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Campaign launched to urge every Thai to eat 300 eggs a year


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Cool Hand Luke could help them out, as could Don Quixote,took 50 eggs to get him back into shape. As for the diet fiends makes me wonder how my grandmother and grandfather reached such ripe old ages, breaking every dietary rule in the book. OK, my grandfather did change from cigarettes to a pipe, in his later years

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Meanwhile, Mr Sombat Thiratrakulchai, president of livestock sector of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, citing a research by Harvard University, said that eating an egg a day will not result in the narrowing of cardiac artillery.

Cardiac artillery? Maybe they misspelled "Cadillac".

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According to some random online nutritionist we should consume a maximum of 300mg of cholesterol per day.

One egg (yolk) has 150-200mg.

Conclusion: don't eat more than 2 egg yolks per day. Egg whites are okay.

Conclusion: Dont listen to random people.

Eggs are simply great nutrition wise. And price wise aswell in Thailand

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If the Thai egg producers are serious about stabilizing their prices, encouraging Thais to eat more eggs probably won't work but there are plenty of other things they could do.

People on diets, or weightlifters and bodybuilders like to eat egg whites as they have some protein but no fat or cholesterol. In other countries, you can buy cartons of egg whites and even frozen egg whites. They could start selling that here. They could also manufacture egg-based protein powder. They could sell the egg yolks to ice cream producers. They could export these products.
Paying for a campaign for people to eat more eggs is a lazy approach.

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To be truly effective, you need to teach people about the different things you can make with eggs. This runs counter to tradition and culture, as most Thais can make omelettes, fry an egg and lay it on top of a plate of ka pow or drop a hard-boiled egg into a pot of beef stew and that's about it. Make some custards? Bake an angel-food cake? Whip up some meringue as a topping for a dessert? French toast anyone? The versatility of eggs is wasted here because so many of these wonderful dishes are non-traditional.

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What prices.. i pay 125 baht for 30 large eggs (largest size available) I don't think that is expensive.

Hmmm a few months ago it was 89 thb here for 30 now well over 100 a bit of an increase i feel! somethings happened!

And people say prices are not going up! my mrs blames Prayuth (although his name is not allowed to be spoken in out house) personally

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I'm no eggspert but don't eggs leads to constipation? is this a secret plot by 7/11 to sell more eggcellent toilet paper?

Oh, what an eggcruciating pun. I think omelette that one slide...

On another note: this is yet another case of same shit, different day - but in this case it's same shit, different year...

Thai public urged to consume more eggs in the 'EGG E EGG EGG 2015' Event

2015-07-13 THAILAND

Public urged to consume more eggs in the EGG E EGG EGG 2015 Event

BANGKOK, 13 July 2015, (NNT) – Residents have flocked to buy discounted eggs, in the campaign promoting egg consumption among the public, EGG E EGG EGG 2015, held at Central Plaza Rattanathibet on Sunday.

The 2nd annual event, organized by the Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, offered fresh eggs, salty eggs, fermented eggs, egg tofu, and chili paste made from eggs, supplied by egg farms nationwide.

One of the vendors said the event was well-received by the public. He dismissed the myth that consuming too many eggs would induce high cholesterol, saying the egg contains many nutrients suitable for people of all ages.

Currently the average price of an egg is 2.70 baht; the price is likely to increase by 10 satang this week. EGG E EGG EGG 2015 aims to increase the average number of eggs consumed, from 200 eggs per person per year in 2012 to 300 eggs per person per year in 2018.

Why does every thread on eggs seem to be singled out for stupid puns? Not a criticism but just curious. Also this campaign in no different then any other. Got milk?

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you can eat 3 eggs a day, and don't throw away the yolk as many people do, that is the BEST part

arteries, cholesterol

come on, this is 2016

your liver makes 80% of your cholesterol and cholesterol from food is only the remaining 20%

if you eat too much cholesterol, guess what ? your liver produces LESS

what makes you fat ? it's not healty fat (coconut oil, butter, olive oil)... its SUGAR that turns into FAT and the bad oils in your french fries, donuts, cookies, bread (margerine), ...

sadly most people are ignorant

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