed to being overcharged and therefore, paranoid about health care costs. I wouldn't think about going for less than 5 million baht just for me. And that's with a healthy sum in the bank, but not healthy enough to get cocky about my retirement. I don't like mama noodles.

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Last year I had a triple bypass.....1.1M....guess you could pay the extra 100K yourself no problem if you want to, how much is 30%?.

It's basically 101,136.00 baht vs 139,920 baht - that's for a family of 4 persons


If you insure locally, after you reach a certain age (55? 60?), initiating or raising coverage becomes difficult to impossible and even if you maintain coverage started at an earlier age, past 65 or 70 annual rates aren't even shown in the information they distribute, i.e. they can raise rates on an individual basis pretty much as they see fit.

If you do indeed live into your 90's, by which time even the healthiest of people are apt to have more medical issues, you may find that annual coverage becomes prohibitively expensive.

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Interesting topic this and yes it is ridiculous in that I am, married to a wonderful Thai lady and they have tried to put me on the Family Insurance policy, several times without success so far and yes noticed quotes for 5 million baht. and very very expensive indeed. Yes even more amazing in that in general provide for them and children, well a very large part of the costs.

I actually have a white membership card from my local hospital and think that I can (not sure of this ok) obtain cheaper medical treatment and I know sometimes if my wife goes to the doctor then occasionally can get tablets a little cheaper.

However and also not sure and as we all know our names not on the property, apart from our agreed signature on the back of the form.

Some people have advised me that possibly with the yellow or blue house book, one might be able to get cover, but not so sure about this either.

I suppose it depends where one lives in Thailand and who one knows.

Even with insurance one is never is completely sure that it will pay out, but a few people I know have had no problems whatsoever.

It is like general insurance in that no one really knows what might happen in any event, until one experiences it and yes sometimes there is small words listing the exemptions.

Personally and do not know why but have a rough figure of 1mill (sort of) in reserve and yes been getting extremely high quotes on those firms advertised in Thai Visa and yes this includes insurance, just for myself, though of course you can get quotes for any number too.

Yes as an English person, when looking up Google regarding are we covered under the NHS as we have contributed all of our NI contributions and you do hear of people getting basic health care, but also reports of charging, if out of the Country for 5 years or more

Yes when my wife asks are you covered? Well one can not find or get a reply to a quiestion or a letter and yeah same, same never get a straight forward reply.

One can only say I really am not sure and this of course is the truth.

Yes a very very complicated issue this and yes the so called "immigrants" flocking in to the UK get free medical treatment for absolutely ZERO CONTRIBUTIONS. and the same sort of principle as regards the Frozen Pension issue (ie we have all paid the same, some more than everyone but we certainly do not get the same State Pension. else)

Yes very complicated issue indeed.

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Interesting topic this and yes it is ridiculous in that I am, married to a wonderful Thai lady and they have tried to put me on the Family Insurance policy, several times without success so far and yes noticed quotes for 5 million baht. and very very expensive indeed. Yes even more amazing in that in general provide for them and children, well a very large part of the costs.

I actually have a white membership card from my local hospital and think that I can (not sure of this ok) obtain cheaper medical treatment and I know sometimes if my wife goes to the doctor then occasionally can get tablets a little cheaper.

However and also not sure and as we all know our names not on the property, apart from our agreed signature on the back of the form.

Some people have advised me that possibly with the yellow or blue house book, one might be able to get cover, but not so sure about this either.

I suppose it depends where one lives in Thailand and who one knows.

Even with insurance one is never is completely sure that it will pay out, but a few people I know have had no problems whatsoever.

It is like general insurance in that no one really knows what might happen in any event, until one experiences it and yes sometimes there is small words listing the exemptions.

Personally and do not know why but have a rough figure of 1mill (sort of) in reserve and yes been getting extremely high quotes on those firms advertised in Thai Visa and yes this includes insurance, just for myself, though of course you can get quotes for any number too.

Yes as an English person, when looking up Google regarding are we covered under the NHS as we have contributed all of our NI contributions and you do hear of people getting basic health care, but also reports of charging, if out of the Country for 5 years or more

Yes when my wife asks are you covered? Well one can not find or get a reply to a quiestion or a letter and yeah same, same never get a straight forward reply.

One can only say I really am not sure and this of course is the truth.

Yes a very very complicated issue this and yes the so called "immigrants" flocking in to the UK get free medical treatment for absolutely ZERO CONTRIBUTIONS. and the same sort of principle as regards the Frozen Pension issue (ie we have all paid the same, some more than everyone but we certainly do not get the same State Pension. else)

Yes very complicated issue indeed.

'I actually have a white membership card from my local hospital and think that I can (not sure of this ok)'

Sorry mate,that card is just a number.You are registered at that hospital.If you have been to hospital,you get one.I have 3.There was another card a few years ago for foreigners that a few farangs got,but that was meant for Laotians,Burmese and Khymer workers,not farang retirees.Quickly stopped.

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Interesting topic this and yes it is ridiculous in that I am, married to a wonderful Thai lady and they have tried to put me on the Family Insurance policy, several times without success so far and yes noticed quotes for 5 million baht. and very very expensive indeed. Yes even more amazing in that in general provide for them and children, well a very large part of the costs.

I actually have a white membership card from my local hospital and think that I can (not sure of this ok) obtain cheaper medical treatment and I know sometimes if my wife goes to the doctor then occasionally can get tablets a little cheaper.

However and also not sure and as we all know our names not on the property, apart from our agreed signature on the back of the form.

Some people have advised me that possibly with the yellow or blue house book, one might be able to get cover, but not so sure about this either.

I suppose it depends where one lives in Thailand and who one knows.

Even with insurance one is never is completely sure that it will pay out, but a few people I know have had no problems whatsoever.

It is like general insurance in that no one really knows what might happen in any event, until one experiences it and yes sometimes there is small words listing the exemptions.

Personally and do not know why but have a rough figure of 1mill (sort of) in reserve and yes been getting extremely high quotes on those firms advertised in Thai Visa and yes this includes insurance, just for myself, though of course you can get quotes for any number too.

Yes as an English person, when looking up Google regarding are we covered under the NHS as we have contributed all of our NI contributions and you do hear of people getting basic health care, but also reports of charging, if out of the Country for 5 years or more

Yes when my wife asks are you covered? Well one can not find or get a reply to a quiestion or a letter and yeah same, same never get a straight forward reply.

One can only say I really am not sure and this of course is the truth.

Yes a very very complicated issue this and yes the so called "immigrants" flocking in to the UK get free medical treatment for absolutely ZERO CONTRIBUTIONS. and the same sort of principle as regards the Frozen Pension issue (ie we have all paid the same, some more than everyone but we certainly do not get the same State Pension. else)

Yes very complicated issue indeed.

'I actually have a white membership card from my local hospital and think that I can (not sure of this ok)'

Sorry mate,that card is just a number.You are registered at that hospital.If you have been to hospital,you get one.I have 3.There was another card a few years ago for foreigners that a few farangs got,but that was meant for Laotians,Burmese and Khymer workers,not farang retirees.Quickly stopped.

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Your cover is not enough . In a real emergency requiring prolonged treatment 1m baht will help but be prepared to pay the difference yourself.

I had extensive medical treatment some years ago and the bill was 2.1 million baht for eight months treatment for one occurrence.I have had local medical cover for many years premium 68,000 baht + + with age and the cover fell short . I am unable to increase the cover because of previous treatment and the cover now has exclusions .I would advise to take the maximum cover you can afford at a young age if you are to reside long term in Thailand . The cost of future medical treatment for you and your family will increase more than inflation .Additional charges for foreign residents is the norm and applied at all hospitals both private and government.

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A few years ago, my Thai partner had a BUPA policy - in good health, so chose a policy with lesser coverage and cost. While on a holiday trip to Hong Kong, my partner had a medical problem which was treated at HK Gov;t Hospital. Upon return, BUPA turned down the claim as the policy did not cover treatment outside of Thailand. So, at renewal time, we increased the coverage, which would also cover outside of Thailand. BUPA agreed to the new policy, BUT excluded the condition that caused the problem in Hong Kong from the higher limits though they did cover under the limits of the old policy for that condition.

So, look to the future - once treated for an ailment, you most likely will not be able to increase your existing policy coverage for that ailment.

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It is extremely easy to rack up a bill north of 1million, even a few titanium plates and pins, let alone if you should you decide to do something like use allopathic 'solutions' to serious issues.

You can also keep costs extremely modest, depending on what it is, where you are, which hospital etc Too many variables to make a guestimate.

A friend recently was in an accident, and was 'walking wounded'. Expected bill was 300K. He didn't like that so asked for alternatives, it was suggested that the gov't hospital might do it for 80K but they couldn't make a quote on behalf of another hospital and was just an estimate. He asked "what if I do nothing?", "well, it'll heal of course but you'll never have use of that limb again". A friend suggested that he pay the money with the approach of "how long do you think you will live, how important is the use of this limb to you? It looks like we're talking about $1 a day". Not a bad view I thought. Anyhow, he went to another doc, and with a complicated bandage and medical tape set up to hold everything in its right place, he got away with a few thousand baht instead. It's a gamble though.

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Depending on your age, I've been doing research for sometime on Insurance in Thailand. If you done all the research you would know that Insurance is Ale Carte in Thailand. And as you get older the cost is higher to a point that most will no longer cover you at a particular age. Give these people a email and I do not have anything to do with them except if I had to do it over again would get coverage from them since coverage is based on USD.


From my experience depending on your age 1 million Baht is not enough with rising cost from hospital services foreigners.

Good luck..

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35 years old, fit and healthy.... DVT leading to Pulmonary Embolism - I was medivaced to Singapore (from Indonesia)...

Insurance covered it all... I think the 10 days in Hospital in Singapore came to about SG$ 50,000 (1.3 Million Baht).

A friend of my was struck down with a rare illness and spent 4 months in Bumrungrad - 1 month in ICU... the Bills were up to 4.5 Million Baht - she was also young (late 30's) fit and healthy).

IMO: Insurance is not for the small stuff... we can cover that ourselves... Insurance is for when the unforeseeable catastrophic issues arise.

In Thailand I would feel uncomfortable with anything less than 5 Million Baht annual cover - but actually have cover of 32 Million baht for my Wife (MHS) and 74 Million baht for my Son (AXA) - I hope its never needed.

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So I guess you're asking whether 1Million THB is enough for 4 people.

Assume one of them is your wife, does her side of the family also have a good health history living into their 90s?

Otherwise your kids (again assuming here that the other 2 are your children) don't have such a good history.

Given we're talking £2,000+ might be worth shopping around to see if you can get better coverage for your money.

Sorry, I wasn't clear on that. No it is 1M Baht EACH !


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Well, this has been quite interesting ! smile.png

Lots of thanks to all of you who replied. Sounds like the consensus is to go with the higher limit.

Much appreciate the time you took to reply !!!


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